strange behavior of HystrixCommand - spring-cloud

The project uses SpringBoot(2.3.4) and SpringCloud(Hoxton.SR8).
There are three classes: BillController, BillService(interface) and BillServiceImpl (implements BillService), BillController calls function getBillList declared in BillService.
In BillServiceImpl, there are two method, one is getBillList, the other is simulateUnstableService, getBillList calls simulateUnstableService, and in simulateUnstableService just a long sleep(2000).
The strange thing is that if I annoate getBillList with HystrixCommand, then it works as I expect. But if I move HystrixCommand to annoate simulateUnstableService, then there is no break which means timeout does not trigger Circuit Breaker.
public class BillServiceImpl implements BillService {
// have effact
commandProperties = {
#HystrixProperty(name = "execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", value = "1500")
public List<Bill> getBillList(long userId) {
return simulateUnstableService(userId);
// no effact
// #HystrixCommand(
// commandProperties = {
// #HystrixProperty(name = "execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", value = "1500")
// }
// )
public List<Bill> simulateUnstableService(long userId) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return new ArrayList<>();
And more, if I just copy simulateUnstableService method content to getBillList, and annoate getBillList with HystrixCommand, the breaker also works.

Excellent question.
Hystrix uses AOP to wrap the method being called and deliver the Circuit Braking functionality. There is actually an aspect class which defines the around advice used to achieve this.
Now, AOPs don't exactly work if you call a method from within a class. See this answer for more clarity- Spring AOP not working for method call inside another method

When the circuit breaks the fallback method is called. We need to mention fallback method inside the hystrix command. The fallback method has the same signature as the method being annotated by hystrix.
Is simulateUnstableService your fallback method?
commandProperties = {
#HystrixProperty(name = "execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", value = "1500")
public List<Bill> getBillList(long userId) {
return simulateUnstableService(userId);
Also, it is good practice to add the hystrix command properties inside the file instead of providing along with the annotation.


OOP avoid unnecessary repeated calls

so I have a question on OOP class design. I have read that we should "Tell, don't ask" and not use Exceptions for "Flow control". However in this particular case I see some redundant code being executed!
Lets assume Person have a list of events that he will be attending, and it must be enforced that he cannot attend an event that overlaps with his current schedule. So I have the following Java code
public class Person {
// this arraylist of events must not have overlapping events!
ArrayList<Events> eventsToAttend;
// checks if a person is free to attend a new event by viewing all events he is attending
public boolean canAttendEvent(Event newEvent) {
for(int i = 0; i < eventsToAttend.size(); i++) {
if (newEvent.isSameDayAndTime(eventsToAttend.get(i))) {
return false;
return true;
public void attendEvent(Event newEvent) {
// enforce the validity of the newEvent
if (!canAttendEvent(newEvent)) {
// throw exception and return
public static main(String[] args) {
// just an example usage!
Person person = somePersonWithEventsAlready;
Event event = new Event();
if (person.canAttendEvent(event)) {
// !!!
// Notice that canAttendEvent() is called twice!! how do you prevent this?
// !!!
// Alternatively I could just try - catch around person.attendEvent(), but is that bad practise?
The issue I am facing in general with this way of doing things, is that "canAttendEvent()" is being called twice. However it is good practice according to OOP design patterns?
What would be a better way to do something like this? Thank you for reading this.
try - catch in the main is the best way to achieve what you are trying to avoid: call twice the function canAttendEvent

How to correctly dispose SpeechToText in Dart?

So, in my Flutter project I have two routes, the second one uses the SpeechToText package. When I go from the first to the second route for the first time everything works fine but when I go back and go to the second one again the onStatus method is not called when it should be.
I did a little debugging and here is what I found: The onStatus method is set in the SpeechToText().initialize method. It initializes the methods if the variable _initWorked false. But when I open the route the second time the variable is already set to true even though I have a completely different instance of SpeechToText.
This leads me to think that it is still activated on an OS-level. But I just cannot find a way to entirely dispose it. Is there a way to do so, is it a bug in the package itself or is it because of something completely different?
Any help would be highly appreciated :)
SpeechToText is a Singleton, you always get the same instance
source code snippet
class SpeechToText {
static final SpeechToText _instance = SpeechToText.withMethodChannel();
factory SpeechToText() => _instance;
To dispose SpeechToText you can call stop()
it will cal destroyRecognizer() and do speechRecognizer?.destroy(); speechRecognizer = null;
Android source code snippet
public class SpeechToTextPlugin : ...
private var speechRecognizer: SpeechRecognizer? = null
"stop" -> stopListening(result)
private fun stopListening(result: Result) {
if (sdkVersionTooLow() || isNotInitialized() || isNotListening()) {
debugLog("Stop listening") {
run {
if ( !recognizerStops ) {
notifyListening(isRecording = false)
debugLog("Stop listening done")
private fun destroyRecognizer() {
handler.postDelayed( {
run {
debugLog("Recognizer destroy")
speechRecognizer = null;
}, 50 )

