Flutter using changeNotifier does not change the appearance of the widget - flutter

I have a form on my page.
When I fill out the form, if it is valid a loading pop up appears and I start to perform calculations. Depending on the state of the calculations, the message on the loading popup will change.
I'm trying to do a function in my provider which will change the message depending on the state of the popup.
When I print the values โ€‹โ€‹they are displayed correctly but my message does not change in the widget
How I call my screen :
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
create: (BuildContext context) => FormCalculatorNotifier()
create: (BuildContext context) => LoaderNotifier()
child: CalculatorScreen(),
In my screen, how I call the popup and calculations:
child: ButtonComponent.primary(
context: context,
text: AppTextButton.CALCUL,
onPressed: () async {
await _formProvider.submitForm(context);
if(_formProvider.state == FormProviderState.isSuccess){
// --------------------------------------
// Here I call the popup with the message variable
DialogComponent.loadingPopUp(context: context, description: _loaderProvider.message);
// --------------------------------------
// Here I try to change the popup message because I have my calculations
_loaderProvider.state = LoaderState.isLoadingJsons;
await _loaderProvider.updateMessage();
The popUp notifier:
class LoaderNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
LoaderState state = LoaderState.isReady;
String message = "Start...";
Future<void> updateMessage() async{
print('update message');
if(state == LoaderState.isLoadingJsons){
message = "Loading files...";
EDIT: I just saw that my problem is that I call the updateMessage function after calling it from the DialogComponent
If I want to follow my logic which is to study if the form is good to display the popup then perform the calculations and according to the calculations change the message of the popup, what to do since I will call the updateMessage function afterwards?


How distinguish inner context?

I wrote the code like data: (data){Navigator.of(context).pop();},//here to pop showDialog but actually other Navigator.of(context) was popped and figured out that I should distinguish inner context in builder: (context) { //here2 from outer context but could not reach how to do that. Would somebody please give me some advise to solve this ?
final authC = ref.watch(authFutureProvider);
data: (data){Navigator.of(context).pop();},//here
error: (error, stackTrace) {},
loading: () {
final loading =
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
barrierDismissible: false,
context: context,
builder: (context) { //here2
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
Well, you can easily define different BuildContexts by giving them different names, like this:
Widget build(BuildContext parentContext) {
final authC = ref.watch(authFutureProvider);
data: (data){Navigator.of(parentContext).pop();},//here
error: (error, stackTrace) {},
loading: () {
final loading =
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
barrierDismissible: false,
context: parentContext,
builder: (context) { //here2
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
return Widget();
However, that won't change the fact that the context I've named "parentContext" is the parent context! This is the context sent TO the Dialog, not the context of the Dialog itself.
If you want to pop whichever context is on top at the moment, you can define a GlobalKey variable like this:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class GlobalVariable {
static final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navState = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
Then, you can pop the current context like this, from anywhere:
import 'global.dart';
void func(){
That should pop the Dialog IF the Dialog is currently on top...
But of course, if some other BuildContext is on top, then that will be popped, instead. ๐Ÿ˜ So make sure you write the proper conditions for that.
You could also use popUntil(). If this happens to be the first screen, you can just write:
Widget build(BuildContext parentContext) {
final authC = ref.watch(authFutureProvider);
data: (data){Navigator.popUntil(context, (route) => route.isFirst);},//here
error: (error, stackTrace) {},
loading: () {
final loading =
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
barrierDismissible: false,
context: parentContext,
builder: (context) { //here2
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
return Widget();
If not, then it's a bit more complicated to make it pop back to this particular screen... But you could use routeSettings, for example.
I strongly not recommend WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback to show loading because it takes time to render, so your app will load a loading function. It will make End-user can do multiple clicks on the button because the loading has not rendered yet.
this package is verylight and easy to use, the dismiss and show even different from regular widget, so you will not accidentally close your screen because wrong logic or back-end handler failure.
class LoadingExample {
..displayDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 2000)
..indicatorType = EasyLoadingIndicatorType.fadingCircle
..loadingStyle = EasyLoadingStyle.dark
..indicatorSize = 45.0
..radius = 10.0
..progressColor = Colors.yellow
..backgroundColor = Colors.green
..indicatorColor = Colors.yellow
..textColor = Colors.yellow
..maskColor = Colors.blue.withOpacity(0.5)
..userInteractions = true
..dismissOnTap = false
..customAnimation = CustomAnimation();
to call it simply do: *I recommend OOP so you can modify it in 1 place when you need.
even you accidentally call show or dissmiss multiple time, the loading will not stack, and it will just recall or reset the animation. So your app will not crash

