Equivalence relations are to Groups, as partial order relations are to...? - category-theory

I'm a beginning student of category theory so the question is a little hazy. Apologies if it is too basic.
An equivalence relation induces a "symmetric category" (bad terminology?), where you can back from any arrow. The category induced by a group has a different symmetry. How are these two specifically related? Is an equivalence relation somehow an algebra, like a group, that specializes the category axioms? Is it more deeply analogous to a group in some way?
I know that a category can also be induced by a partial order - which encodes anti-symmetry rather than symmetry . Is there a corresponding algebra encoding antisymetry (like a group but encoding anti-symmetry instead)? I know a partial order itself has the algebra of a lattice.

A set with an equivalence relation is often called a setoid. Categorically, a setoid is a thin groupoid. A groupoid may be thought of as a "multi-object group" in the same way that a category is a "multi-object monoid": that is, the endomorphisms of every object in a groupoid form a group.
A partial order is a thin skeletal category (a preorder is simply a thin category). Therefore, the algebraic structure corresponding to a partial order (or preorder), in the same way that groups correspond to equivalence relations, is a monoid.
The relationship "an X is just a one-object Y" is called horizontal categorification, where for your examples we have:
X = group, Y = groupoid.
X = monoid, Y = category.


Third Normal Form Conditions

I know that for a Relation to be 3NF It has to be 2NF and no transitive dependencies should exist but I couldn't answer the following question:
For a relationship to be 3NF :
A) All Attributes should depend on the primary key.
B) The relationship should only have one Foreign Key.
C) The relationship should only have one Primary Key.
D) The Relationship's Table should only have atomic values
D applies on a 3NF relationship because it's one of the conditions of 1NF and for a relationship to be 3NF it has to be 2NF and 1NF.
C is too general and doesn't apply just on 3NF but my book has chosen it as the answer!
B is not related to Normalization and A may be considered as 2NF but they didn't say all non-attributes so I don't know actually, what is the right answer here?
By definition of "superkey", all attributes depend on a superkey. By definition of "CK" (candidate key) as a superkey containing no smaller superkey, all attributes depend on a CK. By definition of "PK" (primary key) as a distinguished CK, all attributes depend on a PK. So A is an answer.
FKs (foreign keys) are irrelevant to normalization. So B is not an answer.
By definition of "PK", a relation/schema can have at most one, which we pick from among the CKs. There can always be a PK, because there is always at least one CK. Whether you must pick a PK depends on your textbook--PKs per se have no role in normalization theory. Unfortunately "should only have one" is not clear, because it might mean exacly one & it might mean at most one. So if it agrees with your textbook, C is an answer; otherwise not. Go with your textbook.
Presentations that talk about "atomic" values require them in either the definition of "relation" or the definition of "1NF" & higher NFs. So for your textbook presumably D is an answer. But actually the notion of atomic values, although ubiquitous, is confused & also "1NF" has no single meaning. Go with your textbook.
(None of the options guarantee 3NF.)
PS Your characterization of 3NF is not correct. Only certain transitive FDs (functional dependencies) matter--3NF is when/iff 2NF & no non-CK attribute is transitively dependent on a CK. (If one's "is in 1NF" is just "is a relation" then one can drop the "2NF &".) And be sure you get the correct definition of "transitive FD"--for sets X & Y, X->Y is transitive when/iff there exists set S where X->S & S->Y & not S->X & not S=Y. Get correct definitions from a good textbook.

