Is zookeeper used only for kafka if others then can some one give realtime example? - apache-kafka

While I am creating cluster setup for kafka I came to know zookeeper quorum set up is needed for coordination between kafka brokers.
Are there any other scenarios where we use zookeeper other than only for kafka setup in real time?

This link lists many applications and organisations using ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper is used with many Apache projects and is a distributed coordination service used to manage a large set of hosts. In simple terms, Zookeeper allows workers to get on with their jobs and handles all the other complexities i.e. if a leader goes down, alerting the workers, electing a new leader etc.


Do you need multiple zookeeper instances to run a multiple-broker kafka?

I'm new to kafka.
Kafka is supposed to be used as a distributed service. But the tutorials and blog posts i found online never mention if there is one or several zookeeper nodes.
The tutorials just pop one zookeper instance, and then multiple kafka brokers.
Is it how it is supposed to be done?
Zookeeper is a co-ordination service (in a centralized manner) for distributed systems that is used by clusters for maintenance of distributed system . The distributed synchronization achieved by it via metadata such as configuration information, naming, etc.
In general architectures, Kafka cluster shall be served by 3 ZooKeeper nodes, but if the size of deployment is huge, then it can be ramped up to 5 ZooKeeper nodes but that in turn will add load on the nodes as all nodes try to be in sync as all metadata related activities are handled by ZooKeeper.
Also, it should be noted that as an improvement, the new release of Kafka reduces dependency on ZooKeeper in order to enhance scalability of metadata across, to reduce the complexity in maintaining the meta data with external components and to enhance the recovery from unexpected shutdowns. With new approach, the controller failover is almost instantaneous. This is achieved by Kafka Raft Metadata mode termed as 'KRaft' that will run Kafka without ZooKeeper by merging all the responsibilities handled by ZooKeeper inside a service in the Kafka Cluster itself and operates on event based mechanism that is used in the KRaft protocol.
Tutorials generally keep things nice and simple, so one ZooKeeper (often one Kafka broker too). Useful for getting started; useless for any kind of resilience :)
In practice, you are going to need three ZooKeeper nodes minimum.
If it helps, here is an enterprise reference architecture whitepaper for the deployment of Apache Kafka
Disclaimer: I work for Confluent, who publish the above whitepaper.

Kafka Cluster cotinues to run without zookeeper

I have a five node kafka cluster(confluent 5.5 community edition) with 3 zookeeper nodeseach on different aws instances.
While doing failover testing , noticed that the kafka cluster works fine even if all zookeeper nodes are down.
I was able to produce , consume and also create new consumers.
why does the kafka cluster not stop if it cannot connect to any zookeeper nodes ?
What would be the possible issues if we are unaware of such a failure scenario in production and kafka cluster continues to run without zookeeper connectivity ?
how do we handle such a scenario ?
Broker leader election, topic creation, simple ACLs (if you use them) still depend on Zookeeper. For other basic functions relying on the Kafka bootstrap protocols, they might still work, sure. There should definitely be broker logs indicating connection was lost
Ideally you'd have basic process healthchecking and incident management software that you shouldn't miss critical services going down in prod
How to handle? Restart Zookeeper...

Building a Kafka Cluster using two servers only

I'm planning to build a Kafka Cluster using two servers, and host Zookeeper on these two servers as well.
The Question is, since Kafka requires Zookeeper to run, what is the best cluster build for zookeeper to implement Kafka Cluster on two servers?
for eg. I'm currently running two zookeepers on both servers and one Kafka on each server, and in the Kafka configuration they point to all Zookeepers.
Is there a better way to do this?
First of all, you don't have to setup Zookeper and Kafka in the same server. One of the roles of Zookeeper is electing controller. (one of the brokers which is responsible for maintaining the leader/follower relationship for all the partitions) For election; majority of Zookeper nodes must be alive. In your case even one Zookeeper instance is down, you cannot select controller. So there is no difference between having one Zookeper or two. That's why it is recommended to have at least 3 nodes in Zookeeper cluster. By this way you can handle failure of one Zookeeper node.
An addition to this, it is highly recommended to have at least three brokers in your Kafka cluster to maintain both consistency and high availability. (link1, link2)
As long as you are limited to only two servers, then you can consider sacrificing from high availability by set up your broker by setting min.insync.replicas=2 and having topics with replication.factor=2. If HA is more important than data loss, then you can use min.insync.replicas=1 (default) broker config with again topic replication.factor=2. In this circumstance, your options are these IMHO. (Having one or two Zookeepers is not important as I mentioned above)
I am often faced with the same problem as you do #frisky5 where i would like to achieve a "suboptimal" HA system using only 2 nodes, and thus workarounds are always needed with cloud-native frameworks that rely on the assumption that clusters will have lot of nodes available.
That ain't always the case in real life, is it ;) ?
That being said, i see you essentially having 2 options:
Externalize zookeeper configuration on a replicated storage system using 2 nodes (e.g. DRBD)
Replicate Kafka data volumes entirely on the second nodes and use 2 one-node Kafka clusters that you switch on and off depending on who is the current master node.
I would go for the first option. In that case you would have 2 Kafka servers and one zookeeper server whose ip needs to be static (virtual ip). When the zookeeper node goes down, it is restarted one the second node with same VIP, but it needs to access the synchronized data folder.
I am not too familiar with zookeepers internals and i can't tell you whether it will go in conflict when starting up on a data store who "wasn't its own" but i would guess it makes sense for you to test it using a simple rsync setup.
Another way to achieve consensus if you are using a k3s based kubernetes cluster would be to rely on internal k8s distributed consensus mechanics to "tell Kafka" which node is the leader. This works for the postgresoperator by chruncydata because Patroni is cool ( ) 😎 but i am not sure if Kafka/zookeeper are that flexible and can communicate with a rest API to set their locks ...
Once you have achieved this intermediate step, then you can use a PostgreSQL db as external source of truth for k3s and then it is as simple as syncing the postgres data folder between the machines (easily done with rsync). The beauty of this approach is that it is way more generic and could be used for other systems too.
Let me know what do you think about these two approaches and whether you manage to setup a test environment. If you do on GitHub i can help you out with implementation

