Flutter "Rate my App" always requires a Review when using native dialog on Android - flutter

I'm using the 'Rate my App' package to ask for rates in my app. https://pub.dev/packages/rate_my_app
I'm using the same code shown in the package page, but i'm setting the 'ignoreNativeDialog' parameter to false in order to use the native API even in Android. But when the dialog appears on android always requires a review after a rate.
Is it any way to set the review to be optional?
RateMyApp rateMyApp = RateMyApp(
preferencesPrefix: 'rateMyApp_',
minDays: 7,
minLaunches: 10,
remindDays: 7,
remindLaunches: 10,
rateMyApp.init().then((_) {
if (rateMyApp.shouldOpenDialog) {
title: 'Rate this app',
message: 'You like this app ? Then take a little bit of your time to leave a rating :',
actionsBuilder: (context, stars) {
return [
child: Text('OK'),
onPressed: () async {
print('Thanks for the ' + (stars == null ? '0' : stars.round().toString()) + ' star(s) !');
await rateMyApp.callEvent(RateMyAppEventType.rateButtonPressed);
Navigator.pop<RateMyAppDialogButton>(context, RateMyAppDialogButton.rate);
ignoreNativeDialog: false, // This is the one parameter i set to false
dialogStyle: DialogStyle(
titleAlign: TextAlign.center,
messageAlign: TextAlign.center,
messagePadding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 20),
starRatingOptions: StarRatingOptions(),
onDismissed: () => rateMyApp.callEvent(RateMyAppEventType.laterButtonPressed),

Now it's clear.
The review was required becouse I was using it on a registered tester account. I tested with another account and it worked fine.


How to open link inside the pdf in webview flutter

I have added a pdfviewer in my Apps using Library flutter: flutter_cached_pdfview
some part of the code:
import 'package:flutter_cached_pdfview/flutter_cached_pdfview.dart';
goToReading(String link){
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (_)=> PDF(
enableSwipe: true,
swipeHorizontal: false,
autoSpacing: false,
pageFling: false,
onError: (error) {
onPageError: (page, error) {
print('$page: ${error.toString()}');
placeholder: (progress) => Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
body: Center(
child: Lottie.asset(
height: 200,
controller: _controller,
onLoaded: (composition) {
_controller..duration = composition.duration..forward();
What I want is to open every link inside the pdf to open in webview for now it open in external browser (Chrome, safari),
************************************************************************I want it to open in internal webview inside the app it may be possible by using urllauncher but i dont know how to use it,
See this to understand my problem
See this to understand the current status
You have to set onLinkHandle and preventLinkNavigation:true in your file.
On onLinkHandle, you can set it to open WebView inside your app instead of opening the browser for it. Becuase by default it will always open web browser if you don't specify those things.

Set counter of notification using awesome_notification flutter

I am using awesome_notifications: ^0.0.6+12 as a local notification that shows notification/information on the status bar of the device. So far the function to show a notification runs very well, but I got a problem with the counter of notification.
As we know.. when one notification pops up there will be a flag counter in our icon apps 1 and when the second notification pops up.. it will turn into 2
But, the problem is... when I click the notification from the status bar and then the app is opening, the counter is still 1 while.. it should be removed after I click it... Is there a way to solve this? here is the part of the code
notifRequirement() {
AwesomeNotifications().actionStream.listen((notification) {
if (notification.channelKey == 'basic_channel' && Platform.isIOS) {
(value) =>
AwesomeNotifications().setGlobalBadgeCounter(value - 1),
builder: (_) => MainScreen(),
(route) => route.isFirst,
I call notifRequirement inside initState and in main.dart:
channelKey: 'scheduled',
channelName: 'Scheduled Notifications',
defaultColor: Colors.red,
locked: false,
importance: NotificationImportance.High,
channelShowBadge: true,
channelDescription: "description 1"),

