Flurry - custom events - swift

Hi I am wondering why the custom events I have set up don't seem to be showing on flurry.com portal.
I am going to guess it has something to do with how I have set it up - but according to the flurry documentation I have done it correctly.
This is the result when I click a button that fires logEvent
msg = <FlurryStreamEvent: 0x28350e000, type = 134, json = { "fl.event.type" : "CUSTOM_EVENT", "fl.event.id" : 2, "fl.timed.event.duration" : 0, "fl.event.timed" : false, "fl.event.uptime" : 2284321185, "fl.timed.event.starting" : false, "fl.event.user.parameters" : { "RXBpc29kZV90aXRsZQ==" : "WW91ciBTbyBTdHVwaWQ=", "cG9kY2FzdA==" : "Mm5lcmRzIEluIEEgUm9vbQ==" }, "fl.event.name" : "UG9kY2FzdF9QbGF5", "fl.frame.version" : 1, "fl.event.flurry.parameters" : { }, "fl.event.timestamp" : 1603026151045 }>
My concern is "fl.event.flurry.parameters" : { }, it's empty - I have no idea if it is meant to be empty..
This is how I am calling it:
let data = ["podcast": post.title, "Episode_title":podcast.title]
Flurry.logEvent("Podcast_Play", withParameters: data)

fl.event.user.parameters is the one that contains the parameters you set, so in your example, they are reporting in. Not seeing them in the portal could be due to the expected time it takes for data to propagate. If it takes more than several hours, email us at support#flurry.com with the details.


how to add multiple fileds of the same name with different data

so what i am doing is sending this data to the the firebase firestore here's my code its working fine,
final data = {
"sent_requests" : {
"sender" : "${loggedInUser.uid}",
"receiver" : args.uid,
"details" : {
"date" : detail_class.datetime,
"total_dishes" : detail_class.total_dishes,
"total_people" : detail_class.total_people,
"meals" : detail_class.meals,
"location" : detail_class.location,
dynamic db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
db.collection("users").doc("${loggedInUser.uid}").set(data, SetOptions(merge: true));
This result is fine, but this code just overwrites the previous request. I instead want to add more requests in it,
when the sender and receiver are different.
Field names are unique in Firestore, so you can't have (for example) two receiver fields.
What you can have is a single field that is an array of values. I'd typically call that receivers (plural) to indicate that it's a multi-value field, and you'd write that from your code with:
final data = {
"sent_requests" : {
"receivers" : [args.uid],
This sets the receivers field to an array with just the value or args.uid. If you want to merge the args.uid with any existing values in the database already, you can use an array-union operator:
final data = {
"sent_requests" : {
"receivers" : FieldValue.arrayUnion([args.uid]),
Now the args.uid value will be added to the receivers array, unless it's already in there.

How MongoClient::save(...) might change the _id field of document parameter

I have a class User that embeds a JsonObject to represent the user's fields. This class looks like that:
class User {
private JsonObject data;
public User(...) {
data = new JsonObject();
data.put("...", ...).put(..., ...);
public String getID() { return data.getString("_id"); }
// more getters, setters
// DB access methods
public static userSave(MongoClient mc, User user){
// some house keeping
mc.save("users", user.jsonObject(), ar -> {
if(ar.succeeded()) { ... } else { ... }
I've just spent more than half a day trying to figure out why a call to user.getID() sometimes produced the following error: ClassCastException: class io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject cannot be cast to class java.lang.CharSequence. I narrowed down to the userSave() method and more specifically to MongoClient::save() which actually produces a side effect which transforms the data._id from something like
"_id" : "5ceb8ebb9790855fad9be2fc"
into something like
"_id" : {
"$oid" : "5ceb8ebb9790855fad9be2fc"
This is confirmed by the vertx documentation which states that "This operation might change _id field of document parameter". This actually is also true for other write methods like inserts.
I came with two solutions and few questions about doing the save() properly while keeping the _id field up to date.
S1 One way to achieve that is to save a copy of the Json Object rather than the object itself, in other words : mc.save("users", user.jsonObject().copy(), ar -> {...});. This might be expensive on the long run.
S2 An other way is to "remember" _id and then to reinsert it into the data object in the if(ar.succeeded()) {data.put("_id", oidValue); ...} section. But as we are asynchronous, I don't think that the interval between save() and the data.put(...) is atomic ?
Q1: Solution S1 make the assumption that the ID doesn't change, i.e., the string 5ceb8ebb9790855fad9be2fc will not change. Do we have a warranty about this ?
Q2: What is the right way to implement the saveUser() properly ?
EDIT: The configuration JSON object user for the creation of the MongoClient is as follows (in case there is something wrong) :
"main_pool" : {
"pool_name" : "mongodb",
"host" : "localhost",
"port" : 27017,
"db_name" : "appdb",
"username" : "xxxxxxxxx",
"password" : "xxxxxxxxx",
"authSource" : "admin",
"maxPoolSize" : 5,
"minPoolSize" : 1,
"useObjectId" : true,
"connectTimeoutMS" : 5000,
"socketTimeoutMS" : 5000,
"serverSelectionTimeoutMS" : 5000

