Does Google Optimize anti-flicker snippet affect LCP negatively? - web-performance

anti-flicker snippet
The snippet makes document.documentElement hidden for certain TIMEOUT value (defaulting 4 seconds), It seems like LCP would probably being delayed for 4 seconds...

Possibly yes. However there’s more things to consider.
LCP is largest contentful paint. It’s basically the point at which the largest item (image or text block) on the screen was last changed.
So yes the Optimize snippet may delay that showing and will almost certainly affect First Contentful Paint (FCP). However if the experiment impacts the LCP text or image then it’s going to change anyway as the experiment is loaded - at which point LCP will be affected anyway. Though if the experiment is on something else that doesn’t affect the LCP image/text then yes it will likely be needlessly being held up.
It should also be noted that it doesn’t hold it up for 4 seconds - it’s a maximum of 4 seconds. If the experiment loads after 1 second it will display.
Also even if it does impact LCP, it will also be massively reducing CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) - a new metric that is expected to gain increasing importance over next few years.
Ultimately experiments rendered on the client side (like Optimize provides) will take time and something’s going to give with that. The anti-flicker snippet reduces confusing shifts as the experiment kicks in. Is this worth the delay? Depends on the experiment!
On that note, at the end of the day you should think in terms of your users. Would they prefer to see the page drawn as quickly as possible even if that means it changes as it loads? Or would they prefer a white screen for longer? What makes better sense and UX to them? The metrics (be they LCP, FCP, CLS or whatever ever other metric you choose) are simple attempts at measuring (or at least proxying) user satisfaction. Don’t lose site on that when chasing the numbers.


High latency when transmitting with HackRF One from GNU Radio

So I reverse-engineered an RC toy wireless protocol, and written a flow graph in GNU Radio Companion for reproducing the toy's commands.
The sink block is osmocom sink, and transmitting device is HackRF One.
The problem I encountered is severe lag between pressing button and toy reacting, which is about 1-2 seconds.
Quickly pressing, for example, "forward" button twice will result in toy jerking forward twice in quick succession as well, about a second after pressing. So it's not like the flow graph itself is slow. The CPU usage is also fairly low. This looks like some buffering issue.
I'm pretty sure that the flow graph itself reacts to button presses instantly, as debugging prints appear the same time as button is pressed/depressed, and square waves appear in the GUI scope sink instantly, as well.
I tried to lower number of HackRF buffers to one (by settings device arguments to hackrf,buffers=1), but it didn't help.
I set "Max Number of Outputs" to 10 for flow graph as well, and it also didn't make a difference (I tried some other values, too). Given that signal appears in the GUI scope much sooner than after 1 second, it shouldn't have worked anyway.
How can I reduce the latency then?
EDIT: I followed #Manos's suggestion and tried adjusting sample rate.
Adding a rational resampler block with interpolation of 8 (and adjusting sink sample rate accordingly) AND setting hackrf,buffers=1 makes latency almost non-existent.
However, reducing output sample rate of my custom block to 500k and having 16x interpolation still causes noticeable lag, maybe 400-500ms (still not as dramatic as when it's 1M at both source and sink). I'm not sure how to fix it. Unfortunately, running my custom block at 1M consumes 100% CPU and causes occasional underflows.

Determine sample size for A/B testing, more than 2 variants

What R function should we use if we want to decide the sample size for such a test:
10 ads, we want to use a test to decide which ads has the best click through rate. We are able to count the flow and click throughs.
I don’t think the number of variant experiences makes a difference. In each, you compare a metric to the same metric in control, so in each you’ll have its own significant sample size: the smaller the difference with the control, the larger the sample size.
The point of active debate in recent years is something related: how, at run time, to optimize the traffic split between the experiences so that by the time all the variants are called, the most has gone through your winning experience. Google (Experiments) have devised something they call the Multi-Arm Bandid algorithm for that, but as far as I know it hasn't been published in a peer-reviewed journal, and probably for a reason.
Good Luck!

Measure the electricity consumed by a browser to render a webpage

Is there a way to calculate the electricity consumed to load and render a webpage (frontend)? I was thinking of a 'test' made with phantomjs for example:
load a web page
scroll to the bottom
And measure how much electricity was needed. I can perhaps extrapolate from CPU cycle. But phantomjs is headless, rendering in real browser is certainly different. Perhaps it's impossible to do real measurements.. but with an index it may be possible to compare websites.
Do you have other suggestions?
It's pretty much impossible to measure this internally in modern processors (anything more recent than 286). By internally, I mean by counting cycles. This is because different parts of the processor consume different levels of energy per cycle depending upon the instruction.
That said, you can make your measurements. Stick a power meter between the wall and the processor. Here's a procedure:
Measure the baseline energy usage, i.e. nothing running except the OS and the browser, and the browser completely static (i.e. not doing anything). You need to make sure that everything is stead state (SS) meaning start your measurements only after several minutes of idle.
Measure the usage doing the operation you want. Again, you want to avoid any start up and stopping work, so make sure you start measuring at least 15 seconds after you start the operation. Stopping isn't an issue since the browser will execute any termination code after you finish your measurement.
Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, because of the nature of your measurements, there are some gotchas.
Do you recall your physics classes (or EE classes) that talked about signal to noise ratios? Well, a scroll down uses very little energy, so the signal (scrolling) is well in the noise (normal background processes). This means you have to take a LOT of samples to get anything useful.
Your browser startup energy usage, or anything else that uses a decent amount of processing, is much easier to measure (better signal to noise ratio).
Also, make sure you understand the underlying electronics. For example, power is VA (voltage*amperage) where both V and A are in phase. I don't think this will be an issue since I'm pretty sure they are in phase for computers. Also, any decent power meter understands the difference.
I'm guessing you intend to do this for mobile devices. Your measurements will only be roughly the same from processor to processor. This is due to architectural differences from generation to generation, and from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Good luck.

