After importing virtualmachinemanager module Stop-Job becomes an Alias - powershell

After I imported the module 'virtualmachinemanager' in Powershell (PS 5.1) the cmdlet Stop-Job becomes an alias of Stop-SCJob. I checked that the cmdlet works before importing. Futhermore I tried to make an custom alias for Stop-Job before importing. But sadly that alias also refers to Stop-SCJob after the import.
I also tried to find something on Google, but no luck yet.
Anyone has seen this behaviour before? And more important how do I fix this?
Thanks in advance.

You could simply remove the alias: Remove-Item Alias:\Stop-Job (with -ErrorAction Ignore if you want to handle the case where there's no alias). If you want to refer to the original cmdlet without removing the alias, you can use Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Stop-Job.
Thanks to Jeroen Mostert


Remove Appx if version less than

First off, thanks for taking the time to read my issue and hopefully point me in the right direction.
Second, I hate Appxpackages :)
My understanding of how an Appx works is the following, so please correct me if you think I have got it wrong. When a user signs into a PC various windows applications based on Appxpackages will get installed at the current release. For example the calculator could be;
The user may never sign into that PC again, 6 months down the line there could be a vulnerability discovered in this application and it gets patched with an update. However, this only applies if the user signs in and the store does its job of updating out of date appxpackages.
The issue with this is, if you are in an enterprise environment and you use something like Qualys to scan your clients it will show this vulnerability. Furthermore you could have a mix of users and each user could have a different version.
I'd like to develop a method with powershell to check for the version of the appxpackage for all users and for any user that does not have the currently patched version it uninstalls, I don't believe it is possible to update for a user not signed in.
My idea is to use something along the lines of this
[version]$version=(get-appxpackage -Name *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* -Allusers).Version
If ($Version -eq [version]"11.2210.0.0")
"Minimum version met"
ElseIf ($Version -lt [version]"11.2210.0.0")
Remove-AppxPackage -Package $version -Allusers
I'm certain it won't work, but I can't think how to deal with it. I know I can't use $version as that just finds all versions, so for the else-if I were to user $version it would just remove all versions for everyone.
In the past I have done something similar for the Teams.exe application within Appdata folders for each user. That was much easier to deal with as I know the installer folder in appdata, I could easily query the version number and cycle through each user profile one at a time, but I don't see a way to do this for appxpackages.
Any guidance on this would be really appreciated.
I'm on mobile, so I can't test this.
Have you tried looking at Get-AppxPackageManifest? I can't see the object it returns from the docs, but I'm sure there would be a current version property' or even in Get-AppxPackage
So maybe try
# check for installed, or something version in the output
Get-AppxPackage -Name *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | Get-Member
# If there wasn't a property, see if the manifest has one
Get-AppxPackage -Name *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | Get-AppxPackageManifest | Get-Member
If there's a property that works the commands would be something like this.
$version = (Get-AppxPackage -Name *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | Get-AppxPackageManifest). # fill in property
# you could use a switch statement for this purpose
Switch ($value -Lt 11.2210.0.0)
'true' { Get-AppxPackage -Name *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage -whatif # keep here for testing, and remove -whatif when satisfied}
'false' { Write-Output ' The installed version is $($version), and is not vulnerable}
Try just one user first, and then try the -alluser tag
Hopefully this can help.
Get-Command *appx*

Using Module and path

I am running into some issues with loading a PSM1 file. The PSM1 is always in the same folder as the PS1, but that folder can change. It works if I use a literal path like this...
Using module '\\Mac\iCloud Drive\Px Tools 4.#\Dev 4.0\#Spikes\Windows7\library.psm1'
But that's useless since the code could be installed anywhere. And the code is signed, so it can't change.
It also doesn't work to use the new (in PS3.0) $PSScriptRoot automatic variable...
Using module "$PSScriptRoot\library.psm1"
Nor does a relative path or simple file name, as in...
Using module ".\library.psm1"
Using module "library.psm1"
What am I missing, other than perhaps it's time to call it a day?
Also, note that the library contains classes, so other module loading options like Import-Module don't work. This has me wondering if perhaps classes are better supported in a later version, and I should really be targeting PS 6.0, rather than 5.1?
Looking for more info on your problem, I came around this blog post. It says relative paths work, so have you tried using relative path with single quotes or without quotes?
Since values inside double-quotes get evaluated before passing them to the cmdlet, using them might not work.
you should run import-module first.
in PS1, I have add code to call import-module
like this:
ForEach($_ in Get-ChildItem "$env:TEMP\*.psm1") {
$checkModuleName = $_.Name -replace ".psm1"
$importModule = $_.Name
if (Get-Module $checkModuleName) {
Write-Host "Update Module $importModule" -ForegroundColor Green
Remove-Module $checkModuleName
Import-Module "$env:TEMP\$importModule"
else {
Write-Host "Import Module $importModule" -ForegroundColor Green
Import-Module "$env:TEMP\$importModule"
when import done, I can used all module.

