Is it possible to specify a default WOPI host for Office Online Server? - ms-wopi

Is there a way to specify a default WOPI host for Office Online Server (local installation, not cloud), so that the domain part in WOPISrc param can be omitted?
I am building a host page that uses an iframe to display the Online Office editor, and it bugs me that WOPI host information is exposed as the WOPISrc param of the iframe source URL.

No, there is no way to do that. From this perspective, OOS works in a kinda stateless fashion.
And even if there was a way, the URL couldn't be truly protected...obscured perhaps, but not protected.


Options for untraceable IP for a web form action?

I have a web site with privacy-enabled domain name, and a web contact form. The web page is served via AWS CloudFront. e.g.
The question is how to serve the form action script. My form has a GET action to
The script behind the form is very simple, and could be written in any language. It makes a simple call to my own server. Just a few lines of code.
What are your ideas for hosting in a way that the IP for the form action is a floating, common IP that could be shared by totally unrelated projects. i.e., so the form IP doesn't reveal or uniquely identify the owner. It should also be super reliable.
If you have your application post the form to CloudFront wouldn't that hide the backend server IP from the client?
Also, if your server were simply using a public IP assigned by AWS, wouldn't that be fairly anonymous?

How to verify email confirmation token generated by web service in web site

I'm using .NET 4.5 with a MVC5 5.2.2 web site and a Web API 2.2 service. The web site is using Identity 2.0, and I'm using MachineKey as a data protection provider. In the web site, I'm able to create new users, generate an email confirmation token and then verify that token when it comes back.
In the web service, I need to follow the same process - create a new user, generate email confirmation token and email that token to the new user. The user should then be able to visit the site, confirm the email address and finish creating the account. The problem I'm having is the email confirmation tokens generated by the web service can't be verified by the web site.
Both the service and the site are on the same machine. I can also duplicate this on my local machine in Visual Studio. My first guess was the machine keys weren't the same, but changing both sites to use the same hasn't worked. I've tried and confirmed:
Both sites have <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5"/> in the <system.web> section.
I've tried <machineKey compatibilityMode="Framework45"/> in both sites.
I've tried generating machine keys - using decryption=AES and validation=SHA1 - with and without setting compatibilityMode.
Per, I tried capturing the data protection provider and using that instead of MachineKey.
What am I missing?
So my first lesson from yesterday is that it is best to play Russian roulette with as few bullets in the chamber as possible. Otherwise you end up with a sore well as a sore forehead.
My problem ended up being that while I knew the confirmation tokens were being url encoded correctly from the site since I was using UrlHelper, I was forgetting the service was not using UrlHelper which mean those tokens were not being encoded correctly. After fixing that, I was able to figure out the machinekey settings.
For anyone who finds this, if you need to share Identity 2.0 tokens between different sites, I can confirm that you need a common machinekey set in your web.config for each site. I wasn't able to figure out if a common machinekey can be configured in IIS Express, so I ended up putting the keys in the web.config in source control then using the config transforms to remove them to make sure they aren't included when the site is published. In production, I'm going to use IIS to set these keys for the default web site so they are shared across both sites.

Authenticate via session on external domain in confluence

Is there a way within Confluence where I already have a session, to click an link or go into an iframe on an external domain which might or might not be on the same domain, and make a call to the JIRA api transparently? I hate for them to login again if they are already in confluence.
I believe you need to configure trusted communication between JIRA and Confluence:

Using localhost to test Facebook canvas app

I want to create and test an app initially from localhost (were I run Ruby on Rails or Glassfish). I have read many postings about how to do this and NONE work. I have tried all the solutions discussed on stackoverflow and other sites.
Does anyone have a current method that does work (2015)?
Following did not work
1) in Canvas URL http://localhost:3000/users/index/ with and without localhost as domains
2) Tried editing the Advanced tab to add redirect URL to same URL.
What happens is I get a blank screen (I have even tried really simple hello world type apps that run locally so it should work with facebook).
Thank you,
you have to configure secure canvas URL for canvas apps . it is mandatory and it has to be a https URL.
edit: This is actually a lot easier than I thought. I found this python script that creates a local https server. The only issue was that facebook is sending a POST request on the canvas page, and this server doesn't support POST requests, so I modified it a bit and now it handles the facebook canvas page correctly.
You don't need a domain, and in the script it tells you how to generate the self signed certificate. In the facebook app settings you can set https://localhost:4443/ as canvas url.
old post:
It is possible but it's a bit of a hassle. You can set a dns to and use that. So if you own, you can create an A DNS record for and set it to
The difficult part is that you have to find some way to create a certificate for this domain. If you want an official cert, the easiest option out there is Let's Encrypt. Verification of your domain through an https server is going to be difficult, since the Let's Encrypt servers will try to contact So you're probably better of using DNS challenge validation. Another option would be a self signed certificate, which is a whole different story.
The last step is to find a server that can host https and use the certificates you generated.

Specify two site URLs for Facebook API

I am using Facebook Graph API. To set it up, I need to fill out the App Setting on
I need to specify two URLs, one for local testing (localhost:3000), and another for live app. How should I do this?
Thank you.
I need to specify two URLs, one for local testing (localhost:3000), and another for live app. How should I do this?
That’s not possible – at least not if you want to use Facebook login.
You have two options:
Set up a second app for testing. This works quite well, as long as it does not come to things like Open Graph actions which need to be approved by FB and are tied to the app they were are proved for.
Set your local test environment up to be accessible from your local computer by the domain name used for the live site. F.e. when using Apache as webserver, by setting up a corresponding VirtualHost and manipulate your local DNS into resolving the domain to your local IP (via hosts file under windows). Also since your live app will most likely use port :80, you should set up your local server to answer to HTTP requests on that port.