Export server-side Prisma models for client-side usage - prisma

Is there any automated way to export the type definitions of my models generated with prisma generate but without the database CRUD methods? Then I could export them as a model module and use type definitions on client-side.

You can use Pal.Js CLI to generate TypeScript definitions from your schema.prisma file and use in any place
yarn global add #paljs/cli
npm install -g #paljs/cli
then run
pal s typescript
will generate typescript file for you have all models and enums
Docs here


Can giter8 run CLI commands?

As far as I can see giter8 can make a parameterized copy of a given template directory tree, but that would be only part of what many people do to prepare a new project. As an example a git repository could be initialized via the git CLI. More generally it would be useful to run arbitrary commands from a template or additionally to a template.
Can giter8 run arbitrary shell commands?
Is there a tool that can run arbitrary shell commands additionally to giter8 or as an alternative to it?

How to use `Scaffold-DbContext` command in VS Code

I have been trying to perform scaffolding on my existing database SQL Server in VS Code software so as to create DBContext and entity domain models. However in VS Code the only available commands are Add Package and Remove Package, I need to run following command in Nuget Package Manager Console.
Is there any other way to do scaffolding in VS Code.
I am running Dot Net Core 3.1 and EF Core 3.1.3. Database is SQL Server and Writing WEB Api using C#
For this to work you will need to add following package to vscode using Nuget Package Manager: Add Package command from commandpalatte
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.DotNet (2.0.3 or latest)
Then do
dotnet restore
Then you need to do following command in terminal window of vscode in directory where your csproj file is, -o specifies the output directory where created domain entity models and dbcontext will reside. Suggest you to create a folder beforehand.
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "<your existing db connection string>" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models
if anyone yet using this thread and If not using Visual Studio as an IDE then you can create, scaffolding globally using
EFCore CLI Tool can be installed by using global dotnet-ef tools.
The CLI tools are cross-platform and easy to use.
Run below command on Command Prompt,
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Followed by adding below package using CLI (Please use the project location directory to run this command)
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
Once installed successfully, please verify the installation by running below command as below,
dotnet ef
You are all set !!
Please run the Scaffold-DbContext command to generate required scaffolding as explained above.
For More Please read this forum

How to require scripts in Mongo Shell CLI

I'd like to be able to import a library of common tools that I use to make working with MongoDB easier. However, I haven't discovered an easy to to import external scripts into the Mongo CLI. Ideally, this would work similar to Node.js require.
How can I get require working in Mongo CLI by default?
Or, is there some other way to solve external library dependencies?
There are several options for loading JavaScript into the mongo shell:
1) Save the JavaScript to .mongorc.js in your home directory.
2) Save the JavaScript to the global mongorc.js file (MongoDB 2.6+) which is evaluated before the .mongorc.js file in your home directory.
3) Use load('filename.js') from within the shell (or within one of the mongorc.js files).
4) Store your JavaScript on the server using the system.js collection and db.loadServerScripts().
For common JavaScript functions, the first option is the most typical approach.

Working with nodejs and mongodb

Are there any libraries or frameworks that allow me to work with mongodb and nodejs that don't require a npm install ? More precisely I'm working on windows.For example i managed to find a library for working with websockets(https://github.com/ncr/node.ws.js) and simply requires you to include the file.
Is it absolutely necessary to use a library ? I am asking because all the tutorials use one, doesn't node have a module for this ?
You don't need npm to use most modules - you can download them (e.g. from their GitHub page as a zip file) and then put them in your project folder. Then require them:
var mongodb = require('../lib/module-folder-name');
Some useful libraries:
MongoDB native driver:
Mongoose, a higher level ORM for MongoDB:
evilcelery has the best answer +1 from me;
Most anything you run across for npm will work just as he said, and lib is the best convention to do it with.
To expand on his links a bit The module list he refereed to is found:
http://search.npmjs.org/ is a bit more user-friendly.
Also if you wish to include things globally similar to npm you can do what it does with things like html and put it in the lib dir where you originally compiled it with the Makefile (note: you may not need to rebuild it but I beleave you do)
There are a lot of mongodb related projects/libs enjoy!
Blockquote Contrary to the belief of many, "npm" is not in fact an abbreviation for "Node Package Manager". It is a recursive bacronymic abbreviation for "npm is not an acronym".
source: https://github.com/isaacs/npm/blob/master/doc/faq.md#readme
You can use builtin net.sockets module
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(); // to listen
var socket = net.socket; // to connect
It might you to work with any network application and write raw requests.
A lot of modules written on js so you can not to install them with npm, but require from your project folder.
I haven't tried it, but this should enable you to get node packages with windows: https://github.com/japj/ryppi . It will require you to download Python.

How do I create Perl module templates for more than one module in the same namespace?

I use h2xs and Module::Starter to create templates for my Perl modules. All these and others like Module::Build are great for creating one-off modules. Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure out a "clean" way of creating a family of related modules and their documentation and test suite templates in one go.
Specfically, is it possible to create A::P, A::Q, A::R ... in a single invocation of h2xs or other starter tools, or even add A::Q, A::R once a template for A::P has been created?
module-starter can be invoked thus, to create all the modules in a single invocation:
module-starter --author='Example Author' --email=author#example.com --module=A::P --module=A::Q --module=A::R --distro='My-A-Module-Distro'