Why this GEKKO script does not yield a better solution? - nonlinear-optimization

Here is my code. I'm maximizing an expression abs(expr1) given the constraint abs(expr1)=abs(expr2).
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 = [m.Var(lb=-2*np.pi, ub=2*np.pi) for i in range(7)]
m.Equation((1/8)*m.abs(m.cos((1/2)*x6)*(m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)*m.sin((1/2)*x7)*((-4)*m.cos(x3)*m.cos((1/2)*x5)*m.cos(x8)+(3+m.cos(x5))*m.sin(x3)*m.sin(x8))+m.cos(x2)*m.cos((1/2)*x7)*m.sin((1/2)*x4)*(8*m.cos(x3)*m.cos(x5)*m.cos(x8)+(-1)*(5*m.cos((1/2)*x5)+3*m.cos((3/2)*x5))*m.sin(x3)*m.sin(x8)))) == (1/8)*m.abs(m.sin((1/2)*x6)*(4*m.cos(x3)*m.cos(x8)*(m.cos((1/2)*x5)*m.cos((1/2)*x7)*m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)+2*m.cos(x2)*m.cos(x5)*m.sin((1/2)*x4)*m.sin((1/2)*x7))+(-1)*m.sin(x3)*((3+m.cos(x5))*m.cos((1/2)*x7)*m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)+m.cos(x2)*(5*m.cos((1/2)*x5)+3*m.cos((3/2)*x5))*m.sin((1/2)*x4)*m.sin((1/2)*x7))*m.sin(x8))))
#Set global options
m.options.IMODE = 3
print('x2: ' + str(x2.value))
print('x3: ' + str(x3.value))
print('x4: ' + str(x4.value))
print('x5: ' + str(x5.value))
print('x6: ' + str(x6.value))
print('x7: ' + str(x7.value))
print('x8: ' + str(x8.value))
The solution I get is all x_i=0 which is a valid solution but not the best one. For example
x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 = 0.9046, 1.9540, 1.8090, 0, 1.8090, 6.2832, 4.3291
satisfies the constraint (up to the 5th decimal place) and the objectives reaches -0.3003 (which is still not the best but it is an example). I tried to play with the tolerance options but to no avail. Note that if I remove the equality constraint the objective properly reaches the maximal value -1.
Why does the solver get stuck with the zero solution?

The solvers in Gekko are local minimizers, not global minimizers. You problem has many local minima with the sin and cos functions. You can get a global minimum by using a multi-start method or a global approach such as simulated annealing. I used a modification of your script with a multi-start method. Random values between -2*np.pi and 2*np.pi are used to initialize the variables.
for xi in x:
xi.value = np.random.rand(20)*4*np.pi - 2*np.pi
IMODE=2 solves all of these cases simultaneously.
m.options.IMODE = 2
If you need to perform many cases then you can parallelize this calculation with multiple threads. You should also switch to m.abs3 instead of m.abs to avoid problems with a non-continuous derivative at zero. Another strategy is to square both sides of your equation to avoid the absolute value. Here is a complete version:
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
x = [m.Var(lb=-2*np.pi, ub=2*np.pi) for i in range(7)]
for xi in x:
xi.value = np.random.rand(20)*4*np.pi - 2*np.pi
x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 = x
(-1)*(5*m.cos((1/2)*x5)+3*m.cos((3/2)*x5))*m.sin(x3)*m.sin(x8)))) == \
obj = m.Intermediate(-((1/8)*m.abs3(m.cos((1/2)*x6)*(m.sin(x2)*m.sin(x4)*\
#Set global options
m.options.IMODE = 2
print('Best Result')
i = np.argmin(obj.value)
print('x2: ' + str(x2.value[i]))
print('x3: ' + str(x3.value[i]))
print('x4: ' + str(x4.value[i]))
print('x5: ' + str(x5.value[i]))
print('x6: ' + str(x6.value[i]))
print('x7: ' + str(x7.value[i]))
print('x8: ' + str(x8.value[i]))
print('obj: ' + str(obj.value[i]))
There are multiple best solutions that have an objective of -0.5.
Best Result
x2: -3.1415936876
x3: 6.2545093655
x4: 3.1415896007
x5: -2.0848973806e-05
x6: -4.7122128433
x7: -4.712565114
x8: 0.029076147797
obj: -0.50000008426
Best Result
x2: -3.1416640191
x3: 3.1415941185
x4: 3.1415948958
x5: -3.1416088732
x6: 1.5708701192
x7: -4.7124627728
x8: -3.1415893349
obj: -0.5000000992


Sympy match() doesn't work with multiple integrals?

