Esper/Nesper runtime configuration add generic event type - complex-event-processing

can anyone tell me how to add generic type (bean) to configure the CEP runtime? I'm in NEsper environment using C#., I have an event(bean) - Signal which has the attribute - value. Depends on what kind of Signal it is, the value can be bool or double or string ... value. So I've define Signal as a generic: Signal. My following code return an exception. If I'm not using generic type as event, it works. How should I add the generic event type correctly?
var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer()
var configuration = new Configuration(container);
configuration.Common.AddEventType("Signal", typeof(Signal<bool>));
configuration.Common.AddEventType("Signal", typeof(Signal<double>));
var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetDefaultRuntime(configuration);
Thanks for any help!

There is no support for generic type-parameterized bean events in Nesper yet. There is support in the Java version.


Wicket LambdaModel and NumberTextField cannot resolveType

After switching to LambdaModel as an alternative to PropertyModel in one of my forms in my Wicket 8 application I have failing submit tests stating:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to
My Form Panel has a NumberTextField which in my working scenario is bound to a PropertyModel.
form.add(new NumberTextField<BigDecimal>("myBigDecimalField", new PropertyModel<>(getModel(), "myBigDecimalField")));
form.add(new NumberTextField<BigDecimal>("myBigDecimalField", LambdaModel.of(getModel(), MyClass::getMyBigDecimalField, MyClass::setMyBigDecimalField)));
The problem is that LambdaModel does not implement IObjectClassAwareModel as PropertyModel does and so when the NumberTextField tries to resolve the type in AbstractTextComponent#152 and subsequentially checks in getModelType if the model is an instance of IObjectClassAwareModel it will not work, as LambdaModel does not implement this interface.
Is this intended that LamdaModel does not implmement IObjectClassAwareModel.
BTW I know that I can fix this issue with explicitly declaring the type class of the NumberTextField.
Regretfully it's quite hard to retrieve any type information from lambdas.
See here for an explanation:
Java: how to resolve generic type of lambda parameter?
So for now it's recommended to pass the type to the component.

Autofac: How do I register generic collections?

I have a couple of classes that take IList<IHero> in the constructor. I would like to register the generic collection List<IHero> in Autofac so that whenever Autofac needs to resolve a service that takes IList<IHero, it returns a new instance of List<IHero>. The code below compiles but I get a ton of error messages at run-time.
My current workaround is as follows:
var printer = scope.Reseolve<IPrinter>(new TypedParameter(typeof(IList<IHero>), new List<IHero>();
var newEngine = scope.Resolve<IEngine>(new TypedParameter(typeof(IPrinter), printer));
Don't register collections yourself. Autofac handles collections for you.

Save entity with java.time.Instant property using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate with postgres driver

I am having issues saving my entity that has a Instant value using the NamedJdbcTemplate. I receive the exception listed below and I am trying to determine the best way to resolve this. Please advise.
Can't infer the SQL type to use for an instance of java.time.Instant. Use setObject() with an explicit Types value to specify the type to use.
I am using the postgresql:9.4.1212 driver
This code worked for me:
Instant ts = // whatever instant
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
params.addValue("ts", Timestamp.from(ts), Types.TIMESTAMP);
jdbcTemplate.queryForList(SQL, params)
where SQL is the parametrized query and make sure you're using java.sql.Timestamp and java.sql.Types.

Can't map property String to JAXBElement<String> using MapStruct

so I was playing a bit with Mapstruct, reading the reference Documentation for the Version 1.1.0.Final, and arrived at the point:
implicit type conversions
where is defined the following statement:
Between JAXBElement < T> and T
I tried that, but the error what I received was:
Can't map property "java.lang.String xmlElement" "javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<java.lang.String> xmlElement".
Consider to declare/implement a mapping method:
javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<java.lang.String> map(java.lang.String value)".
I know thisi is the same thread asCan't map property when using MapStruct but since then Mapstruct released a new version.
Am I doing something wrong or this feature really is missing?
Thank you.
Mapping from JAXBElement<T> to T works out of the box. For the reverse you need to make sure that the ObjectFactory(ies) are in the Mapper#uses, MapStruct uses those methods to create the types.
You can also have a look at this integration test.
In case this happens on Java 9 or higher and you use implementation of type JAXBElement from maven library (in my case'javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api') make sure it is on the classpath of the annotation processor - this resolved the issue for me.
If your JAXBElement was generated by a wsdl client generator (eg. xjc) you need to provide the corresponding ObjectFactory.class generated by the client generator:
#Mapper(uses = ObjectFactory.class)
public interface OrderMapper {
Order orderEntityToExternalOrder(OrderEntity orderEntity);
MapStruct 1.0.0.Beta1 is out with JAXB support, custom factories, decorators and more

