react-testing-library - How do you test for the existence of text if it is wrapped contained in other child html tags? - react-testing-library

Given the example html:
const fragment = (<div>Hello <span>world</span>. How are you <b>doing</b>?</div>)
Is there a way to ignore all the child html tags with react-testing-library?
like so (psuedo-code)
expect(fragment).toHaveTextContent(/hello world. how are you doing/)

First solution:
You can use #testing-library/jest-dom this library provides a set of custom jest matchers that you can use to extend jest and react-testing-library. Here is the link:
<span data-testid="ancestor"><span data-testid="descendant"></span></span>
const ancestor = getByTestId('ancestor')
const descendant = getByTestId('descendant')
const nonExistantElement = getByTestId('does-not-exist')
Second solution:
import { render, within } from '#testing-library/react'
const { getByLabelText } = render(<MyComponent />)
const signinModal = getByLabelText('Sign In')


Dynamic tag name in Solid JSX

I would like to set JSX tag names dynamically in SolidJS. I come from React where it is fairly simple to do:
/* Working ReactJS Code: */
export default MyWrapper = ({ children, ..attributes }) => {
const Element = "div";
return (
<Element {...attributes}>
but when I try to do the same thing in SolidJS, I get the following error:
/* Console output when trying to do the same in SolidJS: */
dev.js:530 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Comp is not a function
at dev.js:530:12
at untrack (dev.js:436:12)
at Object.fn (dev.js:526:37)
at runComputation (dev.js:706:22)
at updateComputation (dev.js:691:3)
at devComponent (dev.js:537:3)
at createComponent (dev.js:1236:10)
at get children [as children] (Input.jsx:38:5)
at _Hot$$Label (Input.jsx:7:24)
at #solid-refresh:10:42
I would like to know if I miss something here, or whether it is possible to achieve this in SolidJS in any other way.
Solid has a <Dynamic> helper component for that use.
import {Dynamic} from "solid-js/web";
<Dynamic component="div" {...attributes}>
Here is an alternative implementation covering simple cases like strings and nodes although you can extend it to cover any JSX element:
import { Component, JSXElement} from 'solid-js';
import { render, } from 'solid-js/web';
const Dynamic: Component<{ tag: string, children: string | Node }> = (props) => {
const el = document.createElement(props.tag);
createEffect(() => {
if(typeof props.children === 'string') {
el.innerText = String(props.children);
} else if (props.children instanceof Node){
} else {
throw Error('Not implemented');
return el;
const App = () => {
return (
<Dynamic tag="h2">This is an H2!</Dynamic>
<Dynamic tag="p">This is a paragraph!</Dynamic>
<Dynamic tag="div"><div>Some div element rendering another div</div></Dynamic>
render(App, document.body);
This works because Solid components are compiled into native DOM elements, however since we do not escape the output, it is dangerous to render any children directly, given that you have no control over the content.
This alternative comes handy when you need to render rich text from a content editable or a textarea, text that includes tags like em, strong etc. Just make sure you use innerHTML attribute instead of innerText.

JS: How to get anchor values inside of a div with classname "contractor"

I have a problem accessing this anchor in a div.
<div class="contractor">
<a title="Andrew" href="/humans/">Andrew</a>
How do you complete this beginning? I need the title, the href and the Text inside.
var contr = document.getElementsByClassName('contractor');
I need plain JavaScript, no jQuery
To get the data you need from the anchor, you can do the following by using query selector:
const anchor = document.querySelector(".contractor a");
const title = anchor.getAttribute("title");
const href = anchor.getAttribute("href");
const text = anchor.text;
You can use the ParentNode API. If you're confident that the contractor div will only have an HTMLAnchorElement child, you could do the following:
const contractors = document.getElementsByClassName(`contractor`);
const contractor = constractors[0];
const anchor = contractor.firstElementChild;
const title = anchor.title;
const href = anchor.href;
If there might be more than one child element under each contractor div, then you would instead use the ParentNode.children property instead of firstElementChild.

