How to use default interface implementation with kotlin Multiplatform and Swift - swift

I'm using KMP to make a crossplatform app both on Android and iOS. My problem is that when I create an interface in Kotlin common main with a default implementation, I can't use that implementation in iOS and I need to rewrite the code in Xcode. Inside my methods there is nothing platform-specific. They are just functions that work with numbers (so, just some for or if with a return numeric parameter) so could very good for me write the methods just one time. There is a way to achive this?
This is the interface in Kotlin with the method and default implementation:
interface StandardValues {
fun nextValue(valueToCompare: String, currentStandardSpinner: String, currentUnitSpinner: Int): Pair<String, Int> {
var currentStandardArray = StandardValue.E12.valuesStandard
var indexSpinner = currentUnitSpinner
var valueConverted = 0.0f
valueConverted = valueToCompare.toFloat()
} catch (e: NumberFormatException){
var previousValue: Float = 0.0f
if(valueConverted <= 1 && currentUnitSpinner == 0){
return Pair("0",0)
if(valueConverted < 1) {
for ((index, value) in currentStandardArray.withIndex()){
if ((valueConverted * 1000) > value){
previousValue = currentStandardArray[index]
if(indexSpinner != 0){
return Pair(previousValue.toString(), indexSpinner)
if(valueConverted <= currentStandardArray.first()){
if(indexSpinner == 0){
return Pair(currentStandardArray.first().toString(), 0)
previousValue = currentStandardArray.last()
return Pair(previousValue.toString(), indexSpinner)
for ((index, value) in currentStandardArray.withIndex()){
if (valueConverted > value){
previousValue = currentStandardArray[index]
return Pair(previousValue.toString(), indexSpinner)
return Pair(currentStandardArray.first().toString(), indexSpinner)
This is an example of use in Android:
class FindRealComponent: AppCompatActivity(), AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener, StandardValues {
myTextView.text = nextValue("3", "pF", 0).first
In Xcode:
class MeasureConverterViewController: UIViewController, StandardValues {
func nextValue(valueToCompare: String, currentStandardSpinner: String, currentUnitSpinner: Int) -> (String, Int) {
//I would like to avoid to write the same logic code
textView.text = nextValue(nextValue("3", "pF", 0).0
Otherwise I think that i will implements the interface in Kotlin and I will create a protocol with an extension in Swift.

To resolve I have implemented the interface in Android Studio and in the same file I have created a class that implement my interface so in Xcode I can instantiate an object of that class to use the default methods.
Android Studio:
interface StandardValues {
... //default methods
class StandardValuesImplementation: StandardValues{}
class MyViewController: UIViewController{
override func viewDidLoad() {
let myClassImpl = StandardValuesImplementation()
let textView = MyClassImpl.myDefaultMethod


Not able to override extensions function in another extension - Swift 4 [duplicate]

