delaying job queue on lumen - lumen

I have a project on Lumen 7 which includes a lot of queues but I can't get to delay the job.
This is how I dispatch a job:
dispatch(new NotifyJob($user, $template));
but when I add this
dispatch(new NotifyJob($user, $template))->delay(now()->addMinutes(10));
I get this error
"Call to undefined method Laravel\\Lumen\\Bus\\PendingDispatch::delay()"
And doing this
EmailJob::dispatch($user, $template);
gives me Undefined method dispatch
I just can't get the delay to work.

You can use the "Queue" facade.
for example:
Queue::later(Carbon::now()->addMinutes(10),new GetCityInfoDelay());


ignore.synchronization=true/ browser.waitforAngularEnabled(true) takes so long when compared to browser.sleep()

While executing e2e tests in protractor when we are using ignore.synchronization=true/ browser.waitforAngularEnabled(true) to handle waits is too slow when compared to browser.sleep(10000) to proceed to next step. How to address these kind of wait issues to make the script execution faster?
ignore.synchronization=true/ browser.waitforAngularEnabled(true) are used to make protractor wait until all the angular modules are loaded.
browser.sleep(// time in ms) is raw way of stopping the protractor for the given particular ms.
To handle wait issues:
use browser.waitforAngularEnabled(false) after getting your base url. Then you can use expected waits which makes the protractor wait until that expectation is completed.
Refer for more details
Hope it helps you

How to make Protractor's browser.wait() more verbose?

In Protractor tests I call many times browser.wait method for example to wait once the particular element will appear on the screen or it will be clickable.
In many cases tests passes on my local machine, but does not on other.
I receive very generic information about the timeout which doesn't help me a lot to debug / find a source of issue.
Is it possible to make a browser.wait more verbose, for example:
if at least defaultTimeoutInterval will elapse when waiting for particular element, will it be possible to console.log information about the element that it tried to wait for,
take a screenshot when the timeout error occurs,
provide full call stack when timeout appears in browser.wait
If the main issue is that you don't know for which element the wait timed out, I would suggest writing a helper function for wait and use it instead of wait, something like:
wait = function(variable, variableName,waitingTime){
console.log('Waiting for ' + variableName);
Because protractor stops executing test after first fail, if wait timed out, console won't print success message after failing to load a certain element.
For screenshots I suggest trying out protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter, it generates an easily readable html report with screenshots and debug information on failed tests (for example, in which code line the failure occured).
Look into using protractor's Expected Condition, you can specify what to wait for and how long to wait for it.
For screenshots there are npm modules out there that can take a screenshot when a test fails. This might help.
browser.wait returns a promise, so catch the error and print/throw something meaningful like:
await browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(css), waitingTime).catch((error) =>
throw new CustomError(`Could not find ${css} ${error.message}`)

protractor what does the timeout in expected conditions stand for?

Protractor: Version 1.8.0
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element), 3000);
what exactly does the 3 seconds stand for? and is there an error thrown when 3 seconds have passed and element cannot be found? or does the test just continue?
I ran a test with:
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element(by.xpath(BAD-LOCATOR)), 3000));
BAD-LOCATOR is just a xpath referencing a element that doesn't exists. but upon evaluating this line, the test waits beyond this time until it hits the jasmine defaultTimeoutInterval timeout (I set for 25sec). Why does it not fail in 3 secs since the promise did not get resolved in 3secs? I'm expecting the wait() to fail and the 2nd sendKeys command to execute since its next in control flow.
So the above block of code will print 'foo' into the textbox and on the next command wait until the jasmine timeout to error out (Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.). I'm expecting an error within 3secs. 'bar'never gets printed.
It's the time out, i mean after 3 seconds if the element isn't present until now it will time out.
For the jasmine error you are getting i suggest that you add the call back
describe("long asynchronous specs", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
}, 1000);
You can also refer to Jasmine Asynchronous Support

