Service Worker Fails on - progressive-web-apps

I'm trying to get a basic service worker up and running.
The problem I have is that when I run "", the browser throws a
sw.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Unexpected internal error
Commenting out the removes the exception.
How can I get more information from the browser to tell me what's wrong?
Here's the service worker and registration code.
var CACHE_NAME = 'pwacache-v1';
var urlsToCache = [
self.addEventListener('install', function (event) {
// Perform install steps
try {
} catch (ex) {
function getFiles() {
console.log('opening: ' + CACHE_NAME );
triggers Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Unexpected internal error
*/ (cache) {
return Promise.all( (url) {
return cache.add(url).catch(function (reason) {
console.log([url + "failed: " + String(reason)]);
}) // end of map
console.log('waiting 3...')
And the registration code
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
I do see the sw.js registered in Chrome's 'Application' tab.

You need to return a promise from getFiles() in order for the event.waitUntil() to actually wait for the async work. So I recommend returning the promise returned by your promise chain started with
Without this its possible the service worker is being terminated before the async work can complete.


While testing error responses, the test fails with the expected error (React/Jest/ReactQuery/Axios/MSW)

I am trying to test error states of the following MSW rest endpoint:
import { rest } from 'msw'
export const exceptionHandlers = [ + '/login', (req, res, ctx) => {
return res(
ctx.json({ data: { message: 'Mock Error Message' } })
This endpoint is called in a custom hook return function thats using React Query's mutateAsync:
const { mutateAsync } = useMutation(AuthApi.login)
const handleLogin = async (props): Promise<void> => {
await mutateAsync(props, {
onSuccess: async () => {
// this block tests fine
onError: async () => {
// it reaches this block, '!!!' is logged to the console,
// but the test still fails with `Request failed with status code 500`
return handleLogin
In a test file:
it('handles network errors', async () => {
const user = userEvent.setup()
const screen = render(<LoginForm />)
const submitButton = screen.getByTestId('Login.Submit')
// Complete form
It doesnt matter what comes after that, the test always fails with
Request failed with status code 500
at createError (node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)
at settle (node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)
at XMLHttpRequestOverride.onloadend (node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js:54:7)
at XMLHttpRequestOverride.trigger (node_modules/#mswjs/interceptors/src/interceptors/XMLHttpRequest/XMLHttpRequestOverride.ts:176:17)
at node_modules/#mswjs/interceptors/src/interceptors/XMLHttpRequest/XMLHttpRequestOverride.ts:354:16
But its supposed to fail with status 500. That's the whole point. If I change the handler to return another error, ie ctx.status(404), then the test just fails with that error code.
I've tried wrapping the assertion in a try/catch block but the same thing results. I see examples online of people doing (apparently) exactly this and it works fine, so I'm quite confused what's causing this. All other tests that check success states work as expected.
i've had the same problem.
As far as i could understand, the problem is that in test environment there is no handler for the rejected promise.

Cancelling promise in nuxt-axios response interceptor

Basically, my question is the exact one here It can be done via throw new axios.Cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');.. But how can I do this in nuxt axios module?? I can not see it in the document and I tried $axios.Cancel('Error') but returned $axios.Cancel is not a constructor
Basically, the something like the snippet below is what I am looking for:
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
throw new axios.Cancel('Operation canceled by the user.');
}, function (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
Emphasis on throw new axios.Cancel
While #nuxtjs/axios does not expose axios.Cancel, you could still import axios directly to get that symbol. Note axios is already a dependency of #nuxtjs/axios, so no extra dependency necessary.
Example (tested with #nuxtjs/axios v5.11.0):
// plugins/axios.js
import { Cancel } from 'axios'
export default function ({ $axios }) {
$axios.onResponse((response) => {
if (response.code !== 200){
throw new Cancel(response.msg)
With nuxt/axios v5.8.0 IsCancel available
v5.8.0 add CancelToken and isCancel to axios instance
Seems like nuxt-axios does not have any exact equivalent but I found a work around.
export default function({ $axios, req, store, redirect, app }, inject) {
// const source = $axios.CancelToken.source()
const timeout = process.env.API_TIMEOUT || 10000
const errorHandling = function(error) {
console.log(`API ${error}`)
return new Promise(() => {})
$axios.onResponse((response) => {
// Any condition that could be considered an response based on standard response
if(response.code !== 200){
throw response.msg

What is the proper way of detecting network errors in stream downloads using Axios in Nest.js?

