PostgreSQL multicolumn index not fully used - postgresql

I have a large (~110 million rows) table on PostgreSQL 12.3 whose relevant fields can be described by the following DDL:
item1_id integer,
item2_id integer,
item3_id integer,
item4_id integer,
type_id integer
One of the queries we execute often is:
SELECT type_id, item1_id, item2_id, item3_id, item4_id
FROM tbl
type_id IS NOT NULL
AND item1_id IN (1, 2, 3)
item2_id IN (4, 5, 6)
OR item2_id IS NULL
item3_id IN (7, 8, 9)
OR item3_id IS NULL
item4_id IN (10, 11, 12)
OR item4_id IS NULL
Although we have indexes for each of the individual columns, the query is still relatively slow (a couple of seconds). Hoping to optimize this, I created the following index:
CREATE INDEX tbl_item_ids
ON public.tbl USING btree
(item1_id ASC, item2_id ASC, item3_id ASC, item4_id ASC)
Unfortunately the query performance barely improved - EXPLAIN tells me this is because although an index scan is done with this newly created index, only item1_id is used as an Index Cond, whereas all the other filters are applied at table level (i.e. plain Filter).
I'm not sure why the index is not used in its entirety (or at least for more than the item1_id column). Is there an obvious reason for this? Is there a way I can restructure the index or the query itself to help with performance?

A multi-column index can only be used for more than the first column if the condition on the first column uses an equality comparison (=). IN or = ANY does not qualify.
So you will be better off with individual indexes for each column, which can be combined with a bitmap or.
You should try to avoid OR in the WHERE condition, perhaps with
WHERE coalesce(item2_id, -1) IN (-1, 4, 5, 6)
where -1 is a value that doesn't occur. Then you could use an index on the coalesce expression.


Is it possible to look at the output of the previous row of a PostgreSQL query?

