Receiving events created when using a custom calendar like iCal - icalendar

Lets say I've used a library like to transform my event data into a ical feed.
This feed is then consumed by a client.
On the client they can see the events in their calendar.
When new events are created on the client, how can I get this information and process it on the web server?
Can this be done with something like ical? Where the client has a callback to the web server with the altered feed, containing the new events data?
Or is this functionality reserved only for apps using the native language to hook into native APIS?


How I can send request to the nearest app user just like Uber in flutter

I want to create an application just like Uber using Firebase. I do not under stand how I can show the nearest application user on google map using costume markers and how I can send the request to the all nearest application users at same time just like Uber do.
Since you're already using Firebase, you can use Firebase Cloud Messaging. This is obviously a rather big feature that will envolve lots of sub-tasks, but here's a simplified overview of how it could be:
You have three players involved:
the "Uber user" client app
the "Uber driver" client app
your app server (which could be Firebase Cloud Functions, for a serverless backend)
The data flow could be as follows:
"Drivers" open their apps. This establishes a connection with the server, and keeps the server constantly updated with their geolocation.
A "user" opens his app. This triggers a request to the server sending the user's geolocation.
The server (which knows the realtime location of all drivers) calculates which drivers are near the user, and responds the user request with this data. The user client app can now render a map widget with the drivers locations (for this, you'll probably use a package like google_maps_flutter).
The user clicks a button to request a ride. This again triggers a request to the server.
The server receives the request, and notifies the nearby drivers using Cloud Messaging. FCM has a message type called Data message which is well suited for this; you can send custom data, and the client app will process it however it wants.
The drivers' apps receives this Data Message and render the UI showing there's a ride available. If the driver accepts the ride, this sends a request to the server.
Once the server sees the "accepted ride" request, it sends another message to all other drivers informing the ride is no longer available, as well as sends a message to the user informing the ride has been accepted.
As I said, this is not a simple feature. There are several tricky parts, such as race conditions, and making sure only a single driver accepts a ride. But this should be a high-level overview of how it can be done.
Finally, this schema is a quite technology agnostic; it isn't specific to Flutter. The architecture to have that feature could be implemented like this in pretty much any modern mobile framework - Flutter is just a UI framework.

Using outlook rest notifications api

I created a function in azure functions that is triggered by http request.
Also I have a web app that used for clients to subscribe to my app.
My app and web app is written in .net.
My goal is to set a subscription button in the web app, so when the user subscribe it would allow me to get push notifications about new mail in his outlook inbox folder and send http requests to my azure function that includes the content of the newly received mail.
I read the doc about this API but couldnt understand it and what should I do to get my goal. Also I didn't find any examples for this.
How can I achieve my goal?
There are two options you can try for your scenario :
Option 1: you can create Function APP with Outlook connector and Microsoft flow ( you can listen for new emails using Office 365 API -> "When New Email arrives" and also can be posted the payload using http trigger function
Option 2:
Creating Push notification in your app when you received, you can push the payload to
Azure by a wehbook using Webjobs or Functions
Documentation Outlook REST API V2.0 : Push Notification
To play around with REST API use this URL :
good luck

OpenFire + FastPath WebChat - Pre Fill the User Chat Window with ongoing Conversation

Currently I am using Olark for live chat on my website.
I am planning to replace it with an in house OpenFire installation.
However, there is one problem.
With Olark live chat snippet (which I embed on my website) - if a user opens the website in multiple tabs - it's prefilled with the ongoing conversation. For e.g. - you can try it on (
How do I achieve the same pre population of chat window with the ongoing conversation with OpenFire + FP WebChat?
The way we achieve it at Olark is not exactly trivial. We don't actually use an XMPP client on the end-user's side, which makes it a bit easier, but basically our transport layer is able to grab conversation events for a conversation in-progress based on a session UUID that is stored in the user's cookies. XMPP isn't involved in that process at all, for us (it is only concerned with final delivery to and from Operators).
I don't know what FastPath's architecture is like, but if you were looking for this functionality, or to add it yourself, XMPP supports retrieving some n number of messages from the message history for a client. Check out XMPPFramework - Retrieve Archived Messages From Openfire Server for more on that.

Implementing Apple Push Notification without an access to a source server

I'd like to implement some push notifications from Twitter in my app. I can connect to Twitter's stream of user-related events using Sreaming API. Do I need some 'middleman' server between Twitter API and an iPhone app in order to push a notification to an app ? Maybe I can do it using Cloud Code or something similar ?
This question may be helpful not only in the case of the Twitter API but also in case of any server that a developer don't have any access to.
To push a notification you would generally need a server of your own which has been configured to send a notification when some event occurs. If you are using Parse as a backend for your app, you can leverage their backend to allow you to implement Push Notifications or use a service like UrbanAirship
In the case of the Twitter API, you will need to implement some middleman in either case to get the data from Twitter for your user and parse it to see whether some event has occurred and then send off a notification either using your own custom logic directly to Apple's servers or using Parse or UrbanAirship (or some other service)

Is it possible to access iphone notes, calendar in IOS?

I want to access notes and calendar using native iphone app. I want to know is it possible in new iphone os? Is there any public pi for that?
There is the Event Kit API which is documented in The Event Kit Programming Guide.
As far as I know you cannot access Notes.
The Event Kit and Event Kit UI
frameworks together allow iOS
applications to access event
information from a user’s Calendar
database. You can fetch events based
on a date range or a unique
identifier, receive notifications when
event records change, and allow users
to create and edit events for any of
their calendars. Changes made to
events in a user’s Calendar database
with Event Kit are automatically
synced with the appropriate calendar
(CalDAV, Exchange, and so on). This
document describes Event Kit concepts
and common programming tasks.
Notes are now synchronized to the main IMAP server mail account. So if you can access that somehow then you could access the notes, potentially. However I think you'd probably have to link in your own IMAP client code, and ask the user for their login credentials.