What could i do in order to delete/ unistall plugin of my elearning moodle site? Forbiden message - plugins

What could I do in order to delete/ unistall plugin of my elearning moodle site?
I get this message when i try it..
You don't have permission to access /admin/plugins.php on this server.


When installing Backpack PRO v5 I get a "failed to download backpack/pro" error from Composer

When installing Backpack for Laravel's PRO add-on, I have the token, I followed all the steps, but after composer require backpack/pro it errors:
Downloading backpack/pro (1.1.1)
Failed to download backpack/pro from dist: The "https://backpackforlaravel.com/satis/download/dist/backpack/pro/backpack-pro-xxx-zip-zzz.zip" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/2 402 )
And then:
Syncing backpack/pro (1.1.1) into cache
Cloning failed using an ssh key for authentication, enter your GitHub credentials to access private repos
Head to https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repo&description=Composer+on+DESKTOP-BLABLA+2022-07-14+1559
to retrieve a token.
What did I do wrong? How can I install it?
That is a general Composer error - "file could not be downloaded". The error itself doesn't give too much information, but we can make an educated guess.
99% of the people who report this error have the same problem - they do not have access to that package version. They bought updates until 1.0.13 (for example), so they DO NOT have access to the latest version (1.1.1 in this example). What you can do, in that case, is lock the installation to the latest you have access to, for example
composer require backpack/pro:"1.0.13"
Alternatively, you can purchase more access on the Backpack website. Or contact the team if there's a mistake.
How do you find out what's the last version you have access to?
(1) Whenever the error above happens, Backpack will send you an email, with details and instructions. Check your email, it will also include the latest version you have access to.
(2) Your Tokens page will show more details. For each token you have, it will say when it stops giving you access to updates. If it doesn't say the last version directly, you can corroborate that last day with the changelog, to determine what's the last version that you have access to.
Why the ugly, general error? Because Composer doesn't allow vendors to customize the error, unfortunately. Backpack's server returns a better error message, but Composer doesn't show it.

How to solve Bugzilla Triologygmbh CAS Plugin File does not exist at AuthCASSaml.pm line 413?

I have installed Bugzilla 5.0.4 in Xampp 5.6.24-2-VC11 with ActivePerl and CAS plugins from https://bitbucket.org/triologygmbh/bugzilla-cas-plugin/src/master/
Changed User Authentication to CAS and CAS parameters to:
CASserver: https://xxx.xxx.xxx/cas
CASfullNameAttribute: id
CASmailAttribute: mail
CASTimeTolerance: 1000
Almost every features are working like login redirect to CAS server, redirect back to bugzilla, logout SSO. Its just when I get authenticated and redirect back to bugzilla. It gives File does not exist at loader/0x470db8/Bugzilla/Extension/CAS/Auth/AuthCASSaml.pm line 413
Anyone with experience of Bugzilla CAS or the plugin can help?
For bugzilla 5.0.6
File does not exist: {"timestamp":1595816698854,"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","exception":"java.lang.NullPointerException","message":"No message available","trace":"java.lang.NullPointerException\n","path":"/cas/samlValidate"} at /loader/0x8c1578/Bugzilla/Extension/CAS/Auth/AuthCASSaml.pm line 413.
Same error occur with latest xampp for both bugzilla versions

Jenkins email notification with gmail smtp

Trying to send email using Jenkins- using the email notification plugin, using ssl option.
Initially was getting bad id/pwd error- also got login blocked alert emails from google.
So enabled the less secure apps. The error changed to javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 534-5.7.14
I do not have 2-step auth enabled in gmail.
Read a couple of posts here suggesting - need to use 2-step auth method with gmail - is that the way to go?
How do I install older plugin?
I downloaded the older Mailer plugin 1.23 (wget) it is a .hpi file. But in my plug folder only has jpi files. What it is supposed to be?
Do I just go to the console and uninstall the current plugin and just copy this hpi file to /plugins folder?
Able to install the .hpi finally
Advanced installation
The Update Center only allows the installation of the most recently released version of a plugin. In cases where an older release of the plugin is desired, a Jenkins administrator can download an older .hpi archive and manually install that on the Jenkins master.
From the web UI
Assuming a .hpi file has been downloaded, a logged-in Jenkins administrator may upload the file from within the web UI:
Navigate to the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins page in the web UI.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Choose the .hpi file under the Upload Plugin section.
Upload the plugin file.
After uploading .hpi from local system using the GUI) - the Mailer plugin version shows the new older Mailer version 1.23. But you have to reconfigure it.
But still same error:
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 534-5.7.14
support.google.com/mail/answer/78754 q128sm12098788pga.24 - gsmtp. checking the google support link - I think am doing everything as suggested

Magento Downloader not working

In magento application , when i click on magento connect
it will goes to error page with url as :
How to overcome this issues?.
After an upgrade of Fishpig / Magento WordPress Integration I was unable to access Magento connect Manager for about 2 months. I had to uninstall it through FTP (download the extension to get information about every file and folder in your Magento installation.)
After removing FishPig you will see a scary error but do not worry as you can just clean the cache using agento-cleanup.php.

After CB uninstall can not use joomla 1.5. login it take user to a blank page?

After I removed/uninstalled CB 1.4 from my joomla 1.5.9 site as well as all jos_comprofiler files. the mod_login do not work nor does the registration. When I check the error log it sais file not found Kunena/media but I do not use Kunena on my site however the component was there I deleted it but login still does not work.
It is a module or plugin conflict.Try disabling modules or plugin one by one & check if it works..If you have installed k2 then k2-user plugin must be the culprit.