Executing MySQL procedure from Azure Data Factory - azure-data-factory

I wanted to 'Call' MySql (Azure) Procedure from Azure Data Factory. I can with SQL Server Procedure from ADF but not MySQL Procedures.
How can this be achieved, are there any other service which can be integrated with ADF to call this mysql procedures

We can call the Azure SQL for MySQL stored procedure in query operation at Source.
For example, I create a stored procedure and call it successfully in Data Factory:
Query operation: Call GetData():
There are many limits that the stored procedure must be query or have return value.
Others have posted the feedback:
We can continue to vote it up and Data Factory could see it. Hope they can think about provide the full stored procedure feature support.

You can use lookup Activity if you just need to call the Stored procedure. I tried today for the stored procedure (which update the table) and it worked.


How do I call rest API inside a stored procedure in PosgreSQL?

I'm tasked with creating a stored procedure with rest API inside the procedure, and then automate the stored procedure so that it will call the procedure on its own automatically.
I have no idea how to do this despite looking at several resources on the internet. Can you give me a sample postgreSQL query of how the automated stored procedure with rest API inside look like?

Stored Procedure as Source in Data Flow

I'm trying to execute a stored procedure which will have rows as output but when I try in the Data Flow Source I'm getting error message
DF-SYS-01 at Source 'source1':
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'EXEC'.
My Source is Query option and I'm trying to execute
"EXEC [UVREP].spFeedsProduct 'HH',-2"
Can't I use Stored Procedure as Source in Data Flow ? I'm able to do the same in Copy Data Activity it works fine? What I'm doing wrong?
ADF Data Flow source can take queries or UDFs, but not sprocs.
As Joel mentioned in comments, you can use an ADF Stored Proc activity in the pipeline to execute the sproc before your data flow and store the results in a table or staging file (Parquet/CSV) for the data flow source to read it.
Thanks MarkKromer and JoelCochran.
Instead of Stored Procedure now I modified using Views. Using a pipeline with lookup and Data Flow inside the for each loop. I have to copy like 12 tables to three different sinks.
Is there a better way?

How to execute reports which involve a stored procedure calling out to a linked server

I wrote a stored procedure that calls openquery to a linked server to get data from a remote postgresql server and fill a table with that data. This is working fine. The stored procedure needs 3 parameters.
When I try to call the stored procedure from Report Builder 3.0 gives me error
7350 (cannot get the column OLE DB provider MSDASQL from linked server "name").
I already verify the allow in-process parameter in MSDASQL.
I can't find a solution for this. If I run the stored procedure from Mgmt Studio, it works fine. I'm using SQL Server 2012.
The report only have to show the file data by row. I can run the stored procedure and the report separately and works but I have to do this manually, my requirement needs a report subscription, so have to be automatic.
Any idea how to solve this or a workaround?
PD: sorry for my english, and thank you in advance.
Well I had to make separates works, so create a job that run the store procedure, generate the info on a table, and then run report reading the info from the table. This works.
Thank you all.

How to view explain plan for a DB2 Stored Procedure in IBM DataStudio?

How to view the access plan for the entire SP along with the cost in IBM DataStudio, I am able to view it for a single query but when I do the same for a Stored Procedure it throws an error.
Found the answer, using db2expln executable from the command window, I was able to generate the execution plan for the stored procedures.

Entity Framework see SQL sentence when calling stored procedure

Is there a way to see the underlying SQL sentence when executing a stored procedure in Entity Framework (3.5)?
To use the stored procedure I did from the diagram: Add, Function Import… etc
I downloaded 'AnjLab Sql Profiler' from.
And was able to see that the stored procedure is executed correctly.
You can use any type of database profiler - for example SQL profiler for SQL server or you can use either EFTracingProvider or any EF profiler (these tools are usually commercial). Here is whole article about these techniques.