Could not upload image with Dio - flutter

I'm using Dio to upload images to backend. It often gives me the Reference not set response with a 500 error code. I tried uploading from another source and it seems to be working. What's wrong with this code?
Haven't put the code for performPostRequestWithToken() because other methods are using it too and it seems to be working alright.
Future<UserModel> submitProfileImage(String imagePath) async {
if (isEmpty(imagePath)) throw Exception("NULL image found");
final formdata = FormData.fromMap({
"profilePic": await MultipartFile.fromFile(
filename: "profilePic.png",
final usertoken = await getCurrentUserToken();
final response = await _dioHttpService.performPostRequestWithToken(
if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300) {
return UserModel.fromMap(["data"]);
} else {
throw Exception(response.statusMessage);

The problem in my case was that the map key profilePic was causing the issues. This was definitely a problem from the backend because they were expecting the key to be file.
Changed that and it all worked out.


Vimeo video upload fails 1/10 times using Dio package in Flutter

I am using the POST method to upload video file from Flutter App using the Dio package. Vimeo's POST method first generates a link for us to upload the video to. The video is uploaded successfully most of the time. Every once in a while, it fails (like 1/10).
To Test if this is an issue on Vimeo's server I tried uploading the video from POSTMAN, 20/20 (all of them) times it uploaded successfully. So I am assuming there is something wrong with the DIO Package?
I have also posted this issue in the DIO's github issues:
Upload video code:
if (url != null) {
print('upload link is not null!');
Strings.videoURL = url;
print('upload url is <>:');
try {
Dio uploadVideoDio = new Dio();
uploadVideoDio.options.headers["authorization"] = dotenv.env['VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN'];
uploadVideoDio.options.headers["content-type"] = "application/json";
uploadVideoDio.options.headers["accept"] = "application/json";
var formData = FormData.fromMap({
"file_data": await MultipartFile.fromFile(file.path)
data: formData,
options: Options(
followRedirects: false,
responseType: ResponseType.json,
validateStatus: (status) {
print('status is :');
// return status! < 500;
if (status == 302) {
uploadStatus = 'successful';
return true;
} else {
return false;
print('file upload called');
print('upload status is ');
return uploadStatus;
} on DioError catch (err) {
print('error uploading actual video');
return uploadStatus;
} else {
print('upload link is null');
return uploadStatus;
Here's an update
I got in touch with the Vimeo's support team and they are investigating the issue. Their response is that
The "POST" method is not very reliable and you should use the TUS
resumable approach.
I am about to test the stability of the TUS method and will update this post afterwards

Error Uploading file to server with Flutter

I have a flutter application that select and upload audio file to server with rest api.
my flutter code as follows
uploadFile() async {
var postUri = Uri.parse("");
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("POST", postUri);
request.fields['user'] = 'blah';
request.files.add(new http.MultipartFile.fromBytes('file', await File.fromUri(Uri.parse(file.path)).readAsBytes(),contentType: MediaType('audio','mp3')
request.send().then((response) {
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
my file.path value for above flutter code is "/data/user/0/com.mydomain.myappname/cache/file_picker/Over_the_Horizon.mp3" which is returned from file picker.
I am able to upload file with postman, but flutter code gives me 500: Internal Server Error
Postman Screenshot
tried with several codes found on stack overflow , all gave me same error
Did you tried with DIO?
You can accomplish this with DIO, like this:
FormData formData = new FormData.fromMap({
"file": await MultipartFile.fromFile(file.path,
filename: file.path.split('/').last)
await'', data: formData, onSendProgress: (int begin, int end) {
var initial = begin;
var done = end;
print('$initial $end');

Upload image flutter web with dio formdata

I am trying using file_picker and dio packages to upload files as form data.
This is for flutter web and it seems MultipartFile.fromFile is not accepted.
What I tried is the following:
if (result != null) {
for (var file in result.files) {
final formData = FormData.fromMap({
'file': File(, // <------ I guess this is where the issue is, I also tried file instead of File(
data: formData,
Ok, I found it, leaving here for someone having the same problem
if (result != null) {
for (var file in result.files) {
final formData = FormData.fromMap({
'file': MultipartFile.fromBytes(file.bytes as List<int>)
data: formData,
If anyone is still wondering how to get it working on both mobile and web (This is using the image_picker's PickedFile as the image variable type) :
FormData body;
final bytes = await image.readAsBytes();
final MultipartFile file = MultipartFile.fromBytes(bytes, filename: "picture");
MapEntry<String, MultipartFile> imageEntry = MapEntry("image", file);
The catch is that the filename is required on web and is automatically assigned on mobile.**