I've been working on an iOS application in Swift (much of it being moved from Objective-C). I'm using Core Data and trying to use extensions to add functionality to classes auto-generated from my model. One thing I readily did in Objective-C was to add a method in a category on class A and override that method in a category on class B (which derived from A), and I was hoping to do the same in Swift.
For a while now I've had the following code in my project (and this is just one example), and though I have not used the functionality yet, the compiler has worked just fine compiling this code:
// From CellType.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
class CellType: NSManagedObject {
#NSManaged var maxUses: NSNumber
#NSManaged var useCount: NSNumber
// Other properties removed for brevity
// From SwitchCellType.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
class SwitchCellType: CellType {
#NSManaged var targetCellXIndex: NSNumber
#NSManaged var targetCellYIndex: NSNumber
#NSManaged var targetCellType: CellType
// Other properties removed for brevity
// From CellTypeLogic.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
extension CellType
var typeLabel : String { get { return "Empty"; } }
func isEqualToType(otherCellType : CellType) -> Bool
return (self.typeLabel == otherCellType.typeLabel &&
self.maxUses.isEqualToNumber(otherCellType.maxUses) &&
// Code removed for brevity
// From SwitchCellTypeLogic.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
extension SwitchCellType // YES, this compiles with the overrides!
override var typeLabel : String { get { return "Switch"; } }
override func isEqualToType(otherCellType : CellType) -> Bool
var answer = false;
if let otherSwitchCellType = otherCellType as? SwitchCellType
answer = super.isEqualToType(otherCellType) &&
self.targetCellXIndex.isEqualToNumber(otherSwitchCellType.targetCellXIndex) &&
self.targetCellYIndex.isEqualToNumber(otherSwitchCellType.targetCellYIndex) &&
return answer;
// Code removed for brevity
Hopefully some kind Swift expert out there already sees my issue, but here's how I found out about it: Recently I tried to add similar functionality using methods that have parameters and/or return values that are not built in types, but I started getting this error: Declarations in extensions cannot override yet.
To explore this issue I added the following to one of my swift files, thinking it would compile just fine:
class A
class B : A
extension A
var y : String { get { return "YinA"; } }
extension B
override var y : String { get { return "YinB"; } } // Compiler error (see below) -- What??
To my surprise, I received the same compiler error (Declarations in extensions cannot override yet). What? But I've used that patter several times already without compiler errors.
First, are there certain rules about overriding in extensions such that in some cases it is supposed to work but in other cases it is not? Second (and more disconcerting) why does it seem that the Swift compiler is so inconsistent? What am I missing here? Please help me restore my faith in Swift.
As noted in the correct answer by Martin R, it seems you can override methods in the current version of Swift (1.1 via Xcode 6.1) as long as they (1) involve only classes derived from NSObject and (2) do not use the inout modifier. Here's some examples:
class A : NSObject { }
class B : A { }
class SubNSObject : NSObject {}
class NotSubbed {}
enum SomeEnum { case c1, c2; }
extension A
var y : String { get { return "YinA"; } }
func f() -> A { return A(); }
func g(val: SubNSObject, test: Bool = false) { }
func h(val: NotSubbed, test: Bool = false) { }
func j(val: SomeEnum) { }
func k(val: SubNSObject, inout test: Bool) { }
extension B
override var y : String { get { return "YinB"; } }
override func f() -> A { return A(); }
override func g(val: SubNSObject, test: Bool) { }
//override func h(val: NotSubbed, test: Bool = false) { }
//override func j(val: SomeEnum) { }
//override func k(val: SubNSObject, inout test: Bool) { }
It seems that overriding methods and properties in an extension works with the
current Swift (Swift 1.1/Xcode 6.1) only for Objective-C compatible
methods and properties.
If a class is derived from NSObject then all its members are automatically available
in Objective-C (if possible, see below). So with
class A : NSObject { }
your example code compiles and works as expected. Your Code Data extension overrides
work because NSManagedObject is a subclass of NSObject.
Alternatively, you can use the #objc attribute for a method or property:
class A { }
class B : A { }
extension A
#objc var y : String { get { return "YinA" } }
extension B
#objc override var y : String { get { return "YinB" } }
Methods which are not representable in Objective-C cannot be marked with #objc
and cannot be overridden in a subclass extension. That applies for example to
methods having inout parameters or parameters of an enum type.
I experienced this on Xcode9. Closing and reopening Xcode worked for me. Probably a bug in the compiler.

How to check if an XCTestCase test has failed

Is it possible to check within a running test if any of its XCTAsserts have failed? I have a test with a few assertions in a row, and I want to add some code afterward to perform a specific action if any of them failed:
class testClass : XCTestCase
func testSomething()
let someComputedValue1 = func1()
let someComputedValue2 = func2()
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(someComputedValue1, 0.5)
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(someComputedValue2, 0.2)
if anyOfTheAboveAssertionsFailed {
The part I'd like tips on is that anyOfTheAboveAssertionsFailed condition without duplicating the comparisons to the hard-coded values.
While using your own assertion methods solves the PO's issue, it is cumbersome if you need to use several XCAssert-methods.
Another approach is to override continueAfterFailure. If there is no failure the property will not be requested. If there is one, it will.
class MyTest: XCTest {
private var hasFailed = false
override var continueAfterFailure: Bool {
get {
hasFailed = true
return super.continueAfterFailure
set {
super.continueAfterFailure = newValue
override func tearDown() {
if hasFailed { performAction() }
hasFailed = false
You could of course write a new function...
func assertLessThanOrEqual(value: Double, limit: Double) -> Bool {
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(value, limit)
return value <= limit
And then write your tests like...
var allGood = true
allGood = allGood && assertLessThanOrEqual(someComputedValue1, 0.5)
allGood = allGood && assertLessThanOrEqual(someComputedValue2, 0.2)
if !allGood {

How do I make a referential type comparison in Swift using 'is'?