Virtual Memory Page Replacement Algorithms

I have a project where I am asked to develop an application to simulate how different page replacement algorithms perform (with varying working set size and stability period). My results:
Vertical axis: page faults
Horizontal axis: working set size
Depth axis: stable period
Are my results reasonable? I expected LRU to have better results than FIFO. Here, they are approximately the same.
For random, stability period and working set size doesnt seem to affect the performance at all? I expected similar graphs as FIFO & LRU just worst performance? If the reference string is highly stable (little branches) and have a small working set size, it should still have less page faults that an application with many branches and big working set size?
More Info
My Python Code | The Project Question
Length of reference string (RS): 200,000
Size of virtual memory (P): 1000
Size of main memory (F): 100
number of time page referenced (m): 100
Size of working set (e): 2 - 100
Stability (t): 0 - 1
Working set size (e) & stable period (t) affects how reference string are generated.
0 p p+e P-1
So assume the above the the virtual memory of size P. To generate reference strings, the following algorithm is used:
Repeat until reference string generated
pick m numbers in [p, p+e]. m simulates or refers to number of times page is referenced
pick random number, 0 <= r < 1
if r < t
generate new p
else (++p)%P
UPDATE (In response to #MrGomez's answer)
However, recall how you seeded your input data: using random.random,
thus giving you a uniform distribution of data with your controllable
level of entropy. Because of this, all values are equally likely to
occur, and because you've constructed this in floating point space,
recurrences are highly improbable.
I am using random, but it is not totally random either, references are generated with some locality though the use of working set size and number page referenced parameters?
I tried increasing the numPageReferenced relative with numFrames in hope that it will reference a page currently in memory more, thus showing the performance benefit of LRU over FIFO, but that didn't give me a clear result tho. Just FYI, I tried the same app with the following parameters (Pages/Frames ratio is still kept the same, I reduced the size of data to make things faster).
--numReferences 1000 --numPages 100 --numFrames 10 --numPageReferenced 20
The result is
Still not such a big difference. Am I right to say if I increase numPageReferenced relative to numFrames, LRU should have a better performance as it is referencing pages in memory more? Or perhaps I am mis-understanding something?
For random, I am thinking along the lines of:
Suppose theres high stability and small working set. It means that the pages referenced are very likely to be in memory. So the need for the page replacement algorithm to run is lower?
Hmm maybe I got to think about this more :)
UPDATE: Trashing less obvious on lower stablity
Here, I am trying to show the trashing as working set size exceeds the number of frames (100) in memory. However, notice thrashing appears less obvious with lower stability (high t), why might that be? Is the explanation that as stability becomes low, page faults approaches maximum thus it does not matter as much what the working set size is?
These results are reasonable given your current implementation. The rationale behind that, however, bears some discussion.
When considering algorithms in general, it's most important to consider the properties of the algorithms currently under inspection. Specifically, note their corner cases and best and worst case conditions. You're probably already familiar with this terse method of evaluation, so this is mostly for the benefit of those reading here whom may not have an algorithmic background.
Let's break your question down by algorithm and explore their component properties in context:
FIFO shows an increase in page faults as the size of your working set (length axis) increases.
This is correct behavior, consistent with Bélády's anomaly for FIFO replacement. As the size of your working page set increases, the number of page faults should also increase.
FIFO shows an increase in page faults as system stability (1 - depth axis) decreases.
Noting your algorithm for seeding stability (if random.random() < stability), your results become less stable as stability (S) approaches 1. As you sharply increase the entropy in your data, the number of page faults, too, sharply increases and propagates the Bélády's anomaly.
So far, so good.
LRU shows consistency with FIFO. Why?
Note your seeding algorithm. Standard LRU is most optimal when you have paging requests that are structured to smaller operational frames. For ordered, predictable lookups, it improves upon FIFO by aging off results that no longer exist in the current execution frame, which is a very useful property for staged execution and encapsulated, modal operation. Again, so far, so good.
However, recall how you seeded your input data: using random.random, thus giving you a uniform distribution of data with your controllable level of entropy. Because of this, all values are equally likely to occur, and because you've constructed this in floating point space, recurrences are highly improbable.
As a result, your LRU is perceiving each element to occur a small number of times, then to be completely discarded when the next value was calculated. It thus correctly pages each value as it falls out of the window, giving you performance exactly comparable to FIFO. If your system properly accounted for recurrence or a compressed character space, you would see markedly different results.
For random, stability period and working set size doesn't seem to affect the performance at all. Why are we seeing this scribble all over the graph instead of giving us a relatively smooth manifold?
In the case of a random paging scheme, you age off each entry stochastically. Purportedly, this should give us some form of a manifold bound to the entropy and size of our working set... right?
Or should it? For each set of entries, you randomly assign a subset to page out as a function of time. This should give relatively even paging performance, regardless of stability and regardless of your working set, as long as your access profile is again uniformly random.
So, based on the conditions you are checking, this is entirely correct behavior consistent with what we'd expect. You get an even paging performance that doesn't degrade with other factors (but, conversely, isn't improved by them) that's suitable for high load, efficient operation. Not bad, just not what you might intuitively expect.
So, in a nutshell, that's the breakdown as your project is currently implemented.
As an exercise in further exploring the properties of these algorithms in the context of different dispositions and distributions of input data, I highly recommend digging into scipy.stats to see what, for example, a Gaussian or logistic distribution might do to each graph. Then, I would come back to the documented expectations of each algorithm and draft cases where each is uniquely most and least appropriate.
All in all, I think your teacher will be proud. :)

