Incrementing numbers in REXX - rexx

I have a requirement where I take a SUBSTR (e.g st_detail = "%BOM0007992739871P", st_digit = SUBSTR(st_detail, 8, 10) ). I have to do some validations on the st_digit and if it is valid change "%BOM0002562186P" to "%BOM0002562186C". My code works fine upto this. But I was asked to increment st_digit (I used st_digit = st_digit + 1 ) and print 100 valid st_digits and append it with C. so I put the code in a loop and display st_detail. But when i ran it i got "%BOM0007.99273987E+9C" after first increment. Please help on how to display "%BOM0007992739872C"? (NOTE: this is a reference only and I can't display the validation logic here and my code works fine. The extra code i added was the code I used here)
out_ctr = 1
DO while out_ctr < 101
/* validations */
IF valid THEN
say st_digit " is valid"
say st_digit " is invalid"
st_digit = st_digit + 1
out_ctr = out_ctr + 1

It seems the NUMERIC setting was " 9 0 SCIENTIFIC ". I changed it to NUMERIC DIGITS 12, So, now it works.
parse numeric my_numeric_settings
say my_numeric_settings /* 9 0 SCIENTIFIC */
parse numeric my_numeric_settings
say my_numeric_settings /* 16 0 SCIENTIFIC */
It's because I used SUBSTR(st_detail, 8, 10),So, st_digit is of length 10, which is greater than the DEFAULT setting of "9 0 SCIENTIFIC", So by changing it to either "NUMERIC DIGITS 10" or "NUMERIC DIGITS 12" the code worked.


Find the number at the n position in the infinite sequence

Having an infinite sequence s = 1234567891011...
Let's find the number at the n position (n <= 10^18)
EX: n = 12 => 1; n = 15 => 2
import Foundation
func findNumber(n: Int) -> Character {
var i = 1
var z = ""
while i < n + 1 {
i += 1
return z[z.index(z.startIndex, offsetBy: n-1)]
print(findNumber(n: 12))
That's my code but when I find the number at 100.000th position, it returns an error, I thought I appended too many i to z string.
Can anyone help me, in swift language?
The problem we have here looks fairly straight forward. Take a list of all the number 1-infinity and concatenate them into a string. Then find the nth digit. Straight forward problem to understand. The issue that you are seeing though is that we do not have an infinite amount of memory nor time to be able to do this reasonably in a computer program. So we must find an alternative way around this that does not just add the numbers onto a string and then find the nth digit.
The first thing we can say is that we know what the entire list is. It will always be the same. So can we use any properties of this list to help us?
Let's call the input number n. This is the position of the digit that we want to find. Let's call the output digit d.
Well, first off, let's look at some examples.
We know all the single digit numbers are just in the same position as the number itself.
So, for n<10 ... d = n
What about for two digit numbers?
Well, we know that 10 starts at position 10. (Because there are 9 single digit numbers before it). 9 + 1 = 10
11 starts at position 12. Again, 9 single digits + one 2 digit number before it. 9 + 2 + 1 = 12
So how about, say... 25? Well that has 9 single digit numbers and 15 two digit numbers before it. So 25 starts at 9*1 + 15*2 + 1 = 40 (+ 1 as the sum gets us to the end of 24 not the start of 25).
So... 99 starts at? 9*1 + 89*2 + 1 = 188.
The we do the same for the three digit numbers...
100... 9*1 + 90*2 + 1 = 190
300... 9*1 + 90*2 + 199*3 + 1 = 787
1000...? 9*1 + 90*2 + 900*3 + 1 = 2890
OK... so now I'm seeing a pattern here that seems to need to know the number of digits in each number. Well... I can get the number of digits in a number by rounding up the log(base 10) of that number.
rounding up log base 10 of 5 = 1
rounding up log base 10 of 23 = 2
rounding up log base 10 of 99 = 2
rounding up log base 10 of 627 = 3
OK... so I think I need something like...
// in pseudo code
let lengthOfNumber = getLengthOfNumber(n)
var result = 0
for each i from 0 to lengthOfNumber - 1 {
result += 9 * 10^i * (i + 1) // this give 9*1 + 90*2 + 900*3 + ...
let remainder = n - 10^(lengthOfNumber - 1) // these have not been added in the loop above
result += remainder * lengthOfNumber
So, in the above pseudo code you can give it any number and it will return the position in the list that that number starts on.
This isn't the exact same as the problem you are trying to solve. And I don't want to solve it for you.
This is just a leg up on how I would go about solving it. Hopefully, this will give you some guidance on how you can take this further and solve the problem that you are trying to solve.

