How to convince Kafka brokers to assign workers to my topic? - apache-kafka

We're got a (Confluent) managed kafka installation with 5 brokers and 2 connector hosts. I have two topics which never get any consumers assigned to them, despite repeated starting and stopping of the connectors which are supposed to listen for them. This configuration was running until recently (and no, nothing has changed - we've done an audit to confirm).
What, if anything, can I do to force assignment of consumers to these topics?

This problem occurred for two reasons: (1) I had mistakenly installed new versions of the PostgreSQL and SQLServer JDBC connectors {which conflicted with the already-installed versions}, and (2) not understanding that source connectors do not have Consumer Groups assigned to them.
Getting past the "well duh, of course sources don't have consumers", another vital piece of information (thankyou to the support team at Confluent for this) is that you can see where your connector is up to by reading the private or hidden topic connect-offsets. Once you have that, you can then check your actual DB query and see what it is returning then (if necessary) reset your connector's offset.


What is the relationship between connectors and tasks in Kafka Connect?

We've been using Kafka Connect for a while on a project, currently entirely using only the Confluent Kafka Connect JDBC connector. I'm struggling to understand the role of 'tasks' in Kafka Connect, and specifically with this connector. I understand 'connectors'; they encompass a bunch of configuration about a particular source/sink and the topics they connect from/to. I understand that there's a 1:Many relationship between connectors and tasks, and the general principle that tasks are used to parallelize work. However, how can we understand when a connector will/might create multiple tasks?
In the source connector case, we are using the JDBC connector to pick up source data by timestamp and/or a primary key, and so this seems in its very nature sequential. Indeed, all of our source connectors only ever seem to have one task. What would ever trigger Kafka Connect to create more than one connector? Currently we are running Kafka Connect in distributed mode, but only with one worker; if we had multiple workers, might we get multiple tasks per connector, or are the two not related?
In the sink connector case, we are explicitly configuring each of our sink connectors with tasks.max=1, and so unsurprisingly we only ever see one task for each connector there too. If we removed that configuration, presumably we could/would get more than one task. Would this mean the messages on our input topic might be consumed out of sequence? In which case, how is data consistency for changes assured?
Also, from time to time, we have seen situations where a single connector and task will both enter the FAILED state (because of input connectivity issues). Restarting the task will remove it from this state, and restart the flow of data, but the connector remains in FAILED state. How can this be - isn't the connector's state just the aggregate of all its child tasks?
A task is a thread that performs the actual sourcing or sinking of data.
The number of tasks per connector is determined by the implementation of the connector. Take a Debezium source connector to MySQL as an example, since one MySQL instance writes to exactly one binlog file at a time and a file has to be read sequentially, one connector generates exactly one task.
Whereas for sink connectors, the number of tasks should be equal to the number of partitions of the topic.
The task distribution among workers is determined by task rebalance which is a very similar process to Kafka consumer group rebalance.

Kafka Connect: Connectors Disappear when Worker shutsdown [duplicate]