This is the question: Is it possible to look at the outputs, what has been selected, from the previous row of a running SQL query in Postgres?
I know that lag exists to look at the inputs, the "from" of the query. I also know that a CTE, subquery or lateral join can solve most issues of this kind. But I think the problem I'm facing genuinely requires a peek at the output of the previous row. Why? Because the output of the current row depends on a constant from a lookup table and the value used too look up that constant is an aggregate of all the previous rows. And if that lookup returns the wrong constant all subsequent rows will be increasingly off from the expected value.
The whole rest of this text is a simplified example based on the problem I'm facing. It should be possible to input it to PostgreSQL 12 and above and play around. I'm terribly sorry that it is as complicated as it is, but I think it is the most simple I can make it while still retaining the core issue: lookup in lookup table based on an aggregate from all previous rows as well as the fact that the "inventory" that's being tracked is modeled as a series of transactions of two discrete types.
The database itself exists to keep track of multiple fish farms, or cages full of fish. Fish can be moved/transferred from between these farms and the farms are fed about daily. Why not just carry the aggregate as a field in the table? Because it should be possible to switch out the lookup table after the season is over, to adjust it to better match with reality.
-- A listing of all groups of fish ever grown.
create table farms (
id bigserial primary key,
start timestamp not null,
stop timestamp
insert into farms
(id, start)
values (
1, '2021-02-01T13:37'
-- A transfer of fish from one odling to another.
-- If the source is null the fish is transferred from another fishery outside our system.
-- If the destination is null the fish is being slaughtered, removed from the system.
create table transfers (
source bigint references farms(id),
destination bigint references farms(id),
timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
total_weight_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_total_weight_g check (total_weight_g > 0),
average_weight_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_average_weight_g check (average_weight_g > 0),
number_fish bigint generated always as (total_weight_g / average_weight_g) stored
insert into transfers
(source, destination, timestamp, total_weight_g, average_weight_g)
(null, 1, '2021-02-01T16:38', 5, 5),
(null, 1, '2021-02-15T16:38', 500, 500);
-- Transactions of fish feed into a farm.
create table feedings (
id bigserial primary key,
growth_table bigint not null,
farm bigint not null references farms(id),
amount_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_amunt_g check (amount_g > 0),
timestamp timestamp not null
insert into feedings
(farm, growth_table, amount_g, timestamp)
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-02T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-03T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-04T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-05T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-06T13:37'),
(1, 1, 1, '2021-02-07T13:37');
create view combined_feed_and_transfer_history as
with transfer_history as (
select timestamp, destination as farm, total_weight_g, average_weight_g, number_fish
from transfers as deposits
where deposits.destination = 1 -- TODO: This view only works for one farm, fix that.
union all
select timestamp, source as farm, -total_weight_g, -average_weight_g, -number_fish
from transfers as withdrawals
where withdrawals.source = 1
select timestamp, farm, total_weight_g, number_fish, average_weight_g, null as growth_table
from transfer_history
union all
select timestamp, farm, amount_g, 0 as number_fish, 0 as average_weight_g, growth_table
from feedings
order by timestamp;
-- Conversion tables from feed to gained weight.
create table growth_coefficients (
growth_table bigserial not null,
average_weight_g bigint not null constraint positive_nonzero_weight check (average_weight_g > 0),
feed_conversion_rate double precision not null constraint positive_foderkonverteringsfaktor check (feed_conversion_rate >= 0),
primary key(growth_table, average_weight_g)
insert into growth_coefficients
(average_weight_g, feed_conversion_rate, growth_table)
-- My current solution is a bad one. It does a CTE that sums over all events but does not account
-- for the feed conversion rate. That means that the average weight used too look up the feed
-- conversion rate will diverge more and more from reality the further into the season time goes.
-- This is why it is important to look at the output, the average weight, of the previous row.
-- We start by summing up all the transfer and feed events to get a rough average_weight_g.
with estimate as (
total_weight_g as transaction_size_g,
sum(total_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) as sum_weight_g,
sum(number_fish) over (order by timestamp) as sum_number_fish,
sum(total_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) / sum(number_fish) over (order by timestamp) as average_weight_g
transaction_size_g as trans_g,
closest_lookup_table_weight.average_weight_g as lookup_g,
converted_weight_g as conv_g,
sum(converted_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) as sum_conv_g,
sum(converted_weight_g) over (order by timestamp) / sum_number_fish as sum_average_g
join lateral ( -- We then use this estimated_average_weight to look up the closest constant in the growth coefficient table.
(select gc.average_weight_g - estimate.average_weight_g as diff, gc.average_weight_g from growth_coefficients gc where gc.average_weight_g >= estimate.average_weight_g order by gc.average_weight_g asc limit 1)
union all
(select estimate.average_weight_g - gc.average_weight_g as diff, gc.average_weight_g from growth_coefficients gc where gc.average_weight_g <= estimate.average_weight_g order by gc.average_weight_g desc limit 1)
order by diff
limit 1
) as closest_lookup_table_weight
on true
join lateral ( -- If the historical event is a feeding we need to lookup the feed conversion rate.
select case when growth_table is null then 1
else (select feed_conversion_rate
from growth_coefficients gc
where gc.growth_table = growth_table
and gc.average_weight_g = closest_lookup_table_weight.average_weight_g)
) as growth_coefficient
on true
join lateral (
select feed_conversion_rate * transaction_size_g as converted_weight_g
) as converted_weight_g
on true;
At the very bottom is my current "solution". With the above example data the sum_conv_g should end up being 5.6, but due to the aggregate being used as the lookup not accounting for the conversion rate the sum_conv_g ends up 45.2 instead.
One idea I had was if there perhaps something like query-local variables one could use to store the sum_average_g between rows? There's always the escape hatch of just querying out the transactions to my generic programming language Clojure and solving it there, but it would be neat if it could be solved entirely within the database.
You have to formulate a recursive subquery. I posted a simplified version of this question over at the DBA SE and got the answer there. The answer to that question can be found here and can be expanded to this more complicated question, though I would wager that no one will ever have the interest to do that.

