What should be the kafka serde configuration when we use kafka streams - apache-kafka

We are using a JDBC source connector to sync data from a table to a topic (call this Topic 1) in Kafka. As we know this captures only inserts and updates, we have added a trigger to capture deletes. This trigger captures the deleted record and writes to a new table which gets synced to another Kafka topic (call this Topic 2).
We have configured the JDBC source connector to use AvroConverter.
Now we have written a Kafka streams logic that consumes data from this Topic 2 and publishes to Topic 1. My question is what should be the serializer and deserializer configuration for the Kafka streams logic? Is it ok to use KafkaAvroSerializer and KafkaAvroDeserializer?
I was going through the AvroConverter code (https://github.com/confluentinc/schema-registry/blob/master/avro-converter/src/main/java/io/confluent/connect/avro/AvroConverter.java) to see if I can get some ideas. I was navigating the Github code for quite some time. I was not able to conclude whether using KafkaAvoSerializer and KafkaAvroDeserializer is the right side in Kafka streams logic. Can someone please help me?

Why does your JDBC connector only capture inserts and updates?
EDITED: We use Confluent JDBC source connector SQL Server Debezium Connector and it performs well even on deletes. Pay attention to query modes specifically.
Maybe try switching to this connector and you might end up with one problem solved, having only one stream containing all the relevant events.


Is it a good practice to use the exiting topic for multiple connectors?

I am using the Debezium PostgreSQL connector to get the users table into a Kafka Topic.
I have a JDBC Sink Connector connector that then reads the data from the topic and pushes it into it's own Database.
Now, I need a subset of the data for another Microservice Database. So I am planning to write another JDBC Sink Connector.
The Question: is it a good practice to use the existing users table topic? If yes, then how I can make sure that new JDBC connector get's a snapshot of entire users table
If Debezium snapshotted the table and data hasn't been lost in the topic due to retention, then that's what any sink or other consumer will read.
Any unique sink connector name will read unique offsets from its topic. Nothing bad will happen with multiple consumers reading the same topic; this is how Kafka is intended to be used.
You may need to ensure consumer.auto.offset.reset=earliest for connect to read from the start of the topic
To get a subset of fields, you'll need to "replace" them - https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/connect/transforms/replacefield.html#replacefield

Streaming database data to Kafka topic without using a connector

I have a use case where I have to push all my MySQL database data to a Kafka topic. Now, I know I can get this up and running using a Kafka connector, but I want to understand how it all works internally without using a connector. In my spring boot project I already have created a Kafka Producer file where I set all my configuration, create a Producer record and so on.
Has anyone tried this approach before? Can anyone throw some light on this?
Create entity using spring jpa for tables and send data to topic using find all. Use scheduler for fetching data and sending it to topic. You can add your own logic for fetching from DB and also a different logic for sending it to Kafka topic. Like fetch using auto increment, fetch using last updated timestamp or a bulk fetch. Same logic of JDBC connectors can be implemented.
Kakfa Connect will do it in an optimized way.

Kafka streams vs Kafka connect for Kafka HBase ETL pipeline

I have straightforward scenario for the ETL job: take data from Kafka topic and put it to HBase table. In the future i'm going to add the support for some logic after reading data from a topic.
I consider two scenario:
use Kafka Streams for reading data from a topic and further writing via native HBased driver each record
Use Kafka -> HBase connector
I have the next concerns about my options:
Is is a goo idea to write data each time it arrives in a Kafka Stream's window? - suggest that it'll downgrade performance
Kafka Hbase connector is supported only by third-party developer, i'm not sure about code quality of this solution and about the option to add custom aggregation logic over data from a topic.
I myself have been trying to search for ETL options for KAFKA to HBase, however, so far my research tells me that it's a not a good idea to have an external system interaction within a KAFKA streams application (check the answer here and here). KAFKA streams are super powerful and great if you have KAFKA->Transform_message->KAFKA kind of use case, and eventually you can have KAFKA connect that will take your data from KAFKA topic and write it to a sink.
Since you do not want to use the third party KAFKA connect for HBase, one option is to write something yourself using the connect API, the other option is to use the KAFKA consumer producer API and write the app using the traditional way, poll the messages, write to sink, commit the batch and move on.

Real Time event processing

I really want to get an architectural solution for my below scenario.
I have a source of events (Say sensors in oil wells , around 50000 ), that produces events to a server. At the server side I want to process all these events in such a way that , the information from the sensors about latest humidity, temperature,pressure ...etc will be stored/updated to a database.
I am confused with flume or kafka.
Can somebody please address my simple scenario in architectural terms.
I don't want to store the event somewhere, since I am already updating the database with latest values.
Should I really need spark , (flume/kafka) + spark , to meet the processing side?.
Can we do any kind of processing using flume without a sink?
Sounds like you need to use the Kafka producer API to publish the events to a topic then simply read those events either by using the Kafka consumer API to write to your database or use the Kafka JDBC sink connector.
Also if you need just the latest data inside Kafka take a look at log compaction.
One way would be to push all the messages to Kafka Topic. Using Spark Stream you can ingest and process from the kafka topic. Spark streaming can directly process from your Kafka Topic

Send different instances of Kafka Connect to different Kafka topic

I have tried to send the information of a Kafka Connnect instance in distributed mode with one worker to a specific topic, I have the topic name in the "archive.properties" file that use when I launch the instance.
But, when I send five or more instances, I see the messages merged in all topics.
The "solution" I thought was make a map to store the relation between ID and topic but it doesn't worked
Is there an specific Kafka connect implementation to do this?
First, details on how you are running connect and which connector you are using will be very helpful.
Some connectors support sending data to more than one topic. For example, confluent-jdbc-sink will send each table to a separate topic. So this could be a limitation of the connector you are using.
Also depending on the connector and your use case - whether you need to run more than one connector. With the JDBC connector, you need one connector per database and it will handle all the tables. If you run two connectors on the same database and same tables, you'll get duplicates.
In short hopefully your connector has helpful documentation.
In the next release of Apache Kafka we are adding Single Message Transformations. One of the transformations can modify the target topic based on data in the event - so you can use the transformation to perform event routing.