Stencil unit test: access deeply nested Shadow DOM components

I have a Stencil.js component library with some nested elements that I'm unit testing
I'm using the newSpecPage helper functionality provided by Stencil:
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [CustomFileInput, CustomPanel],
html: `
<custom-file-input multiple>
The CustomPanel component is nested within the CustomFileInput component. To query elements within CustomPanel I have to step down through Shadow DOM elements before being able to run a querySelector() command successfully
// page.root is the CustomFileInput HTML Element
const customPanelElement = page.root.shadowRoot.querySelector('custom-panel');
const queriedElemnt = customPanelElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('panel-child')
I'm wondering is there a more concise way to get a reference to the CustomPanel or panel-child elements rather than querying down through the components? In the above case there's just 2 components, but there could be more of course
I presume you are using shadow:true so you have to use page.root.shadowRoot.querySelector('custom-panel')
What you can do is, you can assign reference inside beforeEach block
const customPanelElement;
const queriedElemnt;
const page;
beforeEach(async () => {
page = await newSpecPage({
components: [CustomFileInput, CustomPanel],
html: `
<custom-file-input multiple>
supportsShadowDom: true
//Create reference here so that it is available inside every test case
customPanelElement = page.root.shadowRoot.querySelector('custom-panel');
queriedElemnt = customPanelElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('panel-child')

Extract function to standalone custom React component in react-leaflet

My primary goal is to call fitBounds whenever a FeatureGroup is rendered in react-leaflet on initial load.
This renders correctly -
function getLayers(featureGroups: MyFeatureGroup[]){
const showOnLoad = true;
return MyFeatureGroup) => {
const groupRef = createRef<FeatureGroup>();
const { id, name, } = group;
return (
<LayersControl.Overlay checked={showOnLoad} key={id} name={name}>
<FeatureGroup ref={groupRef}>
<Layer {} />
However, because it is using a function instead of React component, I don't have access to using React hooks.
The alternative that I tried does not work, even though it is the same code wrapped in a React component -
...same as above...
return MyFeatureGroup) => (
<ControlledGroup {} showOnLoad={showOnLoad} /> ///----- > ADDED THIS HERE
const ControlledGroup: React.FC<ControlledGroupProps> = (props) => {
const groupRef = createRef<FeatureGroup>();
const { map } = useLeaflet();
/// -----> map is correctly defined here - injecting to all of the layers (LayersControl, FeatureGroup) does not solve the problem
const { showOnLoad, } = props;
useEffect(() => fitBounds(map, groupRef)); ///-----> Primary Goal of what I am trying to accomplish
return (
<FeatureGroup ref={groupRef}>
<Layer map={map} {} />
I am a bit stumped, since this is the same code. The getLayers function returns a ReactNode in both cases. However, when moving to a standalone ControlledGroup component, it throws an error on render -
addOverlay is not a function
I tried creating a custom class component for react-leaflet, but the difficulty that I ran into there is that createLeafletElement returns a Leaflet.Element, whereas I am simply looking to return a ReactNode. That is, all of these are valid react-leaflet components already.
My questions - why does one work and the other does not? What is the correct/recommended way to convert this function to a renderable stand-alone React component?
Further, if there is an alternative pattern to calling fitBounds, that would be helpful as well.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Since the Layers share an inheritance with Layers.Overlay, the solution to the render error is to keep the Layers together and move the feature group to a standalone component.
This works as expected and allows me to call useEffect on the groupRef -
function getLayers(groups: MyFeatureGroup[]){
return MyFeatureGroup) => {
const { id, name, } = group;
return (
///---> Keep the Overlay in the function here and extract just the FeatureGroup out
<LayersControl.Overlay checked={showOnLoad} key={id} name={name}>
<ControlledGroup {}></ControlledGroup>

FOUC when using #material-ui/core with NextJS/React

My simple NextJS page looks like this (results can be viewed at
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
import React, { PureComponent, Fragment } from 'react';
import Head from 'next/head';
import compose from 'recompose/compose';
import Layout from '../components/Layout';
import { withStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import Button from '#material-ui/core/Button';
const styles = {
root: {
textAlign: 'center',
paddingTop: 200,
p: {
textTransform: 'uppercase',
color: 'red',
class Index extends PureComponent {
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
const title = 'Project Proost';
const description = 'This is the description for the homepage';
return (
<title>{ title }</title>
<meta name="description" content={description} key="description" />
<p className={classes.p}>amit</p>
<Button variant="contained" color="secondary">
export default withStyles(styles)(Index);
I am importing a bunch of components off the #material-ui/core library to style my items. I also have a local style definition assigned to a style constant.
What seems to be happening here is that my style isn't getting rendered on the server which is why the files being served upon load are sans-style. And then the CSS gets rendered by the client-side code. As a result, there's a flash of unstyled content that lasts almost a second, long enough to be noticable.
Any way to fix this? The entire codebase is up for reference at
I ran a similar problem when tried to make a production build of my app, that uses material-ui. I manage to solve by adding a JSS Provider like this:
import JssProvider from "react-jss/lib/JssProvider";
class App extends Component {
render() {
*the rest of your material-ui components*
Here's the solution - .
Basically, all you need to do is to sync server-side class names with client-side. The link above shows what you need to do to fix that issue.