Speed in Matlab vs. Julia vs. Fortran - matlab

I am playing around with different languages to solve a simple value function iteration problem where I loop over a state-space grid. I am trying to understand the performance differences and how I could tweak each code. For posterity I have posted full length working examples for each language below. However, I believe that most of the tweaking is to be done in the while loop. I am a bit confused what I am doing wrong in Fortran as the speed seems subpar.
Matlab ~2.7secs : I am avoiding a more efficient solution using the repmat function for now to keep the codes comparable. Code seems to be automatically multithreaded onto 4 threads
beta = 0.98;
sigma = 0.5;
R = 1/beta;
a_grid = linspace(0,100,1001);
[V_mat, next_mat] = valfun(beta, sigma, R ,a_grid);
where valfun()
function [V_mat, next_mat] = valfun(beta, sigma, R, a_grid)
zeta = 1-1/sigma;
len = length(a_grid);
V_mat = zeros(2,len);
next_mat = zeros(2,len);
u = zeros(2,len,len);
c = zeros(2,len,len);
for i = 1:len
c(1,:,i) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R + 20.0;
c(2,:,i) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R;
u = c.^zeta * zeta^(-1);
u(c<=0) = -1e8;
tol = 1e-4;
outeriter = 0;
diff = 1000.0;
while (diff>tol) %&& (outeriter<20000)
outeriter = outeriter + 1;
V_last = V_mat;
for i = 1:len
[V_mat(1,i), next_mat(1,i)] = max( u(1,:,i) + beta*V_last(2,:));
[V_mat(2,i), next_mat(2,i)] = max( u(2,:,i) + beta*V_last(1,:));
diff = max(abs(V_mat - V_last));
fprintf("\n Value Function converged in %i steps. \n", outeriter)
Julia (after compilation) ~5.4secs (4 threads (9425469 allocations: 22.43 GiB)), ~7.8secs (1 thread (2912564 allocations: 22.29 GiB))
[EDIT: after adding correct broadcasting and #views its only 1.8-2.1seconds now, see below!]
using LinearAlgebra, UnPack, BenchmarkTools
struct paramsnew
function valfun(params, a_grid)
#unpack β,σ, R = params
ζ = 1-1/σ
len = length(a_grid)
V_mat = zeros(2,len)
next_mat = zeros(2,len)
u = zeros(2,len,len)
c = zeros(2,len,len)
#inbounds for i in 1:len
c[1,:,i] = #. a_grid[i] - a_grid/R .+ 20.0
c[2,:,i] = #. a_grid[i] - a_grid/R
u = c.^ζ * ζ^(-1)
u[c.<=0] .= typemin(Float64)
tol = 1e-4
outeriter = 0
test = 1000.0
while test>tol
outeriter += 1
V_last = deepcopy(V_mat)
#inbounds Threads.#threads for i in 1:len # loop over grid points
V_mat[1,i], next_mat[1,i] = findmax( u[1,:,i] .+ β*V_last[2,:])
V_mat[2,i], next_mat[2,i] = findmax( u[2,:,i] .+ β*V_last[1,:])
test = maximum( abs.(V_mat - V_last)[.!isnan.( V_mat - V_last )])
print("\n Value Function converged in ", outeriter, " steps.")
return V_mat, next_mat
a_grid = collect(0:0.1:100)
p1 = paramsnew(0.98, 1/2, 1/0.98);
#time valfun(p1,a_grid)
print("\n should be compiled now \n")
#btime valfun(p1,a_grid)
Fortran (O3, mkl, qopenmp) ~9.2secs: I also must be doing something wrong when declaring the openmp variables as the compilation will crash for some grid sizes when using openmp (SIGSEGV error).
module mod_calc
use omp_lib
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(33,4931), len = 1001
public :: dp, len
subroutine linspace(from, to, array)
real(dp), intent(in) :: from, to
real(dp), intent(out) :: array(:)
real(dp) :: range
integer :: n, i
n = size(array)
range = to - from
if (n == 0) return
if (n == 1) then
array(1) = from
end if
do i=1, n
array(i) = from + range * (i - 1) / (n - 1)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine calc_val()
real(dp):: bbeta, sigma, R, zeta, tol, test
real(dp):: a_grid(len), V_mat(2,len), V_last(2,len), &
u(len,len,2), c(len,len,2)
integer :: outeriter, i, sss, next_mat(2,len), fu
character(len=*), parameter :: FILE_NAME = 'data.txt' ! File name.
