How Do I Restart Chromium Once Closed? - raspberry-pi

I am currently network booting a Raspberry Pi and using Openbox I autostart chromium, is it possible that if a user presses close or minimise I can programatically restart chromium in the background?

You can use a shell command to restart the command as soon as it finishes.
Assuming your openbox config for autostarting stuff lets you put in shell snippets you can use
while true; do
If you have to specify just one command in your openbox config you can wrap that in a string to hand to sh:
sh -c 'while true; do chromium; done'
Or you could put it in a script and make that executable (chmod +x
while true; do
and then tell openbox to autostart the


How to setup zsh personal config (.dotfiles/zsh/zshrc) at every start on Raspberry Pi 400

I am training myself on Linux with a Raspberry Pi 400 (OS: Raspbian) and I would like to setup my personal config file for apps (notably the Terminal in Zsh). I am able to setup my config onto the terminal with the following:
$ cd .dotfiles
$ ./
$ cd zsh/
$ source ./zshrc
The problem comes when I quit the terminal or if I open a new terminal or if I reboot the computer, the config is not "saved".
I am not an expert, but for changing bash to zsh and maintaining it as default shell language, I did the following:
$ nano /etc/passwd
and changed the following line from :
This move managed to get me zsh from start every time now. I am wondering if i can directly source my .zshrc with the same technique ... Or would you have any better idea?
I would like to avoid repeating the sourcing steps at every start in the terminal ...

Running Python Script in Background Infinitely

I am trying to write a python script which runs on another server such that even if I close my server connection on my PC's terminal it keeps on running on that server.When the script is kept alive, it runs infinitely listening to any events on a Website (UI), on event occurrence it then starts up certain dockers appropriately and keeps on listening to PosgreSQL Events.
When I tried to use nohup (to run the script in background) it did run in the background but was unable to listen to any of the events. Has any one worked on something similar before? Please share your thoughts.
I am sharing a part of my script.
self.pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(user='alg_user',password='algy',database='alg',host='brain',port=6543)
async with self.pool.acquire() as conn:
def enqueue_listener(*args):
await conn.add_listener('task_created', enqueue_listener)
print("Added the listener")
while True:
print("---- Listening for new job ----")
conn2, pid, channel, payload = await self.queue.get()
x = re.sub("[^\w]", " ", payload).split()
if x[5] == '1':
tsk = 'TASK_ID=%s' % str(x[1])
if x[3] == '1':
command = "docker run --rm -it -e ALGORITHM_ID=1 -e TASK_ID=%s --network project_default project/docked_prol:1.0" % (str(x[1]))
subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if x[3] == '8':
command = "docker run --rm -it -e ALGORITHM_ID=8 -e TASK_ID=%s --network project_default project/docked_pro:1.0" % (str(x[1]))
subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
The script is running absolutely fine when kept on running manually, but just need some advice with implementation methodology.
First of all, I am here after 3 years later.
To run a script infinitely as a background task, you need process manager tools. PM2 is my favorite process manager tool made in nodejs but can run any terminal task because it is a CLI.
Basically, you can install NodeJs and npm to reach pm2. (You can visit to download the installer.)
You need to install the pm2 as a global module using npm install -g pm2 on your terminal
You can check if it is installed simply by pm2 -v
Then you can start your python script on your terminal using pm2 start
It will create a thread in background to run your script and it will be restart forever.
If you were doing something that takes so much time and you dont want to see the task running on the terminal you can just disable restarting by adding the parameter --no-autorestart into the command. (# pm2 start --no-autorestart)
If you want to see the logs or the state of the task, you can just use pm2 status, pm2 logs and pm2 monit.
If you want to stop the task, you can use pm2 stop task_name
You can use pm2 reload all or pm2 update to start all the tasks back
You can kill the task using pm2 kill
For more information you can visit PM2 Python Documentation
Running something in background via nohup will only work if the process/script runs automatically without providing external inputs, because there is no way to provide manual inputs to a background process.
First, try checking if the process is still running in background (ps -fe|grep processname).
If its running, then check the 'nohup.out' file to see where the process is getting stuck. This gets generated in the same directory where you started the process. This will give you some idea what is going on inside the process.

Running external programs from MATLAB

Here is what I am trying to achieve:
run a matlab command/script that starts a unix terminal and from within that terminal starts external software. Matlab itself should be decoupled from that shell immediately.
On a Unix system, I am currently trying to start an external program from within matlab. I know that I can basically use the matlab command prompt as a terminal by adding an ! in front of every command. However then, the program's output is also displayed within on the matlab command prompt and the program is killed as soon as matlab is closed.
To start an external terminal, call that terminal emulator using the matlab system command. If gnome-terminal is your terminal:
To pass parameters to the terminal use -e
system('gnome-terminal -e echo hello World');
This terminal will close immediately after it's finished running. So too keep it open:
system('gnome-terminal -e "bash -c \"echo Hello World; exec bash\""');
Hope this helps. I similar command should work for other terminal emulators beside gnome-terminal.

OpenSuse - Command for Beep Sound (System Bell)

I have a source code that runs perfectly fine on Ubuntu, it does some copumtations, and at some points it beeps like this
system("beep -f 400 -l 500");
On Ubuntu I had to do
apt-get install beep
However, I migrated to OpenSuse (not my choice) and now I get this message "sh: beep: command not found", as the command and package are obviously different.
Does anybody know hot to trigger the system beep sound and define the duration and frequency? I have been able to find only one way to change the parameters
setterm -bfreq 500 -blength 500
, but no way to actually trigger the system bell (beep). The following things don't work
echo ^G
echo -e "\a"
PS - the system Bell is enabled at
Configure Desktop -> Application and System Notifications -> System Bell
and you can actually play with this
So, I did what #fvu proposed.
However, one needs to have sudo rights, to do so, otherwise (e.g. at my work-place we don't have sudo rights) there is this output message
Could not open /dev/tty0 or /dev/vc/0 for writing open: No such file or directory
In this case, you should:
sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/beep
as proposed here
I noticed that on my OpenSuse 12.3 system, the bell is working in xterm or gnome-terminal, but not in konsole or xfce4-terminal.
If the same applies to your system, then maybe a work-around could be creating a shell script called "beep" which calls xterm and rings the bell:
xterm -e "echo -e '\a'; sleep 1"

Run a perl script at startup in Ubuntu

I have a perl script that I need to run once at startup with an argument under my user account.
So when I boot the system up it needs to execute a command like this,
./path/to/ start
Any ideas?
You could use a line in your crontab (crontab -e)
To run a command at startup:
edit /etc/crontab
Add the following line:
#reboot root perl ./path/to/ start
^^^ Runs as root. Change "root" to "BlackCow" to run as BlackCow
Or, you could use upstart (add a .conf file to /etc/init/). Here's a copy and paste from my notes:
Use upstart to run a daemon at reboot/start
e.g. /etc/init/prestocab.conf:
description "node.js server"
author "BlackCow"
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0)
stop on shutdown
export HOME="/root"
exec sudo -u root /usr/local/bin/node /home/prestocab/ 2>&1 >> /var/log/prestocab.log
end script
To use:
start prestocab
stop prestocab
restart prestocab
You might want to use some sort of process monitor to restart the daemon if it crashes
Depends on what init you are using, if your version of Ubuntu is using upstart
you have to configure the appropriate Upstart start scripts, if not
the rc scripts based on your runlevel. Check update-rc.d.
On Ubuntu, the simplest way is to add this line to your /etc/rc.local file (before the exit 0 line, substituting username with your own user name):
su -c "./path/to/ start" username &