I'm working with the HttpService module from Nest.js to make the HTTP calls. I'm able to download an image from; when there is no network interruptions the code is working as expected.
This is the code I have for making the download call and start writing into the desired file
const urlDownload = '';
let response = await this.httpService.get(urlDownload, {
responseType: 'stream'
And this is the code where I'm trying to handle the possible events of the writer and returning a response
let downloadFile = path.resolve(__dirname,'../../files/landscape.jpg');
let writer = fs.createWriteStream(downloadFile);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
writer.on('finish', ()=>{
resolve('Image downloaded');
writer.on('error', ()=>{
reject('Image downloaded failed');
I'm deliberately turning off the wifi during the download to try the server response with Image downloaded failed (what I have in the writer error handler), but instead I'm getting an 500 statusCode, internal server error. When I go to the Nest console to whatch the error it appears
[Nest] 11220 - 2020-05-22 18:16:45 [ExceptionsHandler] getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND +439536ms
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:64:26)
How can I solve this and catch correcty the network error from Nest to return a friendly message?
I could solve it. I let it here with the hope of helping somebody in the future.
It is not firing the error handler function because that handler is attached to the writter, and there is not writting error, it just stops writing because the cut of the connection but that is not an error.
I re-writed the response variable to stop being a promise and better I started treating it like an observer.
let response = this.httpService.get(urlDownload, {
responseType: 'stream',
And then it is the response in previus Promise format
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
writer.on('error', () => {
resolve('error due to, possibly, an unexisting file path');
next(response) { },
error(err) {
console.error('More details: ' + err);
resolve('Error in the download :/')
complete() { resolve('Completed'); }
I'm not using the reject function of the promise but it is perfectly doable

Ionic 3 InAppBrowser not firing event

I am making an ionic app where I need to call to a website(not exist). I am just trying to catch that into the error. But the "exit" event does not get fired.
this.browser = this.iab.create("", "_blank", this.options);
this.browser.on('exit').subscribe(event => {
console.log("exit -->", event);
}, err => {
console.log("InAppBrowser exit Event Error: " + err);
It opens the browser in the app but only shows the 404 page, but dont go further in the error code, so that I can handle it.
Declare cordova in your component
declare var cordova;
Then for the error check you can use the following function
const browser ='', '_blank', this.options);
browser.addEventListener('loadstart', function(e) {
// event fires when the InAppBrowser starts to load a URL.
browser.addEventListener('loaderror', function(e) {
// event fires when the InAppBrowser encounters an error when loading a URL.
You can checkout the documentation here.
If I understand the question correctly then the main problem is to catch the error
this.browser = this.iab.create("", "_blank", this.options);
this.browser.on('loadstop').subscribe(event => {
console.log("exit -->", event);
}, err => {
//once the page loading stops and there is an error it comes here and displays you log.
console.log("InAppBrowser exit Event Error: " + err);
exit event is fired when we exit the inAppBrowser

sails helpers and machine spec

I upgrade sails to the #^1.0.0 version and while I'm developing an API, I wanted to use a Service but the Sails document advice to use Helper now. And I don't realy use to work with the new way to discripe helper, build script or actions.
And all the try I have mad wasn't successful.
In the following exemple..
Here is my controller call:
var ob = await ails.helpers.testy('sayHello');
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Testy',
description: 'Testy something.',
inputs: {
bla: {
type: 'string'
exits: {
success: {
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
if(!inputs.bla) return exits.error(new Error('text not found'));
var h = "Hello "+ inputs.bla;
// All done.
return exits.success(h);
I'm getting this error
error: A hook (`helpers`) failed to load!
error: Attempted to `require('*-serv\api\helpers\testy.js')`, but an error occurred:
fn: async function (inputs, exits) {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token function.......
and if I remove the "async" and the "await" form the Controller, the ob object return null and I'm having this error
WARNING: A function that was initially called over 15 seconds
ago has still not actually been executed. Any chance the
source code is missing an "await"?
To assist you in hunting this down, here is a stack trace:
at Object.signup [as auth/signup] (D:\*-serv\api\controllers\AuthController.js:106:26)
The first guy from the comments is right.
After removing async from fn: async function (inputs, exists) {}; you need to setup sync: true which is false by default. It is described at helpers doc page at Synchronous helpers section.
So your code should look like this
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Testy',
description: 'Testy something.',
sync: true, // Here is essential part
inputs: {
bla: {
type: 'string'
exits: {
success: {
fn: function (inputs, exits) {
if(!inputs.bla) return exits.error(new Error('text not found'));
var h = "Hello "+ inputs.bla;
// All done.
return exits.success(h);
From the another side, you have a problem with async/await. The top most reason for this are
Not supported Node.js version - check that you current version support it
If you use sails-hook-babel or another Babel related solution, you may miss required plugin for async/await processing