write a pyspark sql code that will execute an action if rowcount of dataframe = 0 else does nothing [closed] - pyspark

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am a newbie to pyspark sql and would like to execute a query as follows
df2 = spark.sql("if df1.count()= 0
then execute action
do nothing")

I was going about this the wrong way ...figured out how :
If df1.count() = 0
df2 = spark.sql(" SELECT ......")


What is the solution for 'For fetch only' in postgresql? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have one query in DB2 which use 'for fetch only' but I need to convert it into postgresql. What can we use it for that?
You don't need that in PostgreSQL. In PostgreSQL, any cursor can be used for a positioned UPDATE or DELETE.
Just omit the clause in PostgreSQL.

how to check is string contains substring? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a table with field name out of type text
I want to get the rows which contains sub string "hello and good morning"
I have tried to write:
select *
from my_table
where out like 'hello and good morning%'
but it seems not working.
How can I get all the rows which contains sub string ?
According to given details, this should work.
select * from my_table where LOWER(out) like LOWER('%hello and good morning%')
Here is the fiddle.

select m.code ms.translation ms.lastupdatedby ms.lastupdateddate from message m message-translation ms where ms.message [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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#NamedQuery(name=Message.QUERY_GET_LEC_MESSAGE, query="SELECT m.message_id, m.code ,ms.translation , m.lastupdated_by , m.lastupdated_date FROM Message ms JOIN MessageTranslation m ON ms.message_id=m.message_id")})
The above query I am getting an error while deploying to JBOSS. Please say me what would be the right way for the above-NAMED Query.

newline character in Postgresql [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How can we get this output
results from query should be like:
both values are coming from two different columns. I want to join these two columns but want results like above in single cell. so there should be new line for second column(but in same cell)
select assessment || E'\n' || penalty from wherever
select concat_ws(chr(10), assessment, penalty) from wherever
Note: I am assuming, since you didn't say, that neither column can be null.

Postgres: how can I subtract value at one query? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I think I can only get value, subtract value (at Java) and update value. Is it possible to subtract value at cell at one query?
Yes, but you got the syntax a bit wrong:
UPDATE table SET number_of_people = number_of_people - 3 WHERE id = 487364
This assumes that number_of_people is an integer value.