How to get interpolated message in NHibernate.Validator

I'm trying to integrate NHibernate.Validator with ASP.NET MVC client side validations, and the only problem I found is that I simply can't convert the non-interpolated message to a human-readable one. I thought this would be an easy task, but turned out to be the hardest part of the client-side validation. The main problem is that because it's not server-side, I actually only need the validation attributes that are being used, and I don't actually have an instance or anything else at hand.
Here are some excerpts from what I've been already trying:
// Get the the default Message Interpolator from the Engine
IMessageInterpolator interp = _engine.Interpolator;
if (interp == null)
// It is null?? Oh, try to create a new one
interp = new NHibernate.Validator.Interpolator.DefaultMessageInterpolator();
// We need an instance of the object that needs to be validated, se we have to create one
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(Metadata.ContainerType);
// we enumerate all attributes of the property. For example we have found a PatternAttribute
var a = attr as PatternAttribute;
// it seems that the default message interpolator doesn't work, unless initialized
if (interp is NHibernate.Validator.Interpolator.DefaultMessageInterpolator)
(interp as NHibernate.Validator.Interpolator.DefaultMessageInterpolator).Initialize(a);
// but even after it is initialized the following will throw a NullReferenceException, although all of the parameters are specified, and they are not null (except for the properties of the instance, which are all null, but this can't be changed)
var message = interp.Interpolate(new InterpolationInfo(Metadata.ContainerType, instance, PropertyName, a, interp, a.Message));
I know that the above is a fairly complex code for a seemingly simple question, but I'm still stuck without solution. Is there any way to get the interpolated string out of NHValidator?
Ok, so I know this is an old question, but I stumbled across this when trying to do the same thing, and it helped me get started - so I thought I would provide an answer.
I think the code in the question was on the right track but there are a couple of problems. The interpolator was not completely initialised with the ResourceManager and Culture details, and it doesn't seem to allow for the fact that you can only have one DefaultMessageInterpolator per validation attribute. Also, you don't need an instance of the object you are validating to get an interpolated message.
In the code in the question, where you are initialising the interpolator with the attribute value, you also need to initialise the interpolator with details of the ResourceManager to be used.
This can be done using the overloaded Initialize method on DefaultMessageInterpolator which has the following signature:
public void Initialize(ResourceManager messageBundle,
ResourceManager defaultMessageBundle,
CultureInfo culture)
The first parameter is a user-defined ResourceManager in case you want to use your own resource file for error messages, you can pass a null if you just want to use the default ResouceManager, the second parameter is the default ResourceManager - you can pass
new ResourceManager(
for this, the last parameter is the culture to use, (NHibernate.Validator comes with resource files with validation messages in several languages) - if you pass a null in to this it will just use CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
Lastly, you can only have one DefaultMessageInterpolator per attribute, so you will need to create a new DefaultMessageInterpolator for each validation attribute. You could make use of the DefaultMessageInterpolatorAggregator to handle this, or just roll your own.
I hope this helps someone.
Thanks for your help all--I'd upvote if I could. I just wanted to add that in addition to the first Initialize call on the DefaultMessageInterpolator that Stank illustrates, I also had to make a second different Initialize call to fully initialize it (I was getting some Null Reference Exceptions using only the first call). My code is as follows:
string interpolatedMessage = "";
DefaultMessageInterpolator interpolator = new DefaultMessageInterpolator();
new ResourceManager(
interpolator.Initialize(attribute as Attribute);
if (attribute is IValidator && attribute is IRuleArgs)
IValidator validator = attribute as IValidator;
IRuleArgs ruleArgs = attribute as IRuleArgs;
InterpolationInfo interpolationInfo = new InterpolationInfo(
interpolatedMessage = interpolator.Interpolate(interpolationInfo);