IBM Datastage assumes a column is WVARCHAR while it's date - datastage

I'm doing an ETL for a job. For the data source stage, I input custom select statement. In the output tab of data source stage, I defined the INCEPTION column data type is Timestamp. The right data type for INCEPTION is date. I check it via DBEAVER. But somehow the IBM Datastage assumes that it is WVARCHAR. It says ODBC_Connector_0: Schema reconciliation detected a type mismatch for field INCEPTION. When moving data from field type WVARCHAR(min=0,max=10) into DATETIME(fraction=6), data corruption can occur (CC_DBSchemaRules::reportTypeMismatch, file CC_DBSchemaRules.cpp, line 1,838). I don't know why it is, since from the database shows that INCEPTION is definitely a Date column. I don't know how to fix this since I don't think I'm making mistake. What did I do wrong and how to fix this?

Where did DataStage get its table definition? DataStage is a computer program; it can't "decide" anything. If you import the table definition from the source, what data type is INCEPTION ? If it is either Date or Timestamp, load that table definition into your DataStage job. Otherwise explicitly convert the string using StringToTimestamp() function in a Transformer stage.


Azure Data Factory Copy Activity Pipeline Destination Mapping String Format Date to Sql Date column Warning

I am doing copy activity to load the data from azure data factory to on premise SQL table.
I could see in copy activity column Mapping, there is warning message like source column is string with date and time value (2022-09-13 12:53:28) so that i created target SQL table column is date data type.
While import mapping in copy activity, i could see the whatever date column i mapped in SQL. there is warning message throwing in ADF. kindly advise, how do we resolve it.
The warning just indicates that it copy data will truncate source column data when additional data information is found in a column value. There would not be any error in this case but there might be data loss.
In your case, since the column value is 2022-09-13 12:53:28, it will be inserted without any issue into the datetime column without truncation.
The following is a demonstration where I try to insert the following source data:
1,Wenona,2022-09-13 12:53:28
2,Erhard,2022-09-13 13:53:28
3,Imelda,2022-09-13 14:53:28
The copy activity runs successfully and inserts the data. The following is my target table data after inserting:
When I insert the following data, it would be truncated to just include a precision of 2 digits of milli seconds as shown below.
1,Wenona,2022-09-13 12:53:28.11111
2,Erhard,2022-09-13 13:53:28.11111
3,Imelda,2022-09-13 14:53:28.11111

Azure Data Factory schema mapping not working with SQL sink

I have a simple pipeline that loads data from a csv file to an Azure SQL db.
I have added a data flow where I have ensured all schema matches the SQL table. I have a specific field which contains numbers with leading zeros. The data type in the source - projection is set to string. The field is mapped to the SQL sink showing as string data-type. The field in SQL has nvarchar(50) data-type.
Once the pipeline is run, all the leading zeros are lost and the field appears to be treated as decimal:
Original data: 0012345
Inserted data: 12345.0
The CSV data shown in the data preview is showing correctly, however for some reason it loses its formatting during insert.
Any ideas how I can get it to insert correctly?
I had repro’d in my lab and was able to load as expected. Please see the below repro details.
Source file (CSV file):
Sink table (SQL table):
Connect the data flow source to the CSV source file. As my file is in text format, all the source columns in the projection are in a string.
Source data preview:
Connect sink to Azure SQL database to load the data to the destination table.
Data in Azure SQL database table.
Note: You can all add derived columns before sink to convert the value to string as the sink data type is a string.
Thank you very much for your response.
As per your post the DF dataflow appears to be working correctly. I have finally discovered an issue with the transformation - I have an Azure batch service which runs a python script, which does a basic transformation and saves the output to a csv file.
Interestingly, when I preview the data in the dataflow, it looks as expected. However, the values stored in SQL are not.
For the sake of others having a similar issue, my existing python script used to convert a 'float' datatype column to string-type. Upon conversion, it used to retain 1 decimal number but as all of my numbers are integers, they were ending up with .0.
The solution was to convert values to integer and then to string:
df['col_name'] = df['col_name'].astype('Int64').astype('str')