What's the best way to measure and track performance over various calls at runtime?

I'm trying to optimize the performance of my code, but I'm not familiar with xcode's debuggers or debuggers in general. Is it possible to track the execution time and frequency of calls being made at runtime?
Imagine a chain of events with some recursive calls over a fraction of a second. What's the best way to track where the CPU spends most of its time?
Many thanks.
Edit: Maybe this is better asked by saying, how do I use the xcode debug tools to do a stack trace?
You want to use the built-in performance tools called 'Instruments', check out Apples guide to Instruments. Specifically you probably want the System Instruments. There's also the Tuning Guide which could be useful to you and Shark.
Imagine a chain of events with some
recursive calls over a fraction of a
second. What's the best way to track
where the CPU spends most of its time?
Short version of previous answer.
Learn an IDE or debugger. Make sure it has a "pause" button or you can interrupt it when your program is running and taking too long.
If your code runs too quickly to be manually paused, wrap a temporary loop of 10 to 1000 times around it.
When you pause it, make a copy of the call stack, into some text editor. Repeat several times.
Your answer will be in those stacks. If the CPU is spending most of its time in a statement, that statement will be at the bottom of most of the stack samples. If there is some function call that causes most of the time to be used, that function call will be on most of the stacks. It doesn't matter if it's recursive - that just means it shows up more than once on a stack.
Don't think about measuring microseconds, or counting calls. Think about "percent of time active". That's what stack samples tell you, and that's roughly what you'll save if you fix it.
It's that simple.
BTW, when you fix that problem, you will get a speedup factor. Then, other issues in your code will be magnified by that factor, so they will be easier to find. This way, you can keep going until you've squeezed every cycle out of it.
The first thing I tell people is to recognize the difference between
1) timing routines and counting how many times they are called, and
2) finding code that you can fruitfully optimize.
For (1) there are instrumenting profilers.
To be really successful at (2) you need a rare type of profiler.
You need a sampling profiler that
samples the entire call stack, not just the program counter
samples at random wall clock times, not just CPU, so as to capture possible I/O problems
samples when you want it to (not when waiting for user input)
for output, gives you, for each line of code that appears on stack samples, the percent of samples containing that line. That is a direct measure of the total time that could be saved if that line were not there.
(I actually do it by hand, interrupting the program under the debugger.)
Don't get sidetracked by problems you don't have, such as
accuracy of measurement. If a line of code appears on 30% of call stack samples, it's actual cost could be anywhere in a range around 30%. If you can find a way to eliminate it or invoke it a lot less, you will save what it costs, even if you don't know in advance exactly what its cost is.
efficiency of sampling. Since you don't need accuracy of time measurement, you don't need a large number of samples. Even if you get a large number of samples, they don't skew the results significantly, because they don't fail to spot the costly lines of code.
call graphs. They make nice graphics, but are not what you need to know. An arc on a call graph corresponds to a line of code in the best case, usually multiple lines, so knowing cost of an arc only tells the cost of a line in the best case. Call graphs concentrate on functions, when what you need to find is lines of code. Call graphs get wrapped up in the issue of recursion, which is irrelevant.
It's important to understand what to expect. Many programmers, using traditional profilers, can get a 20% improvement, consider that terrific, count the profiler a winner, and stop there. Others, working with large programs, can often get speedup factors of 20 times.
This is done by fixing a series of problems, each one giving a multiplicative speedup factor. As soon as the profiler fails to find the next problem, the process stops. That's why "good enough" isn't good enough.
Here is a brief explanation of the method.