I want to obtain parameters of multiple integral ():
from sympy import *
z = symbols('z', real=True)
nu = Function('nu', real=True, positive=True)(z)
xx1 = nu.integrate((z,0,z))
xx2 = xx1.integrate((z,0,1))
Integral and its structure in jupyterlab shown
Then with "wild"-type variables "Wi" I try to obtain parameters of integrals
mm1 = Integral(W1,(W2,W3,W4))
mm2 = Integral(W1,(W2,W3,W4),(W5,W6,W7))
rr1 = xx1.match(mm1)
rr2 = xx2.match(mm2)
matching result
It works for single integral but doesmt for multiple. Why?
SECOND question is: why integration variable "z" is not obtained to "W2"?
THIRD question: why variable "z" is changed to symbol "_0" in "W1:nu(z)? How to do it right?
Recommended in comment '.list' doesn't work:
gives error message
Every expression has args -- all you are (apparently) try to do is capture the arguments in variables. Wild are not needed for this:
>>> W1,(W2,W3,W4),(W5,W6,W7) = xx2.args
>>> W1,(W2,W3,W4),(W5,W6,W7)
(nu(z), (z, 0, z), (z, 0, 1))

How to solve error 'Callbacks disabled in gurobi'?

Currently I am investigating an MILP in Pyomo with gurobi. I would like to be able to add cuts during the B&B and found that callback functions can be used for this purpose. However, when I try to implement a callback function I get the following error: "callbacks disabled for solver gurobi" (or: callbacks disabled for gurobi_persistent). This error does not seem very common, does someone have any experience with it?
I am quite new to both Pyomo and gurobi.
My code is the following (an example that I found through the Pyomo documentation).
from gurobipy import GRB
import pyomo.environ as pe
#from pyomo.core.expr.taylor_series import taylor_series_expansion
m = pe.ConcreteModel()
m.x = pe.Var(bounds=(0, 4))
m.y = pe.Var(within=pe.Integers, bounds=(0, None))
m.obj = pe.Objective(expr=2*m.x + m.y)
m.cons = pe.ConstraintList() # for the cutting planes
def _add_cut(xval):
# a function to generate the cut
m.x.value = xval
return m.cons.add(m.y >= ((m.x - 2)**2))
_add_cut(0) # start with 2 cuts at the bounds of x
_add_cut(4) # this is an arbitrary choice
opt = pe.SolverFactory('gurobi_persistent')
#opt.set_gurobi_param('PreCrush', 1)
#opt.set_gurobi_param('LazyConstraints', 1)
def my_callback(cb_m, cb_opt, cb_where):
if cb_where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
cb_opt.cbGetSolution(vars=[m.x, m.y])
if m.y.value < (m.x.value - 2)**2 - 1e-6:
assert abs(m.x.value - 1) <= 1e-6
assert abs(m.y.value - 1) <= 1e-6

