Requirement is to add 4 line if the matching pattern followed by the next pattern is unmatched along with count number in power shell - powershell

Hello my input file will be like below,my requiremnet is to add 4 line if the macthing pattern folled by the next pattern is unmacthed along with count number.
i will check look for the socket and if matches will incrremnt the line count to +1 toi get the next line and look for the word "address",if the address is not present i need to insert a set of line "communication.manageraddress_9,communication.manageraddress_10,communication.manageraddress_11" netx to the line.
Added by Manager
output will be like this
Added by Manager
this my script and i am struck with insert into text file along with increment number,can some one help in power shell.
$files = $File = 'C:\Users\rseerala\Desktop\ARUN\in.txt'
#$NewContent = Get-Content -Path $File
foreach($file in $files){
$content = Get-Content $file
for($i = 0; $i -lt $content.Count; $i++){
$line = $content[$i]
if ($line.Contains("socket"))
$line = $content[$i+2]
if ($line.Contains("address"))
Write-Host "This line starts with 6"

Ok, so if I understand correctly, this is what you want:
#read the file as a single multiline string
$txt = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Users\rseerala\Desktop\ARUN\in.txt' -Raw
# if it contains the magic word '.socket_' followed by a number
if ($txt -match '\.socket_\d+') {
# first split off the 'Added by Manager' stuff
$content, $managerAdded = ($txt -split 'Added by Manager').Trim()
# split the content part into separate blocks of 4 lines
$blocks = $content -split '(\r?\n){2}' | Where-Object { $_ -match '\S' }
# get the index value from the last block
$index = [int]([regex] '(?i)\.socket_(\d+)').Match($blocks[-1]).Groups[1].Value
# now repeat the blocks you already have and output copies with incremented indices
$newBlocks = ($blocks | ForEach-Object {
$_ -replace '_\d+=', ('_{0}=' -f ++$index)
}) -join "`r`n`r`n"
# finally, combine the content part with the new blocks
# and the 'Added by Manager' lines with double newlines
$result = $content, $newBlocks, 'Added by Manager', $managerAdded -join "`r`n`r`n"
# output on screen
# write to a new file
$result | Set-Content -Path 'C:\Users\rseerala\Desktop\ARUN\out.txt'
else {
Write-Warning "The file does not contain the word '.socket_' followed by a number.."
Added by Manager


Surrounding a string variable with quotes

I am writing an IIS log parser and having trouble wrapping a variable value in quotes while doing some string processing.
Here is a truncated log file, as an example:
#Fields: date time s-ip cs-method ...
2021-08-09 19:00:16.367 GET ...
2021-08-09 19:01:42.184 POST ...
Here is how I am executing the code below:
.\Analyse.ps1 cs-method -eq `'POST`'
If the line marked with #PROBLEM is executed as is, the output looks like this:
> .\Analyse.ps1 cs-method -eq `'POST`'
"""""G""E""T""""" ""-""e""q"" ""'""P""O""S""T""'""
"""""P""O""S""T""""" ""-""e""q"" ""'""P""O""S""T""'""
But if I replace $quoted with $value, so that the code reads like this:
$thisInstruction = $thisInstruction -replace $key , $value #PROBLEM
The output looks like this:
> .\Analyse.ps1 cs-method -eq `'POST`'
GET -eq 'POST'
The problem is that I want the first value on each line of the output (the GET and the POST before the -eq) to be wrapped in quotes.
How can I achieve this?
Here is my code:
# compile cli args into single line instruction
$instruction = $args -join " "
# define key array
$keys = #('date','time','s-ip','cs-method','cs(Host)','cs-uri-stem','cs-uri-query','s-computername','s-port','cs-username','c-ip','s-sitename','cs(User-Agent)','cs(Referer)','sc-status','sc-substatus','sc-win32-status','TimeTakenMS','x-forwarded-for')
# <#
# get current execution folder
$currentFolder = Get-Location
# define string splitter regex
$splitter = ' +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)'
# process *.log files in folder
Get-Childitem -Path $currentFolder *.log1 | ForEach-Object {
# process each line in the file
Get-Content $_.Name | ForEach-Object {
# duplicate instruction
$thisInstruction = $instruction
# exclude comment lines
if (!$_.StartsWith('#')) {
# split line into array
$logEntryArr = $_ -Split $splitter
# populate dictionary with contents of array
For ($i=0; $i -le $keys.length; $i++) {
# get key
$key = $keys[$i]
# get value
$value = $logEntryArr[$i]
$quoted = "`""+$value+"`""
# replace mention of key in instruction with dictionary reference
$thisInstruction = $thisInstruction -replace $key , $quoted #PROBLEM
# process rule from command line against dictionary
echo $thisInstruction
I do know why, thanks to #mathias-r-jessen commenting
I don't know why, but altering the For loop to iterate one fewer fixed the problem and does not appear to leave out any keys. The only significant change is this:
For ($i=0; $i -le $keys.length-1; $i++) {
This PowerShell script can be used to query a folder of log files echo out matching rows, eg:
.\Analyse.ps1 cs-method -eq 'GET'
The above would print out all log entries with a cs-method value of GET.
Here's the code:
# compile cli args into single line instruction
$instruction = $args -join " "
# define key array
$keys = #('date','time','s-ip','cs-method','cs(Host)','cs-uri-stem','cs-uri-query','s-computername','s-port','cs-username','c-ip','s-sitename','cs(User-Agent)','cs(Referer)','sc-status','sc-substatus','sc-win32-status','TimeTakenMS','x-forwarded-for')
# get current execution folder
$currentFolder = Get-Location
# define string splitter regex
$splitter = ' +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)'
# process *.log files in folder
Get-Childitem -Path $currentFolder *.log | ForEach-Object {
# process each line in the file
Get-Content $_.Name | ForEach-Object {
# duplicate instruction
$thisInstruction = $instruction
# exclude comment lines
if (!$_.StartsWith('#')) {
# split line into array
$logEntryArr = $_ -Split $splitter
# populate dictionary with contents of array
For ($i=0; $i -lt $keys.length; $i++) {
# get key
$key = $keys[$i]
# get value
$quoted = "`'"+$logEntryArr[$i]+"`'"
# replace mention of key in instruction with dictionary reference
$thisInstruction = $thisInstruction -replace $key , $quoted
# process rule from command line against dictionary
$answer = Invoke-Expression $thisInstruction
if ($answer) {
echo $_