I am facing the below issue on changing some properties related to kafka and re-starting the cluster.
In kafka Consumer, there were 5 consumer jobs are running .
If we make some important property change , and on restarting cluster some/all the existing consumer jobs are not able to start.
Ideally all the consumer jobs should start ,
since it will take the meta-data info from the below System-topics .
First, a bit of background. Kafka stores all of its data in topics, but those topics (or rather the partitions that make up a topic) are append-only logs that would grow forever unless something is done. To prevent this, Kafka has the ability to clean up topics in two ways: retention and compaction. Topics configured to use retention will retain data for a configurable length of time: the broker is free to remove any log messages that are older than this. Topics configured to use compaction require every message have a key, and the broker will always retain the last known message for every distinct key. Compaction is extremely handy when each message (i.e., key/value pair) represents the last known state for the key; since consumers are reading the topic to get the last known state for each key, they will eventually get to that last state a bit faster if older states are removed.
Which cleanup policy a broker will use for a topic depends on several things. Every topic created implicitly or explicitly will use retention by default, though you can change a couple of ways:
change the globally log.cleanup.policy broker setting, affecting only topics created after that point; or
specify the cleanup.policy topic-specific setting when you create or modify a topic
Now, Kafka Connect uses several internal topics to store connector configurations, offsets, and status information. These internal topics must be compacted topics so that (at least) the last configuration, offset, and status for each connector are always available. Since Kafka Connect never uses older configurations, offsets, and status, it's actually a good thing for the broker to remove them from the internal topics.
Before Kafka, the recommended process is to manually create these internal topics using the correct topic-specific settings. You could rely upon the broker to auto-create them, but that is problematic for several reasons, not the least of which is that the three internal topics should have different numbers of partitions.
If these internal topics are not compacted, the configurations, offsets, and status info will be cleaned up and removed after the retention period has elapsed. By default this retention period is 24 hours! That means that if you restart Kafka Connect more than 24 hours after deploying / updating a connector configuration, that connector's configuration may have been purged and it will appear as if the connector configuration never existed.
So, if you didn't create these internal topics correctly, simply use the topic admin tool to update the topic's settings as described in the documentation.
BTW, not properly creating these internal topics is a very common problem, so much so that Kafka Connect will be able to automatically create these internal topics using the correct settings without relying upon broker auto-creation of topics.
In 0.11.0 you will still have to rely upon manual creation or broker auto-creation for topics that source connectors write to. This is not ideal, and so there's a proposal to change Kafka Connect to automatically create the topics for the source connectors while giving the source connectors control over the settings. Hopefully that improvement makes it into so that Kafka Connect is even easier to use.

Connect consumers jobs are getting deleted when restarting the cluster

I am facing the below issue on changing some properties related to kafka and re-starting the cluster.
In kafka Consumer, there were 5 consumer jobs are running .
If we make some important property change , and on restarting cluster some/all the existing consumer jobs are not able to start.
Ideally all the consumer jobs should start ,
since it will take the meta-data info from the below System-topics .
First, a bit of background. Kafka stores all of its data in topics, but those topics (or rather the partitions that make up a topic) are append-only logs that would grow forever unless something is done. To prevent this, Kafka has the ability to clean up topics in two ways: retention and compaction. Topics configured to use retention will retain data for a configurable length of time: the broker is free to remove any log messages that are older than this. Topics configured to use compaction require every message have a key, and the broker will always retain the last known message for every distinct key. Compaction is extremely handy when each message (i.e., key/value pair) represents the last known state for the key; since consumers are reading the topic to get the last known state for each key, they will eventually get to that last state a bit faster if older states are removed.
Which cleanup policy a broker will use for a topic depends on several things. Every topic created implicitly or explicitly will use retention by default, though you can change a couple of ways:
change the globally log.cleanup.policy broker setting, affecting only topics created after that point; or
specify the cleanup.policy topic-specific setting when you create or modify a topic
Now, Kafka Connect uses several internal topics to store connector configurations, offsets, and status information. These internal topics must be compacted topics so that (at least) the last configuration, offset, and status for each connector are always available. Since Kafka Connect never uses older configurations, offsets, and status, it's actually a good thing for the broker to remove them from the internal topics.
Before Kafka, the recommended process is to manually create these internal topics using the correct topic-specific settings. You could rely upon the broker to auto-create them, but that is problematic for several reasons, not the least of which is that the three internal topics should have different numbers of partitions.
If these internal topics are not compacted, the configurations, offsets, and status info will be cleaned up and removed after the retention period has elapsed. By default this retention period is 24 hours! That means that if you restart Kafka Connect more than 24 hours after deploying / updating a connector configuration, that connector's configuration may have been purged and it will appear as if the connector configuration never existed.
So, if you didn't create these internal topics correctly, simply use the topic admin tool to update the topic's settings as described in the documentation.
BTW, not properly creating these internal topics is a very common problem, so much so that Kafka Connect will be able to automatically create these internal topics using the correct settings without relying upon broker auto-creation of topics.
In 0.11.0 you will still have to rely upon manual creation or broker auto-creation for topics that source connectors write to. This is not ideal, and so there's a proposal to change Kafka Connect to automatically create the topics for the source connectors while giving the source connectors control over the settings. Hopefully that improvement makes it into so that Kafka Connect is even easier to use.