call linspace(from=0._dp, to=100._dp, array=a_grid)
bbeta = 0.98
sigma = 0.5
R = 1.0/0.98
zeta = 1.0 - 1.0/sigma
tol = 1e-4
test = 1000.0
outeriter = 0
do i = 1,len
c(:,i,1) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R + 20.0
c(:,i,2) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R
end do
u = c**zeta * 1.0/zeta
where (c<=0)
u = -1e6
end where
V_mat = 0.0
next_mat = 0.0
do while (test>tol .and. outeriter<20000)
outeriter = outeriter+1
V_last = V_mat
!$OMP SHARED(V_mat, next_mat,V_last, u, bbeta) &
do i=1,len
V_mat(1,i) = maxval(u(:,i,1) + bbeta*V_last(2,:))
next_mat(1,i) = maxloc(u(:,i,1) + bbeta*V_last(2,:),1)
V_mat(2,i) = maxval(u(:,i,2) + bbeta*V_last(1,:))
next_mat(2,i) = maxloc(u(:,i,2) + bbeta*V_last(1,:),1)
end do
test = maxval(abs(log(V_last/V_mat)))
end do
end subroutine
end module mod_calc
program main
use mod_calc
implicit none
integer:: clck_counts_beg,clck_rate,clck_counts_end
call omp_set_num_threads(4)
call system_clock ( clck_counts_beg, clck_rate )
call calc_val()
call system_clock ( clck_counts_end, clck_rate )
write (*, '("Time = ",f6.3," seconds.")') (clck_counts_end - clck_counts_beg) / real(clck_rate)
end program main
There should be ways to reduce the amount of allocations (Julia reports 32-45% gc time!) but for now I am too novice to see them, so any comments and tipps are welcome.
Adding #views and correct broadcasting to the while loop improved the Julia speed considerably (as expected, I guess) and hence beats the Matlab loop now. With 4 threads the code now takes only 1.97secs. Specifically,
#inbounds for i in 1:len
c[1,:,i] = #views #. a_grid[i] - a_grid/R .+ 20.0
c[2,:,i] = #views #. a_grid[i] - a_grid/R
u = #. c^ζ * ζ^(-1)
#. u[c<=0] = typemin(Float64)
while test>tol && outeriter<20000
outeriter += 1
V_last = deepcopy(V_mat)
#inbounds Threads.#threads for i in 1:len # loop over grid points
V_mat[1,i], next_mat[1,i] = #views findmax( #. u[1,:,i] + β*V_last[2,:])
V_mat[2,i], next_mat[2,i] = #views findmax( #. u[2,:,i] + β*V_last[1,:])
test = #views maximum( #. abs(V_mat - V_last)[!isnan( V_mat - V_last )])

The reason the fortran is so slow is that it is using quadruple precision - I don't know Julia or Matlab but it looks as though double precision is being used in that case. Further as noted in the comments some of the loop orders are incorrect for Fortran, and also you are not consistent in your use of precision in the Fortran code, most of your constants are single precision. Correcting all these leads to the following:
Original: test = 9.83440674663232047922921588613472439E-0005 Time =
31.413 seconds.
Optimised: test = 9.8343643237979391E-005 Time = 0.912 seconds.
