We are upgrading the ZK Server and would like to know the version clients are using to connect so we have a better overview which clients need to be upgraded.
Is there a way of doing this? I tried 'cons' but no luck.
Thx for any advice .
Client versions are added to zookeeper log files when connecting. Considering you have set INFO level on log4j zookeeper configuration, you should observe entries like the following:
2020-10-13 16:38:01,275 [myid:] - INFO [main:Environment#98] - Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.6.2--803c7f1a12f85978cb049af5e4ef23bd8b688715, built on 09/04/2020 12:44 GMT
I'm using jboss 7.2,and I created a log4j2.xml and placed in the server, application running in the domain mode there are two server instance in each ip, application logs are printing only for one server instance and another server instance logs are not printing,how to print the both server instance logs are in separate files.
Is anyone having idea pls help on this.
Sorry....you cannot use log4j2 in JBoss7.2.
Only WildFly 22 supports Log4j2 out of the box.
However, you may implement Log4j2 to other versions of WildFly, according to this tutorial. However I did not try myself.
I have deployed a simple Servlet web application on Wildfly 8.2.1 on RHEL 6.9. This application just takes post request and respond with 200 OK.
Now when the client(java client using apache-common-http client) is posting data on the web application. The web application is accepting the request but many of the requests are failing also with ERROR "Caused by java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)" at the client side.
Here my assumption is, Wildfly has some default value for max Http connection which can be opened at any point in time. if further requests are coming which require opening a new connection, web server is rejecting them all.
could anyone here please help me with below question:
How can we check live open HTTP connections in RHEL 6.9. I mean command in RHEL to check how many connection open on port 8080?
How can we tweak the default value of the HTTP connection in wildfly?
Does HTTP connection and max thread count linked with each other. If So, Please let me know how they should be updated in wildfly configuration(standalone.xml).
How many requests can be kept in the queue by Wildfly? what will be happening to the request coming to
wildfly server if the queue is full.
NOTE: It is a kind of load testing for the webserver where traffic is high, not sure about exact value but it's high.
You're getting into some system administration topics but I'll answer what I can. First and foremost - Wildfly 8.2.1 is part of the very first release of Wildfly and I'd strongly encourage upgrading to a newer version.
To check the number of connections in a Unix-like environment you'll want to use the netstat command line. In your case, something like:
netstat -na | grep 8080 | grep EST
This will show you all the connections that are ESTABLISHED to port 8080. That would give you an snapshot of the number of connections. Pipe that to wc to get a count.
Next, finding documentation on Wildfly 8.2.1 is a bit challenging now but Wildfly 8 uses Undertow for the socket IO. That in turn uses XNIO. I found a thread that goes into some detail about configuring the I/O subsystem. Note that Wildfly 8.2.1 uses Undertow 1.1.8 which isn't documented anywhere I could find.
For your last two questions I believe they're related to the second one - the XNIO configuration includes configuration like:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:io:1.0">
<worker name="default" io-threads="5" task-max-threads="50"/>
<buffer-pool name="default" buffer-size="16384" buffers-per-slice="128"/>
but you'll need to dig deeper into the docs for details.
In Wildfly 19.1.0.Final the configuration looks similar to the code above other than the version is now 3.0.
I have been connecting to KAFKA using CONDUKTOR Application. But somehow Conduktor connection is disabled (yellow highlighted in the screenshot), and I am unable to connect to kafka, even after rebooting system twice.
Attaching the screenshot. Any help is appreciated.
To use Conduktor, login is mandatory
As mentioned in Conduktor changelog, from version 1.4.0 onwards it's required to be logged into Conduktor in order to be able to connect to Kafka.
From Conduktor changelog:
Conduktor 1.4.0 (Jan 24, 2020):
We must have to login into Conduktor now. We are integrated with auth0, using a Native app with PKCE oauth flow.
Kafka is running in a docker container
Your host cannot resolve docker containers by name. You need to connect to localhost:9092, or whatever the advertised listener you've set up to your host machine
My application, running in a JBOSS standalone env, relies on a HornetQ (v2.2.5.Final) middleware to exchange messages between parts of my application in a local environment - not over the network.
The default TTL (time-to-live) value for the connection is 60000ms, I am thinking of changing that to -1 since, from an operative point of view, I am looking forward to keep sending messages through such connection from time to time (not known in advance). Also, that would prevent issues like jms queue connection failure.
The question is: what are the issues with never timing out a connection on the server side, in such context? Is that a good choice? If not, is there a strategy that is suited for such situation?
The latest versions of HornetQ automatically disable connection checking for in-vm connections so there shouldn't be any issues if you configure this manually.
Is it possible to run the Mosquitto Broker on any shared server? The closest solution I got to is this here, it only tells how to configure it, but I can't figure out how to install it on my server without ssh.
Another possible solution for my problem will be to use hosted brokers like CloudMQTT. I don't like it's plans and pricing, are there any other alternatives to this?
If you don't have console (SSH) access to the machine to install and run software it is going to be very difficult to add a broker without help from the administrator.
If you do mean a virtual host on a shared web server, then this is unlikely to happen as there is no concept of virtual hosts for MQTT so each user would have to be given their own port number (may be 2 if you want MQTT over websockets)