Dynamics 365 c# plugin: filtering a lookup fields data - plugins

Good evening,
I'm currently working on a plugin that needs to filter a lookup field data returned based on an option set selected value. IE:
Option Set: Automobile Type: Car , Truck or Motorcycle, the lookup field data needs to be filtered by the option set selected. Car: then the lookup field will only display car models or truck is selected then the lookup field will only display truck models ... ...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I need to keep away from Javascript if possible..

Although is possible to implement the logic with a plugin, in your case I strongly suggest to change the initial option set to a lookup, in this way you can leverage the built-in filtered lookup offered by the platform.


ABAP Domain and Data Types Understanding

so my company wants me to learn ABAP for SAP and I have started on the road to learn this. My background is mainly VB.net and sqlserver with T-SQL but also have experience in c#.
With ABAP though I am needing some clarification or confirmation on the understanding of Data Types and Domain. If anyone can help.
My understanding currently is we have a table, in the table we have fields and the fields have data types and lengths if needed. Example: We have a table Customer, I could have a customerNumber field with the data type of char(10). To me this mean in the table customer we have a field called CustomerNumber that will have 10 characters.
However with ABAP we have Domains, Data elements then the field, does this mean we have a field named whatever we want. As the field could mean anything we assign a data element which has the descriptions of the sort of data stored within the field. However to store the format and data type we need to assign the Domain to the Data element.
For example I call a field ZCUSNO, currently this means nothing however if I assign the ZCTNMR (with description of customer number) Data element this tells us that the field ZCUSNO is ZCTNMR so ZCUSNO is a customer number field.
Now within the data elements we would have a domain and for our example ZCTNMR data element (the customer number) we could assign ZCTDOM as the domain which would be what I recognise as the data types so Char 20, Char 100 or integer field etc.
Is my understanding correct on this? and could someone give me a clear indication of what the difference between a Domain > Data Element is against what I would know as data types in sqlserver.
I don't know if it's 100% correct, but that's is the way I use, like you say.
You can reuse the Domain, If you don't plan to reuse you can use direct the Data Element and refer this to a built-in-type.
Data Element is to define semantic of the field, like label, translation, etc
Domain is to define techinical info of the field, like Type, conversions, predefined Values,e tc
DOM_VALUE you define it's 10 position and 2 Decimals
Data Element:
UNIT_VAL you refer it to DOM_VALUE and define label as "Unit Value"
TOTAL_VAL you refer it to DOM_VALUE and define label as "Total Value"
Your understanding is pretty correct and not much can be added here.
You should clearly get the main thing.
Domains store technical data (decimal points, length, type, predefined values and so on)
Data elements store semantic data (labels, texts, search help binding, etc.)
Not every table field has data element (they can possess builtin type) but every field has type (either primitive or wrapped in data element).
If you wanna use your field in screens (Dynpros), ALV grids or other reports, then create data elements that will bear business meaning of your field.
If you use this field just for calculations or other utility internal tasks, then don't bother yourself.
As usual table date field (type of variable) uses data element which uses domain.
When you create fields in table and use predefined types instead of data elements you will have some problems in future, when you'll need to see the data on alv_grid.
Actually, you will see that you have some problems even before this (when you will try to make a maintenance view the header will have something like "+" symbol).
And of course we usually try to create 1 domain for 2 and more Data Elements.
In domain you talk about main logic.
In Data Element I always talk about Field label settings (how it'll show in future and some other things)
Final: Actually, the good practice, as I think to create a domain for data element, it may help you in future.
I hope that it helps you. Good luck!

