How to return a count column not exists in table by JPA - jpa

I want find a way to get extra column that count my records and return it in 1 mapping entity with extra filed.
I tried #transient on field but it will not return value when query.
Then I remove #transient but get an exception when save.
Also I tried #Formula but received null pointer exception.
Here's my repository code:
#Query(value = "select id,account,session_id,create_time,count from query_history a join " +
"(select session_id sessionId,max(create_time) createTime,count(*) count from query_history group by session_id) b " +
"on a.session_id = b.sessionId and a.create_time = b.createTime where account = ?1 order by create_time desc",
countQuery = "select count(distinct(session_id)) from query_history where account = ?1",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<QueryHistory> findByNtAndGroupBySessionAndAction(String account, Pageable pageable);
entity code:
#Table(name = "query_history")
public class QueryHistory {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String account;
private Long sessionId;
private long createTime;
private Integer count;
Sorry about my English and thanks a lot for any advice.

I solved the problem by projections spring-data-projections, in fact I tried this before but in my sql:
select id,account,session_id,create_time,count
which should be:
select id,account,session_id sessionId,create_time createTime,count
projection interface:
public interface QueryHistoryWithCountProjection {
Long getId();
String getAccount();
Long getSessionId();
long getCreateTime();
Integer getCount();


Crieria API query using criteriabuilder.construct with a non existing relationship

Given this very simple DTO:
public class Employee implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
private String name;
private Employee boss;
I'd like to make a query that gathers all employee names and their boss' id, put in a nice clean POJO:
public class EmployeeInfo {
private String name;
private Long bossId;
public EmployeeInfo(String name, Long bossId) { = name;
this.bossId = bossId;
This query should be of use:
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<EmployeeInfo> query = cb.createQuery(EmployeeInfo.class);
Root<Employee> root = query.from(Employee.class);
result = em.createQuery(query).getResultList();
When a bossId is present in the employee column this works just fine. But when no boss id is set the record will be completly ignored. So how do i treat this non existing boss relation as null or 0 for the construct/multiselect?
In pure SQL it is easy:
But for the love of god i cannot make the criteria api do this.
cb.coalesce(root.get("boss").get("id").as(Long.class), 0L)));
The problem is that root.get("boss") generate query with cross join like this from Employee employee, Employee boss where So records where is null are ignored.
To solve the problem you should use root.join("boss", JoinType.LEFT) instead of root.get("boss")

JPA Criteria subqueries combined with disjunction

i have a little problem with JPA criteria API. I have one Entity:
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person implements Serializable
#GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "person_gen")
#Column(name = "ID")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "NAME")
private String name;
#Column(name = "AGE")
private Integer = age;
public Long getId()
public String getName()
public Integer getAge()
return this.age;
And now i want make a query similar to this:
select * from Person where
(Person.Id) in (select Person.Id from Person where Person.Id = 15625) or
(Person.Id) in (select Person.Id from Person where Person.Name = 'Name') or
(Person.Id) in (select Person.Id from Person where Person.Age = 28)
There are some subqueries with an 'or' statement. How to do this with JPA criteria query? I have tried many things an it does not work.
Thanks in advance.
Your particular query really is unnecessarily complex. Your IN predicates can all be removed and replaced by the following, much simpler predicates:
FROM Person
WHERE Id = 12625
OR Name = 'Name'
OR Age = 28
This should be much simpler to translate to a JPA criteria query.

How do I use JPA to select the record with the closest date?

Let's say I have a collection of Rates that all inherit from an AbstractRate
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
#DiscriminatorColumn(name = "name")
#Table(name = "rates")
public abstract class AbstractRate {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String name;
#Column(precision = 13, scale = 4)
private BigDecimal value;
private EffectiveDate effectiveDate;
And, that all have an EffectiveDate:
public class EffectiveDate {
private LocalDateTime date;
(I acknowledge that a separate date object is a little over-kill for this model, but it's allowing me to bind multiple rates and other figures in the database.)
Now, I'd like to get a specific Rate, say SalaryRate, that is effective as of a certain date. I can do something like
This should effectively give me a the MAX(date) and its matching Rate. Is this the right way to query these things? Some posts suggest
As an additional option, I have Querydsl setup and the repositories extend QuerydslPredicateExecutor. However, I'm not really familiar with how Querydsl's syntax works.
I think all is OK with findTopByDateLessThanEqualOrderByDateDesc(sampleDate).
Another variants should be:
#Query(value = "select * from effective_date ed where <= ?1 order by desc limit 1", nativeQuery = true)
EffectiveDate findEffectiveDate(LocalDateTime dateTime);
Predicate p =;
Pageable page = new PageRequest(0, 1, new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "date"));
EffectiveDate effectiveDate = effectiveDateRepository.findAll(p, page).getContent().stream().findFirst().orElse(null);
(not tested...)

