NestJS Insert a Comment into a user blog post - postgresql

I have an app where an user can create a list of Recipes and each Recipe can have multiple comments that many users can post.
This is what im trying to do:
I have a comments Enitity:
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { UserEntity } from 'src/user/models/user.entity';
import { RecipeEntity } from 'src/recipe/model/recipe-entry.entity';
import { User } from 'src/user/models/user.interface';
export class CommentsEntity {
id: number;
#Column({ type: 'timestamp', default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' })
createdAt: Date;
#Column({ type: 'timestamp', default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' })
updatedAt: Date;
updateTimestamp() {
this.updatedAt = new Date();
type => UserEntity,
user => user.username,
author: UserEntity;
recipe_id: number;
author_id: number;
type => RecipeEntity,
recipe => recipe.comment,
#JoinColumn({ name: 'recipe_id', referencedColumnName: 'id' })
comment: RecipeEntity;
Linked to a Recipe entity:
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { UserEntity } from 'src/user/models/user.entity';
import { CommentsEntity } from 'src/comments/model/comments.entity';
export class RecipeEntity {
id: number;
title: string;
slug: string;
#Column('text', { array: true, nullable: true })
ingr: string[];
#Column({ default: '' })
description: string;
#Column({ default: '' })
body: string;
#Column({ type: 'timestamp', default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' })
createdAt: Date;
#Column({ type: 'timestamp', default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' })
updatedAt: Date;
updateTimestamp() {
this.updatedAt = new Date();
#Column({ nullable: true })
headerImage: string;
#Column({ nullable: true })
publishedDate: Date;
#Column({ nullable: true })
isPublished: boolean;
user_id: number;
type => UserEntity,
user => user.recipeEntries,
#JoinColumn({ name: 'user_id', referencedColumnName: 'id' })
author: UserEntity;
#Column({ default: 0 })
totalWeight: number;
#Column('text', { array: true, default: '{}' })
dietLabels: string[];
#Column({ default: 0 })
calorieQuantity: number;
#Column({ default: 0 })
proteinQuantity: number;
#Column({ default: 0 })
carbQuantity: number;
#Column({ default: 0 })
fatQuantity: number;
#Column({ default: 0 })
sugarQuantity: number;
#Column('text', { array: true, nullable: true })
likes: string[];
#Column({ default: false, nullable: true })
isLiked: boolean;
type => CommentsEntity,
comments => comments.comment,
comment: CommentsEntity[];
Linked to an User entity:
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { UserRole } from './user.interface';
import { RecipeEntity } from 'src/recipe/model/recipe-entry.entity';
import { CommentsEntity } from 'src/comments/model/comments.entity';
export class UserEntity {
id: number;
name: string;
#Column({ unique: true })
username: string;
#Column({ unique: true })
email: string;
#Column({ select: false })
password: string;
#Column({ type: 'enum', enum: UserRole, default: UserRole.USER })
role: UserRole;
#Column({ nullable: true })
profileImage: string;
#Column({ default: false, nullable: true })
favourite: boolean;
type => RecipeEntity,
recipeEntity =>,
recipeEntries: RecipeEntity[];
type => CommentsEntity,
recipeEntryEntity =>,
commentEntries: CommentsEntity[];
emailToLowerCase() { =;
As an user i can post recipes. But im failing to add comments on specific recipes.
2 errors:
When i create a Recipe with some hardcoded comments, the users and recipe table gets filled but the comments_entry table is empty.
And im failing to implement the method to add comments to a specific recipe.
#Param() params,
#Body() comment: string,
#Request() req,
): Observable<RecipeEntry> {
const user = req.user;
const id =;
return this.recipeService.createComment(user, id, comment);
createComment(id: number, commentEntry: string): Observable<RecipeEntry> {
return from(this.findOne(id)).pipe(
switchMap((recipe: RecipeEntry) => {
const newComment = recipe.comment.push(commentEntry);
Type 'Observable<DeepPartial[]>' is not assignable to type 'Observable'.
Property 'comment' is missing in type 'DeepPartial[]' but required in type 'RecipeEntry'.ts(2322)
recipe-entry.interface.ts(18, 3): 'comment' is declared here.
Any help?