Optimizing a query that compares a table to itself with millions of rows

I could use some help optimizing a query that compares rows in a single table with millions of entries. Here's the table's definition:
row_hash int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
table_name text NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CONSTRAINT row_check_pkey
PRIMARY KEY (id, version)
I'm reworking our push code and have a test bed with millions of records across about 20 tables. I run my tests, get the row counts, and can spot when some of my insert code has changed. The next step is to checksum each row, and then compare the rows for differences between versions of my code. Something like this:
-- Run my test of "version 0" of the push code, the base code I'm refactoring.
-- Insert the ID and checksum for each pushed row.
INSERT INTO row_check (id,version,row_hash,table_name)
SELECT id, 0, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
row_hash = EXCLUDED.row_hash,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
truncate table record_changes_log;
-- Run my test of "version 1" of the push code, the new code I'm validating.
-- Insert the ID and checksum for each pushed row.
INSERT INTO row_check (id,version,row_hash,table_name)
SELECT id, 1, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
row_hash = EXCLUDED.row_hash,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
That gets two rows in row_check for every row in record_changes_log, or any other table I'm checking. For the two runs of record_changes_log, I end up with more than 8.6M rows in row_check. They look like this:
id version row_hash table_name
e6218751-ab78-4942-9734-f017839703f6 0 -142492569 record_changes_log
6c0a4111-2f52-4b8b-bfb6-e608087ea9c1 0 -1917959999 record_changes_log
7fac6424-9469-4d98-b887-cd04fee5377d 0 -323725113 record_changes_log
1935590c-8d22-4baf-85ba-00b563022983 0 -1428730186 record_changes_log
2e5488b6-5b97-4755-8a46-6a46317c1ae2 0 -1631086027 record_changes_log
7a645ffd-31c5-4000-ab66-a565e6dad7e0 0 1857654119 record_changes_log
I asked yesterday for some help on the comparison query, and it lead to this:
select v0.table_name,,
v0.row_hash as v0,
v1.row_hash as v1
from row_check v0
join row_check v1 on = and
v0.version = 0 and
v1.version = 1 and
v0.row_hash <> v1.row_hash
That works, but now I'm hoping to optimize it a bit. As an experiment, I clustered the data on version and then built a BRIN index, like this:
drop index if exists row_check_version_btree;
create index row_check_version_btree
on row_check
using btree(version);
cluster row_check using row_check_version_btree;
drop index row_check_version_btree; -- Eh? I want to see how the BRIN performs.
drop index if exists row_check_version_brin;
create index row_check_version_brin
on row_check
using brin(row_hash);
vacuum analyze row_check;
I ran the query through explain analyze and get this:
Merge Join (cost=1.12..559750.04 rows=4437567 width=51) (actual time=1511.987..14884.045 rows=10 loops=1)
Output: v0.table_name,, v0.row_hash, v1.row_hash
Inner Unique: true
Merge Cond: ( =
Join Filter: (v0.row_hash <> v1.row_hash)
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 4318290
Buffers: shared hit=8679005 read=42511
-> Index Scan using row_check_pkey on ascendco.row_check v0 (cost=0.56..239156.79 rows=4252416 width=43) (actual time=0.032..5548.180 rows=4318300 loops=1)
Output:, v0.version, v0.row_hash, v0.table_name
Index Cond: (v0.version = 0)
Buffers: shared hit=4360752
-> Index Scan using row_check_pkey on ascendco.row_check v1 (cost=0.56..240475.33 rows=4384270 width=24) (actual time=0.031..6070.790 rows=4318300 loops=1)
Output:, v1.version, v1.row_hash, v1.table_name
Index Cond: (v1.version = 1)
Buffers: shared hit=4318253 read=42511
Planning Time: 1.073 ms
Execution Time: 14884.121 ms
...which I did not really get the right idea I ran it again to JSON and fed the results into this wonderful plan visualizer:
The tips there are right, the top node estimate is bad. The result is 10 rows, the estimate is for about 443,757 rows.
I'm hoping to learn more about optimizing this kind of thing, and this query seems like a good opportunity. I have a lot of notions about what might help:
-- Rework the query to move the where comparison?
-- Use a better index? I did try a GIN index and a straight B-tree on version, but neither was superior.
-- Rework the row_check format to move the two hashes into the same row instead of splitting them over two rows, compare on insert/update, flag non-matches, and add a partial index for the non-matching values.
Granted, it's funny to even try to index something where there are only two values (0 and 1 in the case above), so there's that. In fact, is there any sort of clever trick for Booleans? I'll always be comparing two versions, so "old" and "new", which I can express however makes life best. I understand that Postgres only has bitmap indexes internally at search/merge (?) time and that it does not have a bitmap type index. Would there be some kind of INTERSECT that might help? I don't know how Postgres implements set math operators internally.
Thanks for any suggestions on how to rethink this data or the query to make it faster for comparisons involving millions, or tens of millions, of rows.
I'm going to add an answer to my own question, but am still interested in what anyone else has to say. In the process of writing out my original question, I realized that maybe a redesign is in order. This hinges on my plan to only ever compare two versions at a time. That's a good solution here, but there are other cases where it wouldn't work. Anyway, here's a slightly different table design that folds the two results into a single row:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data.row_compare;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data.row_compare (
hash_1 int8, -- Want NULL to defer calculating hash comparison until after both hashes are entered.
hash_2 int8, -- Ditto
hashes_match boolean, -- Likewise
table_name text NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CONSTRAINT row_compare_pkey
The following expression index should, hopefully, be very small as I shouldn't have any non-matching entries:
CREATE INDEX row_compare_fail ON row_compare (hashes_match)
WHERE hashes_match = false;
The trigger below does the column calculation, once hash_1 and hash_2 are both provided:
-- Run this as a BEFORE INSERT or UPDATE ROW trigger.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION data.on_upsert_row_compare()
RETURNS trigger AS
IF NEW.hash_1 = NULL OR
NEW.hash_2 = NULL THEN
RETURN NEW; -- Don't do the comparison, hash_1 hasn't been populated yet.
ELSE-- Do the comparison. The point of this is to avoid constantly thrashing the expression index.
NEW.hashes_match := NEW.hash_1 = NEW.hash_2;
RETURN NEW; -- important!
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
This now adds 4.3M rows instead of 8.6M rows:
-- Add the first set of results and build out the row_compare records.
INSERT INTO row_compare (id,hash_1,table_name)
SELECT id, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
hash_1 = EXCLUDED.hash_1,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
-- I'll truncate the record_changes_log and push my sample data again here.
-- Add the second set of results and update the row compare records.
-- This time, the hash is going into the hash_2 field for comparison
INSERT INTO row_compare (id,hash_2,table_name)
SELECT id, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
FROM record_changes_log
hash_2 = EXCLUDED.hash_2,
table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;
And now the results are simple to find:
select * from row_compare where hashes_match = false;
This changes the query time from around 17 seconds to around 24 milliseconds.