Remove the need to use out-file only to import the file immediately using PowerShell just to convert the base type

I am attempting to turn the file below into one that contains no comments '#', no blank lines, no unneeded spaces, and only one entry per line. I'm unsure how to run the following code without the need to output the file and then reimport it. There should be code that doesn't require that step but I can't find it. The way I wrote my script also doesn't look right to me even though it works. As if there was a more elegant way of doing what I'm attempting but I just don't see it.
Before File Change: TNSNames.ora
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19 =(ADDRESS_LIST =
(Host =
(Port = 1111)
#Created 9_27_16
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19
After File Change:
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(" ", "").Replace("`t", "").Replace(")))", ")))`n")
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
$Path = '.\.vscode\StringResults.txt'
$Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
$Results = Get-Content $Path
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith("(CONNECT_DATA")) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne "") {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
So the crux of your problem is that you have declared $data as a [string] which is fine because probably some of your replace operations work better as a single string. Its just that $Results also then ends up being a string so when you try to index into $Results near the bottom these operations fail. You can however easily turn your $Results variable into a string array using the -split operator this would eliminate the need to save the string to disk and import back in just to accomplish the same. See comments below.
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(' ', '').Replace("`t", '').Replace(')))', ")))`n")
# You do not need to do this next section. Essentially this is just saving your multiline string
# to a file and then using Get-Content to read it back in as a string array
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
# $Path = 'c:\temp\StringResults.txt'
# $Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
# $Results = Get-Content $Path
# Instead split your $Results string into multiple lines using -split
# this will do the same thing as above without writing to file
$Results = $Results -split "\r?\n"
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith('(CONNECT_DATA')) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne '') {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
Also, for fun, try this out
((Get-Content 'C:\temp\tnsnames.ora' |
Where-Object {!$_.StartsWith('#') -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}) -join '' -replace '\s' -replace '\)\s?\)\s?\)', ")))`n" -replace '\r?\n\(Connect_data','(connect_data').ToUpper()