OCL collection operation on list attribute

I'm modelling a problem in which there are students and courses.
Each courses have some other courses as prerequisites and I want to make an OCL constraint on the "joinCourse()" operation of students to allow them to join a courses if and only if they have finished required courses.
this is a draft of the UML class diagram I made:
now, my question is:
is possible to make a collection operation, like "includeAll" on a "list attribute" like finishedCourses?
I made this ocl constraint:
context Student::joinCourse(c: Course)
pre: self.finishedCourses->includesAll(c.requiredCourses)
thanks in advance!
In short: yes, it's correct.
In the UML 2.5 specifications there is a clear link between multiplicity and collection: A MultiplicityElement is an Element that may be instantiated in some way to represent a collection of values. (...)
The OCL specification explains how self relates to the context (clause 7.3.4):
The OCL expression can be part of a Precondition or Postcondition,
corresponding to «precondition» and «postcondition» stereotypes of
Constraint associated with an Operation or other behavioral feature.
The contextual instance self then is an instance of the type that owns
the operation or method as a feature.
So in your expression, self refers to a Student, and a dot allows to access its properties, such as self.finishedCourse refers to a collection property.
OCL defines collection types (clause 11.6) and general operations that are well formed for all collections (clause 11.7.1):
includesAll(c2 : Collection(T)) : Boolean
Does self contain all the elements of c2 ?
post: result = c2->forAll(elem | self->includes(elem))
So self.finishedCourses->includesAll(c.requiredCourses) is a valid expression that is true or false exactly in the situation that you expect.
Additional remark
A property may represent an attribute of a classifier or a member end of an association. You could have represented finishedCourse as the end of a second association between Student and Course (being understood that all courses taken are not necessarily finished).

Does a birthdate/deathdate class should be a composition or an aggregation to an individual class?

The entity is a person.
So the entity have a birthdate and maybe already have a deathdate.
But this dates can or cannot be informed (depends of the entity and avaibility of the informations) ; so the entity might have none of those.
But I feel to do mess with the cardinality and the relation type.
How should I represent that ?
I have created an abstract class Individual. It leads to 2 final class : Person (identified person) or Pseudonym (anonym person).
It linked to a class Birthdate and a class Deathdate (both are generalized as a class Date).
[Birthdate]----<>[Individual] relationship is :
one (optional)-to-many (0..1 - 1..*)
0..1 : Because birthdate can be omitted and individual can have just one date of birth.
1..* : Because birthdate must concern at least one, but can concern severals individual.
[Deathdate]----<>[Individual] relationship is :
one (optional)-to-many (0..1 - 1..*)
0..1 : Because the individual isn't dead yet and can die just once.
1..* : Because deathdate must concern at least one but can concern severals individual.
But since, theoretically, everyone have a birthdate (and will have a deathdate) I was tempted by a composition. But some might prefer keep these dates secret and I wondered if composition could allow that.
Futhermore one date can correspond to severals individuals and here also I guess composition isn't possible then OR else it's me who did the confusion between Individual class and its instances (the individuals) and then Composition would be possible but not with the aforementionned cardinality.
At the moment I chose that :
Aggregation :
___________ _______________
|Birthdate|0..1-----1..*< >| |
___________ | <<Individual>>|
|Deathdate|0..1-----1..*< >|_______________|
But I hesitate with this one
Composition :
___________ _______________
|Birthdate|0..1-----1<#>| |
___________ | <<Individual>>|
What is the right answer ? Thanks for the attention.
There is a number of issues with the approach.
First - using a class for dates is simply an overkill. Both birthdate and deathdate are attributes of a specific person and can be easily modelled as inline properties of the Individual class. Unless there is some significant reason to use something more than the good old Date DataType, keep with the standard approach.
For visibility issue, as object oriented principles say you should not expose the properties directly anyway. Rather than that you should have an operation responsible for retrieving birthdate and deathdate that will control if the date can be read or not. You may add boolean attributes that will support that, but it isn't necessary if the ability to see the dates depend on some state of the Individual or other things (e.g. "who" asks). In the former case you may also wish to still show explicitly those boolean attributes as derived ones.
If you insist on using a class for dates (e.g. as you want to have a Wikipedia-style "Born on date"/"Deceased on date" collections) you should create just one class Date and build associations to this class pretty much similar to the way you did in your second approach. In such situation, the multiplicity does not work "database style" but is a property of association itself. In particular association you have one birthdate/deathdate and one Individual. By default you will have two 1-0..1 association one for each but depending on the approach you may have much more complex approach as well.
I'll later add diagrams for more clarity.
One last remark.
Do not use << >> for the class name. Those are reserved to indicate stereotypes.
If you want to indicate that Individual is abstract either show it in italics or (if your tool doesn't allow that) use <<abstract>> stereotype.

