how to move a jupyterlab notebook in the web interface? - ipython

It seems like this would be trivial, but there is no obvious way. Here is the context menu for the notebook file:

You can drag and drop items in the file tab on the left.
To move a file to its parent directory, drag the file to the folder icon in the directory path.


Hide Files In VScode

I don't want to show the files in VScode which are already hidden i.e starts file name with '.'
in ubuntu filename start with '.' are hidden but whenever i open any folder in VScode that hidden files also showing.. so can some one tell me how can hide files in VScode which name starts with '.' ?
open vscode
go file-preferneces-settings-Text Editor-files
click add pattern bellow "Files:exclude"
Add what you want to be hidden in a .gitignore file local to your project.
In VSCode settings, look for: "Explorer: Exclude Git Ignore".
Tick the box.
In this way, you minimize the settings specific to your current IDE, and rely on what is specified in your project.

Destination Folder must be accessible (Eclipse)

When i Try to drag and drop a file into eclipse it gives me the error "Destination folder must be accessible." so i can't get it into my workspace.
Can anyone help?
You cannot drag and drop files into an empty workspace. You first need to create a project:
File > New > Project...
Or if you like to open a directory as a project:
File > Open Projects from File System...
The accepted answer is correct, but it is not the only way of getting that error message. For completeness sake, you can get "destination folder must be accessible" by:
Dragging the file into an empty Project Explorer.
Solution: Create or import a project in the Project Explorer, then try again.
Dragging a file into a blank area in the Project Explorer.
Solution: Drag the file onto a container, such as the project or a folder in the project.
Eclipse is part of the problem. It accepts the drop only to display an error dialog. It would of course be better if Eclipse provided feedback while dragging so unacceptable destination locations would display the appropriate mouse cursor (circle with a line through it) and not accept the drop.

Netbeans 7.3.1 - Creating a folder in the project view

How can I create a folder to be situated on the project view/tab not on the files tab in netbeans? Because whenever I create a folder on the project view, it directly appears on the files tab and the folder is not visible on the project view itself .Please help!
When you try to create a folder in a project, folder will be created successfully, but it doesn't appear as a folder icon. Instead it appears as a package icon. The same this appears as a folder in files tab.

Viewing a modified file in eclipse

I was adding a simple file to one of my programs that updates when I run the program with a particular parameter.
The file updated fine, but it is stored in the /bin directory and I can't figure out how to view the file within the editor.
I can see that the file is updated when I traverse the bin folder manually and open it with notepad.
Is there a way to view the file within the editor?
edit: I have a file in the project already but I doesn't update, instead the copy in the bin folder does; Can I connect the two somehow?
Your <project>/bin directory is being filtered from view. Right click on your project, select Show In->Navigator then you should be able to see your /bin directory and double click your file to have it open in an editor.
Alternatively, you can use ctrl-shift-r to open the Open Resource dialog, from the triangle drop down menu check Show Derived Resources, and then type in the name of your file.
The /bin directory is managed by the Eclipse builders and so you may lose your file if you do a clean. I would suggest using a different directory to house your runtime files.

What is the use of "Virtual Folders" in the Navigator or Package Explorer of Eclipse / Flash Builder?

These folders can be created similarly to normal folders by right-clicking > New Folder... and then toggling the "Advanced >>" button to show the virtual folder option.
Since the folder isn't located in the file system, just curious as to how exactly are the files stored when I drag them to this virtual folder, and what's the difference / purpose from a normal folder?
You're right, they have to exist on the file system somewhere :-)
AFAIK linked resources are created for the files under a virtual folder. That means they point to an absolute path on the filesystem, outside of the workspace. If you move the file in the filesystem, it gets broken.
See Virtual folder for a starting point.