I can't figure out how to make a type comparison in Swift using the is operator, if the right side is a reference and not a hard-coded type.
For example,
class GmBuilding { }
class GmOffice: GmBuilding { }
class GmFactory: GmBuilding { }
class GmStreet {
var buildings: [GmBuilding] = []
func findAllBuildingsOfType(buildingType: GmBuilding.Type) -> [GmBuilding] {
var result: [GmBuilding] = []
for building in self.buildings {
if building is buildingType { // complains that buildingType is not a type
return result
let myStreet = GmStreet()
var buildingList: [GmBuilding] = myStreet.findAllBuildingsOfType(GmOffice.self)
It complains that 'buildingType is not a type'. How can it be made to work?
A generic method may do what you want:
func findAllBuildingsOfType<T: GmBuilding>(buildingType: T.Type) -> [GmBuilding] {
// you can use `filter` instead of var/for/append
return buildings.filter { $0 is T }
This will work so long as you really do only want to determine the type at compile time:
let myStreet = GmStreet()
let buildingList = myStreet.findAllBuildingsOfType(GmOffice.self)
// T is set at compile time to GmOffice --------^
However, often when this question comes up, the follow-up question is, how do I store GmOffice.self in a variable and then have the type be determined at runtime? And that will not work with this technique. But if statically fixed types at compile time are enough for you, this should do it.
If AirSpeed Velocity's answer doesn't work for you, you can also accomplish this by bridging to Objective-C.
Make GmBuilding inherit from NSObject:
class GmBuilding: NSObject { }
And use isKindOfClass(_:) to check the type:
for building in self.buildings {
if building.isKindOfClass(buildingType) {
Not as Swifty, but it works.
I'm sure there must be a better way than this, but it doesn't require inheritance from NSObject and it works at runtime - according to my playground
class GmBuilding { }
class GmOffice: GmBuilding { }
class GmFactory: GmBuilding { }
func thingIs(thing: GmBuilding, #sameTypeAs: GmBuilding) -> Bool
return thing.dynamicType === sameTypeAs.dynamicType
var foo: GmOffice = GmOffice()
thingIs(foo, sameTypeAs: GmOffice()) // true
thingIs(foo, sameTypeAs: GmFactory()) // false
The main reason I instantiate an object (you can use a singleton instead) is because I can't figure out how to declare a parameter to be a metatype.
It also doesn't work for
thingIs(foo, sameTypeAs: GmBuilding()) // false :=(
As a final resort, using Obj-C reflect function:
import ObjectiveC
func isinstance(instance: AnyObject, cls: AnyClass) -> Bool {
var c: AnyClass? = instance.dynamicType
do {
if c === cls {
return true
c = class_getSuperclass(c)
} while c != nil
return false
class GmBuilding { }
class GmOffice: GmBuilding { }
class GmFactory: GmBuilding { }
isinstance(GmOffice(), GmOffice.self) // -> true
isinstance(GmOffice(), GmFactory.self) // -> false
isinstance(GmOffice(), GmBuilding.self) // -> true