How do I add a constraint with a where clause in PostgreSQL?

I have a table with reservations. A reservation is made of a date range, and a time range. They also belong to a couple of other models. I would like to add a constraint that makes it impossible for a reservation to happen for overlapping times.
I have this:
CREATE TABLE reservations (
id integer NOT NULL,
dates daterange,
times timerange,
desk_id integer NOT NULL,
space_id integer,
ALTER TABLE reservations ADD EXCLUDE USING gist (dates WITH &&, times WITH &&)
It works well. But I want this constraint to be scoped to desk_id and client_id.
It should be possible to save a record for overlapping times/dates when this record is about different desk_id or space_id.
How can I do this?
You just can use the exact same mechanism you were using, but also adding desk_id and space_id to your exclusions. This time, instead of using the && operator (meaning overlaps) with the = operator:
ALTER TABLE reservations
USING gist (desk_id WITH =, space_id WITH =, dates WITH &&, times WITH &&) ;
Theses inserts will work, because they involve two different desk_id:
(id, dates, times, desk_id, space_id)
(1, '[20170101,20170101]'::daterange, '[10:00,11:00]'::timerange, 10, 10),
(2, '[20170101,20170101]'::daterange, '[10:30,11:00]'::timerange, 20, 10) ;
This insert will fail, because you'd be having a time-range overlap, and the same desk_id and space_id:
(id, dates, times, desk_id, space_id)
(3, '[20170101,20170101]'::daterange, '[10:00,11:00]'::timerange, 10, 10) ;

