how to smothly translate/animate updated positions of mapboxgl JS points layer symbols - mapbox-gl-js

i'm trying to figure out how to animate the update of this map layer so that points translate smoothly to new positions rather than simply appearing there. i have not found any useful starting points in the mpabox gl tutorials / examples and was wondering if there is a straightforward way to approach this. thanks
the code below fetches a geojson doc from an api once every 60 seconds and updates the map layer.
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map', // container id
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10', // style URL
center: [-73.93, 40.73], // centroid of NYC
zoom: 11 // starting zoom
var url = '/api/v1/nyc/livemap';
map.on('load', function () {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
window.setInterval(function () {
// make a GET request to parse the GeoJSON at the url'GET', url, true);
request.onload = function () {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {
// retrieve the JSON from the response
var json = JSON.parse(this.response);
center: json.geometry.coordinates,
speed: 0.5
}, 60000); // refresh every n milliseconds
map.addSource('observations', { type: 'geojson', data: url });
'id': 'buses',
'type': 'circle',
'source': 'observations',
'paint': {
'circle-radius': 3,
//'circle-color': '#0039A6'
'circle-color': [
['get', 'occupancy'],
/* null */ '#87CEFA'

Mapbox GL JS doesn't contain any mechanism for animating data points from one location to another.
You could use Turf's along function to interpolate each point some proportion along the way from its previous location to its new location.


Update style of individual feature from single geoJSON source on Mapbox map, when clicked

I'm working with Mapbox GL JS to plot geoJSON data on a map using their external geoJSON example as a starting point. The geoJSON file contains lots of features which are plotted as individual markers on the same layer. I would like to highlight the clicked marker by changing its colour from red to blue. I have adapted the example to show a pop-up with the point id when clicked (just as a proof of concept that the markers can fire events when clicked), however, I'm struggling to find a way to change the styling of the individual clicked marker.
The code is currently as follows:
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiZGFuYnJhbWFsbCIsImEiOiJjbDB3ODFveHYxOG5rM2pubWpwZ2R1Y2xuIn0.yatzJHqBTjQ6F3DHASlriw';
const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map', // container ID
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9', // style URL
zoom: 7, // starting zoom
center: [138.043, 35.201] // starting center
map.on('load', () => {
map.addSource('earthquakes', {
type: 'geojson',
data: ''
'id': 'earthquakes-layer',
'type': 'circle',
'source': 'earthquakes',
'paint': {
'circle-radius': 8,
'circle-stroke-width': 2,
'circle-color': 'red',
'circle-stroke-color': 'white'
map.on('click', 'earthquakes-layer', (e) => {
new mapboxgl.Popup()
.setHTML('Id: ' + e.features[0]
Here is a codepen:
Is it the case that it's actually not possible to use this approach, and instead each feature from the geoJSON file needs to be plotted as a separate layer? I'm struggling to find any examples of this and am not able to modify the geoJSON source — it has to come from one single file (rather than loading multiple geoJSON files separately on separate layers).
This is possible using feature-state. The first thing to do is to ensure the layer data contains ids for each feature (in the example the source data doesn't so we need to add generateId: true to the map.addSource method).
We then need to add mousemove and mouseleave events to the map to store the moused-over feature id (if there is one, i.e. if the mouse is hovering over a feature):
let hoveredEarthquakeId = null;
map.on('mousemove', 'earthquakes-layer', (e) => {
map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer';
if (e.features.length > 0) {
{ source: 'earthquakes', id: e.features[0].id },
{ hover: true }
hoveredEarthquakeId = e.features[0].id;
map.on('mouseleave', 'earthquakes-layer', () => {
map.getCanvas().style.cursor = '';
if (hoveredEarthquakeId !== null) {
{ source: 'earthquakes', id: hoveredEarthquakeId },
{ hover: false }
hoveredEarthquakeId = null;
Finally, in the layer properties, the colour setting of the circle needs to be updated to reflect the hover value stored against the feature:
'circle-color': [
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false],
The final thing can be seen in the modified pen. There is also a MapBox tutorial covering this kind of thing in a slightly more complicated way, which I hadn't come across until now:

