python Gtk app failed with this error xcb xlib threads sequence lost failed - gtk3

I had a pyGObject app and I run that. all things work fine until on a button clicked signal I need to run a def. it has a long loop and I run that with the
def on_launch_btn_clicked(self,button):
def launch(thread):
lines_list = open("../line.txt").split()
for line in lines_list:
select = machinestate.objects.get(id=1)
if not select.pause:
#my process
def pause_lcd()
return "pause" #it for come out of def and close thread but I don't know it close that or not
this loop is in another .py file
function it works like a charm, next I had a pause button it changes database pause field to True and my loop every iteration check database to saw what is changed. when it saw pause is True it run
def pause_lcd():
app = app_list[0]
I run Gtk app in this def
app_list = list()
def main(thread):
app = GUI()
in my GUI class I have pause_action method
def pause_action(self):
when I clicked on pause button some time I got this error
[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queen
[xcb] Most likely this is a mulity-threaded client and XinitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that
pyhton: ../../src/xcb_io.c:263 poll_for_event: Assertion '!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost failed.
I had a bunch of thread side this threads like machine info, clock, machine temp and ...
what I do wrongs??
PS: this app run in a Django project and I use Django model in this it is an app of Django but it runs a Gtk app

I suspect that something with the XCB or the X11 server is wrong (bug). I received the same error message from different applications on a specific X server (using X11 over ssh).
Error message with emacs:
[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
emacs: xcb_io.c:263: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.
Error message with eclipse:
[xcb] Unknown sequence number while processing queue
[xcb] Most likely this is a multi-threaded client and XInitThreads has not been called
[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.
java: xcb_io.c:263: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed.


wxPython window randomly freezes on RPi and acts weird afterwards

This Problem occurs on the RPi (3B+, Raspbian Buster) only. I run the program on my Mac without any problems.
Short description of my program:
After entering the mainloop, the program enters a second thread with another loop (call it requestloop) when the designated button is pressed. The requestloop can be left by pressing the button again. This requestloop requests a xml table via url every 10 seconds which is then parsed with ElementTree, sorted and displayed in a wx.grid.Grid. I use grid.ForceRefresh to make sure the grid is updated.
I hope the following snippet helps to understand the above:
def on_btnrun(self, event):
global run
if self.btnrun.Label == "Start":
run = True
thrupt = threading.Thread(target=self.thrupdate)
elif self.btnrun.Label == "Ende":
run = False
def thrupdate(self):
while run is True:
Now as mentioned in the title the whole wx Window freezes after passing the requestloop between roughly 5 and 20 times. This happens completely randomly, I could not find any regularities. The program keeps running though, for it still prints the output in the terminal every cycle (I added this function for testing).
When I now open another window (eg. menu dropwdown) which lays over the wx Window it will be copied onto the wx Window and stay there after I closed it.
Here are some Images to better understand what I mean (ignore all other widgets that I didn't mention, they are just nonfunctional placeholders).
Image of the wx Window before it freezes
Image of the wx Window after it freezes
Image of the wx Window after opening and closing the dropdown menu
Extra-Info: while building wxPython on the RPi I got some warnings and everytime I run the program I get the following one (it says the actual time instead of time):
( Gtk-Critical **: time: gtk_distribute_natural_allocation: assertion ‚extra_space >= 0‘ failed
I have no idea why any of this happens. Is wxPython not stable on Raspbian? Or did the build partly fail? Or is the RPi not having enough rendering capacity?
Solved it by using wx.CallAfter in the details of the update() method.

How to make afl-fuzz not skip test cases when a timeout is reached

I am currently trying to fuzz a PDF viewer with the AFL fuzzer (American Fuzzy Lop).
My problem is quite simple, afl-fuzz expect the application to take an input and close after processing it. But, the PDF viewer is intended to open the document and stay open until closed. The result is that afl-fuzz reach the timeout for all initial inputs and decide to stop here.
[*] Validating target binary...
[*] Attempting dry run with 'id:000000,orig:myPDFsample00.pdf'...
[*] Spinning up the fork server...
[+] All right - fork server is up.
[!] WARNING: Test case results in a timeout (skipping)
[*] Attempting dry run with 'id:000001,orig:myPDFsample01.pdf'...
[!] WARNING: Test case results in a timeout (skipping)
[*] Attempting dry run with 'id:000002,orig:myPDFsample02.pdf'...
[-] PROGRAM ABORT : All test cases time out, giving up!
Location : perform_dry_run(), afl-fuzz.c:2883
I would like to know how to tell AFL to consider that reaching the timeout and get the program terminated is a "normal" behavior for the test case.
In fact, the usual way to do seems to simply instrument the code of the software you are looking at by adding an exit(0) after the parsing.
It seems quite basic, but I works...
The other way could be to change the meaning of a timeout in the AFL software. But, then, it won't detect 'hangs' when your software might enter a never ending loop.
So, the best way really seems to add an exit(0) (or return 0 if you are in main()) inside your target software just after the parsing is done.

