how to manage .htaccess in hostinger? - webserver

I'm trying to upload large video in my web app and send it to vimeo api server-side and my web hosting provider is hostinger, i follow the instructions on their page (this is the link: on how to maximize the file size so that i can upload large files, I set the values into this
php_value upload_max_filesize -1
php_value post_max_size -1
php_value max_input_time 0
php_value max_execution_time -1
but still I'm getting error of this. enter image description here(the website has cloudflare security) after two minutes , the video is about 1.2gb, The minimum to upload is 1gb what will be other solution to this? ,,

It looks like you want max_input_time = -1 and max_execution_time = 0.
These values seem to be reversed.
Other questions:
Are the PHP values recognised when viewing the configuration in phpinfo()?
Does the error occur for small uploads? I.e. are any uploads successful with the current configuration?
How long does it take for the page to time out? I.e. is it consistent for uploads of different sizes?
The documentation advises that "the post_max_size should always be larger than upload_max_filesize to avoid an error when uploading". You may want to set explicit values for testing. E.g. 1500M
Finally, there may be other values (possibly outside of your control) affecting the upload. E.g. memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size.


howto setup maxFileSize in Typo3 9.5.8

i set up my php.ini to upload_max_filesize=12M, that works fine in phpinfo();
But typo3 9.5.8 still doesn't accept files to upload larger than 8mb.
And there is no more option to find in Typosettings like ['BE']['maxFileSize'] where i am able to change these settings.
What's the way to change it?
In addition to upload_max_filesize you also need to increase post_max_size which contains all POSTed data. See PHP post_max_size vs upload_max_filesize, what is the difference? for details.

TinyMCE advimage Cannot read property 'responseText' of null

All of a sudden one of our sites has developed an issue with TinyMCE, specifically it seems, in relation to the advimage plugin.
When trying to browse the image folder via TinyMCE I get an alert with one of these errors:
In Chrome I get:
2can't process ajax,TypeError: Cannot read property 'responseText' of null
In Firefox I get:
2can't process ajax,Invalid XML structure
Nothing has changed on this site for a good few months.
We have upgraded to PHP 5.4 very recently, but I don't see why that would be related.
This could be an issue with overly large images in the plugin's upload directory.
On each request, the advimage plugin scans the upload directory (set in your config) and generates thumbnails of any images it finds in there, then sends a list of images off to the client in the form of JSON or XML. If an image is too large to process, (low server memory or something), then the process quits and doesn't return any JSON/XML, hence the seemingly unrelated error message.
Prune any images over 1MB from the uploads directory. You may need to flush the cached thumbs as well. To stop your users/admins from uploading huge images, set an upload limit in the plugins config.

Internet Explorer and post_max_size

Been having a problem with IE9, go figure... I try to upload files and although post_max_size is set to 30M when I alert the result of php call ini_get('post_max_size') in firefox, in Internet explorer it shows it is set to 8M...??? I f'n hate Internet explorer, but I must somehow get it to work. Can anyone offer any sort of answer to what might be happening? I don't see the need to post code, but if you need anything, let me know.
The problem with post_max_size at least as it pertains to is that you must name your php.ini file php5.ini; also, if you import your php.ini file and simply change it's name in your hosting server, the section called session.save_path in your .ini folder will likely read the wrong tmp location for your sessions, so you must either create your own secure directory in your filesystem or figure out where you are supposed to store them and type in that path. Hope this helps someone out there.

Magento Category manager not working properly

When i open category manager in magento it shows me error and screen looks like this
it appeared after i increased memory limit in .htaccess and php.ini files as i was getting a blank page in frontend. after increasing memory limit frontend is working properly again but above problem is not solved...

Swf Upload System IO error - Progress bar getting stuck

After reading Steve Sandersons post on swf upload.
I have implemented the swf upload on a site I am working on, Some users are getting a variety of issues where the progress bar gets stuck, or they get the error message 2038 - with error code -220 (System IO error.) - this is not related to Certificates as in the test below both addresses can be accessed with http or https
I haven't been able to reproduce much of these errors, However when trying to upload large images over 2 mb
It works fine on the test site, But not on the live
UPDATE: I had posted examples here, now removed as the links don't work.
Both sites hosted on App Harbor. exactly the same code.
The Limit for image uploads should be 10 mb - and I have successfully uploaded larger images that the one posted here.
what could be the cause of this?
Can I ask what language the rest of the site is written in?
My first thought is that if it's an IO error it could be running out of space?
Df -h
On the servers and see what we get, remember that all file uploads are written to /tmp before being moved where you want them, so if that fills upload stops.
This turned out to be a configurations setting at the load balancer level, We have a dedicated load balancer with app harbor to so we can offer full ssl support. It had not been set up to allow requestes of 10mb, they have changed it now.
Just don't forget to have the parameters in php.ini that set :
session cookies to on
and session.use_only_cookies to off
and in the js plugin session are handled this way:
post_params: {
<?php echo "'".ini_get('')."':'".session_id()."',"; ?>
Furthermore, don't forget to check the list of images extensions handled by your js plugin