Note I have turned off parallelisation for these, all results are single threaded. Code is below:
module mod_calc
!!$ use omp_lib
implicit none
!!$ integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(33,4931), len = 1001
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15), len = 1001
public :: dp, len
subroutine linspace(from, to, array)
real(dp), intent(in) :: from, to
real(dp), intent(out) :: array(:)
real(dp) :: range
integer :: n, i
n = size(array)
range = to - from
if (n == 0) return
if (n == 1) then
array(1) = from
end if
do i=1, n
array(i) = from + range * (i - 1) / (n - 1)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine calc_val()
real(dp):: bbeta, sigma, R, zeta, tol, test
real(dp):: a_grid(len), V_mat(len,2), V_last(len,2), &
u(len,len,2), c(len,len,2)
integer :: outeriter, i, sss, next_mat(2,len), fu
character(len=*), parameter :: FILE_NAME = 'data.txt' ! File name.
call linspace(from=0._dp, to=100._dp, array=a_grid)
bbeta = 0.98_dp
sigma = 0.5_dp
R = 1.0_dp/0.98_dp
zeta = 1.0_dp - 1.0_dp/sigma
tol = 1e-4_dp
test = 1000.0_dp
outeriter = 0
do i = 1,len
c(:,i,1) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R + 20.0_dp
c(:,i,2) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R
end do
u = c**zeta * 1.0_dp/zeta
where (c<=0)
u = -1e6_dp
end where
V_mat = 0.0_dp
next_mat = 0.0_dp
do while (test>tol .and. outeriter<20000)
outeriter = outeriter+1
V_last = V_mat
!$OMP SHARED(V_mat, next_mat,V_last, u, bbeta) &
do i=1,len
V_mat(i,1) = maxval(u(:,i,1) + bbeta*V_last(:, 2))
next_mat(i,1) = maxloc(u(:,i,1) + bbeta*V_last(:, 2),1)
V_mat(i,2) = maxval(u(:,i,2) + bbeta*V_last(:, 1))
next_mat(i,2) = maxloc(u(:,i,2) + bbeta*V_last(:, 1),1)
end do
test = maxval(abs(log(V_last/V_mat)))
end do
Write( *, * ) test
end subroutine
end module mod_calc
program main
use mod_calc
implicit none
integer:: clck_counts_beg,clck_rate,clck_counts_end
!!$ call omp_set_num_threads(2)
call system_clock ( clck_counts_beg, clck_rate )
call calc_val()
call system_clock ( clck_counts_end, clck_rate )
write (*, '("Time = ",f6.3," seconds.")') (clck_counts_end - clck_counts_beg) / real(clck_rate)
end program main
Compilation / linking:
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 7.4.0
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ gfortran -Wall -Wextra -O3 jul.f90
character(len=*), parameter :: FILE_NAME = 'data.txt' ! File name.
Warning: Unused parameter ‘file_name’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-parameter]
integer :: outeriter, i, sss, next_mat(2,len), fu
Warning: Unused variable ‘fu’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]
integer :: outeriter, i, sss, next_mat(2,len), fu
Warning: Unused variable ‘sss’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable]
ian#eris:~/work/stack$ ./a.out
Time = 0.908 seconds.

What #Ian Bush says in his answer about the dual precision is correct. Moreover,
You will likely not need openmp for the kind of parallelization you have done in your code. The Fortran's intrinsic do concurrent() will automatically parallelize the loop for you (when the code is compiled with the parallel flag of the respective compiler).
Also, the where elsewhere construct is slow as it often requires the creation of a logical mask array and then applying it in a do-loop. You can use do concurrent() in place of where to both avoid the extra temporary array creation and parallelize the computation on multiple cores.
Also, when comparing 64bit precision numbers, it's good to make sure both values are the same type and kind to avoid an implicit type/kind conversion before the comparison is made.
Also, the calculation of a_grid(i) - a_grid/R in computing the c array is redundant and can be avoided in the subsequent line.
Here is the modified optimized parallel Fortran code without any OpenMP,
module mod_calc
use iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64
implicit none
integer, parameter :: len = 1001
public :: dp, len
subroutine linspace(from, to, array)
real(dp), intent(in) :: from, to
real(dp), intent(out) :: array(:)
real(dp) :: range
integer :: n, i
n = size(array)
range = to - from
if (n == 0) return
if (n == 1) then
array(1) = from
end if
do concurrent(i=1:n)
array(i) = from + range * (i - 1) / (n - 1)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine calc_val()
implicit none
real(dp) :: bbeta, sigma, R, zeta, tol, test
real(dp) :: a_grid(len), V_mat(len,2), V_last(len,2), u(len,len,2), c(len,len,2)
integer :: outeriter, i, j, k, sss, next_mat(2,len), fu
character(len=*), parameter :: FILE_NAME = 'data.txt' ! File name.
