How to rename perl __ANON__ sub without disabling strict 'refs'? - perl

I found a solution to renaming anonymous subs in Perl here. It involves temporarily mangling the symbol table to insert the desired name. This solution uses a hard-coded symbol table name to be replaced. My problem is that I would like to dynamically choose the symbol table name at runtime. Something like this:
$pkg = 'MyPkg::ModA::';
$name = 'subname';
no strict 'refs';
local *{"${pkg}__ANON__"} = "$name [anon]";
strict refs;
The only way to make it work is to disable strict refs. If they are not disabled, the script fails with this message:
Can't use string ("MyPkg::ModA::__ANON__") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at /path/to/source/ line xx
Note that the equivalent statement could be used
local ${$pkg}{__ANON__} = "$name [anon]";
with the similar error message:
Can't use string ("MyPkg::ModA::") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /path/to/source/ line xx
Is it possible to do the same thing without disabling strict refs?
Here is a complete example in case you're interested. Ironically, my solution uses an anonymous sub to rename the given anonymous sub.
package MyPkg::ModA;
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyPkg::Util;
# Create a new instance.
sub new
my ($type, $class, $self);
# allow for both ModA::new and $moda->new
$type = shift;
$class = ref $type || $type;
$self = {#_};
bless $self, $class;
# use exported Util::anon sub here
$self->{func} = anon sub
my ($arg);
$arg = shift;
debug "\$arg: $arg";
return $self;
} # new
package MyPkg::ModB;
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyPkg::ModA;
# Create a new instance.
sub new
my ($type, $class, $self);
# allow for both ModB::new and $modb->new
$type = shift;
$class = ref $type || $type;
$self = {#_};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{modA} = MyPkg::ModA->new;
return $self;
} # new
# Do something with ModA.
sub doit
my ($self);
$self = shift;
$self->{modA}->{func}->('What is your quest?');
} # doit
package MyPkg::Util;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our (#ISA, #EXPORT);
#ISA = qw(Exporter);
#EXPORT = qw(
# Temporarily mangle symbol table to replace '__ANON__'.
sub anon
my ($func, $sub, $pkg, $name);
$func = shift;
$sub = (caller 1)[3];
$sub =~ /(.*::)(.+)/;
$pkg = $1;
$name = $2;
return sub
# TODO How to do this w/o disabling strict?
#no strict 'refs';
# temp symbol table mangling here
# ${$pkg}{__ANON__} is equivalent to *{"${pkg}__ANON__"}
local *{"${pkg}__ANON__"} = "$name [anon]";
use strict;
} # anon
# Print a debug message.
sub debug
my($fname, $line, $sub);
($fname, $line) = (caller 0)[1,2];
$fname =~ s/.+\///;
$sub = (caller 1)[3] || 'main';
$sub =~ s/.*::(.+)/$1/;
printf STDERR "%-10s %s(%s) - \"%s\"\n", $fname, $sub, $line, "#_";
} # debug
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use MyPkg::ModB;
# Stuff happens here.
my ($modB);
$modB = MyPkg::ModB->new;

You can use core module Sub::Util's set_subname.
use Sub::Util qw( set_subname );
sub anon {
return set_subname("$name [anon]", $func);


Cannot get hash passed as reference in a module

I want to pass a hash reference to a module. But, in the module, I am not able to get the hash back.
The example:
use strict;
use Module1;
my $obj = new Module1;
my %h = (
k1 => 'V1'
print "reference on the caller", \%h, "\n";
my $y = $obj->printhash(\%h);
package Module1;
use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw();
use Data::Dumper;
sub new {
my $class = $_[0];
my $objref = {};
bless $objref, $class;
return $objref;
sub printhash {
my $h = shift;
print "reference on module -> $h \n";
print "h on module -> ", Dumper $h, "\n";
The output will be something like:
reference on the callerHASH(0x2df8528)
reference on module -> Module1=HASH(0x16a3f60)
h on module -> $VAR1 = bless( {}, 'Module1' );
$VAR2 = '
How can I get back the value passed by the caller?
This is an old version of perl: v5.8.3
In Module1, change sub printhash to:
sub printhash {
my ($self, $h) = #_;
# leave the rest
When you invoke a method on a object as $obj->method( $param1 ) the
method gets the object itself as the first parameter, and $param1 as the second parameter.
perldoc perlootut - Object-Oriented Programming in Perl Tutorial
perldoc perlobj - Perl Object Reference
When you call a sub as a method, the first value in #_ will be the object you called it on.
The first argument you pass to it will be the second value in #_, which you are currently ignoring.
sub printhash {
my ($self, $h) = #_;