Flutter AZURE BLOB IMAGE UPLOAD - How to upload image captured using mobile camera to azure blob storage

I have been working for few since yesterday to try upload an image to azure blob storage taken using mobile camera form iOS/Android device.
I am able to upload the files but for some reason they being corrupted not able to open the image uploaded.
Please check the image error while opening the uploaded image
I am using flutter package http with different approach all work in uploading image file to azure blob store but it gets corrupted somehow , I tried forcing the ContentType to image/jpeg but no help.
Here is code I am using an http API -
takePicture() async {
final pickedFile = await picker.getImage(source:;
setState(() {
if (pickedFile != null) {
_image = File(pickedFile.path);
String fileName = basename(pickedFile.path);
uploadFile(fileName, image);
} else {
print('No image selected.');
First approach -->
http.Response response = await http.put(
headers: {
"Content-Type": 'image/jpeg',
"X-MS-BLOB-TYPE": "BlockBlob",
body: image.path,
Using Approach second -->
final data = image.readAsBytesSync();
var dio = Dio();
dio.options.headers['x-ms-blob-type'] = 'BlockBlob';
dio.options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg';
try {
final response = await dio.put(
data: data,
onSendProgress: (int sent, int total) {
if (total != -1) {
print((sent / total * 100).toStringAsFixed(0) + "%");
} catch (e) {
Approach third -->
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("PUT", postUri);
request.headers['X-MS-BLOB-TYPE'] = 'BlockBlob';
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg';
new http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
await image.readAsBytes(),
request.send().then((response) {
}, onError: (err) {
Help here is much appreciated.
If you want to upload the image to Azure Blob Storage in the flutter application, you can use the Dart Package azblob to implement it. Regarding how to use the package, please refer to here.
For example
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:azblob/azblob.dart';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart';
//use image_picker to get image
Future uploadImageToAzure(BuildContext context) async {
String fileName = basename(_imageFile.path);
// read file as Uint8List
Uint8List content = await _imageFile.readAsBytes();
var storage = AzureStorage.parse('<storage account connection string>');
String container="image";
// get the mine type of the file
String contentType= lookupMimeType(fileName);
await storage.putBlob('/$container/$fileName',bodyBytes: content,contentType: contentType,type: BlobType.BlockBlob);
} on AzureStorageException catch(ex){
Unfortunately, the multipart form is causing break of image. I don't know how it works on azure side, because there is little or no information about multipart uploads, but it's clearly broken because of multipart form. I replicated the problem in .net core application and whenever i am using multipart form data to upload image - it is broken. When i am using simple ByteArrayContent - it works. I couldn't find flutter equivalent to ByteArrayContent, so i am lost now :( The package mentioned by #Jim is useless for me, because i want to give clients sas url, so they have permission to upload image on client side. I do not want to store azure storage account secrets in flutter app.
EDIT. I found the solution to send raw byte data with Dio package. You can do that also with http package.
final dio = new Dio();
final fileBytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
var streamData = Stream.fromIterable( => [e]));
await dio.put(uploadDestinationUrl,
data: streamData,
options: Options(headers: {
Headers.contentLengthHeader: fileBytes.length,
"x-ms-blob-type": "BlockBlob",
"content-type": "image/jpeg"