Cassandra Alter Column type from Timestamp to Date

Is there any way to alter the Cassandra column from timestamp to date without data lost? For example '2021-02-25 20:30:00+0000' to '2021-02-25'
If not, what is the easiest way to migrate this column(timestamp) to the new column(date)?
It's impossible to change a type of the existing column, so you need to add a new column with correct data type, and perform migration. Migration could be done via Spark + Spark Cassandra Connector - it could be most flexible solution, and even could be done via single node machine with Spark running in the local master mode (default). Code could look something like this (try on test data first):
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
options = { "table": "tbl", "keyspace": "ks"}"org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra").options(**options).load()\
.select("pk_col1", "pk_col2", F.col("timestamp_col").cast("date").alias("new_name"))\
P.S. you can use DSBulk, for example, but you need to have enough space to offload the data (although you need only primary key column + your timestamp)
To add to Alex Ott's answer, there are validations done in Cassandra that prevents changing the data type of a column. The reason is that SSTables (Cassandra data files) are immutable -- once they are written to disk, they are never modified/edited/updated. They can only be compacted to new SSTables.
Some try to get around it by dropping the column from the table then adding it back in with a new data type. Unlike traditional RDBMS, the existing data in the SSTables don't get updated so if you tried to read the old data, you'll get a CorruptSSTableException because the CQL type of the data on disk won't match that of the schema.
For this reason, it is no longer possible to drop/recreate columns with the same name (CASSANDRA-14948). If you're interested, I've explained it in a bit more detail in this post -- Cheers!
You can use ToDate to change it. For example: Table Email has column Date with format: 2001-08-29 13:03:35.000000+0000.
Select Date, ToDate(Date) as Convert from keyspace.Email:
date | convert ---------------------------------+------------ 2001-08-29 13:03:35.000000+0000 | 2001-08-29

Hive - the correct way to permanently change the date and type in the entire column

I would be grateful if someone could explain here step by step what the process of changing the date format and column type from string to date should look like in the table imported via Hive View to HDP 2.6.5.
The data source is the well-known MovieLens 100K Dataset set ('u.item' file) from:
$ hive --version is: 1.2.1000.
Date format for the column is: '01-Jan-1995'
Data type of column is: 'string'
ACID Transactions is 'On'
Ultimately, I would like to convert permanently the data in the entire column to the correct Hive format 'yyyy-MM-dd' and next column type to 'Date'.
I have looked at over a dozen threads regarding similar questions before. Of course, the problem is not to display the column like this, it can be easily done using just:
SELECT from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(prod_date,'dd-MMM-yyyy'),'yyyy-MM-dd') FROM moviesnames;
The problem is to finally write it down this way. Unfortunately, this cannot be done via UPDATE in the following way, despite the inclusion of atomic operations in Hive config.
UPDATE moviesnames SET prodate = (select to_date(from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(prod_date,'dd-MMM-yyyy'))) from moviesnames);
What's the easiest way to achieve the above using Hive-SQL? By copying and transforming a column or an entire table?
Try this:
UPDATE moviesnames SET prodate = to_date(from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(prod_date,'dd-MMM-yyyy')));

Talend Data Itegration: Avoid nulls coming out of tExtractXMLField?

I have this simple flow in Talend DI 6 (simplified for posting on SO):
The last step crashes with a NullPointerException, because missing XML attributes are returned as null.
Is there a way to get empty string values instead of nulls?
For now I'm using a tReplace step to remove nulls as a work-around, but it's tedious and adds to the cost of maintenance by creating one more place where the list of attributes needs to be maintained.
In Talend DI 5.6.2 it is possible to add default data values to the schema. The column in the schema is called "Default". If you expect strings, you can set an empty string, which is set if the column value is null:
Talend schema view with Default column
Works also for other data types. Talend DI 6 should still be able to do this, although the field might be renamed.