Functional dependencies - BCNF normalization issue

I need help about a normalization issue.
Consider a relation R(ABC)
with the following functional dependencies:
AB --> C
AC --> B
How can i modify this to Boyce–Codd normal form ?
If i leave it like this, it's a relation with a key attribute transitionally-dependent of a key-candidate.
I tried splitting into several relations but that way i lose information.
A relational schema R is in Boyce–Codd normal form if and only if for
every one of its dependencies X → Y, at least one of the following
conditions hold:
X → Y is a trivial functional dependency (Y ⊆ X)
X is a superkey for schema R
From Wikipedia
R has two candidate keys, AB and AC. It's clear that the second rule above applies here. So R is in BCNF.
If i leave it like this, it's a relation with a key attribute
transitionally-dependent of a key-candidate. I tried splitting into
several relations but that way i lose information.
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here, but I think the terminology in English includes
prime attribute (an attribute that's part of any candidate key)
transitively dependent (but that refers to non-prime attributes)
candidate key (not key-candidate)
This relation is in BCNF
The AC and AB are super keys and the attributes B and C depend upon the super keys and so they are in BCNF
There is no Transitive dependency in this relation
Hope,this helps

neo4j: one-directional / two-directional relationships?

So I looked into neo4j, and I may be using it in an upcoming project since its data model might fit my project very well. I looked through the docs but I still need an answer to this question:
Can I set relationships to be one-directional?
It seems that the neo4j people like movies so let's continue with that. If I have a graph like this:
Actor A -> [:Acts in] -> Movie B
then direction is obvious, because the nodes are different types.
But I like horror movies so...
Person A -> [:wants_to_kill] -> Person B
I need this relationship to be one-directional so if I query "Who does Person A want to kill?" I get Person B, if I query "Who does Person B want to kill?" I get nothing.
Sometimes I still need relationships to be two directional
Person A <-[:has_met] -> Person B
...which is obvious.
documentation says:
Relationships are equally well traversed in either direction. This means that there is
no need to add duplicate relationships in the opposite direction (with regard to
traversal or performance).
While relationships always have a direction, you can ignore the direction where it is
not useful in your application.
So docs say, relationships by default have an direction and I can ignore that if I wish.
Now this is where things get complicated:
Consider the following graph (and note the arrows)
Person A <- [:wants_to_kill] -> Person B
Person B -> [:wants_to_kill] -> Person C
Person C -> [:wants_to_kill] -> Person A
If I ignore the Directions for all [:wants_to_kill] I get false results
for "Who does Person A / C want to kill?"
If I knew which ones I had to ignore, I would not do the query.
So can I somehow set relationships to be two-directional (when creating them), or should I model this with two relationships (between Person A & B)?
A relationship in Neo4j always has a direction. If a relationship type's semantics do not incorporate a direction, e.g. has_met from your example, then it's best practice to apply an arbitrary direction on creation of the relationship. Querying is then done by using the "both directions" (there is no "larger/smaller than" character) notation in cypher:
start ... match (a)-[:HAS_MET]-(b) ....
In contrast, if the semantics of a relationship do have a direction like your wants_to_kill, you need to use two relationship to indicate that a and b wants kill the other one and vice versa. For the example above, you need to have 4 relationships:
Person A -[:wants_to_kill]-> Person B
Person B -[:wants_to_kill]-> Person A
Person B -[:wants_to_kill]-> Person C
Person C -[:wants_to_kill]-> Person A
To find all the person that A wants to kill you do:
start a=node:node_auto_index(name='A') match a-[:wants_to_kill]->victims_of_a return victims_of_a
To find all persons who want to kill A:
start a=node:node_auto_index(name='A') match murderer_of_a-[:wants_to_kill]->a return murderer_of_a