call linspace(from=0._dp, to=100._dp, array=a_grid)
bbeta = 0.98_dp
sigma = 0.5_dp
R = 1.0_dp/0.98_dp
zeta = 1.0_dp - 1.0_dp/sigma
tol = 1e-4_dp
test = 1000.0_dp
outeriter = 0
do concurrent(i=1:len)
c(1:len,i,2) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R
c(1:len,i,1) = c(1:len,i,2) + 20.0_dp
end do
u = c**zeta * 1.0_dp/zeta
do concurrent(i=1:len, j=1:len, k=1:2)
if (c(i,j,k)<=0._dp) u(i,j,k) = -1e6_dp
end do
V_mat = 0.0_dp
next_mat = 0.0_dp
do while (test>tol .and. outeriter<20000)
outeriter = outeriter + 1
V_last = V_mat
do concurrent(i=1:len)
V_mat(i,1) = maxval(u(:,i,1) + bbeta*V_last(:, 2))
next_mat(i,1) = maxloc(u(:,i,1) + bbeta*V_last(:, 2),1)
V_mat(i,2) = maxval(u(:,i,2) + bbeta*V_last(:, 1))
next_mat(i,2) = maxloc(u(:,i,2) + bbeta*V_last(:, 1),1)
end do
test = maxval(abs(log(V_last/V_mat)))
end do
Write( *, * ) test
end subroutine
end module mod_calc
program main
use mod_calc
implicit none
integer:: clck_counts_beg,clck_rate,clck_counts_end
call system_clock ( clck_counts_beg, clck_rate )
call calc_val()
call system_clock ( clck_counts_end, clck_rate )
write (*, '("Time = ",f6.3," seconds.")') (clck_counts_end - clck_counts_beg) / real(clck_rate)
end program main
Compiling your original code with /standard-semantics /F0x1000000000 /O3 /Qip /Qipo /Qunroll /Qunroll-aggressive /inline:all /Ob2 /Qparallel Intel Fortran compiler flags, yields the following timing,
Time = 37.284 seconds.
compiling and running the parallel concurrent Fortran code in the above (on at most 4 cores, if any at all is used) yields,
Time = 0.149 seconds.
For comparison, this MATLAB's timing,
Value Function converged in 362 steps.
Elapsed time is 3.575691 seconds.
One last tip: There are several vectorized array computations and loops in the above code that can still be merged together to even further improve the speed of your Fortran code. For example,
u = c**zeta * 1.0_dp/zeta
do concurrent(i=1:len, j=1:len, k=1:2)
if (c(i,j,k)<=0._dp) u(i,j,k) = -1e6_dp
end do
in the above code can be all merged with the do concurrent loop appearing before it,
do concurrent(i=1:len)
c(1:len,i,2) = a_grid(i) - a_grid/R
c(1:len,i,1) = c(1:len,i,2) + 20.0_dp
end do
If you decide to do so, then you can define an auxiliary variable inverse_zeta = 1.0_dp / zeta to use in the computation of u inside the loop instead of using * 1.0_dp / zeta, thus avoiding the extra division (which is more costly than multiplication), without degrading the readability of the code.


OpenModelica complains about a negative value which can't be negative

Following this question I have modified the energy based controller which I have described here to avoid negative values inside the sqrt:
model Model
parameter Real m = 1;
parameter Real k = 2;
parameter Real Fmax = 3;
parameter Real x0 = 1;
parameter Real x1 = 2;
parameter Real t1 = 5;
parameter Real v0 = -2;
Real x, v, a, xy, F, vm, K;
initial equation
x = x0;
v = v0;
v = der(x);
a = der(v);
m * a + k * x = F;
if time < t1 then
xy := x0;
xy := x1;
end if;
K := Fmax * abs(xy - x) + k * (xy^2 - x^2) / 2;
if abs(xy - x) < 1e-6 then
F := k * x;
if K > 0 then
vm := sign(xy - x) * sqrt(2 * K / m);
F := Fmax * sign(vm - v);
F := Fmax * sign(x - xy);
end if;
end if;
experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 20, Tolerance = 1e-06, Interval = 0.001),
__OpenModelica_simulationFlags(lv = "LOG_STATS", outputFormat = "mat", s = "euler"));
end Model;
However, it keeps giving me the error:
The following assertion has been violated at time 7.170000
Model error: Argument of sqrt(K / m) was -1.77973e-005 should be >= 0
Integrator attempt to handle a problem with a called assert.
