PyGears reordering bits - pygears

I would like to reorder bits before sending it to another module. I would like to make gear that will take 2 inputs pixel and weight and output called reordered should be:
reordered[0] = {pixel[0],weight[0]}
reordered[1] = {pixel[1],weight[1]}
Below is a picture that explains desired gear:

I made the assumption that both pixels and weights are coming as one interface thus I group it. This module should look something like this:
def reorder( din: Queue[Tuple['pixel', 'weight']] ) -> Array[Queue[Tuple['', '']], 3]:
pixel =[0]
weight =[1]
return (
((pixel[0], weight[0]), din.eot),
((pixel[1], weight[1]), din.eot),
((pixel[2], weight[2]), din.eot),
Datagear is generally used for handling data and reordering it.
But please have in mind that if Pixel and Weight were two interfaces additional logic would be generated for synchronization of these two interfaces.


How To Use kmedoids from pyclustering with set number of clusters

I am trying to use k-medoids to cluster some trajectory data I am working with (multiple points along the trajectory of an aircraft). I want to cluster these into a set number of clusters (as I know how many types of paths there should be).
I have found that k-medoids is implemented inside the pyclustering package, and am trying to use that. I am technically able to get it to cluster, but I do not know how to control the number of clusters. I originally thought it was directly tied to the number of elements inside what I called initial_medoids, but experimentation shows that it is more complicated than this. My relevant code snippet is below.
Note that D holds a list of lists. Each list corresponds to a single trajectory.
def hausdorff( u, v):
d = max(directed_hausdorff(u, v)[0], directed_hausdorff(v, u)[0])
return d
traj_count = len(traj_lst)
D = np.zeros((traj_count, traj_count))
for i in range(traj_count):
for j in range(i + 1, traj_count):
distance = hausdorff(traj_lst[i], traj_lst[j])
D[i, j] = distance
D[j, i] = distance
from pyclustering.cluster.kmedoids import kmedoids
initial_medoids = [104, 345, 123, 1]
kmedoids_instance = kmedoids(traj_lst, initial_medoids)
cluster_lst = kmedoids_instance.get_clusters()[0]
num_clusters = len(np.unique(cluster_lst))
print('There were %i clusters found' %num_clusters)
I have a total of 1900 trajectories, and the above-code finds 1424 clusters. I had expected that I could control the number of clusters through the length of initial_medoids, as I did not see any option to input the number of clusters into the program, but this seems unrelated. Could anyone guide me as to the mistake I am making? How do I choose the number of clusters?
In case of requirement to obtain clusters you need to call get_clusters():
cluster_lst = kmedoids_instance.get_clusters()
Not get_clusters()[0] (in this case it is a list of object indexes in the first cluster):
cluster_lst = kmedoids_instance.get_clusters()[0]
And that is correct, you can control amount of clusters by initial_medoids.
It is true you can control the number of cluster, which correspond to the length of initial_medoids.
The documentation is not clear about this. The get__clusters function "Returns list of medoids of allocated clusters represented by indexes from the input data". so, this function does not return the cluster labels. It returns the index of rows in your original (input) data.
Please check the shape of cluster_lst in your example, using .get_clusters() and not .get_clusters()[0] as annoviko suggested. In your case, this shape should be (4,). So, you have a list of four elements (clusters), each containing the index or rows in your original data.
To get, for example, data from the first cluster, use:
kmedoids_instance = kmedoids(traj_lst, initial_medoids)
cluster_lst = kmedoids_instance.get_clusters()
traj_lst_first_cluster = traj_lst[cluster_lst[0]]

what is the default kernel_initializer in keras

In the user manual, it shows the different kernel_initializer below
the main purpose is to initialize the weight matrix in the neural network.
Anyone knows what the default initializer is? the document didn't show the default.
Usually, it's glorot_uniform by default. Different layer types might have different default kernel_initializer. When in doubt, just look in the source code. For example, for Dense layer:
class Dense(Layer):
def __init__(self, units,
GlorotUniform, keras uses Glorot initialization with a uniform distribution.r = √(3/fan_avg)
fan_avg = (fan_in + fan_out) /2
number of inputs = fan_in
number of nurons in a layer = fan_out