Changing multiple lines in a text file based on a psobject

I'm working on a script which will add some additional informations to a txt file. These informations are stored in a CSV file which looks like this (the data will differs each time the script will launch):
The txt file looks like this (data inside will of course differ each time):
1|1|FP01340/05/20|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|166,91|203,23|36,32|nothing interesting 18|33333|63-111 somewhere|||||
1|1|FP01341/05/20|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|12,19|14,99|2,80|Some info |2222222|blabla|11-111 something||||
1|1|FP01342/05/20|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|525,36|589,64|64,28|bla|222222|blba 36||62030|something||
What I need to do is to find a line which contains 'Number' and then add value 'A' and 'B' from a CSV in a form: |0|1 and then on the first line below, at the end, add 'ValueofB' in a form |AAA_01,AAA_03
So the first two lines should look like this at the end:
1|1|FP01340/05/20|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|166,91|203,23|36,32|nothing interesting 18|33333|63-111 somewhere||||||0|1
Rest of lines should not be touched.
I made a script which uses select-string method with context to find what I need to - put that into an object and then add to previously found strings what I need to and put that in to an another object.
My script is as follws:
$csvFile = Import-Csv -Path Somepath\file.csv -Delimiter ";"
$file = "Somepath2\SomeName.txt"
$LinesToChange = #()
$script:LinesToChange = $LinesToChange
$LinesOriginal = #()
$script:LinesOriginal = $LinesOriginal
foreach ($line in $csvFile) {
Select-String -Path $file -Pattern "$($Line.number)" -Encoding default -Context 0, 1 | ForEach-Object {
$1 = $_.Line
$2 = $_.Context.PostContext
$ListOrg = [pscustomobject]#{
Line_org = $1
Line_GTU_org = $2
$LinesOriginal = $LinesOriginal + $ListOrg
$lineNew = $ListOrg.Line_org | foreach { $_ + "|$($line.A)|$($line.B)" }
$GTUNew = $ListOrg.Line_GTU_org | foreach { $_ + "|$($line.ValueofB)" }
$ListNew = [pscustomobject]#{
Line_new = $lineNew
Line_GTU_new = $GTUNew
Line_org = $ListOrg.Line_org
Line_GTU_org = $ListOrg.Line_GTU_org
$LinesToChange = $LinesToChange + $ListNew
The output is an object $LinesToChange which have original lines and lines after the change. The issue is I have no idea how to use that to change the txt file. I tried few methods and ended up with file which contains updated lines but all others are doubbled (I tried foreach) or PS is using whole RAM and couldn't finish the job :)
My latest idea is to use something like that:
(Get-Content -Path $file) | ForEach-Object {
$line = $_
$LinesToChange.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
if ($line -match "$($LinesToChange.Line_org)") {
$line = $line -replace "$($LinesToChange.Line_org)", "$($LinesToChange.Line_new)"
if ($line -match "$($LinesToChange.Line_GTU_org)") {
$line = $line -replace "$($LinesToChange.Line_GTU_org)", "$($LinesToChange.Line_GTU_new)"
} | Set-Content -Path Somehere\newfile.txt
It seemed promising at first, but the variable $line contains all lines and as such it can't find the match.
Also I need to be sure that the second line will be directly below the first one (it is unlikely but it can be a case that there will be two or more lines with the same data while the "number" from CSV file is unique) so preferably while changing the txt file it would be needed to find a match for a two-liner; in short:
find this two lines:
1|1|FP01340/05/20|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|166,91|203,23|36,32|nothing interesting 18|33333|63-111 somewhere|||||
change them to:
1|1|FP01340/05/20|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|2020-05-02|166,91|203,23|36,32|nothing interesting 18|33333|63-111 somewhere||||||0|1
Do that for all lines in a $LinesToChange
Any help will be much appreciated!
Some strange text file you have there, but anyway, this should do it:
# read in the text file as string array
$txt = Get-Content -Path '<PathToTheTextFile>'
$csv = Import-Csv -Path '<PathToTheCSVFile>' -Delimiter ';'
# loop through the items (rows) in the CSV and find matching lines in the text array
foreach ($item in $csv) {
$match = $txt | Select-String -Pattern ('|{0}|' -f $item.Number) -SimpleMatch
if ($match) {
# update the matching text line (array indices count from 0, so we do -1)
$txt[$match.LineNumber -1] += ('|{0}|{1}' -f $item.A, $item.B)
# update the line following
$txt[$match.LineNumber] += ('|{0}' -f $item.ValueOfB)
# show updated text on screen
# save updated text to file
$txt | Set-Content -Path 'Somehere\newfile.txt'