The following assertion has been violated at time 7.169500
Model error: Argument of sqrt(K / m) was -6.5459e-006 should be >= 0
model terminate | Simulation terminated by an assert at the time: 7.1695
Simulation process failed. Exited with code -1.
I would appreciate if you could help me know what is the problem and how I can solve it.
The code you created does event localization to find out when the condition in the if-statements becomes true and/or false. During this search it is possible that the expression in the square-root becomes negative although you 'avoided' it with the if-statement.
Try reading this and to apply the solution presented there. Spoiler: It basically comes down to adding a noEvent() statement for you Boolean condition...

Need help in matrix dimension while converting from fortran to matlab

I have been working on a fortran code to convert it into the matlab. I am facing some issues with dimensioning! Following is the code which is giving me error
do 10 p = 1,m
d(p) = 0.d0
d(p) = x - x1(i,p) - x2(i,p) -
& double_sum(i,p,n,m,str,mot)
10 continue
double_sum = 0.d0
do 10 j = 1,m
do 20 k = 1,n
if (k .eq. i) then
double_sum = double_sum + mot(k,j,i,p)*str(k,j)
20 continue
10 continue
to which I converted it into matlab as:
for p=1:m
double_sum = 0;
for j=1:m
for k=1:n
if k==i
double_sum = double_sum + mot(k,j,i,p)*str(k,j);
d(p)=x - x1(i,p) - x2(i,p)-double_sum(i,p,n,m,str,mot);
I am getting error of "index exceeding matrix".
The error line is for this part of my code:
d(p)=x - x1(i,p) - x2(i,p)-double_sum(i,p,n,m,str,mot);
So if I ignore double_sum(i,p,n,m,str,mot); this part, code runs perfectly.
I know the double_sum matrix is of 6D which looks suspicious to me, but I would like to have your support to successfully port this piece of fortran code.
Note:Asked the same question on matlab forum. But stackoverflow have more chances of people worked on fortran 77. Hence asking it here.
If the Fortran code in the Question is really everything, it may be a very rough snippet that explains how to calculate array d(:)
do 10 p = 1, m
d( p ) = x - x1( i, p ) - x2( i, p ) - double_sum( i, p, n, m, str, mot )
10 continue
with a function double_sum() defined by
double precision function double_sum( i, p, n, m, str, mot )
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: i, p, n, m
double precision, intent(in) :: str( n, m ), mot( n, m, ?, ? )
integer j, k
double_sum = 0.d0
do 10 j = 1, m
do 20 k = 1, n
if (k .eq. i) then
double_sum = double_sum + mot( k, j, i, p ) * str( k, j )
20 continue
10 continue
though it is definitely better to find the original Fortran source to check the context...(including how i and d(:) are used outside this code). Nevertheless, if we use the above interpretation, the corresponding Matlab code may look like this:
for p = 1:m
double_sum = 0;
for j = 1:m
for k = 1:n
if k == i
double_sum = double_sum + mot( k, j, i, p ) * str( k, j );
d( p ) = x - x1( i, p ) - x2( i, p ) - double_sum; % <--- no indices for double_sum
There is also a possibility that double_sum() is a recursive function, but because we cannot use the function name as the result variable (e.g. this page), it may be OK to exclude that possibility (so the Fortran code has two scopes, as suggested by redundant labels 10).
There is an error in your loops. The fortran code runs one loop over p=1:m, whose end is marked by the continue statement. Then, two nested loops over j and k follow.