GWT RPC Call gets return object from another GWT RPC call

I have a strange issue (hope you can help): I am working on a GWT Web Application that has times when more than 4 - 5 GWT RPC calls are made in the same time - as far as time is concerned.
Every once in a while - once every 15 calls maybe? The return Object from one call, gets 'assigned' to another. I have proof of this by using the gwt-log library on the client side.
Here the return object of the HistoryChangesCount call, got assigned to the modelingGetTemplates call also.
Thus resulting in a ClassCastException in the client file that made the call, on the same line as the onSuccess method.
Do you have any tips on how I can avoid this?
PS - I log every response object.toString() on error level. I know it's not best practice. It's just for troubleshooting.
[14:38:01.026] "(-:-) 2014-04-03 14:38:01,025 [ERROR] getHistoryChangesCount - HistoryPreviewFacet - SUCCESS RETURNED: HistoryChangesCount{dateToNumberOfChangesMap={Mon Mar 31 03:00:00 GMT+300 2014=3}, lastUpdatedOn=Mon Mar 31 11:11:02 GMT+300 2014}
[14:38:01.163] "(-:-) 2014-04-03 14:38:01,162 [ERROR] modelingGetTemplates - ModelingTemplatesDropdown - SUCCESS RETURNED: HistoryChangesCount{dateToNumberOfChangesMap={Mon Mar 31 03:00:00 GMT+300 2014=3}, lastUpdatedOn=Mon Mar 31 11:11:02 GMT+300 2014}
[14:38:01.175] "(-:-) 2014-04-03 14:38:01,174 [ERROR] Browser: null
at Unknown.iCb(
at Unknown.Txn(
at Unknown.kIc(
at Unknown.rff(
at Unknown.bXi(
at Unknown.Loe(
at Unknown.MWb(
at Unknown.qXb(
at Unknown.anonymous(
at Unknown.eBb(
at Unknown.hBb(
at Unknown.anonymous(
Here is how a successful call to modelingGetTemplates looks like:
[14:37:24.933] "(-:-) 2014-04-03 14:37:24,932 [ERROR] modelingGetTemplates - ModelingTemplatesDropdown - SUCCESS RETURNED: [Advanced Business Application, Advanced Business Transaction, TestTemplate]
I am using vanilla GWT-RPC. I only have a class that extends AsyncWrapper for logging. I also created myself a client side queue that limits the number of parallel calls to 4, but even so it still happens.
GWT: 2.5.1
and I also use Sencha GXT, not sure if relevant.
Here is a video of the issue reproducing - at 0:30 - this time another call get's the object from modelingGetTemplates.
The end result is that my widget is stuck on loading waiting for data forever. And of course angry users :)
Documenting the way I got around this, rather than fixing it :) (because I couldn't find a fix)
I created a client side GWT RPC call queue.
Any RPC call made by the UI was registring the call to the queue, and the queue would manage (during high load, read delay), the actual execution of the calls.
It acted similar to a thread pool. I had a constant of how many parallel calls I can have at one time, and also a minimum time interval between two calls. I believe it was eventually set to 200 milliseconds.
So by doing the above I (almost) never got that issue. The frequency was so low, nobody noticed it anymore.
My guess of the cause below:
I believe the GWT framework has some maps that use a key that depends on the timestamp of the calls, and if two calls happen at the same time, the map could switch the calls, messing up the results to calls mapping.

How to log/dump/outout dom html

I've tried:
but the only thing I get is
LOG: { name: 'element \'.users\' html', fulfilled: false }
I assume you are using Angular scenario runner.
The element().html() dsl returns a future (see wikipedia). You are logging the future that will eventually contain the element, but at the point when you are calling console.log, the future is not resolved yet - there is no value in there.
Try this:
element('.users').query(function(elm, done) {
The whole scenario runner works as a queue. The test code is executed (synchronously) and each command (eg. element().html in your case) adds some action into this queue. Then, these actions are executed asynchronously - once first action finishes (by calling done()), the second action is executed, etc... Therefore the individual actions can be asynchronous, but the test code is synchronous, which is more readable.