Replace the image on one pod manually, while other pods uses the main image - kubernetes

Let's say I have 10 pods running a stable version, and I wish to replace the image of one of them to run a newer version before a full rollout.
Is there a way to do that?

Not as such: every pod managed by a Deployment is expected to be identical, including running the same image. You can't change a pod's image once it's been created, and if you change the Deployment's image, it will try to recreate all of its managed pods.
If the only thing you're worried about is the pod starting up, the default behavior of a deployment is to start 25% of its specified replicas with the new image. The old pods will continue running uninterrupted until the new replicas successfully start and pass their readiness checks. If the new pods immediately go into CrashLoopBackOff state, the old pods will still be running.
If you want to start a pod specifically as a canary deployment, you can create a second Deployment to handle that. You'll need to include some label on the pods (for instance, canary: 'true') where you can distinguish the canary from main pods. This would be present in the pod spec, and in the deployment selector, but it would not be present in the corresponding Service selector: the Service matches both canary and non-canary pods. If this runs successfully then you can remove the canary Deployment and update the image on the main Deployment.

Like the other answer mentioned, It sounds like you are talking about a canary deployment. You can do this with Kubernetes and also with Istio. I prefer Istio as it gives you some great control over traffic weighting. I.e you could send 1% of traffic to the canary and 99% to the control. Great for testing in production. It also lets you route using HTTP headers.
If you want to do it with k8s just create two deployments with unique deployment names (myappv1 & myappv2 for example) with the same app= label. Then you can just create a service with the selector = whatever your app label is. The svc will round robin between the two v1 and v2 deployments.


How to delete a pod from Kubernetes master node?

Does anyone know how to delete pod from kubernetes master node? I have this one master node on bare-metal ubuntu server. When i'm trying to delete it with "kubectl delete pod .." or force deleting from there: it doesnt work. the pod is creating again and again...
The pods in a Statefulsets are managed by ReplicaSets and will be recreated again if the current and the desired replicas defined in the spec do not match.
The document you linked provides instructions as to how to kill the pods forcefully avoiding the graceful shutdown behaviour which can have unexpected behaviour depending on the application.
The link clearly states the pods will be recreated in the section:
Force deletions do not wait for confirmation from the kubelet that the Pod has been terminated. Irrespective of whether a force deletion is successful in killing a Pod, it will immediately free up the name from the apiserver. This would let the StatefulSet controller create a replacement Pod with that same identity; this can lead to the duplication of a still-running Pod, and if said Pod can still communicate with the other members of the StatefulSet, will violate the at most one semantics that StatefulSet is designed to guarantee.
If you want the pods to be stopped and new pods for the Statefulset do not get created, you need to scale down the Statefulset by changing the replicas to 0.
You can read the official docs for how to scale the Statefulset replicas.
The key to figuring out how to kill the pod will be to understand how it was created. For example, if the pod is part of a deployment with a declared replicas count as 1, Once you kill/ force kill, Kubernetes detects a mismatch between the desired state (the number of replicas defined in the deployment configuration) to the current state and will create a new pod to replace the one that was deleted - therefor in this example you will need to either scale the deployment to 0 or delete the deployment.
If we need to kill any pod we can just scale down the replica set.
kubectl scale deploy <deployment_name> --replicas=<expected_no_of_replicas>
Way of deleting pods will depends on how you created it. If you created it individually ( not part of a ReplicaSet/ReplicationController/Deployment ) then you can delete pod directly. otherwise the only option to delete is the scale option. In production setup what I believe is all are using Deployment option out of ReplicaSet/ReplicationController/Deployment( Please refer documents and understand the difference between all those three options )

kubernetes creates more pods than scale amount

I have encountered a strange situation in one of our clusters, where all of a sudden a number of new pods have been created so that we end up with a greater number of running pods than the scale amount.
So in the dashboard it will show
serviceX pods: 8/2
and then 8 running instances of that service
How can this possibly happen?
Is there an easy way to get rid
of the extra pods (which all seem to be running)?
I have tried changing the scale amount in the dashboard and the extra pods do not disappear.
Both Pod and deployment are full-fledged objects in the Kubernetes API. Deployment manages creating Pods by means of ReplicaSets. What it boils down to is that Deployment will create Pods with spec taken from the template.
In your case deployment name edgeservicepublic-svc is set to have 13 replicas. Deployment is a kind of controller in Kubernetes. Its is naturally that this controller with continuously check if 13 pods are created. When a deployment is added to the cluster, it will automatically spin up the requested number of pods, and then monitor them. If a pod dies, the deployment will automatically re-create it. Probably at first not enough pods are created co controller with pursue to achieve desried number of them.
To make sure your deployment works properly you can delete deployment, make sure that that pods are deleted. Make sure that you haven't set up autoscaler ( $ kubectl get hpa ) if so, delete it. Then if you want to change deployment specification edit deployment configuration file and apply changes ($ kubectl apply -f deployment_configuration_file.yaml).
Useful documentation about deployment , autoscaling in context of GKE.
Basically at first place check autoscaler then delete it if it exists. I told you to delete deployment because you told that you try to change scale amount/ number of replicas. So if you want to be 100 % sure that changes are applied is to delete whole deployment end then recreate it with desired number of replicas. Of course you can just apply changes in deployment configuration file ($ kubectl edit ...) or ( $ kubectl apply -f ) but sometimes existing pods are not deleted so it will be saver. You could also create new deployment with the same parameters but different name.