Powershell to count columns in a file

I need to test the integrity of file before importing to SQL.
Each row of the file should have the exact same amount of columns.
These are "|" delimited files.
I also need to ignore the first line as it is garbage.
If every row does not have the same number of columns, then I need to write an error message.
I have tried using something like the following with no luck:
$colCnt = "c:\datafeeds\filetoimport.txt"
$file = (Get-Content $colCnt -Delimiter "|")
$file = $file[1..($file.count - 1)]
Foreach($row in $file){
Counting rows is easy. Columns is not.
Any suggestions?
Yep, read the file skipping the first line. For each line split it on the pipe, and count the results. If it isn't the same as the previous throw an error and stops.
$colCnt = "c:\datafeeds\filetoimport.txt"
[int]$LastSplitCount = $Null
Get-Content $colCnt | ?{$_} | Select -Skip 1 | %{if($LastSplitCount -and !($_.split("|").Count -eq $LastSplitCount)){"Process stopped at line number $($_.psobject.Properties.value[5]) for column count mis-match.";break}elseif(!$LastSplitCount){$LastSplitCount = $_.split("|").Count}}
That should do it, and if it finds a bad column count it will stop and output something like:
Process stopped at line number 5 for column count mis-match.
Edit: Added a Where catch to skip blank lines ( ?{$_} )
Edit2: Ok, if you know what the column count should be then this is even easier.
Get-Content $colCnt | ?{$_} | Select -Skip 1 | %{if(!($_.split("|").Count -eq 210)){"Process stopped at line number $($_.psobject.Properties.value[5]), incorrect column count of: $($_.split("|").Count).";break}}
If you want it to return all lines that don't have 210 columns just remove the ;break and let it run.
A more generic approach, including a RegEx filter:
$path = "path\to\folder"
$regex = "regex"
$expValue = 450
$files= Get-ChildItem $path | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $regex}
Foreach( $f in $files) {
$filename = $f.Name
echo $filename
$a = Get-Content $f.FullName;
$i = 1;
$e = 0;
echo "Starting...";
foreach($line in $a)
if ($line.length -ne $expValue){
echo $filename
$a | Measure-Object -Line
echo "Long:"
echo $line.Length;
echo "Line NÂș: "
echo $i;
$e = $e + 1;
$i = $i+1;
echo "Finished";
if ($e -ne 0){
echo $e "errors found";
echo "No errors"
echo ""
echo "All files examined"
Another possibility:
$colCnt = "c:\datafeeds\filetoimport.txt"
$DataLine = (Get-Content $colCnt -TotalCount 2)[1]
$DelimCount = ([char[]]$DataLine -eq '|').count
$MatchString = '.*' + ('|.*' * $DelimCount )
$test = Select-String -Path $colCnt -Pattern $MatchString -NotMatch |
where { $_.linenumber -ne 1 }
That will find the number of delimiter characters in the second line, and build a regex pattern that can be used with Select-String.
The -NotMatch switch will make it return any lines that don't match that pattern as MatchInfo objects that will have the filename, line number and content of the problem lines.
Edit: Since the first line is "garbage" you probably don't care if it didn't match so I added a filter to the result to drop that out.

Powershell search through two lines

I have following Input lines in my notepad file.
example 1 :
//UNION TEXT=firststring,FRIEND='ABC,Secondstring,ABAER'
example 2 :
//UNION TEXT=firststring,
// FRIEND='ABC,SecondString,ABAER'
Basically, one line can span over two or three lines. If last character is , then it is treated as continuation character.
In example 1 - Text is in one line.
In example 2 - same Text is in two lines.
In example 1, I can probably write below code. However, I do not know how to do this if 'Input text' spans over two or three lines based on continuation character ,
$result = Get-Content $file.fullName | ? { ($_ -match firststring) -and ($_ -match 'secondstring')}
I think I need a way so that I can search text in multipl lines with '-and' condition. something like that...
You could read the entire content of the file, join the continued lines, and then split the text line-wise:
$text = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("C:\path\to\your.txt")
$text -replace ",`r`n", "," -split "`r`n" | ...
# get the full content as one String
$content = Get-Content -Path $file.fullName -Raw
# join continued lines, split content and filter
$content -replace '(?<=,)\s*' -split '\r\n' -match 'firststring.+secondstring'
If file is large and you want to avoid loading entire file into memory you might want to use good old .NET ReadLine:
$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText("test.txt")
try {
$sb = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder";
for(;;) {
$line = $reader.ReadLine()
if ($line -eq $null) { break }
if ($line.EndsWith(','))
# You have full line at this point.
# Call string match or whatever you find appropriate.
$fullLine = $sb.ToString()
Write-Host $fullLine
finally {
If file is not large (let's say < 1G) Ansgar Wiechers answer should do the trick.