Where is the moodle documentation for using Core web service functions that indicates the parameter required - moodle

I can not see the documentation telling what are the related parameters to their Core web service functions.
Moodle has a lot of Core web service functions listed at
but the required/optional parameter and/or how to use the function is not indicated.
can anyone help?

As outlined in the Moodle docs: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Web_services#Developer_documentation
You can enable documentation for your site at:
Site admin > Plugins > Web services > Manage protocols > Web services documentation
You can then view that documentation at:
Site admin > Plugins > Web services > API Documentation
This page lists all the required + optional params for each of the web service functions available on your site (including any from 3rd-party plugins you may have installed), as well as the expected response.


Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) for a URL - Google app engine

We have two projects -
Project 1 - Google App engine standard python 2.7.
Project 2 - Google Appp engine standard python 3.3
Project 1 application is secured using Firebase user authentication.
We have a need to access a particular function (URL) of Project 1 accessing from Project 2. The call from Project 2 will be done by the server (not user). We need this to be secure.
Can we enable just this function (URL) in Project 1 with IAP? And use the instructions here to authenticate?
It the above is not a solution, what are our options?
Yes, the link you provide exposes proper solutions. Although, I believe the best one is to use a Service Account for Project 2 that allows access to Project 1 resource (Use the proper Cloud Function role).
Include the Service Account credentials in Project 2 and use the proper library to call the service using the Service account credentials. Learn how to create a Service account credential here

Where can I find full documentation for the ArangoDB HTTP REST API?

The HTTP REST API documentation on the ArangoDB website looks incomplete. I need the full reference documentation so I can implement calls to ArangoDB's HTTP REST API from libcurl for C++.
ArangoDB has Swagger UI, go to Support menu in Admin, then select Rest API tab
You can also download swagger.json and generate API clients and server stubs via swagger-codegen (for C++
is supported cpprest, Qt5, Tizen)

what is the need & use of apache felix web console bundle in liferay 7.1

I am new in liferay want to perform crud operation using service builder so i want to understand need & use of apache felix web console bundle in liferay 7.1 so that i use it in order to check json/webservice api.
I would say you are not looking at the right tool for the job.
The console enables you to interact with the OSGi framework, a good place to start is not on the console but on the file systems if you are looking into understanding how Liferay uses the framework. The framework is embedded into the web app in order to provide the environment where bundles can live and provide services collectively.
Gogo is an auxiliary tool that enables interaction, you can query if bundles are installed, check the dependencies that you missed and who is providing a certain service or exposing a package.
Most of day-to-day of this kind of information you can also find in the app manager and/or logs.
About testing you api, I assume you are looking for seeing if it was installed and if it was resolved and activated. The app managers can provide the first clue for this, but gogo is an adequate tool as well, you will need to learn its commands and syntax. Do not worry they are trivial, you can find a description on the Apache's project page an on Liferay's dev guide.
Now, if you are looking to test the API for correctives or availability, using gogo will demand custom commands and lots of extra logic other tools provide for you.

Google Analytics Embed API with Server Side Authorization - Firebase Hosting

I completed the basic setup for Google Analytics and inserted the tracking code into my webpage(s). I can log in to analytics.google.com and see historical data just fine.
I have an admin page on my website where I want to display Google Analytics information to several users automatically (no additional logon req'd) and read that this is possible using the Embed API with Server-side Authorization.
I followed the instructions and created a Service Account that shows up under Service account keys in my Google API Manager portal. I also successfully ran 'sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client' on my Cloud9 IDE and pushed the change to my hosting provider, Firebase, i.e. 'firebase deploy'. Lastly, I located and pasted my Analytics View ID in to the code sample provided with the Demo/Setup. My page is served with <!DOCTYPE html> declared.
I can't get it to work. Browser console says:
Uncaught TypeError: window.google.load is not a function
I am thinking that I am not invoking the get_access_token() in that Python module. In other words, I am thinking that server-side scripting is not supported with Firebase hosting.
Anyone know if and how to get Google Analytics Embed API with Server Side Authorization running with Firebase hosting?
This is not exactly a direct answer to your question, but rather an alternative solution to this problem. At least I’m using approach.
You can use Google Design Studio to build and embed amazing analytics and BI dashboards anywhere you like (also on your Admin website). But even easier would be to use Google’s authentication (via gmail) to provide access to select dashboards directly, as Google’s authentication and authorisation is likely more secure that your website’s.

yii2 remove backend/web and frontend/web from url

I am trying to change site url from http://localhost/yiiwebsite/backend/web/index.php url to http://localhost/yiiwebsite/admin and http://localhost/yiiwebsite/frontend/web/index.php url to http://localhost/yiiwebsite/.
Can anyone help me to do this.
It's described in official docs here.
Here is some basic info:
The application installed according to the above instructions should
work out of box with either an Apache HTTP server or an Nginx HTTP
server, on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux running PHP 5.4 or higher. Yii
2.0 is also compatible with facebook's HHVM. However, there are some edge cases where HHVM behaves different than native PHP, so you have
to take some extra care when using HHVM.
On a production server, you may want to configure your Web server so
that the application can be accessed via the URL
http://www.example.com/index.php instead of
http://www.example.com/basic/web/index.php. Such configuration
requires pointing the document root of your Web server to the
basic/web folder. You may also want to hide index.php from the URL, as
described in the Routing and URL Creation section. In this subsection,
you'll learn how to configure your Apache or Nginx server to achieve
these goals.
By setting basic/web as the document root, you also prevent end users
from accessing your private application code and sensitive data files
that are stored in the sibling directories of basic/web. Denying
access to those other folders is a security improvement.
If your application will run in a shared hosting environment where you
do not have permission to modify its Web server configuration, you may
still adjust the structure of your application for better security.
Further configuration depends on chosen web server (Nginx / Apache), which is not even mentioned in the questoin. But both options are covered in official docs by the given link.
For shared hosting environment there is special section too.
And by the way this was asked before many times here on SO, just do a better research.