Tableau Data Security for Sales Revenue

I want the salesrep to see both theirs and OVERALL TEAMS PERFORMANCE. Is it possible to create a TOGGLE SWITCH : ME/TEAM...when they click on ME - it shows them their revenue and when they click on TEAM - it show overall team revenue. But, they still shouldn't be able to see other salesman revenue...Thanks
Currently, I'm filtering their access to data by their USERNAME using the FULLNAME() function in Tableau. I'm wondering how would the salesrep be able to see the revenue of the TEAM OVERALL which helps them to compare their performance to the team overall
As far as I can tell, with your current setup, you will only be able to display the active sales reps data. This appears to be a requirement for data security. If you want reps to see the overall team data as well, I would create a second data source with aggregated team data, create a view based on this data and place both views side by side on a dashboard.
After that, you could build in the toggle functionality with parameter controls.
Create a parameter. Simple example would be a text input that accepts two values, ME or TEAM. For this example, let's call the parameter Parameter 1.
Set up a conditional calculated field to handle your data security. The condition is based on the parameter. For this example, let's call the calculated field What To Show.
Add a filter, preferably at the data source, for What To Show = True.
The code for What To Show is
if [Parameter 1] = "ME" then [USERNAME] = FULLNAME() END
[USERNAME] of course is whatever your security column is called.
What you are doing here is conditionally applying row-level security based on what parameter your user has selected.

REST API structure for multiple countries

I'm designing a REST API where you can search for data in different countries, but since you can search for the same thing, at the same time, in different countries (max 4), am I unsure of the best/correct way to do it.
This would work to start with to get data (I'm using cars as an example):
That request could return different ids for the different countries (uk=1,us=2,nl=3), so what do I do when data is requested for those 3 countries?
For a nice structure I could get the data one at the time:
But that is not very efficient since it hits the backend 3 times.
I could do this:
But that doesn't work very well if I want to add to that path:
Because that would then turn into:
Which doesn't look good.
Anyone got suggestions on how to structure this in a good way?
I answered a similar question before, so I will stick to that idea:
You have a set of elements -cars- and you want to filter it in some way. My advice is add any filter as a field. If the field is not present, then choose one country based on the locale of the client:
This field should dissapear when you look for a specific car or its owner
because the country is not needed (unless the car ID 1 is reused for each country)
I really did not expect the id of the car can be shared by several cars, an ID should be unique (like a primary key in a database). Then, it makes sense to keep the country parameter with the owner's search:
This should return a list of people who own a car with the id 1... but for me this makes little sense as a functionality, in this search I'll only allow one country:

Grouping of Data in UI5 XML Table

I have a xml table listing Product ID and the status from the odata consumed. I have grouped the data(PFA) based on the concept of sorting and filtering.
I want to further group the Product ID with repetitive occurrence in the xml table and show the count of the grouped products.
Note: In my table I have a product called "Power Wheel Chair" with three occurrence. I want to group it as display only one power wheel chair with the count as 3 in another field.
Please provide your suggestions on how to accomplish this. Also do revert back for further queries.Grouping table
It would be best to have the server to handle aggregation of lines items into totals and have it to return the condensed set in a separate EntitySet (e.g. ProductCounts), that would look something like this:
{ product: A, count: 5 },
{ product: B, count: 7 }
Doing this on the server, has the benefit that a much smaller set of data is downloaded to the client. In the earlier example 12 records would have been downloaded instead of two. On top of that, the client doensn't need to do the processing and math, but this is delegated to the server. And that's great, because the server usually has the means to crunch large amounts of data efficiently.
If you still want to do the calculation client side, I would suggest writing a little code in the success handler of the ODataModel.read method that does the aggregation and pushes the result into a JSON model. You can then bind the JSON model to your table control.

How to order documents by a dynamic property in Mongoid

I am using Mongoid to store a series of geocoded listings. These listings need to be sorted by price and proximity. The price of every listing is a field in the database whereas distance is a dynamic property that is unique for every user.
class Listing
include Mongoid::Document
field :price
def distance
How can I sort these documents by distance? I tried #listing.desc(:distance) and that didn't work.
The short (and unhelpful) answer is: you can't.
Mongoid does have the ability to query based on 2d co-ordinates though, then you could update your controller to do something like this:
#listings = Listing.near(current_user.location)
Which I believe will return your listings in order of distance.
On a side note, I noticed that your Listing model is referring to your current_user object, which kinda breaks the MVC architecture, since your models shouldn't know anything about the current session.