I am trying to create a column within databricks using pyspark. I need to check if date column is found between two other date columns and if it is then 1 if it is not then 0. I am wanting to call this ground truth, since this will tell me if on date it's found in between the two date columns. This is what I have so far:
df = (df
.withColumn("Ground_truth_IE", when(col("ReadingDateTime").between(col("EventStartDateTime") & col("EventEndDateTime")), 1).otherwiste(0)
But I continue to get an error:
TypeError: between() missing 1 required positional argument: 'upperBound'
The between() operator in pyspark should be used like: between(lowerBound, upperBound)
df = df.withColumn("Ground_truth_IE", when(col("ReadingDateTime")\
.between(col("EventStartDateTime"),col("EventEndDateTime")), 1).otherwise(0))
In pyspark , i tried to do this
df = df.select(F.col("id"),
F.to_timestamp(F.col("date_time"), "yyyyMMddHHmmss").alias("date_time_utc"))
df = df.groupBy("id", "mp_code", "mp_def", "mp_desc", "mp_code_desc", "station").min(F.col("date_time_utc"))
But, i have an issue
raise TypeError("Column is not iterable")
TypeError: Column is not iterable
Here is an extract of the pyspark documentation
Computes the min value for each numeric column for each group.
New in version 1.3.0.
Parameters: cols : str
In other words, the min function does not support column arguments. It only works with column names (strings) like this:
# you can also specify several column names
df.groupBy("x").min("y", "z")
Note that if you want to use a column object, you have to use agg:
I have a fixed date "2000/01/01" and a dataframe:
data1 = [{'index':1,'offset':50}]
data_p = sc.parallelize(data1)
df = spark.createDataFrame(data_p)
I want to create a new column by adding the offset column to this fixed date
I tried different method but cannot pass the column iterator and expr error as:
function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'
The only solution I can think of is
df = df.withColumn("zero",lit(datetime.strptime('2000/01/01', '%Y/%m/%d')))
Since I cannot use lit and datetime.strptime in the expr, I have to use this approach which creates a redundant column and redundant operations.
Any better way to do it?
As you have marked it as pyspark question so in python you can do below
df_a3.withColumn("date_offset",F.lit("2000-01-01").cast("date") + F.col("offset").cast("int")).show()
Edit- As per comment below lets assume there was an extra column of type then based on it below code can be used
df_a3.withColumn("date_offset",F.expr("case when type ='month' then add_months(cast('2000-01-01' as date),offset) else date_add(cast('2000-01-01' as date),cast(offset as int)) end ")).show()
I have a dataframe which contains months and will change quite frequently. I am saving this dataframe values as list e.g. months = ['202111', '202112', '202201']. Using a for loop to to iterate through all list elements and trying to provide dynamic column values with following code:
for i in months:
df = (
adjustment_1_prepared_df.select("product", "mnth", "col1", "col2")
f.min(f.when(condition, f.col("col1")).otherwise(9999999)).alias(
concat("col3_"), f.lit(i.col)
So basically in alias I am trying to give column name as a combination of constant (minInv_) and a variable (e.g. 202111) but I am getting error. How can I give a column name as combination of fixed string and a variable.
Thanks in advance!
I am trying to learn PySpark, and have tried to learn how to use SQL when() clauses to better categorize my data. (See here: https://sparkbyexamples.com/spark/spark-case-when-otherwise-example/) What I can't seem to get addressed is how to insert actual scalar values into the when() conditions for comparison's sake explicitly. It seems the aggregate functions return more tabular values than actual float() types.
I keep getting this error message unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'method' and 'method' When I tried running functions to aggregate another column in the original data frame I noticed the result didn't seem to be a flat scaler as much as a table (agg(select(f.stddev("Col")) gives a result like: "DataFrame[stddev_samp(TAXI_OUT): double]") Here is a sample of what I am trying to accomplish if you want to replicate, and I was wondering how you might get aggregate values like the standard deviation and mean within the when() clause so you can use that to categorize your new column:
samp = spark.createDataFrame(
psMean = samp.agg({'quantity':'mean'})
psStDev = samp.agg({'quantity':'stddev'})
psCatVect = samp.withColumn('quant_category',.when(samp['quantity']<=(psMean-psStDev),'small').otherwise('not small')) ```
psMean and psStdev in your example are dataframes, you need to use collect() method to extract the scalar values
psMean = samp.agg({'quantity':'mean'}).collect()[0][0]
psStDev = samp.agg({'quantity':'stddev'}).collect()[0][0]
You could also create one variable with all stats as pandas DataFrame and reference to it later in pyspark code:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
stats = (
samp['quantity'] <= stats["mean"].item() - stats["std"].item(),
.otherwise('not small')
I tried the following code to subset my data so that it only gives me a date range from 6/1 to yesterday:
day_1 = '2018-06-01'
df = df.where((F.col('report_date') >= day_1) & (F.col('report_date') < F.current_date()))
I get the following error: AnalysisException: u"cannot resolve '2018-06-01' given input columns
You can use lit method from sql functions to create artificial column.
df = df.where((F.col('report_date') >= F.lit(day_1)) & (F.col('report_date') < F.current_date()))