Link a variable to a class attribute in Perl

This question was born out of another (Completely destroy all traces of an object in Perl). After seeing some of the comments I believe I have narrowed the problem down to the "real" issue.
I'm looking for a simple way to link a variable to a class attribute in Perl so that whenever the attribute is modified, the variable will be automatically updated.
ex (some pseudo code):
# Create a file object
my $file = File->new();
# Get the text
my $text = $file->text();
# prints 'hello'
print $text;
# Set the text
# prints 'goodbye'
print $text;
Also I want the $text variable to be read only so that you cannot inadvertently modify the text attribute of the file.
Use tie:
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
{ package File;
sub new {
bless ['hello'], shift
sub text {
my $self = shift;
if (#_) {
$self->[0] = shift;
} else {
return $self->[0]
{ package FileVar;
use Tie::Scalar;
use parent qw( -norequire Tie::StdScalar );
my ($class, $obj) = #_;
bless \$obj, $class
sub FETCH {
my $self = shift;
sub STORE {
die 'Read only!';
# Or, do you want to change the object by changing the var, too?
my ($self, $value) = #_;
my $file = 'File'->new();
tie my $text, 'FileVar', $file;
say $text;
say $text;
# Die or change the object:
$text = 'Magic!';
say $file->text;

Implementing Tree in Perl - Children cut off

I'm to learn Perl for a job interview over weekend. In order to get a deeper understanding I'm trying to implement a tree class.
#use strict;
#use warnings;
package Tree;
sub new {
my $class = shift #_;
my $content = shift #_;
my #array = shift #_;
return bless { "content" => $content, "array" => #array }, $class;
sub num_children {
my $self = shift #_;
my #array = $self->{"array"};
return scalar #array;
return 1;
To test the (faulty) tree class I have implemented the following test script.
require Tree;
my $t = Tree->new("#", undef);
my $tt = Tree->new("*", undef);
my $tttt = Tree->new("-", undef);
my $ttttt = Tree->new(".", undef);
my #list = ();
push #list, $tt;
push #list, $t;
push #list, $tttt;
push #list, $ttttt;
my $ttt = Tree->new("+", #list);
print $ttt->num_children();
Unfortunately the output is 1 instead of my expection of 4. I assume the array is somehow cut off or unvoluntarily converted to a scalar. Any Ideas?
The main problem is that you can't pass arrays as a single value—you have to pass a reference instead.
Also, you should never comment out use strict and use warnings. They are valuable debugging tools, and if you are getting error messages with them enabled you should fix the errors that they are flagging instead.
Here's a working
use strict;
use warnings;
package Tree;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($content, $array) = #_;
return bless { content => $content, array => $array }, $class;
sub num_children {
my $self = shift;
my $array = $self->{array};
return scalar #$array;
and the calling program Note that you should use rather than require a module.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tree;
my #list = map { Tree->new($_) } ('#', '*', '-', '.');
my $ttt = Tree->new('+', \#list);
print $ttt->num_children, "\n";
shift only removes one element from an array. Populate #array without it:
my #array = #_;
But, you can't store an array in a hash directly, you have to use a reference:
return bless { content => $content,
array => \#array,
}, $class;
which you then have to dereference:
my #array = #{ $self->{array} };
return scalar #array

How do you write wrapper module?

I'm writing a download sub module, I would like it looks like this:
My should provide an api sub download($url). It will look for LWP module, then wget command, then curl command, if non of these exist, it will use Socket.
How can I write wrapper module?
Here is some example, how i did it:
How it works? It checks for some condition, and creates object depends on this condition. And subroutine also checks for reference type and calls the right method
file /tmp/Adapt/ (base module):
package Adapt::Base;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self;
if ( time % 3 ) {
require "/tmp/Adapt/";
$self = \Adapt::First->new(#_);
elsif ( time % 2 ){
require "/tmp/Adapt/";
$self = \Adapt::Second->new(#_);
else {
require "/tmp/Adapt/";
$self = \Adapt::Default->new(#_);
bless( $self, $class );
sub somesub {
my $s = shift;
my $self = $$s;
if ( ref( $self ) eq 'Adapt::First' ) {
elsif ( ref( $self ) eq 'Adapt::Second' ) {
else {
file /tmp/Adapt/ (some module):
package Adapt::First;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
sub firstsub {
print "I am 1st sub.\n";
file /tmp/Adapt/ (another module):
package Adapt::Second;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
sub secondsub {
print "I am 2nd sub.\n";
and file /tmp/Adapt/ (default module):
package Adapt::Default;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
sub defaultsub {
print "I am default sub.\n";
and test script:
use strict;
use warnings;
require '/tmp/Adapt/';
for (0..10) {
my $test = Adapt::Base->new;
sleep 1;
dev# perl /tmp/
I am default sub.
I am 1st sub.
I am 1st sub.
I am 2nd sub.
I am 1st sub.
I am 1st sub.
I am default sub.
I am 1st sub.
I am 1st sub.
I am 2nd sub.
I am 1st sub.