Call a method on page pop

I'm pushing a new route like so in my app
(value) {
static Route routeFullScreen(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
settings: const RouteSettings(name: routeName),
builder: (_) => BlocProvider.value(
value: BlocProvider.of<FeatureBloc>(context),
child: const FilterTypesPage(),
fullscreenDialog: true);
for some reason log('PAGGGE POPPED'); doesn't get called on page close
I'd like to trigger a bloc event or a function when I close this page
You should just call
Navigator.pop(context, someData);
from your RouteSettings where someData is the data you want to pass from the RouteSettings to the former page.
Then from your former page, you can perform your event handling inside the then block. The value inside the then block is the data that was passed from the RouteSettings page.
Alternatively, you can also use async-await instead of then in your former page.
onPressed: () async {
final someData = await Navigator.of(cotext).push(.....);
// Now perform your event handling which will be invoked after you pop `RouteSettings` page.

Closing ModalBottomSeet before time on Flutter causes black screen

I'm trying to create a modal bottom sheet using showModalBottomSheet, which wil display a form to register a todo item. The idea is that once the todo item is registered, I want to display a check icon from some seconds and then automatically close the sheet.
here is the snippet:
FloatingActionButton _floatingActionButton(BuildContext context) {
return FloatingActionButton(
child: Icon(Icons.add),
onPressed: () async {
await _showBottomSheet(
context: context,
content: CreateTodoForm(
onClose: () {
and inside the CreateTodoForm widget:
class _CreateTodoFormState extends State<CreateTodoForm> {
TextEditingController titleController = TextEditingController();
bool completed = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider(
create: (_) => getIt<TodoFormBloc>(),
child: BlocBuilder<TodoFormBloc, ITodoFormState>(
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is SubmittedTodo) {
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), widget.onClose);
return Container(
height: 127,
child: Icon(Icons.check, size: 50, color: Colors.white),
Has you can see, when the state is SubmittedTodo (todo was submitted successfully) I return a container with the check icon, and after 2 seconds I call the onClose Function which is a call to Navigator.pop(context) to close the sheet.
This works great but it has a problem... if the user taps the < button on the device, or swipe the sheet down to dismiss it, before the 2 seconds are completed, then the sheet closes due to the user action, and then the future completes and it basically closes the app (the app get full black screen).
So my quiestion is how can I close the sheet automatically after some time safely without worring about what the user does.
Probably this is happening because of Navigator.pop(context); getting called after you click the back button which cause two pop. and the black screen is shown because there is no other screen to navigate back to.
As a solution i propose wrapping your form widget by WillPopScope and then you will get notified that the user clicked on the back button. here you can close your form by calling onClose

Flutter/Dart - Photo changed but not the URL, therefore Provider's Consumer is not Refreshed

