Azure devops build pipeline - azure-devops

I have created a sample Website project with a single page having HellowWord.aspx and HellowWord.aspx.cs. I am trying to create an Azure DevOps build pipeline for this project. The following are the tasks I have added to my build package.
But the publish artifacts always contains the aspx and aspx.cs file. Not sure which tasks I am supposed to add to make the proper publish package. Which will create proper dlls for .aspx file instead of aspx.cs.

Publish build artifacts task has an argument Path to publish, which defines the folder or file path to publish. This can be a fully-qualified path or a path relative to the root of the repository. Wildcards are not supported. Variables are supported. Example: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). By default, this argument uses variable $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory).
So you need to check your Copy files task, to see what you have copied to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory), and copy the correct files in this task.


Download lost file from DevOps pipeline Library

I lost a file which is still available in the library inside the DevOps Library.
Is there a way to save a local copy somehow?
It's still possible to use in a pipeline, but I have no idea to get it to my local computer.
You can use the Download Secure File task to download the file in the pipeline and then use Publish Build Artifacts task to publish the file as build artifacts.
See below when downloading using Download Secure File:
Once downloaded, use the name value that is set on the task (or "Reference name" in the classic editor) to reference the path to the secure file on the agent machine. For example, if the task is given the name mySecureFile, its path can be referenced in the pipeline as $(mySecureFile.secureFilePath)
So in the Publish Build Artifacts task set the Path to publish to $(mySecureFile.secureFilePath)
Then you can download the file from the build summary page by clicking the related artifacts. See below:

How do I use an Azure DevOps Services Build Pipeline to retrieve TFVC source files based upon a Label value and then zip those files?

This is a TFVC repo in Azure, not Git. It is running in Azure DevOps Services, not local in Azure DevOps Server (2019). This is a classic pipeline, not YAML.
I got as far as adding a variable that contains the Label value I am looking to package into the zip file.
I can't figure out how to get the sources by Label value. In the Pipeline Get Sources step, I've narrowed the path down, but then I need to recursively get source files that have the Label in the variable I defined.
The next step is to zip those source files up, I've added an Archive task to which I will change the root folder from "build binaries" to the sources folder.
This is necessary for this particular project because we must pass the source files to the vendor as a zip for them to compile and install for us. The developers create/update the source files, build and test them locally, then apply a Label to the sources for a given push to the vendor.
When configuring 'Get sources' step, there is no any option or method that can only map the source files with the specified label.
As a workaround, in the pipeline job, you can try to add the steps to filter out the source files with the specified label, and use the Copy Files task to copy these files to a folder, then use the Archive Files task in this folder.
Normally, a pipeline run will automatically check out the file version (changeset) that triggers the run. If manually trigger the the pipeline, by default the run will check out the latest changeset if you do not specify one.
The labels are used to mark a version of a files or folders, so you also can get the specific version of files or folders via the labels.
In your case, you can try using the 'tf get' command to download the files with the specified labels.

azure devops: copy file to artifact folder to access in release pipeline

I am creating a build for ios using azure and I want to copy a certificate file to artifact folder created to use in the release pipeline.
I am using a copy task and after the task is done its job, I am not able to find a copied file at the desired artifact folder. there are answers for copy task but not working for my scenario.
or is there any way to access files from the source folder of build pipeline to from release pipeline?
You were using download secure files task to download the cert files. As below described: see here for more information.
Once downloaded, use the name value that is set on the task (or "Reference name" in the classic editor) to reference the path to the secure file on the agent machine. For example, if the task is given the name mySecureFile, its path can be referenced in the pipeline as $(mySecureFile.secureFilePath). Alternatively, downloaded secure files can be found in the directory given by $(Agent.TempDirectory)
The secure files are downloaded to directory $(Agent.TempDirectory) and its path can be referenced by $(mySecureFile.secureFilePath) if you set the reference name to mySecureFile
So that the copy files task of yours need to be configured as below: Set the Source Folder to $(Agent.TempDirectory) and Contents to the name of the secure files. See below example:
You can also set the Contents to $(certFile.secureFilePath) $(provisionFile.secureFilePath) if you set the Reference name of above download secure file tasks to certFile and provisionFile
More conveniently you can use download secure files task directly in release pipeline to download the cert files.
Then the secure files will be available in release pipeline, and can be referenced just like in the build pipeline.

Azure build pipeline - published zip file

I am fairly new to Azure Build pipelines, but I am having issues finding the answer to this.
When I build my artifact, the results include my server code files (vb and cs). How do I construct a build pipeline where the artifacts that are dropped are only the files I need to publish a site? Meaning, I want to exclude vb and cs files, but include necessary dll's and html/java script files.
You're publishing the wrong thing as an artifact. You're probably specifying $(Build.SourcesDirectory) or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) as the root folder for your artifacts.
Look at your build step. Are you specifying an output directory as an MSBuild argument? If not, specify one. Specifically, $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). So you'd pass the MSBuild argument /p:OutDir=$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
Then publish $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) instead of whatever folder you're currently publishing.

How to get full path to build pipeline

In a custom vsts build task I want to know the path to the current build pipeline so that I can reuse the path to automatically calculate the path to the build drop folder.
In the vsts build portal where I create build pipelines they can be organized into folders. It's this folder path that I need to use in the build task. I can get hold of the name of the build pipeline from variables here:
But, there's no variable for the folder name. How can I get the folder name?
The folder that the build definition lives under is purely a build definition thing -- it has no bearing on a running build, so it's not populated as a build-time variable.
You can retrieve the build definition by making a REST API call:
GET https://{accountName}{project}/_apis/build/definitions/{definitionId}?api-version=4.1. The account URI and build definition ID are available in a running build, and you can easily allow your script access to an OAuth token (populated in the SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN environment variable) for authentication purposes.
This will return a JSON object, which contains a path property. That's the path to your build definition.
You must be using an agent for your build pipeline. The agent may be hosted on VSTS or it may be on your premises.
Now, all the tasks in build definitions are executed on agent. Agent is simply a machine. Normally it uses below folders during build process.
Build.Repository.LocalPath or Build.SourcesDirectory or
System.DefaultWorkingDirectory = c:\agent_work\1\s : The local path
on the agent where your source code files are downloaded
Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory or Build.StagingDirectory =
c:\agent_work\1\a: The local path on the agent where any artifacts
are copied to before being pushed to their destination.
So answer your question:
c:\agent_work\1\s here source code is downloaded.
c:\agent_work\1\a here you can copy anything. Build definition uses this path to generate build artifacts at the end of build.