Creating a generic singleton

This is a bit of a head banger (for me). Basically I want to have 2 different singletons that inherit from the same class. In either I want to use a certain class which itself is derived. So I have Utility and both AUtil:Utility and BUtil:Utility. And Singleton that is used as ASingleton using AUtility in its stomach and B respectively. I failed on all frontiers. The last attempt was a factory pattern which simply got Swift 1.2 to Segfault:
protocol Initializable { init() }
class A:Initializable {
var x = "A"
required init() {}
class B:Initializable {
var x = "B"
required init() {}
class C {
let t:Initializable
init(t:Initializable) {
self.t = t
func factory() {
As said I also tried to make the following pattern generic:
private let _SingletonSharedInstance = StaticClass()
class StaticClass {
class var sharedInstance : StaticClass {
return _SingletonSharedInstance
let s = StaticClass.sharedInstance
(This one isn't generic as you see. But all my attempts failed and so I show my starting point.)
Anyway I seem to be lost between doom and death.
Do you mean something like this?
protocol Initializable: class { init() }
private var instances = [String: Initializable]()
func singletonInstance<T: Initializable>(_ ty: T.Type = T.self) -> T {
let name = NSStringFromClass(ty)
if let o = (instances[name] as? T) {
return o
let o = ty()
instances[name] = o
return o
An use-side of it, for instance.
class Foo: Initializable { required init() {} }
class Bar: Initializable { required init() {} }
let foo1 = singletonInstance() as Foo // or `singletonInstance(Foo.self)`
let foo2 = singletonInstance() as Foo
assert(foo1 === foo2)
let bar1 = singletonInstance() as Bar
let bar2 = singletonInstance() as Bar
assert(bar1 === bar2)
(I've tested the code above and got it to work in Swift 1.2.)
Inspired by findalls implementation, I build my own singleton generator, which is a little more powerful.
You can create a singleton of any Class or Structure type in Swift. The only thing you have to do is to implement one of two different protocols to your type and use Swift 2.0 or newer.
public protocol SingletonType { init() }
private var singletonInstances = [String: SingletonType]()
extension SingletonType {
// this will crash Xcode atm. it's a Swift 2.0 beta bug. Bug-ID: 21850697
public static var singleton: Self { return singleton { $0 } }
public static func singleton(setter: (_: Self) -> Self) -> Self {
guard let instance = singletonInstances["\(self)"] as? Self else {
return setInstance(self.init(), withSetter: setter, overridable: true)
return setInstance(instance, withSetter: setter, overridable: false)
private static func setInstance(var instance: Self, withSetter setter: (_: Self) -> Self, overridable: Bool) -> Self {
instance = restoreInstanceIfNeeded(instance1: instance, instance2: setter(instance), overridable: overridable)
singletonInstances["\(self)"] = instance
return instance
private static func restoreInstanceIfNeeded(instance1 i1: Self, instance2 i2: Self, overridable: Bool) -> Self {
// will work if the bug in Swift 2.0 beta is fixed !!! Bug-ID: 21850627
guard i1.dynamicType is AnyClass else { return i2 }
return ((i1 as! AnyObject) !== (i2 as! AnyObject)) && !overridable ? i1 : i2
This may look a little scary, but don't be afraid of this code. The public function inside the protocol extension will create two access points for you.
For example you will be able to write code like this now:
// extend your type: as an example I will extend 'Int' here
extension Int : SingletonType {} // nothing else to do, because Int already has an 'init()' initializer by default
// let the magic happen
Int.singleton // this will generate a singleton Int with 0 as default value
Int.singleton { (_) -> Int in 100 } // should set your Int singleton to 100
Int.singleton { $0 - 55 } // your singleton should be 45 now
// I need to mention that Xcode will produce the setter like this and trow an error
Int.singleton { (yourCustomInstanceName) -> Self in // replace 'Self' with 'Int' and you should be fine
return yourCustomInstanceName
// btw. we just ignored the return value everywhere
print(Int.singleton) // will print 45 here
var singleton2 = Int.singleton { $0 + 5 }
singleton2 += 10
print(Int.singleton) // should print 50, because 'singleton2' is just a copy of an Int value type
class A : SingletonType {
var name = "no name"
required init() {}
A.singleton { $0; let i = A(); = "hello world"; return i } // custom init on first singleton call for type A
print(A.singleton { $ = "A"; return $0 }.name)
// should print "hello world" and twice the string "A"
If you have any idea how to enhance this code and make it even safer, please let me know. I will push this code on GitHub (MIT License) soon, so everyone can benefit from it.
UPDATE: I modified the code a little so you can now pass a custom initialized instance of a class with the setter function when its called the first time.
UPDATE 2: I removed ClassInstance protocol and modified the private restore function. The Instance protocol is now called SingletonType. The setter function is not optional anymore. Right now Xcode 7 beta 3 will crash and provide an illegal instruction: 4 error when you will call the getter. But this is a confirmed beta bug.

Can you override between extensions in Swift or not? (Compiler seems confused!)