Using low pass filter in matlab to get same endpoints of the data

This is an extension of my previous question:
I am recording people from an overheard camera. I have tracks of each's head using some software. I want to periodicity from tracks due to head wobbling.
I apply low-pass butterworth filter. I want the starting point and ending point of the filtered to be same as unfiltered tracks.
K>> [xcor_i,ycor_i ]
ans =
-101.7000 -77.4040
-102.4200 -77.4040
-103.6600 -77.4040
-103.9300 -76.6720
-103.9900 -76.5130
-104.0000 -76.4780
-105.0800 -76.4710
-106.0400 -77.5660
-106.2500 -77.8050
-106.2900 -77.8570
-106.3000 -77.8680
-106.3000 -77.8710
-107.7500 -78.9680
-108.0600 -79.2070
-108.1200 -79.2590
-109.9500 -80.3680
-111.4200 -80.6090
-112.8200 -81.7590
-113.8500 -82.3750
-115.1500 -83.2410
-116.1500 -83.4290
-116.3700 -83.8360
-117.5000 -84.2910
-117.7400 -84.3890
-118.8800 -84.7770
-119.8400 -85.2270
-121.1400 -85.3250
-123.2200 -84.9800
-125.4700 -85.2710
-127.0400 -85.7000
-128.8200 -85.7930
-130.6500 -85.8130
-132.4900 -85.8180
-134.3300 -86.5500
-136.1700 -87.0760
-137.6500 -86.0920
-138.6900 -86.9760
-140.3600 -87.9000
-142.1600 -88.4660
-144.7200 -89.3210
Code(answer by #SleuthEye):
dataOut_x = xcor_i(1)+filter(b,a,xcor_i-xcor_i(1));
dataOut_y = ycor_i(1)+filter(b,a,ycor_i-ycor_i(1));
In the above example, the endpoint(to the left) is different for filtered and unfiltered tracks. How can I ensure it is same?
Your question is pretty ambiguous, and doesn't really have a specific question. I'm assuming you want to have your filtered data start at the same points as the measured data, but are unsure why this is not happening already, and how to do so.
A low pass filter is a filter which lowers the effect of rapid changes. One way of doing this, and the method which appears to be used here, is by using a rolling average. A rolling average is simply an average (mean) of the previous data points. It looks like you are using a rolling average of 5 data points. Therefore you need five points of raw data before your filter will give you a single data point.
-101.7000 -77.4040 }
-102.4200 -77.4040 } }
-103.6600 -77.4040 } }
-103.9300 -76.6720 } }
-103.9900 -76.5130 } Filter point 1. }
-104.0000 -76.4780 } Filter point 2.
-105.0800 -76.4710
-106.0400 -77.5660
-106.2500 -77.8050
-106.2900 -77.8570
-106.3000 -77.8680
-106.3000 -77.8710
In order to solve this problem, you could just append the first data point to the data set four times, as this means that the filter will produce the same number of points. This is a pretty rough solution, however, as you are creating new data. This could be achieved quite simply, for example if your dataset is called myArray:
firstEntry = myArray(1,:);
myNewArray = [firstEntry; firstEntry; firstEntry; firstEntry; myArray];
This will create four data points equal to your first data point, which should then allow you to apply the low pass filter to your data, and have it start at the same point.
Hope this helps, although it's worth bearing in mind that filtering ALWAYS results in a loss of data.
Because you don't want to implement it but want someone else to:
The theory as above is correct, but instead you need to add 2 values at the end of your vectors:
x_last = xcor_i(end);
y_last = ycor_i(end);
xcor_i = [xcor_i;x_last;x_last];
ycor_i = [ycor_i;y_last;y_last];
This gives the following:
As you can see the ends are pretty close to being the same now.