Assuming, you know the size of all your arrays beforehand and have initialized them to the correct size (which may not be the case given your error statement) this is more along the lines of the fortran example you posted.
d = zeros(size(d));
for p=1:m
d(p)=x - x1(i,p) - x2(i,p)-double_sum(i,p,n,m,str,mot);
% add a statement here to set all entries of double sum to zero
double_sum = zeros(size(double_sum))
for j=1:m
for k=1:n
if k==i
double_sum = double_sum + mot(k,j,i,p)*str(k,j);
It is a little hard to give advice without knowledge of more parts of the code. are mot and str and double_sum functions? Arrays? The ambiguous choice of brackets in those two languages are hardly OPs fault, but make it necessary to provide further input.

index must be a positive integer or logical?

k = 0.019;
Pstar = 100;
H = 33;
h = 0.1;
X = 36;
N = round(X/h);
t = zeros(1,N+1);
P = zeros(1,N+1);
P(1) = 84;
t(1) = 0;
yHeun = zeros(1,N+1);
a = 1; b = 100;
while b-a >0.5
c = (a+b)/2;
for n = 1:N
t(n+1) = t(n) + h;
Inside = nthroot(sin(2*pi*t/12),15);
Harvest = c*0.5*(Inside+1);
P(n+1) = P(n) + h*(k*P(n)*(Pstar-P(n))-Harvest(n));
if P < 0
P = 0;
yHeun(n+1) = yHeun(n) + h*0.5*((k*P(n)*(Pstar-P(n))-Harvest(n))+(k*P(n+1)*(Pstar-P(n+1))-Harvest(n+1)));
if sign(yHeun(c)) == sign(yHeun(a))
c = a;
c = b;
disp(['The root is between ' num2str(a) ' and ' num2str(b) '.'])
This is the code i'm trying to run and i know it probably sucks but im terrible at coding and every time i try to run the code, it says:
Attempted to access yHeun(50.5); index must be a positive integer or
Error in Matlab3Q4 (line 30)
if sign(yHeun(c)) == sign(yHeun(a))
I don't have ANY idea how to make yHeun(c or a or whatever) return anything that would be an integer. I dont think i did the while+for loop right either.
Question: "Begin with the higher bound of H being 100 (the high value results in a population of 0 after 36 months), and the lower bound being 1. Put the solver from Problem #3 above in the middle of a while loop and keep bisecting the higher and lower bounds of H until the difference between the higher and lower bound is less than 0.5."
I guess that line 30 (with the error) is this one:
if sign(yHeun(c)) == sign(yHeun(a))
Here, I guess c is equal to 50.5, as a result of c = (a+b)/2 above (BTW you can discover whether I guessed right by debugging - try adding disp(c) before line 30).
To force a number to be an integer, use floor:
c = floor((a+b)/2);
It seems you are trying to use some sort of divide-and-conquer algorithm; it should be enough to stop when b - a is equal to 1.

Create faster Fibonacci function for n > 100 in MATLAB / octave

I have a function that tells me the nth number in a Fibonacci sequence. The problem is it becomes very slow when trying to find larger numbers in the Fibonacci sequence does anyone know how I can fix this?
function f = rtfib(n)
if (n==1)
f= 1;
elseif (n == 2)
f = 2;
f =rtfib(n-1) + rtfib(n-2);
The Results,
tic; rtfib(20), toc
ans = 10946
Elapsed time is 0.134947 seconds.
tic; rtfib(30), toc
ans = 1346269
Elapsed time is 16.6724 seconds.
I can't even get a value after 5 mins doing rtfib(100)
PS: I'm using octave 3.8.1
If time is important (not programming techniques):
function f = fib(n)
if (n == 1)
f = 1;
elseif (n == 2)
f = 2;
fOld = 2;
fOlder = 1;
for i = 3 : n
f = fOld + fOlder;
fOlder = fOld;
fOld = f;
tic;fib(40);toc; ans = 165580141; Elapsed time is 0.000086 seconds.