Openmdao V1.7 Sellar MDF

I foound out something strange with the MDA of sellar problem on the doc page of OpenMDAO (http://openmdao.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.3/usr-guide/tutorials/sellar.html)
If I extract the code and only run the MDA (adding counters in the disciplines), I observe that the number of calls is differents between disciplines (twice the number of d2 for d1 discipline) which is not expected . Does someone has an answer ?
Here is the results
Coupling vars: 25.588303, 12.058488
Number of discipline 1 and 2 calls (10,5)
And here is the code
# For printing, use this import if you are running Python 2.x from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from openmdao.api import Component from openmdao.api import ExecComp, IndepVarComp, Group, NLGaussSeidel, \
class SellarDis1(Component):
"""Component containing Discipline 1."""
def __init__(self):
super(SellarDis1, self).__init__()
# Global Design Variable
self.add_param('z', val=np.zeros(2))
# Local Design Variable
self.add_param('x', val=0.)
# Coupling parameter
self.add_param('y2', val=1.0)
# Coupling output
self.add_output('y1', val=1.0)
self.execution_count = 0
def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
"""Evaluates the equation
y1 = z1**2 + z2 + x1 - 0.2*y2"""
z1 = params['z'][0]
z2 = params['z'][1]
x1 = params['x']
y2 = params['y2']
unknowns['y1'] = z1**2 + z2 + x1 - 0.2*y2
self.execution_count += 1
def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids):
""" Jacobian for Sellar discipline 1."""
J = {}
J['y1','y2'] = -0.2
J['y1','z'] = np.array([[2*params['z'][0], 1.0]])
J['y1','x'] = 1.0
return J
class SellarDis2(Component):
"""Component containing Discipline 2."""
def __init__(self):
super(SellarDis2, self).__init__()
# Global Design Variable
self.add_param('z', val=np.zeros(2))
# Coupling parameter
self.add_param('y1', val=1.0)
# Coupling output
self.add_output('y2', val=1.0)
self.execution_count = 0
def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
"""Evaluates the equation
y2 = y1**(.5) + z1 + z2"""
z1 = params['z'][0]
z2 = params['z'][1]
y1 = params['y1']
# Note: this may cause some issues. However, y1 is constrained to be
# above 3.16, so lets just let it converge, and the optimizer will
# throw it out
y1 = abs(y1)
unknowns['y2'] = y1**.5 + z1 + z2
self.execution_count += 1
def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids):
""" Jacobian for Sellar discipline 2."""
J = {}
J['y2', 'y1'] = .5*params['y1']**-.5
#Extra set of brackets below ensure we have a 2D array instead of a 1D array
# for the Jacobian; Note that Jacobian is 2D (num outputs x num inputs).
J['y2', 'z'] = np.array([[1.0, 1.0]])
return J
class SellarDerivatives(Group):
""" Group containing the Sellar MDA. This version uses the disciplines
with derivatives."""
def __init__(self):
super(SellarDerivatives, self).__init__()
self.add('px', IndepVarComp('x', 1.0), promotes=['x'])
self.add('pz', IndepVarComp('z', np.array([5.0, 2.0])), promotes=['z'])
self.add('d1', SellarDis1(), promotes=['z', 'x', 'y1', 'y2'])
self.add('d2', SellarDis2(), promotes=['z', 'y1', 'y2'])
self.add('obj_cmp', ExecComp('obj = x**2 + z[1] + y1 + exp(-y2)',
z=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), x=0.0, y1=0.0, y2=0.0),
promotes=['obj', 'z', 'x', 'y1', 'y2'])
self.add('con_cmp1', ExecComp('con1 = 3.16 - y1'), promotes=['y1', 'con1'])
self.add('con_cmp2', ExecComp('con2 = y2 - 24.0'), promotes=['con2', 'y2'])
self.nl_solver = NLGaussSeidel()
self.nl_solver.options['atol'] = 1.0e-12
self.ln_solver = ScipyGMRES()
from openmdao.api import Problem, ScipyOptimizer
top = Problem() top.root = SellarDerivatives()
#top.driver = ScipyOptimizer()
#top.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
#top.driver.options['tol'] = 1.0e-8
#top.driver.add_desvar('z', lower=np.array([-10.0, 0.0]),
# upper=np.array([10.0, 10.0]))
#top.driver.add_desvar('x', lower=0.0, upper=10.0)
#top.driver.add_constraint('con1', upper=0.0)
#top.driver.add_constraint('con2', upper=0.0)
# Setting initial values for design variables top['x'] = 1.0 top['z'] = np.array([5.0, 2.0])
print("Coupling vars: %f, %f" % (top['y1'], top['y2']))
count1 = top.root.d1.execution_count
count2 = top.root.d2.execution_count
print("Number of discipline 1 and 2 calls (%i,%i)"% (count1,count2))
This is a good observation. Whenever you have a cycle, the "head" component runs a second time. The reason is as follows:
If you have a model with components that contain implicit states, a single execution looks like this:
Call solve_nonlinear to execute components
Call apply_nonlinear to calculate the residuals.
We don't have any components with implicit states in this model, but we indirectly created the need for one by having a cycle. Our execution looks like this:
Call solve_nonlinear to execute all components.
Call apply_nonlinear (which caches the unknowns, calls solve_nolinear, and saves the difference in unknowns) on just the "head" component to generate a residual that we can converge.
Here, the head component is just the first component that is executed based on however it determines what order to run the cycle in. You can verify that only a single head component gets extra runs by building a cycle with more than 2 components.