Stop VFP from showing dialog boxes when errors occur

I am trying to call an existing VFP 6 application using Jacob which is a COM bridge for Java.
val vfp = new Application(new ActiveXComponent("VisualFoxPro.Application").getProperty("Application").toDispatch())
try {
vfp.doCmd("do my.exe with myconfig.txt")
} catch {
case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace
} finally {
vfp.doCmd("close data")
vfp.doCmd("clear all")
When there are no error conditions this code executes well and generates the expected .dbfs. The problem is that when an error occurs (.dbf not found, file in use by another user, etc) a GUI window pops up and stops execution of the program until I use the mouse to cancel it. I want this program to run on a server with no user interaction so this won't work.
How can I gracefully handle the errors preferably without making a change to the VFP 6 program?
Since you have the source code for VFP6, I would suggest looking into
Sys 2335 is used to identify if the program is running in an "unattended" mode, any such popup dialog boxes will throw an error and prevent an actual "hit" ok/cancel/whatever button to continue. This includes popup window prompting user to pick a table.
I'm not positive of when it was made available as I had limited use of it. Like you, when dealing with a COM server under IIS and obviously nobody there to respond.
Start JVM in headless mode, catch HeadlessException or something. Or, write a Java program that will execute your GUI program using Runtime, and restart in a case of parsed errors in console.

How do I send message from the command line to an Erlang process?

I am trying to notify an Erlang process that an external program (a Matlab script) has completed. I am using a batch file to do this and would like to enter a command that will notify the Erlang process of completion. Here is the main code:
In myerlangprogram.erl:
runmatlab() ->
In matlabscript.bat:
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "addpath('C:/mypath/'); mymatlabscript; %quit;"
%% I would like to notify erlang of completion here....
As you can see I am using the 'os:cmd' erlang function to call my matlab script.
I am not sure that this is the best approach. I have been looking into using ports ( but am struggling to understand how/where the ports interact with the operating system.
In summary, my 2 questions are:
1. What is the easiest way to send a message to an Erlang process from the command line?
2. Where/how do erlang ports receive/send data from/to the operating system?
Any advice on this would be gratefully received.
N.b. the operating system is windows 7.
I assume that you want to call os:cmd without blocking your main process loop. In order to accomplish that you will need to call os:command from a spawned process and then send a message back to the Parent process indicating completion.
Here is an example:
runmatlab() ->
updatemodel ->
Parent = self(),
spawn_link(fun() ->
Response = os:cmd("matlabscript.bat"),
Parent ! {updatedmodel, Response}
{updatedmodel, Response} ->
% do something with response
For the first, Erlang process is something definitely different from os process. There is no "notifications" mechanism or "messaging" mechanism between them. What can you do is a) run new erlang node, b) connect to target node, c) send message to remote node.
But. Regarding to your question.
runmatlab() ->
BatOutput = os:cmd("matlabscript.bat"),
%% "here" BAT script has already finished
%% and output can be found in BatOutput variable
For the second, ports are about encoding/decoding erlang data type (in short words).

Perl tk main window error

I have a Perl Tk application.
If I move the main window so that it's not right up to the uppermost part of the screen, then the next time the following code is executed, the script fails:
$canvas_fimage_real=$canvas_fimage unless $canvas_fimage_real;
my $canvas_id=$canvas_fimage_real->id;
my $canvas_fimage_photo=$main_window::main_window->Photo(-format=>'Window', -data=>oct $canvas_id );
And it fails with the following error message:
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 73 (X_GetImage)
Serial number of failed request: 2796
Current serial number in output stream: 2796
The script crashes at the Photo command.
How can I fix this?
Is this a window that is wholly on the screen? The snapshotting facility only works with what is visible on-screen (a low-level X11 condition; not negotiable). As such, you should file a bug report as the snapshot code shouldn't ask for things that it can't get.
Of course, if the window is fully on screen and you're getting that error message anyway, that's a serious problem. File a bug report in that case too!