PyBrain how to interpret the results from net.activate?

I've trained a network on PyBrain for purpose of classification and am ready to fire away with specific input. However, when I do
classes = ['apple', 'orange', 'peach', 'banana']
data = ClassificationDataSet(len(input), 1, nb_classes=len(classes), class_labels=classes)
data._convertToOneOfMany( ) # recommended by PyBrain
fnn = buildNetwork( data.indim, 5, data.outdim, outclass=SoftmaxLayer )
trainer = BackpropTrainer( fnn, dataset=data, momentum=m, verbose=True, weightdecay=wd)
# stop training and start using my trained network here
output = fnn.activate(input)
As expected, I get a numeric value for "output", but is there a way to determine the predicted class label directly? Even if there's not one, how can I map the value of "output" to my class label? Thank you for your help.
When you say you get a numeric value for "output" do you mean a scalar (that is, not an array)? From my understanding of it, you should have gotten an array of four values (ie. as many as possible output classes you have). The biggest value in that array corresponds to the index of the class. I don't know if PyBrain provides an utility function to extract that, but you can do it like this:
class_index = max(xrange(len(output)), key=output.__getitem__)
class_name = classes[class_index]
Incidentally, you omitted the step in which you actually fill the data in the dataset.

iPhone context: How do i extract palette information from an image?

Hi everybody: i want to take a picture and retrieve the main color analyzing its palette (i think this should be the easiest way), but i don't know really where to start.
Assuming you have a raw 24 bit RGB image and you want to find the number of times each color appears:
there are really 2 simple ways of doing this:
my favourite is just to create an array of ints for each possible color, then just index into that array and ++ that method does use like 64 meg of memory tho.
another method is to create a linked list, adding to it each time a new color is encountered, the structs stored in the list would store the color and the number of times encountered, its slow to do all the accumulating cause you have to search the whole list for each pixel, but it would be quicker to sort by number of times used, as only colors actually used are in the list (making it more ideal for small images too)
I like a compromise between the two:
take say, red and green to index into an array of linked lists, that way the array is only 256k (assuming it just stores a pointer to the list) and the lists to search will be relatively short because its only the blue variants of the Red,Green color. if you were only interested in the SINGLE MOST used color, I would just store this in a "max color" variable, that I would compare with each time I iterated over a pixel and incremented a color, that way you don't have to go through the whole structure searching for the most used at the end.
struct Pixel
byte R,G,B;
const int noPixels = 1024*768; // this is whatever the number of pixels you have is
Pixel pixels[noPixels]; // this is your raw array of pixels
unsinged int mostUsedCount = 0;
Pixel mostUsedColor;
struct ColorNode
ColorNode* next;
unsigned int count;
byte B;
ColorNode* RG = new ColorNode[256*256];
for(int i = 0; i<noPixels; i++)
int idx = pixels[i].R + pixels[i].G*256;
for(t=RG[idx]; t; t = t->next)
if(t->B == pixels[i].B)
t = new ColorNode;
t->next = RG[idx];
RG[idx] = t;
t->B = pixels[i].B;
t->count = 0;
if(t->count > mostUsedCount)
mostUsedCount = t->count;
mostUsedColor = pixels[i];
you might consider using a Binary Tree, or Tree of some kind too, rather than just searching through a list like that. but I'm not too knowledgeable on that type of thing...
Oh yeah... I forgot about memory management.
you could just go through the whole array and delete all the nodes that need deleting, but that would be boring.
if possible, allocate all the memory you would possibly need at the beginning, that would be 256k + sizeof(ColorNode) *noPixels ~= 256 + 2 to 3 times the size of your raw image data.
that way you can just pull nodes out using a simple stack method, and then delete everything in one foul swoop.
another thing you could do is also add the nodes to another link list for ALL allocated nodes as well, this increases the iterating process, adds data to Color node, and just saves having to iterate through the entire array to find lists to delete.