Windows Server 2012 - Set-ADUser TsProfilePath not found / How to set?

I would set the TsProfilePath and the TsHomeDrive.
How can i do that with PowerShell?
In the attribute editor of active directory is no attribute for that.
With Google i found out that i have to use Set-QAdUser.... But Command not found!
Thanks in advance for ideas!
Get-ADUser MyTestUser | Set-ADUser -TsProfilePath "\\srv\profiles$\<username>"
Thats my example but its not working :(
I tried also Get-QADUser and Set-QADUser but the commands are unknown.
I mean the remote desktop attributes! Not the normal ProfilePath. Thats to easy :D
The QAD cmdlets can be found on Quest's website
If you need a pure generic PowerShell answer, I found the following article that explains the process but it doesn't seem too easy: How Can I Edit Terminal Server Profiles for Users in Active Directory?
EDIT: Okay, I got curious so I gave it a try myself and it wasn't that hard actually:
Get-ADUser MyTestUser | ForEach-Object {
$User = [ADSI]"LDAP://$($_.DistinguishedName)"
Quick edit. The last statement $User.setinfo should be $User.setinfo(). Otherwise, you get the OverloadDefinitions statement.

How can i take a user dump using powershell

I want to take user dump of a process using powershell How can i do it?
The same I get on rightclicking the process in Taskmanager
Based on this article (archived) from Risksense.
MiniDump function from native comsvcs.dll Windows dll could be used.
Powershell -c rundll32.exe C:\Windows\System32\comsvcs.dll, MiniDump {ID-of-the-process} $Env:TEMP\my_dump_file.bin full
The easiest way is to use Procdump from Sysinternals toolkit. Use Get-Process to get process id, which you can pass to Procdump for actual dumping.
I'd still rather use readily available tools instead of the hard way. Have you got a valid business reason? Since you insist, there is a Win32 API call that creates user mode memory dumps. It can be invoked from .Net code, so either use P/Invoke or embed C# into your Powershell code. This is left as an exercise to the reader.
Hi sorry I'm not much help. I've never used a DUP file before. But there is a WMI class called Win32_Process:
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Process
Not sure if that's the info you are looking for. Has different properties than Get-Process.
I had a similar use case where I needed to create a dump for an IIS process. Granted I could have used DebugDiag, but I ended up going down this path. Here's what I used (and works pretty well, I should add):
$procid = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -eq 'w3wp'} | Select-Object ProcessName,Id
New-Item -Path "c:\temp\Dumps" -Type directory -Force
cmd.exe /c "c:\temp\procdump64.exe" $ -accepteula -mp "c:\temp\Dumps"
Furthermore, you could use these dump files for analysis using DebugDiag too. So it's a win-win in my opinion.
PS: Theoretically, one could also get the Process ID using the Get-CimInstance cmdlet. So something like this would also work:
Get-CimInstance -Query "SELECT * from Win32_Process WHERE name LIKE 'w3wp%'"

Create-Fixture in Pester (Powershell BDD) isn't working

I'm following the instructions from here:
I'm finding that having installed and imported the module I still can't run Create-Fixture.
Has anyone come across this?
Turns out Create-Fixture isn't a cmdlet any more. I had a look here:
and realised the name of the cmdlet has been changed. It's now called New-Fixture.
If you run New-Fixture it even references Create-Fixture:
PS D:\edsource\Powershell> New-Fixture
invalid usage, please specify (path, name)
eg: .\Create-Fixture -Path Foo -Name Bar
creates .\Foo\Bar.ps1 and .\Foo.Bar.Tests.ps1