Python: add zeroes in single digit numbers without using .zfill

Im currently using micropython and it does not have the .zfill method.
What Im trying to get is to get the YYMMDDhhmmss of the UTC.
The time that it gives me for example is
t = (2019, 10, 11, 3, 40, 8, 686538, None)
I'm able to access the ones that I need by using t[:6]. Now the problem is with the single digit numbers, the 3 and 8. I was able to get it to show 1910113408, but I need to get 19101034008 I would need to get the zeroes before those 2. I used
t = "".join(map(str,t))
t = t[2:]
So my idea was to iterate over t and then check if the number is less than 10. If it is. I will add zeroes in front of it, replacing the number . And this is what I came up with.
t = (2019, 1, 1, 2, 40, 0)
t = list(t)
for i in t:
if t[i] < 10:
t[i] = 0+t[i]
t[i] = t[i]
However, this gives me IndexError: list index out of range
Please help, I'm pretty new to coding/python.
When you use
for i in t:
i is not index, each item.
>>> for i in t:
... print(i)
If you want to use index, do like following:
>>> for i, v in enumerate(t):
... print("{} is {}".format(i,v))
0 is 2019
1 is 10
2 is 11
3 is 3
4 is 40
5 is 8
6 is 686538
7 is None
another way to create '191011034008'
>>> t = (2019, 10, 11, 3, 40, 8, 686538, None)
>>> "".join(map(lambda x: "%02d" % x, t[:6]))
>>> "".join(map(lambda x: "%02d" % x, t[:6]))[2:]
note that:
%02d add leading zero when argument is lower than 10 otherwise (greater or equal 10) use itself. So year is still 4digit string.
This lambda does not expect that argument is None.
I tested this code at
edited :
str.format method version:
"".join(map(lambda x: "{:02d}".format(x), t[:6]))[2:]
"".join(map(lambda x: "{0:02d}".format(x), t[:6]))[2:]
second example's 0 is parameter index.
You can use parameter index if you want to specify it (ex: position mismatch between format-string and params, want to write same parameter multiple times...and so on) .
>>> print("arg 0: {0}, arg 2: {2}, arg 1: {1}, arg 0 again: {0}".format(1, 11, 111))
arg 0: 1, arg 2: 111, arg 1: 11, arg 0 again: 1
I'd recommend you to use Python's string formatting syntax.
>> t = (2019, 10, 11, 3, 40, 8, 686538, None)
>> r = ("%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" % t[:-2])[2:]
>> print(r)
Let's see what's going on here:
%d means "display a number"
%2d means "display a number, at least 2 digits"
%02d means "display a number, at least 2 digits, pad with zeroes"
so we're feeding all the relevant numbers, padding them as needed, and cut the "20" out of "2019".

finding values of x and y using Octal Base system

In finding the values of x and y, if (x567) + (2yx5) = (71yx) ( all in base 8) I proceeded as under.
I assumed x=abc and y=def and followed.
(abc+010 def+101 110+abc 111+101)=(111 001 def abc) //adding ()+()=() and equating LHS=RHS.
abc=111-010=101 which is 5 in base 8 and then def=001-101 which is -4
so x=5 and y=-4
Now the Question is that the answer mentioned in my book is x=4 and y=3.
Is the above method correct.If so,then what's issue here ??
you can't compare the digits beginning with the most significant digit, because you don't know the carry from the digit below. Also a digit cannot have a negative value.
You can start with the least significant digit, because there is no carry:
7 + 5 = 14
so x = 4 with a carry of 1 at the next digit.
now you can rewrite your equation to:
(4567) + (2y45) = (71y4)
now you can look at the second least significant digit (the carry in mind):
6 + 4 + 1 (carry) = 13
so y = 3, also with a carry of 1.
the whole equation is:
(4567) + (2345) = (7134)
which is true for the octal system.