JPA NamedQuery with Join returning empty list

I've been struggling with a namedquery for a few days. The named query has an inner join to a 2nd table. One added complexity is that the primary key on the 2nd table is a composite key. I have the two tables simplified here:
Table: aname
nameIdx number(9),
firstName varchar2(40),
lastName varchar2(40),
primary key is nameIdx
Table: aname_role
nameIdx number(9), --foreign key to name table
nameType char(2),
inactiveFlag char(1)
composite primary key is on nameIdx and nameType
I am trying to emulate the following sql query in JPQL:
select * from aname n
left join aname_role nr on n.nameidx=nr.nameidx
where nr.nametype='5'
and nr.inactiveflag='N';
This query works as expected in Oracle returning many records. In Java I have these JPA entities:
#NamedQuery(name = "AName.findActiveSalesPersons", query = "SELECT a FROM AName a LEFT JOIN a.aNameRoleList r WHERE r.inactiveflag='N' and r.ANameRolePK.nametype='5' ")})
public class AName implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#Basic(optional = false)
#Column(name = "NAMEIDX")
private Integer nameidx;
#Column(name = "FIRSTNAME")
private String firstname;
#Column(name = "LASTNAME")
private String lastname;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "aName")
private List<ANameRole> aNameRoleList;
//getters and setters here
#Table(name = "ANAME_ROLE")
public class ANameRole implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected ANameRolePK aNameRolePK;
#Basic(optional = false)
#Column(name = "INACTIVEFLAG")
private Character inactiveflag;
#JoinColumn(name = "NAMEIDX", referencedColumnName = "NAMEIDX", insertable = false, updatable = false)
#ManyToOne(optional = false)
private AName aName;
//getters and setters here
There is also a primary key class ANameRolePK
public class ANameRolePK implements Serializable {
#Basic(optional = false)
#Column(name = "NAMEIDX")
private int nameidx;
#Basic(optional = false)
#Size(min = 1, max = 2)
#Column(name = "NAMETYPE")
private String nametype;
//getters and setters here
With this setup, including the named query specified in the AName entity above, the following returns an empty result list:
Can anyone point me to what I am doing wrong in this named query?
SELECT a FROM AName a LEFT JOIN a.aNameRoleList r WHERE r.inactiveflag='N' and r.aNameRolePK.nametype='5'
By default, at least using Hibernate, the default fetch type is Lazy, so you need to do a join fetch instead of a join. Also, you should have select distinct. Try:
SELECT distinct a FROM AName a LEFT JOIN fetch a.aNameRoleList r WHERE r.inactiveflag='N' and r.aNameRolePK.nametype='5'
References: Default fetch type for one-to-one, many-to-one and one-to-many in Hibernate
After more testing, I realized the join was working, but not the "r.aNameRolePK.nametype='5'". But if I changed that to "r.aNameRolePK.nameidx=1" it works. So, it was just the nametype field, which we have defined as a char(2) in the database. The problem is with the spaces in a char field and it is discussed here: Java NamedQuery String Problem. It looks like the recommended way to resolve this is to implement an EclipseLink SessionCustomizer. For testing I changed the named query to
FROM AName a LEFT JOIN a.aNameRoleList r
WHERE r.inactiveflag='N' and trim(trailing from r.aNameRolePK.nametype)=5
This returns the expected records.

How to make a CriteriaBuilder join with a custom "on" condition?

