Html Table Export plugin not working not showing view table data export - plugins

I want to show View data in html table using export and I am using v4 exporting .js and it is not exporting view table data so what should I do in v4 exporting .js and if I use latest JavaScript it also not showing but when I use locally it works fine and view data table plugin is showing


Hi all #lwc Updating field in custom object on uploading Excel

The requirement is we have to update custom field on uploading excel file.
For this We have created a lwc component (action button) that upload file, this file getting into file object till here all okay but how to attach this file from file object(we need to fetch reference id( LinkedEntityId )) to custom object so that we can update field? and also can we try using Screen flow

How to replicate this table in GTK+3

I am interested in how can I replicate the table that looks like on picture under "Known Media Players". I looked into .glade file of PulseAudio plugin and it seems like it was implemented using GtkTable which was deprecated in favour of GtkGrid. How can I replicate the table layout and the "header" of the table using GtkGrid?

javascript fusion charts not appearing in the new window

I have a web page where fusion chart is rendered, my requirement is to bring this chart to a new window and send it for print.
function that I am using for bring the new window is
function printBtn(){
var prtContent1 = document.getElementById("chartdiv");
var WinPrint ='', '', 'left=0,top=0,width=800,height=900,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0');
I picked one html file from the FusionChart XT folder and put a 'print' btn.
In the local m/c its works as expected. But when I put the same code and set of js/swf files in the server, the chart in the new page looks like this..
As you can see..only the labels appear and the chart is not seen.
What could I be missing here. Our application is hosted on IBM Websphere App Server. Am bringing javascript charts using FusionChart XT.
The code you are using to replicate the chart is not a standard method to copy SVG or VML. A number of things will not be copied to the WinPrint window by using innerHTML method. Instead try this:
Load fusioncharts.js in the new window
Then recreate the chart on that window by cloning it from source.

Tableviewer edit and save

I am working on a eclipse rcp application where I am using TableViewer component on a wizard page. I was able to add editing support to the table columns and was able to save the data on the viewer object. Does this edit get saved to actual data? if yes how can I get this updated data within my application to do further processing?
Assuming you are using org.eclipse.jface.viewers.EditingSupport to provide cell editors for the table.
The EditingSupport.setValue method is responsible for setting the new value in the original object provided by the content provider.
To validate values you will either have to write your own CellEditor or use a class derived from one of the existing call editors such as TextCellEditor and overriding appropriate methods.

Disable rendering ng-view until data is downloaded

I use both server side templates and angular ones. When page is opened for the first time it contains <div ng-view> containing rendered page. Then angular starts, Firstly showing empty template then downloading data and showing same thing as at the beginging.
How to disable angular.js rendering not to modify DOM until data is downloaded?
Depending on what you want to accomplish, you can use either ngCloak or ngBind.