Compare integer with string in NSPredicate - swift

I have in project array of workout programs (code for them are on Objective-C) and in every program I have #property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *scheduleStr; for program durations. This property stores values such as 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and etc. I need to filter all values bigger than 6 weeks. I'm trying to apply NSPredicate:
predicates.append(NSPredicate(format: "scheduleStr.integerValue >= 6"))
and after this I'm receiving only programs with length 6-9 weeks, but nothing more than 10 weeks, but for sure I have several programs in database with length equal 12 weeks.
If I'm trying to apply something like this:
predicates.append(NSPredicate(format: "scheduleStr.integerValue >= 10"))
I will receive almost all the programs. How to get all programs with more than selected values?

The problem is that, although you specify integerValue, when using the predicate as part of a fetch, CoreData treats your string as a string. In string terms, 10 weeks is "less than" 6 weeks, so it's excluded from the results.
You should store the number (as an Int) instead of storing the string. Adding the text " weeks" is then something you do for display purposes. If you store the number, rather than the string, then CoreData can do a numerical comparison and your predicate will work as you expect.
If you really don't want to do that, there is one workaround, and one hack. The workaround is to filter the objects in memory rather than as part of a fetch. The integerValue will then be correctly interpreted and the comparison will be numerical.
The hack is to force CoreData to treat your string as though it is a number, by using a numeric function, like abs (assuming you only have a positive number of weeks, taking the absolute value leaves the value unchanged):
predicates.append(NSPredicate(format: "abs:(scheduleStr) >= 6"))

To get the integer part in the string in your case you can look into something like:
Suppose element is your string then
let component = element.components(separatedBy: .letters) // this will give you the non letter values
let integerValues = component.filter({ $0 != "" })
print(integerValues[0]) // As first value in your input string is an integer
This will give you the integer part of the string which can be used to filter the array.


How to sort values of a field in a structure in Matlab?

In my code, I have a structure and in a field of it, I want to sort its values.
For instance, in the field of there are the following values, and They should be sorted as the right values. --> Sorted
'-10.000000.dcm' '-10.000000.dcm'
'-102.500000.dcm' '-12.500000.dcm'
'-100.000000.dcm' '-100.000000.dcm'
'-107.500000.dcm' '-102.500000.dcm'
'-112.500000.dcm' '-107.500000.dcm'
'-110.000000.dcm '-110.000000.dcm'
'-12.500000.dcm' '-112.500000.dcm'
There is a folder that there are some pictures with negative labels in it (above example are labels of pictures). I want to get them in the same order as present in the folder(that's mean the Sorted But when running the following code the values of load as the above example (left:, while I want the right form.
I have also seen this and that but they didn't help me.
How to sort values of a field in a structure in Matlab?
Files_Neg = dir('D:\Rename-RealN');
File_Neg = dir(strcat('D:\Rename-RealN\',, '\', '*.dcm'));
% when running the code the values of load as the above example (left:
This answer to one of the questions linked in the OP is nearly correct for the problem in the OP. There are two issues:
The first issue is that the answer assumes a scalar value is contained in the field to be sorted, whereas in the OP the values are char arrays (i.e. old-fashioned strings).
This issue can be fixed by adding 'UniformOutput',false to the arrayfun call:
File_Neg = struct('name',{'-10.000000.dcm','-102.500000.dcm','-100.000000.dcm','-107.500000.dcm','-112.500000.dcm','-110.000000.dcm','-12.500000.dcm'},...
[~,I] = sort(arrayfun(#(x),File_Neg,'UniformOutput',false));
File_Neg = File_Neg(I);
File_Neg is now sorted according to dictionary sort (using ASCII letter ordering, meaning that uppercase letters come first, and 110 still comes before 12).
The second issue is that OP wants to sort according to the magnitude of the number in the file name, not using dictionary sort. This can be fixed by extracting the value in the anonymous function applied using arrayfun. We use str2double on the file name, minus the last 4 characters '.dcm':
[~,I] = sort(arrayfun(#(x)abs(str2double(,File_Neg));
File_Neg = File_Neg(I);
Funnily enough, we don't want to use 'UniformOutput',false any more, since the anonymous function now returns a scalar value.

Running operations on numbers with commas in Swift3

If I have a number that is over 1,000, so that it has a comma in it, how can I either strip out the commas, or convert this number into a Double, so that I can run mathematical operations on it?
Right now, I have the following code:
let oldBFTally: Double = Double(plBFTally.text!)!
let newBFTally: Double = round(1000 * (rawValue + oldBFTally) / 1000)
This code works great, as long as the number is under 1000. But, being that I am formatting the number as text, so that it has commas (ie: 1,234.56), whenever I try to run that first line, it errors out, saying: "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value".
Any ideas what I can do to navigate around this issue?
But, being that I am formatting the number as text, so that it has commas (ie: 1,234.56)
You're trying to tackle the problem in the wrong way. If you're generating this string in the first place, then if you want to perform mathematical operations on the number, you shouldn't be displaying it as a string in the UI, then trying to go backwards from the UI back to a number. That's misusing your presentation layer as your data model.
Instead of trying to go back and forth between the UI, use the original value you generated the string from.
#Jim is correct; your text field should simply contain a textual representation of your internal variable, so you shouldn't need to convert back to a double, but for reference, you can use a NumberFormatter
import Foundation
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
if let number = formattter.number(from:"10,000") {