React Component iterate/loop properties of Mongo object

I do have a Mongo collection that stores albums with predefined "slot" for its images and feel a bit stuck if there a way to loop over the properties of the collection in order to display images in separated divs.
I did used this code for mapping over the album covers and it worked great:
albums() {
return Albums.find().fetch();
{this.albums().map( (album) => {
return <div key={album._id}><img src={album.cover} /></div>
But now I ask you to help, is it possible to loop over photoOne, photoTwo, etc... and skip/don't display data if it is empty like in photoThree for example.
"_id" : "CHMHbNWWwZGaLGvB6",
"title" : "Text",
"cover" : "link",
"createdAt" : date,
"photoOne" : {
"titleOne" : "Text",
"coverOne" : "link"
"photoTwo" : {
"titleTwo" : "Text",
"coverTwo" : "link"
"photoThree" : {
"titleThree" : "",
"coverThree" : ""
I'm not a Mongo user, but in the map function you can check for the existing values, and handle it there. Something like (there is surely a cleaner way, though):
this.albums().map( (album) => {
for (key in album){
if (key.startsWith('photo')){
var title = Object.keys(album[key])[0];
if (album[key][title].length != 0){
console.log("Can use: " + Object.keys(album[key])[0])
Results in:
Can Use This: titleOne
Can Use This: titleTwo
Hope that helps, but it seems like having the photos with photoOne, photoTwo you are limiting the number of photos to use and requiring the need to use Object.keys to get the values out (without specifically using album.photoOne, album.photoTwo, etc.
If the album photos were stored in an embedded document, you could just include the photos and titles that existed and avoid having to check for empty ones. You would just loop through the photos that are present....if that makes sense.

Firebase many to many relationship retrieve data

I have the following data structure , users and services have many to many
users : {
user1 : {
name : blah,
email : a#a.com,
services : {
servicekey1 : true,
servicekey9 : true
services : {
servicekey1 : {
name : blahserve,
category : blahbers,
providers : {
user1 : true,
user7 : true
I want to get the list of user objects for a service. How can this be done with and without angularfire.
I came up with this query (without angularfire) -
var refu = new Firebase("https://myapp.firebaseio.com/users");
var refs = new Firebase("https://myapp.firebaseio.com/services");
var users = s.val();
angular.forEach(users, function(v,k){
refu.child(k).once("value", function(su){
This solves my purpose but I feel there should be a better way to do it , may be with angular fire. Please suggest if there are any other/ better ways to achieve this?

How to find payment collection using response id?

I am developing angularjs nodejs application
Following has Payment Collection find function and result
var collectionId = "5673d6c7da28e94f51277894"
Payment.find({id: collectionId}).exec(function(err,payment)
Console result :
"_id" : ObjectId("5673d6c7da28e94f51277894"),
"response" : {
"status" : "approved",
"id" : "PAY-9N740711P28316116KZX5U4I"
I need to find payment collection using response id
My code here
var paymentId = "PAY-9N740711P28316116KZX5U4I"
Payment.find({ response : {id: paymentId}}).exec(function(err,payment)
Console result :
If you are not clear question, please comment
Hope answer, thanks
It should be:
Payment.find({ 'response.id': paymentId }).exec(function(err,payment) {