Mapping binary data in perl

I have the following predefined codes that represent an index in a binary bitmap:
0 = standard
1 = special
2 = regular
3 = late
4 = early
5 = on time
6 = generic
7 = rfu
An example value I would take as an input would be 213, which becomes 11010101 in binary. Index 0, 2, 4, 6, and 7 have their bit flipped indicating that this record is:
standard + regular + early + generic + rfu.
I am trying to figure out in perl how to take that binary data and build a string, like mentioned above with code + code + code, etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: My thoughts on how I might approach this are:
Convert decimal to binary
Find length of binary string
Using substr get the value (0 or 1) index by index
If index value = 1 then add relevant code to string
Is there a better way to go about this?
You can test bits on input from 0 to 7, and take only these that are set,
my $in = 213;
my #r = ("standard","special","regular","late","early","on time","generic","rfu");
print join " + ", #r[ grep { $in & (1 << $_) } 0 .. $#r ];
# or
# print join " + ", map { $in & (1<<$_) ? $r[$_] : () } 0 .. $#r;
standard + regular + early + generic + rfu

Perl function for negative integers using the 2's complement

I am trying to convert AD maxpwdAge (a 64-bit integer) into a number of days.
According to Microsoft:
Uses the IADs interface's Get method to retrieve the value of the domain's maxPwdAge attribute (line 5).
Notice we use the Set keyword in VBScript to initialize the variable named objMaxPwdAge—the variable used to store the value returned by Get. Why is that?
When you fetch a 64-bit large integer, ADSI does not return one giant scalar value. Instead, ADSI automatically returns an IADsLargeInteger object. You use the IADsLargeInteger interface's HighPart and LowPart properties to calculate the large integer's value. As you may have guessed, HighPart gets the high order 32 bits, and LowPart gets the low order 32 bits. You use the following formula to convert HighPart and LowPart to the large integer's value.
The existing code in VBScript from the same page:
Const ONE_HUNDRED_NANOSECOND = .000000100 ' .000000100 is equal to 10^-7
Const SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DC=fabrikam,DC=com") ' LINE 4
Set objMaxPwdAge = objDomain.Get("maxPwdAge") ' LINE 5
If objMaxPwdAge.LowPart = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "The Maximum Password Age is set to 0 in the " & _
"domain. Therefore, the password does not expire."
dblMaxPwdNano = Abs(objMaxPwdAge.HighPart * 2^32 + objMaxPwdAge.LowPart)
dblMaxPwdSecs = dblMaxPwdNano * ONE_HUNDRED_NANOSECOND ' LINE 13
dblMaxPwdDays = Int(dblMaxPwdSecs / SECONDS_IN_DAY) ' LINE 14
WScript.Echo "Maximum password age: " & dblMaxPwdDays & " days"
End If
How can I do this in Perl?
Endianness may come into this, but you may be able to say
use strict;
use warnings;
my $num = -37_108_517_437_440;
my $binary = sprintf "%064b", $num;
my ($high, $low) = $binary =~ /(.{32})(.{32})/;
$high = oct "0b$high";
$low = oct "0b$low";
my $together = unpack "q", pack "LL", $low, $high;
print "num $num, low $low, high $high, together $together\n";
Am I missing something? As far as I can tell from your question, your problem has nothing at all to do with 2’s complement. As far as I can tell, all you need/want to do is
use Math::BigInt;
use constant MAXPWDAGE_UNIT_PER_SEC => (
1000 # milliseconds
* 1000 # microseconds
* 10 # 100 nanoseconds
use constant SECS_PER_DAY => (
24 # hours
* 60 # minutes
* 60 # seconds
my $maxpwdage_full = ( Math::BigInt->new( $maxpwdage_highpart ) << 32 ) + $maxpwdage_lowpart;
my $days = $maxpwdage_full / MAXPWDAGE_UNIT_PER_SEC / SECS_PER_DAY;
Note that I deliberately use 2 separate constants, and I divide by them in sequence, because that keeps the divisors smaller than the range of a 32-bit integer. If you want to write this another way and you want it to work correctly on 32-bit perls, you’ll have to keep all the precision issues in mind.