Can't build working example but may be would helpful:
Redo your relations (I simplified entities for example, but you should use full:) ):
export class CommentsEntity {
authorId: number;
#ManyToOne(type => UserEntity, user =>
author: UserEntity;
#ManyToOne(type => RecipeEntity, recipe =>
recipe: RecipeEntity;
export class RecipeEntity {
authorId: number;
#ManyToOne(type => UserEntity, user =>
author: UserEntity;
#OneToMany(type => CommentsEntity, comment => comment.recipe)
comments: CommentsEntity[];
export class UserEntity {
#OneToMany( type => RecipeEntity, recipe =>
recipes: RecipeEntity[];
#OneToMany(type => CommentsEntity, comment =>
comments: CommentsEntity[];
RecipeDto something like:
RecipeDto: {
authorId: number | string,
comments: CommentDto[],
****other recipe data
create new Recipe:
createRecipe(recipeDto: RecipeDto): Observable<RecipeEntry> {
const { comments, authorId } = recipeDto;
if(comments) {
const commentPromises = comment => {
comment.authorId = authorId;
return await;
recipeDto.comments = await Promise.all(commentPromises);
return await;

If I understood correctly, you are trying that:
One User --> Many Recipes
One User --> Many Comments
One Recipe --> Many Comments
Your entities seems right.
Normally a typeorm repository returns a promise and not an observable.
You need to convert it to an Observable.
And at the moment you are trying to store a comment in the recipeRepo. You should save the whole recipe. And before you have to save the comment in the comment repo (if you are not working with cascades).
Something like this:
createComment(id: number, commentEntry: string): Observable<RecipeEntry> {
return from(this.findOne(id)).pipe(
switchMap((recipe: RecipeEntry) => {
return from(
map(com: Comment) => {
return from(;
If you enable cascades, you can do this in only one call.


TypeORM MongoDB driver return NULL for child relations

I have a user entinty that looks as follows:
export class User extends BaseEntity {
#Field(() => String)
_id: ObjectID;
#Field(() => String)
#Column({ type: "varchar", unique: true, length: 25 })
username: string;
// Profile
#Field(() => Profile, { nullable: true })
#OneToOne(() => Profile, {eager: false})
profile: Profile;
My profile entity looks as follows:
export class Profile extends BaseEntity {
#Field(() => String)
_id: ObjectID;
#Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
#Column({ nullable: false })
email: string;
#Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
#Column({ nullable: false })
username: string;
If i query the user as follows:
where: { email },
relations: ["profile"],
The profile is null on the console logs and i have a profile a user who has a profile in my mongodb doccuments. What may be possibly the problem with my code?

NestJS/TypeORM error: The value passed as UUID is not a string when inserting record

I created a NestJS sample application that uses TypeORM to access the Postgres database.
The complete codes can be found from this link.
There are two entities like this.
#Entity({ name: 'posts' })
export class PostEntity {
id?: string;
title: string;
#Column({ nullable: true })
content?: string;
#OneToMany((type) => CommentEntity, (comment) =>, {
cascade: true,
comments?: Promise<CommentEntity[]>;
#ManyToOne((type) => UserEntity, { nullable: true })
#JoinColumn({ name: 'author_id' })
author?: UserEntity;
#RelationId((post: PostEntity) =>
authorId?: string;
#CreateDateColumn({ name: 'created_at', type: 'timestamp', nullable: true })
createdAt?: Date;
#UpdateDateColumn({ name: 'updated_at', type: 'timestamp', nullable: true })
updatedAt?: Date;
#Entity({ name: 'comments' })
export class CommentEntity {
id: string;
content: string;
#ManyToOne((type) => PostEntity, (p) => p.comments)
#JoinColumn({ name: 'post_id' })
post: PostEntity;
#RelationId((comment: CommentEntity) =>
postId?: string;
#CreateDateColumn({ name: 'created_at', type: 'timestamp' })
createdAt: Date;
When adding a comment through the GraphQL endpoint, which will call the following codes.
addComment(id: string, comment: string): Observable<Comment> {
const entity = new CommentEntity();
Object.assign(entity, {
content: comment,
postId: id,
return from(
map((c) => {
return { id:, content: c.content } as Comment;
When running the e2e tests it will fail due to an error message(I added a console.log to print the GraphQL errors in the response body):
addComment errors: [{"message":"The value passed as UUID is not a string"}]

