How to deploy Mindmeld project with production server mode? - deployment

The documentation explains how to run the service locally, but it does not explain how to deploy to the production server. I tried using a new flask service to call Mindmeld app. Although the service started successfully, it didn't load any data. Can you tell me how to deploy to the production?


Deploying a pre-compiled Vapor service

Our team has a Vapor service that we deploy on a Mac through an NGINX reverse proxy. It works as expected.
The problem is, every time we deploy a new instance via sudo swift run, Vapor compiles the code from scratch, checks for dependencies, etc.
Is there a way to pre-compile the service and simply have it deployed out of the box?

Installing OWASP ZAP as Service on Windows 10

I am Trying to install OWASP ZAP (2.9.0) to run as a service on one of our servers for the testing environment. I've been trying unsuccessfully to use YAJSW. I creates a service but promptly stops running and gives up after a few restarts. The QA team has selenium tests which are configured to run through the instance of ZAP running on a particular server. If Zap in manually started. I would like to just have it running as a background/headless service though. We use YAJSW to run other java applications as services. Not sure why this is failing.

Google Compute Engine Automated Load Test VM Instance?

I have a simple web server application in a docker container that I have pinned to a vm instance in GCP Compute Engine.
I am wondering how to set up automated load testing (Locust load testing via GKE) on the web server application running on my VM instance?
I saw a tutorial here: But this involves using App Engine. I am not able to find a GCP tutorial to auto load test vm instances in Compute Engine.
Any links or ideas?
The tutorial comprises of a project that you clone from github. from that project you deploy a sample-webapp to Google Compute Engine, with a domain such as
This is the target for the Locust cluster.
This sample-webapp is a simple Flask app that you can copy and deploy in your instance in GCP (there are several ways of accomplishing this). Once the app is deployed and reachable from the internet, you need supply its address/domain as the target for the Locust cluster.

how to fix ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE error in azure web app deployment using VSTS

I am using VSTS pipeline to deploy core 2.2 MVC to azure web app.
The last step which is deploy to azure fails - please see the error below:
##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
2019-01-08T21:39:47.3810424Z ##[error]Error Code:
ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE More Information: Could not connect to
the remote computer ("our website url"). On the remote computer, make
sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web
Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
Error: Unable to connect to the remote server Error: A connection
attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond
after a period of time, or established connection failed because
connected host has failed to respond ????:443
I even tried to Take App Offline but no luck:
However, it works fine if I publish the web app through Visual studio.
The problem was the subscription we were using has a firewall in place. So there was no way to get into firewall by even doing things like adding "WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM" = false in the app setting of web service.
The only solution we could think of was to create an agent inside a VM sitting inside the same firewall.
Recreate web app in Azure Portal -> Make sure target framework selected correctly.
I had accidentally set this to docker previously during my web app setup in the portal and this error was produced as well. I was using a MVC .NET 4.7 project and trying to use web deploy.
Hopefully this helps someone who has perhaps set up their web app incorrectly in the azure portal.

Axis2 application Weblogic managed server

Have created Webservice and deployed in weblogic admin sever its working as expected. But customer wants this to be deployed in weblogic managed server and in the deployment there is no error. But not able to access service. Anyone assists on what should be done to make this working in managed server.
You can use the WebLogic admin console to deploy and target your application to the managed server. If the application is already deployed, just update the targetng mode to include the managed server.