Hint text is not visible in login_fresh package of flutter

I want to show hint text over the input box in flutter. And I did not find any hint key related to this package. It is neither visible on the login nor the sign-up page.
LoginFresh buildLoginFresh() {
List<LoginFreshTypeLoginModel> listLogin = [
callFunction: (BuildContext _buildContext) {
// develop what they want the facebook to do when the user clicks
logo: TypeLogo.facebook),
callFunction: (BuildContext _buildContext) {
// develop what they want the Google to do when the user clicks
logo: TypeLogo.google),
callFunction: (BuildContext _buildContext) {
builder: (_buildContext) => widgetLoginFreshUserAndPassword(),
logo: TypeLogo.userPassword,
return LoginFresh(
pathLogo: 'assets/images/horario.jpg',
backgroundColor: Colors.black,
textColor: Colors.black,
isExploreApp: false,
functionExploreApp: () {
// develop what they want the ExploreApp to do when the user clicks
isFooter: false,
widgetFooter: widgetFooter(),
typeLoginModel: listLogin,
isSignUp: true,
widgetSignUp: widgetLoginFreshSignUp(),
Click here is view screenshot
Wrap your LoginFreshUserAndPassword with the Theme widget like this :
data: ThemeData(hintColor: Colors.red),
child: LoginFreshUserAndPassword(),
it should work now.

Updating cloud firestore data in a map from flutter

This is my code:
child: new GridView.count(
crossAxisCount: 3,
children: snapshot.data.documents.map<Widget>((DocumentSnapshot document) {
return new MoodButton(
iconData: (IconData(document.data()['ref'],fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons')),
onTap: () =>
document.data()[document.data()['ref']].updateData({"display": true}),
I am trying to update the value of display for the icon that has been clicked on from false to true.
The issue is with the line document.data()[document.data()['ref']].updateData({"Display": true}),. I am not sure how to update the data for the specific icon that has been clicked on.
The error I am getting is:
The method 'updateData' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: updateData(_LinkedHashMap len:1)
Any help would be appreciated!
I figured it out following this tutorial.
I replaced onTap: () => document.data()[document.data()['ref']].updateData({"display": true}), with onTap: () => updateData((document.data()['name']), {'display' : true}),
Then added
updateData(selectedDoc, newValues) {
.catchError((e) {

Flutter/Dart - How can I play sounds from a list using onPressed with a flatButton in flutter_Swiper package?

G'day Stackoverflowers!
I have started learning Flutter/Dart for a personal project and I came across a problem I can't solve. I would really appreciate a bit of help, please.
I'm building an application to learn English (I'm an English teacher and author) and one of the pages of the app is where you can see pictures of different foods and drinks with their name written and the possibility to listen to the pronunciation of the food or drink.
here is a snippet of the code so far:
itemWidth: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
itemHeight: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,
layout: SwiperLayout.TINDER,
itemCount: 43,
indicatorLayout: PageIndicatorLayout.WARM,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index,) {
return Card(
elevation: 5.0,
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: () => {
child: Row(
children: <Widget>[
width: 70.0,
width: 30.0,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
Image.asset(foodPictures[index], fit: BoxFit.contain),
As you can probably guess, I have no problem displaying the pictures I want and their respective nouns using a list and the index of this list.
Here are the lists I've got for the pictures and nouns
final List foodPictures = [
final List foodNouns =[
This is how it looks like so far:
overview of the page
Now I would like to be able to play a sound for each card. I have the sounds in my assets in the following directory : assets: -assets/foodsounds/
I want to be able to play the sound from a list of my sounds. here is the list :
final List foodSounds=[
I thought about using the audioplayers-0.14.0 package like so :
void playFoodSound(int foodSounds) {
final player = AudioCache(prefix: 'foodsounds/');
and use it in Swiper like the following:
onPressed: () => {
This method doesn't work. I have tried a few others and I really can't figure out how to play those sounds...
I thank you all very much in advance for your help because I really don't want to have to hardcode those sounds.
Turns out I finally found my answer.
I used the assets_audio_player 1.2.3 package.
Declared the following vaiable:
final AssetsAudioPlayer playFoodSound= AssetsAudioPlayer();
and used the following statement in my code :
FlatButton(onPressed: () =>{
And it works like a charm.