I want make a query where I join 2 tables, using the CriteriaBuilder. In MySQL the query I'm trying to make would look like this:
ON = item.order_id
AND item.type_id = 1
I want to get all orders and if they have an item of type #1, I want to join with this item. However, if no item of type #1 is found, I still want to get the order. I can't figure out how to make this with the CriteriaBuilder. All I know how to make is:
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Order> cq = cb.createQuery(Order.class);
Root<Order> order = cq.from(Order.class);
Join<Order, Item> item = order.join(Order_.itemList, JoinType.LEFT);
Join<Item, Type> type = order.join(Item_.type, JoinType.LEFT);;
cq.where(cb.equal(type.get(, 1));
This query is broke, since it results in something like this in MySQL:
ON = item.order_id
WHERE item.type_id = 1
The result will only contain orders with items of type #1. Orders without are excluded. How can I use the CriteriaBuilder to create a query like in the first example?
It is possible starting from the version 2.1 of JPA using the on method Join<Z, X> on(Predicate... restrictions);
Here is how:
Root<Order> order = cq.from(Order.class);
Join<Order, Item> item = order.join(Order_.itemList, JoinType.LEFT);
item.on(cb.equal(item.get(Item_.type), 1));
I think this is the same problem as posed in this question. It looks like it is not possible in CriteriaBuilder. It is possible in Hibernate Criteria API, but that probably won't help you.
JPA Criteria API: Multiple condition on LEFT JOIN
I know this question was made a long time a go, but recently a had the same problem and i found this solution from an Oracle forum, i copied and pasted just in case the link is not longer available.
MiguelChillitupaArmijos 29-abr-2011 1:41 (en respuesta a 840578) Think
you should use something like:
em.createQuery("SELECT DISTINCT e.Id" +
" from Email e " +
" left join e.idEmailIn e2 *with* e2.responseType = 'response'" +
" where e.type = 'in' and e.responseMandatory = true").getSingleResult();
An this is the link.
JPA Criteria : LEFT JOIN with an AND condition
There is a workaround if you are using Hibernate 3.6 with JPA 2.0
It is not the better solution, however it works perfect for me.
I´ve duplicate the entity with the #Where hibernate annotation.It means that everytime you use the join with this entity, hibernate will add the extra condition on the join statement at generated SQL.
For instance, initially we have the follow example:
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
#Column(name = "PERSON_ID")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "PERSON_NAME")
private String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Address> addresses;
#Table(name = "ADDRESS")
public class Address {
#Column(name = "ADDRESS_ID")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "ADDRESS_STREET")
private String street;
#JoinColumn(name = "PERSON_ID")
private Person person;
In order to add extra conditions on criteria Join, we need duplicate the Address #Entity mapping , adding the #Where annotation #Where(clause = " ADDRESS_TYPE_ID = 2").
#Table(name = "ADDRESS")
#Where(clause = " ADDRESS_TYPE_ID = 2")
public class ShippingAddress {
#Column(name = "ADDRESS_ID")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "ADDRESS_STREET")
private String street;
#JoinColumn(name = "PERSON_ID")
private Person person;
Also, we need to add the duplicate mapping association for the new entity.
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
#Column(name = "PERSON_ID")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "PERSON_NAME")
private String name;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Address> addresses;
#OneToOne(mappedBy = "person")
private ShippingAddress shippingAddress;
Finally, you can use a join with this specific Entity in your criteria :
PersonRoot.join(Person_.shippingAddress, JoinType.LEFT);
The Hibernate Snippet SQL should seems like this :
left outer join
address shippingadd13_
on person11_.person_id=shippingadd13_.person_id
and (
shippingadd13_.ADDRESS_TYPE_ID = 2
ON clause is supported in Hibernate 4.3 version, anyone is aware if there is a parameter indexing issue between the parameter index of the additional custom conditions with the index of the existing mapping filters when doing an outer join with ON clause?
Using the Person entity class below as an example, say I am adding this filter to limit the address types and the filter is enabled to populate the IN clause. The parameter index for the IN clause will cause the issue [2] when I add additional conditions (such as using 'street' column) part of the ON clause. Is is a known issue?
[1] #Filter(name = "addressTypes", condition = "ADDRESS_TYPE in (:supportedTypes)")
Caused by: ERROR 22018: Invalid character string format for type BIGINT.
private Set addresses;