You could even use uint64. n = 92 is the most you can get from uint64:
tic;fib(92);toc; ans = 12200160415121876738; Elapsed time is 0.001409 seconds.
fib(93) = 19740274219868223167 > intmax('uint64') = 18446744073709551615
In order to get fib(n) up to n = 183, It is possible to use two uint64 as one number,
with a special function for summation,
function [] = fib(n)
fL = uint64(0);
fH = uint64(0);
MaxNum = uint64(1e19);
if (n == 1)
fL = 1;
elseif (n == 2)
fL = 2;
fOldH = uint64(0);
fOlderH = uint64(0);
fOldL = uint64(2);
fOlderL = uint64(1);
for i = 3 : n
[fL q] = LongSum (fOldL , fOlderL , MaxNum);
fH = fOldH + fOlderH + q;
fOlderL = fOldL;
fOlderH = fOldH;
fOldL = fL;
fOldH = fH;
LongSum is:
function [s q] = LongSum (a, b, MaxNum)
if a + b >= MaxNum
q = 1;
if a >= MaxNum
s = a - MaxNum;
s = s + b;
elseif b >= MaxNum
s = b - MaxNum;
s = s + a;
s = MaxNum - a;
s = b - s;
q = 0;
s = a + b;
Note some complications in LongSum might seem unnecessary, but they are not!
(All the deal with inner if is that I wanted to avoid s = a + b - MaxNum in one command, because it might overflow and store an irrelevant number in s)
tic;fib(159);toc; Elapsed time is 0.009631 seconds.
ans = 1226132595394188293000174702095995
tic;fib(183);toc; Elapsed time is 0.009735 seconds.
fib(183) = 127127879743834334146972278486287885163
However, you have to be careful about sprintf.
I also did it with three uint64, and I could get up to,
tic;fib(274);toc; Elapsed time is 0.032249 seconds.
ans = 1324695516964754142521850507284930515811378128425638237225
(It's pretty much the same code, but I could share it if you are interested).
Note that we have fib(1) = 1 , fib(2) = 2according to question, while it is more common with fib(1) = 1 , fib(2) = 1, first 300 fibs are listed here (thanks to #Rick T).
Seems like fibonaacci series follows the golden ratio, as talked about in some detail here.
This was used in this MATLAB File-exchange code and I am writing here, just the esssence of it -
sqrt5 = sqrt(5);
alpha = (1 + sqrt5)/2; %// alpha = 1.618... is the golden ratio
fibs = round( alpha.^n ./ sqrt5 )
You can feed an integer into n for the nth number in Fibonacci Series or feed an array 1:n to have the whole series.
Please note that this method holds good till n = 69 only.
If you have access to the Symbolic Math Toolbox in MATLAB, you could always just call the Fibonacci function from MuPAD:
>> fib = #(n) evalin(symengine, ['numlib::fibonacci(' num2str(n) ')'])
>> fib(274)
ans =
It is pretty fast:
>> timeit(#() fib(274))
ans =
Plus you can you go for as large numbers as you want (limited only by how much RAM you have!), it is still blazing fast:
% see if you can beat that!
>> tic
>> x = fib(100000);
>> toc % Elapsed time is 0.004621 seconds.
% result has more than 20 thousand digits!
>> length(char(x)) % 20899
Here is the full value of fib(100000): http://pastebin.com/f6KPGKBg
To reach large numbers you can use symbolic computation. The following works in Matlab R2010b.
syms x y %// declare variables
z = x + y; %// define formula
xval = '0'; %// initiallize x, y values
yval = '1';
for n = 2:300
zval = subs(z, [x y], {xval yval}); %// update z value
disp(['Iteration ' num2str(n) ':'])
xval = yval; %// shift values
yval = zval;
You can do it in O(log n) time with matrix exponentiation:
X = [0 1
1 1]
X^n will give you the nth fibonacci number in the lower right-hand corner; X^n can be represented as the product of several matrices X^(2^i), so for example X^11 would be X^1 * X^2 * X^8, i <= log_2(n). And X^8 = (X^4)^2, etc, so at most 2*log(n) matrix multiplications.
One performance issue is that you use a recursive solution. Going for an iterative method will spare you of the argument passing for each function call. As Olivier pointed out, it will reduce the complexity to linear.
You can also look here. Apparently there's a formula that computes the n'th member of the Fibonacci sequence. I tested it for up to 50'th element. For higher n values it's not very accurate.
The implementation of a fast Fibonacci computation in Python could be as follows. I know this is Python not MATLAB/Octave, however it might be helpful.