Finding all solutions to a non-linear equation system with MuPAD

My question is if there is a good way to use MuPAD functions in a Matlab script. The background is that I have a problem where I need to find all solutions to a set of non-linear equations. The previous solution was to use solve in Matlab, which works for some of my simulations (i.e., some of the sets of input T) but not always. So instead I'm using MuPAD in the following way:
function ut1 = testMupadSolver(T)
% # Input T should be a vector of 15 elements
mupadCommand = ['numeric::polysysroots({' eq1(T) ' = 0,' ...
eq2(T) '= 0},[u, v])'];
allSolutions = evalin(symengine, mupadCommand);
ut1 = allSolutions;
function strEq = eq1(T)
sT = #(x) ['(' num2str(T(x)) ')'];
strEq = [ '-' sT(13) '*u^4 + (4*' sT(15) '-2*' sT(10) '-' sT(11) '*v)*u^3 + (3*' ...
sT(13) '-3*' sT(6) '+v*(3*' sT(14) '-2*' sT(7) ')-' sT(8) '*v^2)*u^2 + (2*' ...
sT(10) '-4*' sT(1) '+v*(2*' sT(11) '-3*' sT(2) ')+v^2*(2*' sT(12) ' - 2*' ...
sT(3) ')-' sT(4) '*v^3)*u + v*(' sT(7) '+' sT(8) '*v+' sT(9) '*v^2)+' sT(6)];
function strEq = eq2(T)
sT = #(x) ['(' num2str(T(x)) ')'];
strEq = ['(' sT(14) '-' sT(13) '*v)*u^3 + u^2*' '(' sT(11) '+(2*' sT(12) '-2*' sT(10) ...
')*v-' sT(11) '*v^2) + u*(' sT(7) '+v*(2*' sT(8) '-3*' sT(6) ')+v^2*(3*' sT(9) ...
'-2*' sT(7) ') - ' sT(8) '*v^3) + v*(2*' sT(3) '-4*' sT(1) '+v*(3*' sT(4) ...
'-3*' sT(2) ')+v^2*(4*' sT(5) ' - 2*' sT(3) ')-' sT(4) '*v^3)+' sT(2)];
I have two queries:
1) In order to use MuPAD I need to rewrite my two equations for the equation-system as strings, as you can see above. Is there a better way to do this, preferably without the string step?
2) And regarding the format output; when
T = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1];
the output is:
ans =
matrix([[u], [v]]) in {matrix([[4.4780323328249527319374854327354], [0.21316518769990291263811232040432]]), matrix([[- 0.31088044854742790561428736573347 - 0.67937835289645431373983117422178*i], [1.1103383836576028262792542770062 + 0.39498445715599777249947213893789*i]]), matrix([[- 0.31088044854742790561428736573347 + 0.67937835289645431373983117422178*i], [1.1103383836576028262792542770062 - 0.39498445715599777249947213893789*i]]), matrix([[0.47897094942962218512261248590261], [-1.26776233072168360314707025141]]), matrix([[-0.83524238515971910583152318717102], [-0.66607962429342496204955062300669]])} union solvelib::VectorImageSet(matrix([[0], [z]]), z, C_)
Can MuPAD give the solutions as a set of vectors or similarly? In order to use the answer above I need to sort out the solutions from that string-set of solutions. Is there a clever way to do this? My solution so far is to find the signs I know will be present in the solution, such as '([[' and pick the numbers following, which is really ugly, and if the solution for some reason looks a little bit different than the cases I've covered it doesn't work.
When I'm using the solution suggested in the answer below by #horchler, I get the same solution as with my previous implementation. But for some cases (not all) it takes much longer time. Eg. for the T below the solution suggested below takes more than a minute whilst using evalin (my previous implementation) takes one second.