Kafka-connect sink task ignores file offset storage property

I'm experiencing quite weird behavior working with Confluent JDBC connector. I'm pretty sure that it's not related to Confluent stack, but to Kafka-connect framework itself.
So, I define property as default /tmp/connect.offsets and run my sink connector. Obviously, I expect connector to persist offsets in the given file (it doesn't exist on file system, but it should be automatically created, right?). Documentation says:
The file to store connector offsets in. By storing offsets on disk, a standalone process can be stopped and started on a single node and resume where it previously left off.
But Kafka behaves in completely different manner.
It checks if the given file exists.
It it's not, Kafka just ignores it and persists offsets in Kafka topic.
If I create given file manually, reading fails anyway (EOFException) and offsets are being persisted in topic again.
Is it a bug or, more likely, I don't understand how to work with this configurations? I understand difference between two approaches to persist offsets and file storage is more convenient for my needs.
The is only used in source connectors, in standalone mode. It is used to place a bookmark on the input data source and remember where it stopped reading it. The created file contains something like the file line number (for a file source) or a table row number (for jdbc source or databases in general).
When running Kafka Connect in distributed mode, this file is replaced by a Kafka topic named by default connect-offsets which should be replicated in order to tolerate failures.
As far as sink connectors are concerned, no matter which plugin or mode (standalone/distributed) is used, they all store where they last stopped reading their input topic in an internal topic named __consumer_offsets like any Kafka consumers. This allows to use traditional tools like command-line tools to see how the much the sink connector is lagging.
The Confluent Kafka replicator, despite being a source connector, is probably an exception because it reads from a remote Kafka and may use a Kafka consumer, but only one cluster will maintain those original consumer group offsets.
I agree that the documentation is not clear, this setting is required whatever the connector type is (source or sink), but it is only used on by source connectors. The reason behind this design decision is that a single Kafka Connect worker (I mean a single JVM process) can run multiple connectors, potentially both source and sink connectors. Said differently, this setting is worker level setting, not a connector setting.
The property only applies to workers of source connectors running in standalone mode. If you are seeing Kafka persist offsets in a Kafka topic for a source, you are running in distributed mode. You should be launching your connector with the provided script connect-standalone. There's a description of the different modes here. Instructions on running in the different modes are here.

Kafka partition reassignment after broker failure

I'm testing kafka's partition reassignment as a precursor to launching a production system. I have several topics with 9 partitions each and a replication factor of 3. I've killed one of the brokers to simulate a failure condition and verified that some topics became under replicated (verification done via a fork of yahoo's kafka manager modified to allow adding a version cluster).
I then started a new broker with a different id. I would now like to distribute partitions to this new broker. I attempted to use kafka manager's reassign partitions functionality however that did not work (possibly due to an improperly modified fork).
I saw that kafka comes with a bin/ script but the docs say that I have to manually write out the partition reassignments for each topic in json format. Is there a way to handle this without manually deciding on which brokers partitions must go?
Hmm what a coincidence that I was doing exactly the same thing today. I don't have an answer you're probably going to like but I achieved what I wanted in the end.
Ultimately, what I did was executed the kafka-reassign-partitions command with what the same tool proposed for a reassignment. But whatever it generated I just replaced the new broker id with the old failed broker id. For some reason the generated json moved everything around.
This will fail (or rather never complete) because the old broker has passed on. I then had to delete the reassignment operation in zookeeper (znode: admin/reassign_partitions or something).
Then I restarted kafka on the new broker and it magically picked up as leader of the partition that was looking for a new replacement leader.
I'll let you know if everything is still working tomorrow and if I still have a job ;-)