Can I access a static method in a dynamically specified class in Perl?

Is it possible to dynamically specify a class in Perl and access a static method in that class? This does not work, but illustrates what I'd like to do:
use Test::Class1;
my $class = 'Test::Class1';
I know I can do this:
and ignore the class name passed to static_method, but I wonder if there's a better way.
Yup! The way to do it with strictures is to use can.
package Foo::Bar;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub baz
return "Passed in '#_' and ran baz!";
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $class = 'Foo::Bar';
if (my $method = $class->can('baz'))
print "yup it can, and it ";
print $method->();
print "No it can't!";
can returns a reference to the method, undef / false. You then just have to call the method with the dereferene syntax.
It gives:
> perl
yup it can, and it Passed in '' and ran baz!
As always with Perl, there is more than one way to do it.
use strict;
use warnings;
package Test::Class;
sub static_method{ print join(' ', #_), "\n" }
You can use the special %:: variable to access the symbol table.
my $class = 'Test::Class';
my #depth = split '::', $class;
my $ref = \%::;
$ref = $glob->{$_.'::'} for #depth; # $::{'Test::'}{'Class::'}
$code = $glob->{'static_method'};
You could just simply use a symbolic reference;
no strict 'refs';
my $code = &{"${class}::static_method"};
# or
my $code = *{"${class}::static_method"}{CODE};
You could also use a string eval.
eval "${class}::static_method('Hello','World')";
The simplest in this case, would be to use UNIVERSAL::can.
$code = $class->can('static_method');
I am unaware of a particularly nice way of doing this, but there are some less nice ways, such as this program:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
package Test::Class1;
sub static_method {
print join(", ", #_) . "\n";
package main;
my $class = "Test::Class1";
no strict "refs";
&{${class}. "::static_method"}(1, 2, 3);
I have included a $class variable, as that was how you asked the question, and it illustrates how the class name can be chosen at runtime, but if you know the class beforehand, you could just as easily call &{"Test::Class1::static_method"}(1, 2, 3);
Note that you have to switch off strict "refs" if you have it on.
There are three main ways to call a static function:
You could define your function like this:
# callable as $object->static_method() or Classname->static_method()
sub static_method
my $class = shift; # ignore; not needed
# ...
or like this, which works in all three calling scenarios, and doesn't incur any overhead on the caller's side like Robert P's solution does:
use UNIVERSAL qw(isa);
sub static_method
my $class = shift if $_[0] and isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__);
# ...
You can use string eval:
use strict; use warnings;
package Test::Class1;
sub static_method {
print join(", ", #_) . "\n";
package main;
my $class = 'Test::Class1';
my $static_method = 'static_method';
my $subref = eval q{ \&{ "${class}::${static_method}" } };
$subref->(1, 2, 3);
C:\Temp> z
1, 2, 3
use strict; use warnings;
package Test::Class1;
sub static_method { "#_" }
package main;
use strict; use warnings;
use Benchmark qw( cmpthese );
my $class = 'Test::Class1';
my $static_method = 'static_method';
cmpthese -1, {
'can' => sub { my $r = $class->can($static_method); $r->(1, 2, 3) },
'eval' => sub {
my $r = eval q/ \&{ "${class}::${static_method}" } /;
$r->(1, 2, 3);
'nostrict' => sub {
no strict "refs";
my $r = \&{ "${class}::static_method" };
$r->(1, 2, 3);
Rate eval can nostrict
eval 12775/s -- -94% -95%
can 206355/s 1515% -- -15%
nostrict 241889/s 1793% 17% --