Leaflet: Layer check box state is reset every time the map moves or zooms

I have the following code which fetches some remote GeoJSON from an API and displays the results on a Leaflet map:
// Center the map
var map ='map').setView([54.233669, -4.406027], 6);
// Attribution
L.tileLayer('{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=REMOVED', {
attribution: 'Map © OpenStreetMap',
id: 'mapbox.streets'
// Create an empty layergroup for the data
var LayerUTMGroundHazards = L.layerGroup();
var LayerUTMAirspace = L.layerGroup();
// Style the features
function setStyle(feature) {
return {
// Build Guardian UTM
function getGuardianUTMdata() {
// Clear the current Layer content
// Define what we want to include
function FuncGroundHazards(feature) {
if ( === "groundHazard") return true
function FuncAirspace(feature) {
if (
( === "airspace" || === "airport")
&& !== "uk:frz"
) return true
// Build the layers
fetch("" + map.getBounds().getNorth() + "&e=" + map.getBounds().getEast() + "&s=" + map.getBounds().getSouth() + "&w=" + map.getBounds().getWest(), { headers: { 'Authorization': 'REMOVED', 'X-AA-DeviceId': 'mySite' } })
.then(function (responseGuardianUTM) { return responseGuardianUTM.json() })
.then(function (dataGuardianUTM) {
// Create Layer: Ground Hazards
var featuresUTMGroundHazards = L.geoJson(dataGuardianUTM, {
filter: FuncGroundHazards,
style: setStyle,
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) { return L.marker(latlng, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl:, iconSize: [25, 25], }), }) },
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(; },
// Add the L.GeoJSON instance to the empty layergroup
// other layers are here (removed from this example)
// Update the Guardian UTM layer if the map moves
map.on('dragend', function () { getGuardianUTMdata(); });
map.on('zoomend', function () { getGuardianUTMdata(); });
// Layer controls
var layerControl = new L.Control.Layers(null, {
'Airspace Restrictions': LayerUTMAirspace,
'Ground Hazards': LayerUTMGroundHazards
// other layers are here (removed from this example)
The problem is that every time the map is moved or zoomed, all of the Layer checkboxes are reset to Checked again, regardless of how many were checked before the map moved. They do not honour / remember their state when the map moves.
Given my code above, how can I store or preserve the checkbox state for each of the multiple Layers that I have so they are not reset every time the map is moved?
Here is a working fiddle. Remove the checkbox from the 'Ground Hazards', then move or zoom the map, you will see how it puts a tick back in the box again
You're (re-)adding LayerUTMGroundHazards every time. This line here...
// Add the L.GeoJSON instance to the empty layergroup
LayerUTMGroundHazards.addLayer(featuresUTMGroundHazards).addTo(map); not only adding featureUTMGroundHazards to layerUTMGroundHazards, it's also (re-)adding layerUTMGroundHazards to the map.
And quoting from :
The layers control is smart enough to detect what layers we’ve already added and have corresponding checkboxes and radioboxes set.
So when you do LayerUTMGroundHazards.addTo(map);, the checkboxes reset.

mapbox not displaying polygon

I am a beginner to GIS and PostGIS applications.
I am trying to display the polygon on mapbox map but unable to do so.
Following is the javascript code:
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'TOKEN';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9',
center: [115.813867, -31.932177],
zoom: 12
map.on('load', function () {
'id': 'maine',
'type': 'fill',
'source': {
'type': 'geojson',
'layout': {},
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#088',
'fill-opacity': 0.8
Here is my JSFiddle.
There are a couple issues with the JS Fiddle you've shared.
You haven't included mapbox-gl.js & mapbox-gl.css as resources, so they are not being properly referenced.
You are not declaring your data variable correctly (it should be let threeHouses = or var threeHouses =)
You're also initializing your map with a completely different lat/lon than those that are included in your polygon data
If you address all three of these, you'll have a better chance of understanding whether or not there's a problem.

mapbox-gl-js create a circle around a lat/lng?