How to upload image to server API with Flutter [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Upload image with and registration form in Flutter?
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am new to Flutter development. My problem is that I try to upload the image but I keep getting failed request.
This piece of code is where I connect it with a server API which will receive the image file from Flutter. String attachment which consist of the image path that is passed from createIncident function located at another page.
Future<IncidentCreateResponse> createIncident( String requesterName, String requesterEmail,
String requesterMobile, String attachment, String title,
String tags, String body, String teamId,
String address ) async {
IncidentCreateResponse incidentCreateResponse;
var token = Auth().loginSession.accessToken;
var postBody = new Map<String, dynamic>();
postBody["requester_name"] = requesterName;
postBody["requester_email"] = requesterEmail;
postBody["requester_mobile_no"] = requesterMobile;
postBody["attachment"] = attachment;
postBody["title"] = title;
postBody["tags"] = tags;
postBody["body"] = body;
postBody["teamId"] = teamId;
postBody["address"] = address;
// Await the http get response, then decode the json-formatted responce.
var response = await
body: postBody,
headers: {
'X-APP-ID': GlobalConfig.APP_ID,
"Accept": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
// "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: 'Bearer $token',
if ((response.statusCode == 200) || (response.statusCode == 201)) {
var data = json.decode(response.body);
incidentCreateResponse = IncidentCreateResponse.fromJson(data['data']);
} else {
print("createIncident failed with status: ${response.statusCode}.");
incidentCreateResponse = null;
return incidentCreateResponse;
This is the code snippet where I get the image path from the selected image from the gallery
Future getImageFromGallery(BuildContext context) async {
var picture = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source:;
_imageFile = picture;
attachment = basename(_imageFile.path);
This is the code where I passed the attachment string to the HTTP Response
).then((IncidentCreateResponse res) {
if (res != null) {
print('Ticket Id: ' +;
// Navigator.pop(context);
} else {
You can upload image using multipart or base64 Encode.
For uploading image using multipart Visit the Official documentation
For uploading image using base64 Encode you can checkout the Tutorial Here
I suggest using multipart image upload as it is even reliable when your image or files are larger in size.
Hope this could help you,
create a function to upload your image after picking or clicking an image like,
Future<ResponseModel> uploadPhoto(
String _token,
File _image,
String _path,
) async {
Dio dio = new Dio();
FormData _formdata = new FormData();
_formdata.add("photo", new UploadFileInfo(_image, _path));
final response = await
baseUrl + '/image/upload',
data: _formdata,
options: Options(
method: 'POST',
headers: {
authTokenHeader: _token,
responseType: ResponseType.json,
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 500) {
return ResponseModel.fromJson(json.decode(response.toString()));
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to upload!');
then you can use use uploadImage,
uploadImage(_token, _image,_image.uri.toFilePath()).then((ResponseModel response) {
//do something with the response
I have used Dio for the task, you can find more detail about dio here
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
dio: ^3.0.5
Then import it in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
To upload image using multipart API use this code ie
Add this library dio in your project in pubspec.yaml file
dio: ^3.0.5
and import this in your class
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
Declare this variable in your class like State<CustomClass>
static var uri = "BASE_URL_HERE";
static BaseOptions options = BaseOptions(
baseUrl: uri,
responseType: ResponseType.plain,
connectTimeout: 30000,
receiveTimeout: 30000,
validateStatus: (code) {
if (code >= 200) {
return true;
static Dio dio = Dio(options);
then use this method to upload file
Future<dynamic> _uploadFile() async {
try {
Options options = Options(
//contentType: ContentType.parse('application/json'), // only for json type api
var directory = await getExternalStorageDirectory(); // directory path
final path = await directory.path; // path of the directory
Response response = await'/update_profile',
data: FormData.from({
"param_key": "value",
"param2_key": "value",
"param3_key": "value",
"profile_pic_param_key": UploadFileInfo(File("$path/pic.jpg"), "pic.jpg"),
options: options);
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201) {
var responseJson = json.decode(;
return responseJson;
} else if (response.statusCode == 401) {
print(' response code 401');
throw Exception("Incorrect Email/Password");
} else
throw Exception('Authentication Error');
} on DioError catch (exception) {
if (exception == null ||
exception.toString().contains('SocketException')) {
throw Exception("Network Error");
} else if (exception.type == DioErrorType.RECEIVE_TIMEOUT ||
exception.type == DioErrorType.CONNECT_TIMEOUT) {
throw Exception(
"Could'nt connect, please ensure you have a stable network.");
} else {
return null;