I'm using Provider with ChangeNotifier to alert a Consumer once a new photo is uploaded to a server replacing an old photo. The problem is that the URL stays the same as the photo is merely overwritten and keeps the same name. Hence the Consumer doesn't recognize that anything has changed and doesn't refresh the old photo with the new one.
How can I trick the ChangeNotifier into refreshing the URL? Heres' the Consumer in my build;
builder: (context, socialProvider, child) {
return Image.network(socialProvider.currentavatar,
Here's where the image is chosen in the Gallery and uploaded to overwrite the old image on the server.
onTap: () async {
await socialProvider.loadCurrentUserId();
await _listener.openGallery(socialProvider.currentuserid);
String updatedavatar = "http://example.com/same_photo.jpg";
And here's the code in the Provider with ChangeNotifier;
Future<void> updateAvatar(String avatar) async {
var box = await Hive.openBox('currentuser');
box.put('currentavatar', avatar);
currentavatar = avatar;
Any ideas how to trick Consumer into believing the url has changed so that it is refreshed?
I believe the Consumer will rebuild when someone call notifyListeners(). Your issue may be in Image.network(socialProvider.currentavatar,) that flutter reuse same render object when everything is not change. You can try to add key:UniqueLey() to force rebuild the widget every time it build.
Update with some assumption.
Here is the simple code I try to rebuild your environment:
class SimpleProvider with ChangeNotifier {
Future<void> reload() async => notifyListeners();
class TestConsumer extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (context) => SimpleProvider(),
child: Consumer<SimpleProvider>(
builder: (_, simpleProvider, child) {
print('Consumer build');
return child; // Here is your Image?
child: Builder(
builder: (context) {
print('Builder build');
return Scaffold(
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
body: Container(),
Every time I click the button, SimpleProvider will call the notifyListeners()
(Future is not necessary) and the builder function in Consumer will be called. Here come the questions:
Is the builder really called when you use notifyListeners?
I assume the builder function is called. You can still double check this part. Otherwise you must provide how you call it.
If builder is called, why the Image Widget inside it is not rebuilt?
It is part of flutter design that it reuse as much as it could, for better performance. Sometimes it confuse people that the rebuild is not happen. That's where I guess your problem is here. You can check the basic mechanism from video here:

How to call provider on condition?

On app homepage I set up Model2 which make API call for data. User can then navigate to other page (Navigator.push). But I want make API call from Model2 when user press back (_onBackPress()) so can refresh data on homepage.
Issue is Model2 is not initialise for all user. But if I call final model2 = Provider.of<Model2>(context, listen: false); for user where Model2 is not initialise, this will give error.
How I can call Provider only on condition? For example: if(user == paid)
StatefulWidget in homepage:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<Model1, Model2>(
initialBuilder: (_) => Model2(),
builder: (_, model1, model2) => model2
..string = model1.string,
child: Consumer<Model2>(
builder: (context, model2, _) =>
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondRoute(context: context)),
In Page2:
Future<void> _onBackPress(context) async {
// if(user == paid)
final model2 = Provider.of<Model2>(context, listen: false);
return showDialog<void>(
context: context,
barrierDismissible: false,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
// if(user == paid)
Provider.value(value: model2, child:
title: Text('Back'),
content: SingleChildScrollView(
child: ListBody(
children: <Widget>[
Text('Go back'),
actions: <Widget>[
child: Text('OK'),
onPressed: () async {
// if(user == paid)
await model2.getData();
Alternative method (maybe more easy): How to call provider on previous page (homepage) on Navigator.of(context).pop();?
TLDR: What is best solution for call API so can refresh data when user go back to previous page (but only for some user)?
You can wrap your second page interface builder in a WillPopScope widget, and then, pass whatever method you want to call to the onWillPop callback of the WillPopScope widget. This way, you can make your API call when user presses the back button. Find more about the WillPopScope widget on this WillPopScope Flutter dev documentation article.
tldr; Establish and check your single point of truth before the call to the Provider
that may result in a null value or evaluate as a nullable reference.
Perhaps you can change the architecture a bit to establish a single (nullable or bool) reference indicating whether the user has paid. Then use Darts nullability checks (or just a bool) to implement the behavior you want. This differs from your current proposal in that there would be no need to call on the Provider to instantiate the model. Just add a single point of truth to your User object that is initialized to null or false, and then change that logic only when the User has actually paid.
Toggling widgets/behavior in this way could be a solution.
Alternatives considered:
Packaging critical data points into a separate library so that the values can be imported where needed.
Other state management methods for key/value use.
If you want to simply hide/show parts of a page consider using the OffStage class or the Visibility class
Dart null-checking samples