T = [2.4336 1.4309 0.5471 0.0934 9.5838 -0.1013 -0.2573 2.4830 ...
36.5464 0.4898 -0.5383 61.5723 1.7637 36.0816 11.8262]
The new function:
function ut1 = testMupadSolver(T)
% # Input T should be a vector of 15 elements
allSolutions = feval(symengine,'numeric::polysysroots', ...
function eq = eq1(T)
syms u v
eq = -T(13)*u^4 + (4*T(15) - 2*T(10) - T(11)*v)*u^3 + (3*T(13) - 3*T(6) ...
+ v*(3*T(14) -2*T(7)) - T(8)*v^2)*u^2 + (2*T(10) - 4*T(1) + v*(2*T(11) ...
- 3*T(2)) + v^2*(2*T(12) - 2*T(3)) - T(4)*v^3)*u + v*(T(7) + T(8)*v ...
+ T(9)*v^2) + T(6);
function eq = eq2(T)
syms u v
eq = (T(14) - T(13)*v)*u^3 + u^2*(T(11) + (2*T(12) - 2*T(10))*v ...
- T(11)*v^2) + u*(T(7) + v*(2*T(8) - 3*T(6) ) + v^2*(3*T(9) - 2*T(7)) ...
- T(8)*v^3) + v*(2*T(3) - 4*T(1) + v*(3*T(4) - 3*T(2)) + v^2*(4*T(5) ...
- 2*T(3)) - T(4)*v^3) + T(2);
Is there a good reason to why it takes so much longer time?
Firstly, Matlab communicates with MuPAD via string commands so ultimately there is no way of getting around the use of strings. And because it's the native format, if you're passing large amounts of data into MuPAD, the best approach will be to convert everything to strings fast and efficiently (sprintf is usually best). However, in your case, I think that you can use feval instead of evalin which allows you to pass in regular Matlab datatypes (under the hood sym/feval does the string conversion and calls evalin). This method is discussed in this MathWorks article. The following code could be used:
T = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1];
syms u v;
eq1 = -T(13)*u^4 + (4*T(15) - 2*T(10) - T(11)*v)*u^3 + (3*T(13) - 3*T(6) ...
+ v*(3*T(14) -2*T(7)) - T(8)*v^2)*u^2 + (2*T(10) - 4*T(1) + v*(2*T(11) ...
- 3*T(2)) + v^2*(2*T(12) - 2*T(3)) - T(4)*v^3)*u + v*(T(7) + T(8)*v ...
+ T(9)*v^2) + T(6);
eq2 = (T(14) - T(13)*v)*u^3 + u^2*(T(11) + (2*T(12) - 2*T(10))*v ...
- T(11)*v^2) + u*(T(7) + v*(2*T(8) - 3*T(6) ) + v^2*(3*T(9) - 2*T(7)) ...
- T(8)*v^3) + v*(2*T(3) - 4*T(1) + v*(3*T(4) - 3*T(2)) + v^2*(4*T(5) ...
- 2*T(3)) - T(4)*v^3) + T(2);
allSolutions = feval(symengine, 'numeric::polysysroots',[eq1,eq2],'[u,v]');
The last argument still needed to be a string (or omitted) and adding ==0 to the equations also doesn't work, but the zero is implicit anyways.
For the second question, the result returned by numeric::polysysroots is very inconvenient and not easy to work with. It's a set (DOM_SET) of matrices. I tried using coerce to convert the result to something else to no avail. I think you best bet it to convert the output to a string (using char) and parse the result. I do this for simpler output formats. I'm not sure if it will be helpful, but feel free to look at my sym2float which just handles symbolic matrices (the 'matrix([[ ... ]])' part go your output) using a few optimizations.
A last thing. Is there a reason your helper function includes superfluous parentheses? This seems sufficient
sT = #(x)num2str(T(x),17);
sT = #(x)sprintf('%.17g',T(x));
Note that num2str only converts to four decimal places by default. int2str (or %d should be used if T(x) is always an integer).