Kafka Producer, multi DC failover support

I have two distinct kafka clusters located in different data centers - DC1 and DC2. How to organize kafka producer failover between two DCs? If primary kafka cluster (DC1) becomes unavailable, I want producer to switch to failover kafka cluster (DC2) and continue publishing to it? Producer also should be able to switch back to primary cluster, once it is available. Any good patterns, existing libs, approaches, code examples?
Each partition of the Kafka topic your producer is publishing to has a separate leader, often spread across multiple brokers in the cluster, so the producer is connected to many “primary” brokers simultaneously. Should any one of them fail another In Sync Replica (ISR) will be elected as leader and automatically take over. You do not need to do anything in your client app for it to reconnect to the new leader(s), retry any failed requests, and continue.
If this is for Multi-Data Center (MDC) failover then things get much more complicated depending on if the client apps die as well or if they keep running and need just their cluster connections to failover. Offsets are not preserved across multiple Kafka clusters so while producers are simpler, consumers need to call GetOffsetsForTimes() upon failover.
For a great write up of the the MDC failover modes and best practices see the MDC Whitepaper here:
Since you asked only about producers, your app can detect if the primary cluster is down (say for a certain number of retries) and then instead of attempting to reconnect, it can instead connect to another brokerlist from the secondary cluster. Alternatively you can redirect the dns name of the brokerlist hosts to point to the secondary cluster.

Does scaling Kafka Connect is same as scaling Kafka Consumer?

We need to pull data from Kafka and write into AWS s3. The Kafka is managed by separate department and we have access to only specific topic.
Based on Kafka documentation it looks like Kafka Connect is easy solution for me because I don't have any custom message processing logic.
Normally when we run Kafka Consumer we can run multiple JVM with same consumer group for scalability. The consumer JVM of specific consumer can run in same physical server or different. What would be the case when I want to use Kafka Connect?
Let's say I have 20 partitions of the topic.
How can I run Kafka Connect with 20 instances?
Can I have multiple instances of Kafka Connect running on the same physical instance?
Kafka Connect handles balancing the load across all its workers. In your example of 20 nodes, you could have : (for example)
1 Kafka Connect worker, processing 20 partitions
5 Kafka Connect workers, each processing 4 partitions
20 Kafka Connect workers, each processing 1 partition
It depends on your volumes and required throughput.
To run Kafka Connect in Distributed mode across multiple nodes, follow the instructions here and make sure you give them all the same which identifies them as members of the same cluster (and thus eligible for sharing workload of tasks out across them). More config details for distributed mode here.
Even if you're running Kafka Connect on a single node, I would personally recommend running it in Distributed mode as it makes scale-out more simple (you just add additional nodes, but the execution & config remains the same).
I'm don't see a benefit in running multiple Kafka Connect workers on a single node. Each Kafka Connect worker can run multiple tasks, and connectors, as required.
My understanding is that if you only have a single machine, you should only launch one kafka connect instance, and configure the tasks.max property to the amount of parallelism you'd like to achieve (in your example 20 might be good). This should allow kafka connect to read from your partitions in parallel, see the docs for this here.
You could launch multiple instances on the same machine in theory. It makes sense to do this if you need each instance to consume data from different topics. But if you want the instances to consume data from the same topic, I don't think doing this would benefit you. Using separate threads within the same process with tasks.max will give you the same if not better performance.
If you want kafka connect to run on multiple machines and read data from the same topic it is possible to run in distributed mode.