typeorm geometry type Undefined type error

everyone. I am creating a project that uses geometry data using postgresql postgis this time. So I want to declare geometry in the column and use it, but there's an error. Could you tell me why there is an error?
Multiple official documents were checked, but no method was found.
Commenting the coordinate column will create the code normally.
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { Location_Group } from './location_group.entity';
import { Geometry } from 'geojson';
import { Field, ID, Int, ObjectType } from '#nestjs/graphql';
export class Location {
#Field(() => ID)
id: number;
#Field(() => String)
#Column({ type: 'varchar' })
name: string;
type: 'geometry',
nullable: true,
spatialFeatureType: 'Point',
srid: 4326
coordinate: Geometry;
#Field(() => Int)
#Column({ type: 'int' })
order_number: number;
#CreateDateColumn({ type: 'timestamptz' })
created_at: Date;
#Field(() => Location_Group)
() => Location_Group,
(location_group) => location_group.location
#JoinColumn([{ name: 'location_group_id', referencedColumnName: 'id' }])
location_group: Location_Group;
There is someone who wants me to share the scalar I made, so I write it here. I hope this code helps you.
import { GraphQLScalarType } from 'graphql';
export const GeoJSONPoint = new GraphQLScalarType({
name: 'GeoJSONPoint',
description: 'Geometry scalar type',
parseValue(value) {
return value;
serialize(value) {
return value;
parseLiteral(ast) {
const geometryData = {
type: '',
coordinates: []
for (const i in ast['fields']) {
if (ast['fields'][i]['name']['value'] == 'type') {
if (ast['fields'][i]['value']['value'] != 'point') {
return null;
geometryData.type = ast['fields'][i]['value']['value'];
if (ast['fields'][i]['name']['value'] == 'coordinate') {
for (const j in ast['fields'][i]['value']['values']) {
return geometryData;

how to limit typeorm join queries?

I'm new to typeorm, maybe someone can resolve my problem.
I'm using NestJS and TypeORM and have two tables (categories and talents). I wish to find a solution to limit typeorm join queries.
each category can have many talents in talent_worked and each talent can have many categories in working_categories.
i like to find all categories and there respected talent but i wish to get(limit) only five talents.
export class TalentsEntity extends BaseEntity {
id: string;
#Column({ nullable: true })
name: string;
#Column({ unique: true })
mobile: string;
#Column({ nullable: true })
email: string;
#Column({ select: false })
password: string;
#Column({ select: false })
salt: string;
#Column({ default: false })
isBlocked: boolean;
#Column({ default: true })
isActive: boolean;
// relation to categories model
type => CategoriesEntity,
categoriesEntity => categoriesEntity.talent_worked,
{ eager: true },
#JoinTable({ name: 'talents_working_categories' })
working_categories: CategoriesEntity[];
export class CategoriesEntity extends BaseEntity {
id: string;
#Column({ nullable: true })
title: string;
// relation to talents
type => TalentsEntity,
talentsEntity => talentsEntity.working_categories,
{ eager: false },
talent_worked: TalentsEntity[];
here is my typeorm query so far:
const query = await this.createQueryBuilder('category');
query.leftJoinAndSelect('category.talent_worked', 'talent');
query.leftJoinAndSelect('talent.working_categories', 'talentCategories');
query.where('talent.isActive = :isActive AND talent.isBlocked = :isBlocked', { isActive: true, isBlocked: false});
if (categoryId) query.andWhere(' = :categoryId', { categoryId });[
query.orderBy('category.created_at', 'ASC');
query.addOrderBy('talent.created_at', 'ASC');
return await query.getMany();