Constraint on sum from rows

I've got a table in PostgreSQL 9.4:
user_votes (
user_id int,
portfolio_id int,
car_id int
vote int
Is it possible to put a constraint on the table so a user max can have 99 point to vote with in each portfolio?
This means that a user can have multiple rows consisting of the same user_id and portfolio_id, but different car_id and vote. The sum on votes should never exceed 99, but it can be placed among different cars.
So doing:
INSERT INTO user_vores (user_id, portfolio_id, car_id, vote) VALUES
(1, 1, 1, 20),
(1, 1, 7, 40),
(1, 1, 9, 25)
would all be allowed, but when trying to add something that exceeds 99 votes should fail, like another row:
INSERT INTO user_vores (user_id, portfolio_id, car_id, vote) VALUES
(1, 1, 21, 40)
Unfortunately no, if you tried to create such a constraint you will see this error message:
ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in check constraints
But the wonderfull thing about postgresql is that there is always more than one way to skin a cat. You can use a BEFORE trigger to check that the data you are trying to insert fullfills our requirements.
Row-level triggers fired BEFORE can return null to signal the trigger
manager to skip the rest of the operation for this row (i.e.,
subsequent triggers are not fired, and the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE does
not occur for this row). If a nonnull value is returned then the
operation proceeds with that row value.
Inside your trigger you would count the number of votes
SELECT COUNT(*) into vote_count FROM user_votes WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id
Now if vote_count is 99 you return NULL and the data will not be inserted.

an empty row with null-like values in not-null field

I'm using postgresql 9.0 beta 4.
After inserting a lot of data into a partitioned table, i found a weird thing. When I query the table, i can see an empty row with null-like values in 'not-null' fields.
That weird query result is like below.
689th row is empty. The first 3 fields, (stid, d, ticker), are composing primary key. So they should not be null. The query i used is this.
select * from st_daily2 where stid=267408 order by d
I can even do the group by on this data.
select stid, date_trunc('month', d) ym, count(*) from st_daily2
where stid=267408 group by stid, date_trunc('month', d)
The 'group by' results still has the empty row.
The 1st row is empty.
But if i query where 'stid' or 'd' is null, then it returns nothing.
Is this a bug of postgresql 9b4? Or some data corruption?
I added my table definition.
stid integer NOT NULL,
d date NOT NULL,
ticker character varying(15) NOT NULL,
mp integer NOT NULL,
settlep double precision NOT NULL,
prft integer NOT NULL,
atr20 double precision NOT NULL,
upd timestamp with time zone,
ntrds double precision
CREATE TABLE st_daily2
CONSTRAINT st_daily2_pk PRIMARY KEY (stid, d, ticker),
CONSTRAINT st_daily2_strgs_fk FOREIGN KEY (stid)
CONSTRAINT st_daily2_ck CHECK (stid >= 200000 AND stid < 300000)
INHERITS (st_daily)
The data in this table is simulation results. Multithreaded multiple simulation engines written in c# insert data into the database using Npgsql.
psql also shows the empty row.
You'd better leave a posting at
Some questions:
Could you show use the table
definitions and constraints for the
How did you load your data?
You get the same result when using
another tool, like psql?
The answer to your problem may very well lie in your first sentence:
I'm using postgresql 9.0 beta 4.
Why would you do that? Upgrade to a stable release. Preferably the latest point-release of the current version.
This is 9.1.4 as of today.
I got to the same point: "what in the heck is that blank value?"
No, it's not a NULL, it's a -infinity.
To filter for such a row use:
case when mytestcolumn = '-infinity'::timestamp or
mytestcolumn = 'infinity'::timestamp
then NULL else mytestcolumn end IS NULL
instead of:
WHERE mytestcolumn IS NULL