Kubernetes deployment strategy to wait for all replicas

I got one service with auto scaling which means it can have 2 pods or 4 pods running. My issue is that this service is a reactjs application with service-worker.
With my current deployment strategy it will create a new pod and kill one at a time, which causes issues when the clients gets alarmed that there is a new update & tries to fetch new assets from server & the loadbalancer forwards it to the old pods.
So basicly I am wondering if it's possible to change to a strategy that creates x pods & replaces them all at the same time?
Use the Recreate deployment strategy to first kill all old pods and then create new ones.
Alternatively, if you're looking to first create a parallel set of new pods, reroute traffic to these new pods and then kill the old pods (i.e., a blue/green deployment), check this guide.
add the spec.strategy.type in your deployment.yaml manfest and set it to "Recreate"
this will kill all the existing pods before new ones are created.
type: Recreate
The strategy you are using is the - RollingUpdate , which is the default if you dont specify any.
Follow this approach though it is manual and meets your requirement.
Say, you are running version 1.0 ( with label version:1.0 ) in the cluster and you want to upgrade to version 2.0
Deploy version 2.0 with label version:2.0
Verify that pods are running and your version 2.0 app is running fine.
edit version 1.0 service selector to use label version:2.0
Delete version 1.0 deployment

Why does scaling down a deployment seem to always remove the newest pods?

(Before I start, I'm using minikube v27 on Windows 10.)
I have created a deployment with the nginx 'hello world' container with a desired count of 2:
I actually went into the '2 hours' old pod and edited the index.html file from the welcome message to "broken" - I want to play with k8s to seem what it would look like if one pod was 'faulty'.
If I scale this deployment up to more instances and then scale down again, I almost expected k8s to remove the oldest pods, but it consistently removes the newest:
How do I make it remove the oldest pods first?
(Ideally, I'd like to be able to just say "redeploy everything as the exact same version/image/desired count in a rolling deployment" if that is possible)
Pod deletion preference is based on a ordered series of checks, defined in code here:
Summarizing- precedence is given to delete pods:
that are unassigned to a node, vs assigned to a node
that are in pending or not running state, vs running
that are in not-ready, vs ready
that have been in ready state for fewer seconds
that have higher restart counts
that have newer vs older creation times
These checks are not directly configurable.
Given the rules, if you can make an old pod to be not ready, or cause an old pod to restart, it will be removed at scale down time before a newer pod that is ready and has not restarted.
There is discussion around use cases for the ability to control deletion priority, which mostly involve workloads that are a mix of job and service, here:
what about this :
kubectl scale deployment ingress-nginx-controller --replicas=2
Wait until 2 replicas are up.
kubectl delete pod ingress-nginx-controller-oldest-replica
kubectl scale deployment ingress-nginx-controller --replicas=1
I experienced zero downtime doing so while removing oldest pod.

Is there the concept of uploading a Deployment without causing pods to start?

(I am (all things considered) a Kubernetes rookie.)
I know that kubectl create -f myDeployment.yaml will send my deployment specification off to the cluster to be reified, and if it says to start three replicas of its contained pod template then Kubernetes will set about starting up three pods.
I wonder: is there a Kubernetes concept or practice of somehow uploading the deployment for reference later and then "activating" it later? Perhaps by, say, changing replicas from zero to some positive number? If this is not a meaningful question, or this isn't the Right Way To Think About Things, I'd appreciate pointers as well.
I don't think you idea would work well with Kubernetes. Firstly, there so no way of "pausing" a Deployment or any other ReplicationController or ReplicaSet, besides setting the replicas to 0, as you mentioned.
The next issue is, that the YAML you would get from the apiserver isn't the same as you created. The controller manager adds some annotations, default values and statuses. So it would be hard to verify the Deployment that way.
IMO a better way to verify Deployments is to add them to a version control system and peer-review the YAML files. Then you can create or update is on the apiserver with kubectl apply -f myDeployment.yaml. If the Deployment is wrong in term of syntax, then kubectl will complain about it and you could patch the Deployment accordingly. This also simplifies the update procedure of Deployments.
Deployment can be paused, please refer , or see information with kubectl rollout pause -h.
You can adjust replicas of a paused deployment, but changes on pod template will not trigger a rollout. If the deployment is paused in the middle of a rollout, then it will not continue until you resume it.