I've been working on an iOS application in Swift (much of it being moved from Objective-C). I'm using Core Data and trying to use extensions to add functionality to classes auto-generated from my model. One thing I readily did in Objective-C was to add a method in a category on class A and override that method in a category on class B (which derived from A), and I was hoping to do the same in Swift.
For a while now I've had the following code in my project (and this is just one example), and though I have not used the functionality yet, the compiler has worked just fine compiling this code:
// From CellType.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
class CellType: NSManagedObject {
#NSManaged var maxUses: NSNumber
#NSManaged var useCount: NSNumber
// Other properties removed for brevity
// From SwitchCellType.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
class SwitchCellType: CellType {
#NSManaged var targetCellXIndex: NSNumber
#NSManaged var targetCellYIndex: NSNumber
#NSManaged var targetCellType: CellType
// Other properties removed for brevity
// From CellTypeLogic.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
extension CellType
var typeLabel : String { get { return "Empty"; } }
func isEqualToType(otherCellType : CellType) -> Bool
return (self.typeLabel == otherCellType.typeLabel &&
self.maxUses.isEqualToNumber(otherCellType.maxUses) &&
// Code removed for brevity
// From SwitchCellTypeLogic.swift -- NOTE: Imports from Foundation and CoreData
extension SwitchCellType // YES, this compiles with the overrides!
override var typeLabel : String { get { return "Switch"; } }
override func isEqualToType(otherCellType : CellType) -> Bool
var answer = false;
if let otherSwitchCellType = otherCellType as? SwitchCellType
answer = super.isEqualToType(otherCellType) &&
self.targetCellXIndex.isEqualToNumber(otherSwitchCellType.targetCellXIndex) &&
self.targetCellYIndex.isEqualToNumber(otherSwitchCellType.targetCellYIndex) &&
return answer;
// Code removed for brevity
Hopefully some kind Swift expert out there already sees my issue, but here's how I found out about it: Recently I tried to add similar functionality using methods that have parameters and/or return values that are not built in types, but I started getting this error: Declarations in extensions cannot override yet.
To explore this issue I added the following to one of my swift files, thinking it would compile just fine:
class A
class B : A
extension A
var y : String { get { return "YinA"; } }
extension B
override var y : String { get { return "YinB"; } } // Compiler error (see below) -- What??
To my surprise, I received the same compiler error (Declarations in extensions cannot override yet). What? But I've used that patter several times already without compiler errors.
First, are there certain rules about overriding in extensions such that in some cases it is supposed to work but in other cases it is not? Second (and more disconcerting) why does it seem that the Swift compiler is so inconsistent? What am I missing here? Please help me restore my faith in Swift.
As noted in the correct answer by Martin R, it seems you can override methods in the current version of Swift (1.1 via Xcode 6.1) as long as they (1) involve only classes derived from NSObject and (2) do not use the inout modifier. Here's some examples:
class A : NSObject { }
class B : A { }
class SubNSObject : NSObject {}
class NotSubbed {}
enum SomeEnum { case c1, c2; }
extension A
var y : String { get { return "YinA"; } }
func f() -> A { return A(); }
func g(val: SubNSObject, test: Bool = false) { }
func h(val: NotSubbed, test: Bool = false) { }
func j(val: SomeEnum) { }
func k(val: SubNSObject, inout test: Bool) { }
extension B
override var y : String { get { return "YinB"; } }
override func f() -> A { return A(); }
override func g(val: SubNSObject, test: Bool) { }
//override func h(val: NotSubbed, test: Bool = false) { }
//override func j(val: SomeEnum) { }
//override func k(val: SubNSObject, inout test: Bool) { }
It seems that overriding methods and properties in an extension works with the
current Swift (Swift 1.1/Xcode 6.1) only for Objective-C compatible
methods and properties.
If a class is derived from NSObject then all its members are automatically available
in Objective-C (if possible, see below). So with
class A : NSObject { }
your example code compiles and works as expected. Your Code Data extension overrides
work because NSManagedObject is a subclass of NSObject.
Alternatively, you can use the #objc attribute for a method or property:
class A { }
class B : A { }
extension A
#objc var y : String { get { return "YinA" } }
extension B
#objc override var y : String { get { return "YinB" } }
Methods which are not representable in Objective-C cannot be marked with #objc
and cannot be overridden in a subclass extension. That applies for example to
methods having inout parameters or parameters of an enum type.
I experienced this on Xcode9. Closing and reopening Xcode worked for me. Probably a bug in the compiler.