How to obfuscate Flutter apps ios? - flutter

please help me for the steps to obfuscate the code, step by step until it's finished?
and how do I see if my obfuscate code is successful or not.
Previously I tried running this command "flutter build ios --obfuscate --split-debug-info = / / " but an error appears like this: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline ', why the error?

The "obfuscate" function will split the debug-info for your Flutter app when building for the respective platform. for e.g., if your preparing to ship the version 2.0.1, then you'll get a folder named "2.0.1" which shall contain the .symbols files.
Now about how to get this done is by using this command flutter build ios --obfuscate --split-debug-info=debug-info
This will create a folder named debug-info in the root directory of your project and if you do have a new directory created in that after running the above command, then it means that the obfuscation was successful.


Flutter Re-run cmake with a different source directory

When I tried to run Flutter app on windows, it gives an error then says Exited Sigterm. or stmh like this.
the error says;
Re-run cmake with a different source directory
cmake files does not match...
The Steps that helped me to handle this error are;
open your terminal then write following commands
flutter clean
flutter pub get
flutter run
This will remove you build file and re-create it.
Your problem should have solved now.

I have issue when creating my first flutter app

After creating my app on flutter, I tried to create an app file from it ..
But I keep getting an error which says "flutter.bat failed to run. System cannot find the path specified at line1 char1"
I don't know if there's a solution to that.enter image description here
run flutter doctor -v and discard what it produces.
And try to fix your project, for this call
flutter create project_name for the folder where the root project is located.

How Can I disable minify for flutter web release build [duplicate]

flutter build web will build my flutter app with obfuscation and minification.
I want my error stack to be readable though.
How should I modify the command?
flutter build web --profile --dart-define=Dart2jsOptimization=O0
There's an issue on github for this feature, feel free to upvote ;)
This is a old post, but I found the answer.
If you build the app with this line:
flutter build web --profile --source-maps
Then when you print a stacktrace, you'll get something like this:
Exception: Hello
at Object.wrapException (js_helper.dart:1123:37)
at$0 (main.dart:64:7)
at _MyHomePageState.setState$1 (framework.dart:1114:28)
at _MyHomePageState._incrementCounter$0 (main.dart:57:5)
at tear_off.<anonymous> (js_helper.dart:2099:9)
at _InkResponseState.handleTap$0 (framework.dart:909:26)
at tear_off.<anonymous> (js_helper.dart:2099:9)
at TapGestureRecognizer.invokeCallback$1$3$debugReport (recognizer.dart:253:16)
at TapGestureRecognizer.invokeCallback$2 (recognizer.dart:239:6)
at TapGestureRecognizer.handleTapUp$2$down$up (tap.dart:627:11)
If you use --source-maps with a release build, you will still get the dart file and line number, but the class/method names in the stacktrace will be obfuscated.
And, if you copy the lib directory into the root of built web directory, it will display the source code when you click on the dart file/line number in the stacktrace. Also, you can set breakpoints in the dart code, just like you can do when you do flutter run web.
The only way I have found to do this is to use flutter run -d chrome. We would then need to locate where the files on disk are located.

Tried archiving flutter project with no disc space left, can't fix errors

Question upfront: How can I thoroughly clean/repair my flutter project to allow it to run/build again?
I had been building and archiving (in Xcode) flutter projects without issue until just now.
My computer ran out of disc space mid archive and forced it to stop with "nonzero exit code".
I deleted a bunch of things on the computer to make space, and now it says there is >100gb left.
I was due for a flutter upgrade, so I ran flutter upgrade, which completed without error.
I closed android studio and Xcode and restarted my computer.
I ran flutter clean as well as clean within Xcode.
I can no longer run the app within flutter or run/archive within Xcode.
The exact errors seem variable, but here are some of them that I see:
Running from Xcode:
.../ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterPlugin.h:292:13: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlutterTextureRegistry'; did you mean 'FlutterPluginRegistry'?
.../ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterEngine.h:54:38: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlutterTextureRegistry'; did you mean 'FlutterPluginRegistry'?
.../.pub-cache/hosted/ Could not build module 'Flutter'
Running from Flutter (I can't paste all of the errors... way too long):
While building module 'Flutter' imported from .../.pub-cache/hosted/
In file included from :1:
In file included from .../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/Flutter.h:54:
In file included from .../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterAppDelegate.h:11:
.../Documents/Flutter/patient_medical_record/ios/Pods/../Flutter/Flutter.framework/Headers/FlutterPlugin.h:395:11: note: 'FlutterPluginRegistry' declared here
#protocol FlutterPluginRegistry
3 errors generated.
In file included from .../.pub-cache/hosted/
.../.pub-cache/hosted/ fatal error: could not build module 'Flutter'
4 errors generated.
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Well this is a bummer because I can't find a clean solution, but for now I did fix it with the following:
Create a new flutter project
Copied over the lib files
Copied over other setup in random places (i.e. google services, android changes)
Copied over pubspec.yaml and ran packages get
It now works again. Clearly something went wrong in the Flutter-managed files that I don't understand. If someone else can think of a better solution to effectively reset the project, please share.

Unable to create flutter project

When running flutter create followed by project name, I receive this error:
Error: Error when reading '../documents/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/pub.dart.snapshot': No such file or directory
Running "flutter pub get" in pics...
pub get failed (254; Error: Error when reading
'../documents/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/pub.dart.snapshot': No
such file or directory)
I'm trying to create a new flutter project in xcode. How would I fix this?
'../documents/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/pub.dart.snapshot': No
such file or directory
It seems like there may be files missing from your Flutter SDK. There should be a file in the Flutter SDK at bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/pub.dart.snapshot but this error suggests it's missing.
The easiest fix may be to delete the bin/cache folder which will cause Flutter to re-download the Dart SDK and other components when you next run flutter. This may take a little while depending on your connection, but is the simplest way to ensure the cache folder is complete. I would suggest closing all IDEs/editors when doing this.
I have same issue but the problem was windows defender at real time detection so the solution was to switch off it then create a project...