Nestjs - QueryFailedError: invalid input syntax for type uuid

I have this method that is supposed to return all Posts from all users
Basically trying to so Select * from posts
* Find all posts
async findAll(): Promise<Post[]> {
try {
return await await getConnection()
.from(Post, "posts").getMany();
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error)
When this method is called, this is the response from TypeORM
QueryFailedError: invalid input syntax for type uuid: "findAll"
Query output
"distinctAlias"."Post_post_id" as "ids_Post_post_id"
"Post"."post_id" AS "Post_post_id",
"Post"."uid" AS "Post_uid",
"Post"."title" AS "Post_title",
"Post"."sub_title" AS "Post_sub_title",
"Post"."content" AS "Post_content",
"Post"."userUserId" AS "Post_userUserId",
"Post__comments"."comment_id" AS "Post__comments_comment_id",
"Post__comments"."content" AS "Post__comments_content",
"Post__comments"."postPostId" AS "Post__comments_postPostId",
"Post__comments"."userUserId" AS "Post__comments_userUserId"
"posts" "Post"
"comments" "Post__comments"
ON "Post__comments"."postPostId" = "Post"."post_id"
"Post"."post_id" = $1
"Post_post_id" ASC LIMIT 1
Here is my schema
* Post Entity
export class Post {
#PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') post_id: string;
#Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false, unique: true }) uid: string;
#Column('text') title: string;
#Column('text') sub_title: string;
#Column('text') content: string;
type => User,
user => user.posts,
cascade: true,
user: User;
type => Comment,
comment =>,
cascade: true,
comments: Comment[];
constructor(title?: string, content?: string) {
this.title = title || '';
this.content = content || '';
#BeforeInsert() async generateUID() {
this.uid = uuid();
* User Entity
export class User {
#PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') user_id: string;
#Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false, unique: true }) uid: string;
#Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false }) name: string;
#Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false, unique: true }) email: string;
#Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false, unique: true }) username: string;
#Column({ type: 'varchar', nullable: false }) password: string;
type => Post,
post => post.user,
eager: true,
posts: Post[];
type => Comment,
comment => comment.user,
comments: Comment[];
constructor(name?: string, posts?: []);
constructor(name?: string) { = name || '';
#BeforeInsert() async hashPassword() {
this.password = await bcrypt.hash(this.password, 10);
this.uid = uuid();
* Comments Entity
export class Comment {
#PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') comment_id: string;
#Column('text') content: string;
type => Post,
post => post.comments,
post: Post;
type => User,
user => user.comments,
user: User;
Why is this happening?
Why is there a where clause when none was specified?
TypeORM version: ^0.2.22
TypeScript: ^3.7.4
Clearly the kush in these parts is potent and I don't read my own code..
in post.controller.ts, the #Get() decorator was missing the find keyword and my request looked like this:
http://localhost:3000/posts/find where find was not defined in the controller as a route
the solution was to add #Get('find') from nestjs/common
* Get all posts from all users
status: 201,
description: 'All posts have been successfully retreived.',
type: [PostDTO],
#ApiResponse({ status: 403, description: 'Forbidden.' })
async find() {
try {
return this.postService.findAll();
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
* Find all posts
async findAll(): Promise<Post[]> {
const posts = await this.postRepository.find();
return posts;
PS. I will add the nestjs tags since this is actually related to it more than TypeORM or PG