I need to create a circle around a point where a user clicks. How would I do this? Every tutorial shows extracting a circle from a geojson source and not creating one. Need to be able to edit the radius as well.
Did you try something yourself? Following the mapbox examples you should be able to get an idea of how to build something like that.
You would need to do 3 things:
Create a source that holds the data
Create a layer of type "circle" for displaying the data as circles
On every click of the user, extract the "latitude, longitude" and add a point to your data list. Then display all of those points as a circle on the map.
This is an example of how I would have coded that:
Hope that helps you out
mapboxgl.accessToken = '####';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map', // container id
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', //stylesheet location
center: [-74.50, 40], // starting position
zoom: 9 // starting zoom
map.on('load', () => {
const points = turf.featureCollection([]);
// add data source to hold our data we want to display
map.addSource('circleData', {
type: 'geojson',
data: {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [],
// add a layer that displays the data
id: 'data',
type: 'circle',
source: 'circleData',
paint: {
'circle-color': '#00b7bf',
'circle-radius': 8,
'circle-stroke-width': 1,
'circle-stroke-color': '#333',
// on user click, extract the latitude / longitude, update our data source and display it on our map
map.on('click', (clickEvent) => {
const lngLat = new Array(clickEvent.lngLat.lng,;
#map {
height: 500px;
<div id="map"></div>

multiple point direction draw in GL mapbox

I have draw direction to more then 2 park in gl mapbox.
I have try this code but not work perfectly.
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWNoYWxwcmFqYXBhdGkiLCJhIjoiY2lyNGkwZGsxMDFpenUybHd5bjRtMjVjeiJ9.2teTa5MmVqOW-MDpryv56w';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/achalprajapati/cis1byfch0008hgnitiwbym9c',
center: [-122.222461, 37.172263],
zoom: 8
var directions = new mapboxgl.Directions({
unit: 'metric', // Use the metric system to display distances.
profile: 'walking', // Set the initial profile to walking.
container: 'directions', // Specify an element thats not the map container.
// proximity: [-122.222453, 37.172271] // Give search results closer to these coordinates higher priority.
//map.addControl(new mapboxgl.Directions());
map.on('load', function () {
directions.setOrigin([-122.222461, 37.172263]);
directions.addWaypoint(0, [-122.222461, 37.172263]);
directions.addWaypoint(1, [-122.483318, 37.724502]);
directions.setDestination([-122.483318, 37.724502]);
directions.on('route', function (e) {
console.log(e.route); // Logs the current route shown in the interface.
there was a breaking change in a recent update of mapbox-gl-js that caused the mapbox-gl-directions plugin to error.
Here is a working jsfiddle of your code with the new versions (v2.2.0 of mapbox-gl-directions plugin and v0.22.1 of mapbox-gl-js)
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWNoYWxwcmFqYXBhdGkiLCJhIjoiY2lyNGkwZGsxMDFpenUybHd5bjRtMjVjeiJ9.2teTa5MmVqOW-MDpryv56w';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/achalprajapati/cis1byfch0008hgnitiwbym9c',
center: [-122.222461, 37.172263],
zoom: 8
var directions = new mapboxgl.Directions({
unit: 'metric', // Use the metric system to display distances.
profile: 'walking', // Set the initial profile to walking.
container: 'directions', // Specify an element thats not the map container.
map.on('load', function () {
directions.setOrigin([-122.222461, 37.172263]);
directions.addWaypoint(0, [-122.222461, 37.172263]);
directions.addWaypoint(1, [-122.483318, 37.724502]);
directions.setDestination([-122.483318, 37.724502]);
directions.on('route', function (e) {
console.log(e.route); // Logs the current route shown in the interface.