Generate unique random strings

I am writing a very small URL shortener with Dancer. It uses the REST plugin to store a posted URL in a database with a six character string which is used by the user to access the shorted URL.
Now I am a bit unsure about my random string generation method.
sub generate_random_string{
my $length_of_randomstring = shift; # the length of
# the random string to generate
my #chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_');
my $random_string;
# rand #chars will generate a random
# number between 0 and scalar #chars
$random_string.=$chars[rand #chars];
# Start over if the string is already in the Database
generate_random_string(6) if database->quick_select('urls', { shortcut => $random_string });
return $random_string;
This generates a six char string and calls the function recursively if the generated string is already in the DB. I know there are 63^6 possible strings but this will take some time if the database gathers more entries. And maybe it will become a nearly infinite recursion, which I want to prevent.
Are there ways to generate unique random strings, which prevent recursion?
Thanks in advance
We don't really need to be hand-wavy about how many iterations (or recursions) of your function there will be. I believe at every invocation, the expected number of iterations is geomtrically distributed (i.e. number of trials before first success is governed by the geomtric distribution), which has mean 1/p, where p is the probability of successfully finding an unused string. I believe that p is just 1 - n/63^6, where n is the number of currently stored strings. Therefore, I think that you will need to have stored 30 billion strings (~63^6/2) in your database before your function recurses on average more than 2 times per call (p = .5).
Furthermore, the variance of the geomtric distribution is 1-p/p^2, so even at 30 billion entries, one standard deviation is just sqrt(2). Therefore I expect ~99% of the time that the loop will take fewerer than 2 + 2*sqrt(2) interations or ~ 5 iterations. In other words, I would just not worry too much about it.
From an academic stance this seems like an interesting program to work on. But if you're on the clock and just need random and distinct strings I'd go with the Data::GUID module.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::GUID qw( guid_string );
my $guid = guid_string();
Getting rid of recursion is easy; turn your recursive call into a do-while loop. For instance, split your function into two; the "main" one and a helper. The "main" one simply calls the helper and queries the database to ensure it's unique. Assuming generate_random_string2 is the helper, here's a skeleton:
do {
$string = generate_random_string2(6);
} while (database->quick_select(...));
As for limiting the number of iterations before getting a valid string, what about just saving the last generated string and always building your new string as a function of that?
For example, when you start off, you have no strings, so let's just say your string is 'a'. Then the next time you build a string, you get the last built string ('a') and apply a transformation on it, for instance incrementing the last character. This gives you 'b'. and so on. Eventually you get to the highest character you care for (say 'z') at which point you append an 'a' to get 'za', and repeat.
Now there is no database, just one persistent value that you use to generate the next value. Of course if you want truly random strings, you will have to make the algorithm more sophisticated, but the basic principle is the same:
Your current value is a function of the last stored value.
When you generate a new value, you store it.
Ensure your generation will produce a unique value (one that did not occur before).
I've got one more idea based on using MySQL.
create table string (
string_id int(10) not null auto_increment,
string varchar(6) not null default '',
primary key(string_id)
insert into string set string='';
update string
set string = lpad( hex( last_insert_id() ), 6, uuid() )
where string_id = last_insert_id();
select string from string
where string_id = last_insert_id();
This gives you an incremental hex value which is left padded with non-zero junk.

How to add operator signs '+,-,/,*,mod' etc to a label for making a calculator?

I have made a calculator for simple operations but I cant figure out how should I add the operator signs next to the numerals that I am entering.
I created 2 functions 1 on the number being entered
and another for the operation
calculatorScreen.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f",result];
This is for the result to be shown on the label calculatorScreen.
The result i would like would be something like "1+2*3/4" on the calculatorScreen.
Sorry if I misunderstand your question, but what you want is to display on your calculator app the full equation that you've input thus far (e.g. 63+42-62).
Like any other calculator, you should have 2 label, one for your current input, and one to show all that you've entered.(I'm guessing you need the latter)
With the second label up, you can add in the append function into your digitpressed, enter/= function, operation function. If you want to tweak it such 16+23-32 will show up as
1) 16+23
2) 39-32
3) 39-32=7
then you'll have to add in your own specific code. otherwise the label will input as 16+23-32 = 7
You can just append the character to whatever is already on calculatorScreen. Or you can save the current input in an instance variable and display where appropriate.
This is just a guideline, since I don't know the behavior of your calculator in case of this input: 1 + 2 * 3 (simple calculator will return 9, scientific will return 7).

How to limit the number of times a rule can repeat in XTEXT?

My language has certain keywords which only accept values of certain length range (say, between 5 and 10 decimal numbers). This id correct:
KeyWord = 01234
This is incorrect:
KeyWord = 1234
I have a rule;
'KeyWord' '=' INT+;
How to limit the number of times INT can repeat? This would so much easier if it was a more regexp-like syntax
I would implement this as a validation check instead of trying to fit this in the grammar itself. See
This will result in better error recovery and better error messages. It even allows quick-fixes.