solving the Chapman-Richards equation

I need to find a way to solve the Chapman-Richards with 3 parameters. The equation is
F=a(1-EXP(-bt)) power c
It is a nonlinear problem. The goal is to minimize the error and the constraints are that the 3 variables must be >= 0.0001. Our current implementation uses Excel and the Solver plugin (GRG nonlinear method). But now, we need to implement all this without making use of Excel.
My questions are:
1. Is it possible to use MS Solver Foundation to solve this problem?
I have read some docs and understand that MS Solver Foundation uses either the Nelder Mead Solver or the hybrid local search solver to solve nonlinear problems. Does anyone know if my particular problem can be solved using these methods? And, will the results be same as using GRG nonlinear method of Excel's Solver addin?
If not, is it possible to implement the GRG nonlinear method of Excel Solver?
Is there any other way to implement this?
Thanks for your replies in advance.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that t is the time variable. a, b, and c are the parameters which can be changed by the solver.
Yes, it can be done with the Nelder-Mead solver in Solver Foundation. Here is some example code in C#. Just make sure you reference the Microsoft.Solver.Foundation assembly.
private const double t = 1.0;
public static void Main()
var solver = new NelderMeadSolver();
// Objective function.
int objId;
solver.AddRow("obj", out objId);
solver.AddGoal(objId, 0, true);
// Define variables.
int aId, bId, cId;
solver.AddVariable("a", out aId);
solver.AddVariable("b", out bId);
solver.AddVariable("c", out cId);
// Define bounds.
solver.SetLowerBound(aId, 0.001);
solver.SetLowerBound(bId, 0.001);
solver.SetLowerBound(cId, 0.001);
// Assign objective function delegate.
solver.FunctionEvaluator = FunctionValue;
// Solve.
var param = new NelderMeadSolverParams();
var solution = solver.Solve(param);
Console.WriteLine("The Result is " + solution.Result + ".");
Console.WriteLine("The minimium objective value is " +
solution.GetValue(objId) + ".");
Console.WriteLine("a = " + solution.GetValue(aId) + ".");
Console.WriteLine("b = " + solution.GetValue(bId) + ".");
Console.WriteLine("c = " + solution.GetValue(cId) + ".");
private static double FunctionValue(INonlinearModel model, int rowVid,
ValuesByIndex values, bool newValues)
var a = values[model.GetIndexFromKey("a")];
var b = values[model.GetIndexFromKey("b")];
var c = values[model.GetIndexFromKey("c")];
return a * Math.Pow(1.0-Math.Exp(-b * t), c);
I solved it with Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Basic, there is the traslation of the code.
Private Sub NelderMead()
Dim Solver As New Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Solvers.NelderMeadSolver
Dim objId As Integer
Solver.AddRow("obj", objId)
Solver.AddGoal(objId, 0, True)
Dim aId, bId, cId As Integer
Solver.AddVariable("a", aId)
Solver.AddVariable("b", bId)
Solver.AddVariable("c", cId)
Solver.SetLowerBound(aId, 0.001)
Solver.SetLowerBound(bId, 0.001)
Solver.SetLowerBound(cId, 0.001)
Solver.FunctionEvaluator = AddressOf FunctionValue
Dim Par As New Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Solvers.NelderMeadSolverParams
Dim Solucion = Solver.Solve(Par)
End Sub
Function FunctionValue(Model As Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services.INonlinearModel, _
rowVid As Integer, _
Values As Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services.ValuesByIndex, _
newValues As Boolean) As Object
Dim a, b, c As Double
a = Values(Model.GetIndexFromKey("a"))
b = Values(Model.GetIndexFromKey("b"))
c = Values(Model.GetIndexFromKey("c"))
Return a * Math.Pow(1.0 - Math.Exp(-b * t), c)
End Function