Basically, rather than calling the same Fibonacci function over and over again with O(2n), we are storing Fibonacci sequence on a list/array with O(n):
#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
class Fib:
def __init__(self,n):
def populateFibList(self):
for i in range(len(self.fibList)):
if i==0:
if i==1:
if i>1:
def getFib(self):
print('Fibonacci sequence up to ', self.n, ' is:')
for i in range(len(self.fibList)):
print(i, ' : ', self.fibList[i])
return self.fibList[self.n]
def isNonnegativeInt(value):
if int(value)>=0:#throws an exception if non-convertible to int: returns False
return True
return False
return False
n=input('Please enter a non-negative integer: ')
while isNonnegativeInt(n)==False:
n=input('A non-negative integer is needed: ')
n=int(n) # convert string to int
print('We are using ', n, 'based on what you entered')
print('Fibonacci result is ', Fib(n).getFib())
Output for n=12 would be like:
I tested the runtime for n=100, 300, 1000 and the code is really fast, I don't even have to wait for the output.
One simple way to speed up the recursive implementation of a Fibonacci function is to realize that, substituting f(n-1) by its definition,
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
= f(n-2) + f(n-3) + f(n-2)
= 2*f(n-2) + f(n-3)
This simple transformation greatly reduces the number of steps taken to compute a number in the series.
If we start with OP's code, slightly corrected:
function result = fibonacci(n)
switch n
case 0
result = 0;
case 1
result = 1;
case 2
result = 1;
case 3
result = 2;
result = fibonacci(n-2) + fibonacci(n-1);
And apply our transformation:
function result = fibonacci_fast(n)
switch n
case 0
result = 0;
case 1
result = 1;
case 2
result = 1;
case 3
result = 2;
result = fibonacci_fast(n-3) + 2*fibonacci_fast(n-2);
Then we see a 30x speed improvement for computing the 20th number in the series (using Octave):
>> tic; for ii=1:100, fibonacci(20); end; toc
Elapsed time is 12.4393 seconds.
>> tic; for ii=1:100, fibonacci_fast(20); end; toc
Elapsed time is 0.448623 seconds.
Of course Rashid's non-recursive implementation is another 60x faster still: 0.00706792 seconds.

matlab - while loop until values converge

I need to solve the following equation:
old_val = 0.4*U_Z/(log(5/new_val));
new_val = 0.11*1.5e-5./old_val;
In order to calculate new_val and old_val I need to write a loop which calculates new_val and old_val and then takes the true value of new_val as when new_val is 0.001% of the previous new_val.
I have though about using a while loop to do this, which I think might work. I am a bit confused, though, on how to start the while loop, should I have:
while abs((new_val(i) - val_prev(i))) > 0.000001
old_val = 0.4*W(i)/(log(5/new_val));
dummy = new_val(i);
new_val = 0.11*1.5e-5./old_val;
val_prev(i) = dummy;
while abs((new_val(i) - val_prev(i))) / abs(val_prev(i)) > 0.000001
old_val = 0.4*W(i)/(log(5/new_val));
dummy = new_val(i);
new_val = 0.11*1.5e-5./old_val;
val_prev(i) = dummy;
val_prev = new_val*1.1;
which is used to initiate the iteration. The while loop is used to continue running the loop until new_val and val_prev are within 0.001% of each other.
If I understand you correctly, you want to solve this equation for x:
x = 0.4*U_Z/log( 5/(0.11*1.5e-5./x) )
with U_Z some constant. If that is indeed what you want to do, I'd re-write it as
x * log( 5*x/1.65e-6 ) - 0.4*U_Z == 0
and solve like this:
x_sol = fzero(#(x) x .* log( 5*x/1.65e-6 ) - 0.4*U_Z, 1)
or, if you insist, use your own Newton-Raphson scheme:
fx = #(x) x .* log( 5*x/1.65e-6 ) - 0.4*U_Z
dfdx = #(x) log(x) + 15.9242;
x = 1;
f = fx(x);
while abs(f) > 1e-6
x = x-f/dfdx(x);
f = fx(x);
But I'm not sure if this is what you want...