Reactor spring mongodb repository combine multiple results together

I'm kind of new to reactive programing and currently working on a spring webflux based application. I'm stuck between few questions.
public class FooServiceImpl {
private FooDao fooDao;
private AService aService;
private BService bService;
public long calculateSomething(long fooId) {
Foo foo = fooDao.findById(fooId); // Blocking call one
if (foo == null) {
foo = new Foo();
Long bCount = bService.getCountBByFooId(fooId); // Blocking call two
AEntity aEntity = aService.getAByFooId(fooId); // Blocking call three
// Do some calculation using foo, bCount and aEntity
// ...
// ...
return someResult;
This is the way we write a blocking code which uses three external API call results (let's consider as DB calls). I'm struggling to convert this into a reactive code, If all three becomes mono and if I subscribe all three will the outer subscriber get blocked?
public Mono<Long> calculateSomething(long fooId) {
return Mono.create(sink -> {
Mono<Foo> monoFoo = fooDao.findById(fooId); // Reactive call one
monoFoo.subscribe(foo -> {
if (foo == null) {
foo = new Foo();
Mono<Long> monoCount = bService.getCountBByFooId(fooId); // Reactive call two
monoCount.subscribe(aLong -> {
Mono<AEntity> monoA = aService.getAByFooId(fooId); // Reactive call three
monoA.subscribe(aEntity -> {
I saw there is a function called zip, but it only works with two results, So is there a way to apply it here?
Also what will happen if we get subscribe for something inside create method, Will it block the thread?
Would be very thankful if you could help me.
If you gave me the calculation you want you do with those values, it would be easier for me to show the reactor way of doing it. But lets suppose you want to read a value from database and then use that value for another thing. Use flatmaps and make a unique Flux reducing the lines of code and complexity, no need to use subscribe() as told by the other people. Example:
return fooDao.findById(fooId)
.flatmap(foo -> bService.getCountBByFooId(foo))
.flatmap(bCount -> aService.getAByFooId(fooId).getCount()+bCount);

AutoFac IRegistrationBuilder

I am new to Autofac and IOC concept. I have following code which I am not getting or understanding what it is doing.
public void AddComponentInstance<TService>(object instance, string key = "", ComponentLifeStyle lifeStyle = ComponentLifeStyle.Singleton)
AddComponentInstance(typeof(TService), instance, key, lifeStyle);
public void AddComponentInstance(Type service, object instance, string key = "",ComponentLifeStyle lifeStyle = ComponentLifeStyle.Singleton)
UpdateContainer(x =>
var registration = x.RegisterInstance(instance).Keyed(key, service).As(service).PerLifeStyle(lifeStyle);
public void UpdateContainer(Action<ContainerBuilder> action)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
public static class ContainerManagerExtensions
public static Autofac.Builder.IRegistrationBuilder<TLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle> PerLifeStyle<TLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle>(this Autofac.Builder.IRegistrationBuilder<TLimit, TActivatorData, TRegistrationStyle> builder, ComponentLifeStyle lifeStyle)
switch (lifeStyle)
case ComponentLifeStyle.LifetimeScope:
return HttpContext.Current != null ? builder.InstancePerHttpRequest() : builder.InstancePerLifetimeScope();
case ComponentLifeStyle.Transient:
return builder.InstancePerDependency();
case ComponentLifeStyle.Singleton:
return builder.SingleInstance();
return builder.SingleInstance();
From above code what I understood is that, We are registering the Singleton Instance in Container and we are updating the container. I searched online For IRegistrationBuilder interface example but I could not get any satisfying answer.
Can anyone please help me to understand the concept of IRegistrationBuilder.
I am referring this code from NopCommerce application.
Thanks in Advance.
IRegistrationBuilder is application of builder design pattern within autofac. Look at the line:
x.RegisterInstance(instance).Keyed(key, service).As(service).PerLifeStyle(lifeStyle);
this chain of methods defines registration of istance of certain object. Each of the methods used sets properties used for proper registration. Each of the methods returns builder object which implements IRegistrationBuilder - it holds all those properties. Because PerLifeStyle accepts as first parameter IRegistrationBuilder you can use it in chain above to change builder properties - in case of PerLifeStyle to affect instantiation of the object. Because PerLifeStyle returns IRegistrationBuilder you may use it in the middle of methods invokation chain like:
x.RegisterInstance(instance).PerLifeStyle(lifeStyle).Keyed(key, service).As(service)

EFPocoAdapter -- PopulatePocoEntity has null PocoEntity

I'm trying EF with the EFPocoAdapter for the first time. I have a relatively simple TPH scenario with one table and two types, each inheriting from an abstract base class.
My model validates through EdmGen, and my PocoAdapter.cs and xxxEntities.cs files generate fine as well. (well, actually, there are some namespace problems that I'm currently tweaking by hand until we figure out where to go next.)
When I run a simple test to retrieve data:
using (CINFulfillmentEntities context = new CINFulfillmentEntities())
// use context
var alerts = from p in context.Notifications.OfType<Alert>()
select p;
foreach (var alert in alerts)
I get an error in the PocoAdapter class, claiming that PocoEntity is null is the following method inside my base class's adapter:
public override void PopulatePocoEntity(bool enableProxies)
PocoEntity.Owner = _Owner.CreatePocoStructure();
if (!(PocoEntity is IEntityProxy))
Any ideas from anyone?
So, after a little more debugging, I think this is related to proxies. Inside PocoAdapterBase we have the following method:
protected PocoAdapterBase(TPocoClass pocoObject)
_context = ThreadLocalContext.Current;
bool allowProxies = false;
if (_context != null)
allowProxies = _context.EnableChangeTrackingUsingProxies;
_pocoEntity = pocoObject ?? (TPocoClass)(allowProxies ? CreatePocoEntityProxy() : CreatePocoEntity());
The line that sets _pocoEntity calls CreatePocoEntityProxy, which returns null.
More info as I find it.