Can I remove the Liferay 7 default "Global" and "Liferay" sites? - liferay-7

I have a fresh version of Liferay 7 installed and want to create a custom site and not use the default ones. There are 2 default sites already created by Liferay - Liferay & Gobal:
I was wondering how can I remove them if I am not going to work with them ?

You cannot delete the default site of your Liferay installation but you can change its URL prefix and the site title.
You can change the URL entering inside the site -> Settings -> Friendly URL
The default site title is taken from the instance title, so you can change both from: Control Panel -> Configuration -> Instance Settings -> Instance Configuration -> General -> Name

After reading some articles, I came down to the conclusion that default sites can not be deleted.


WHM Module Installer - Why is SOAP not showing in phpinfo?

I'm trying to install SOAP on server. This is what I did:
Got into WHM Module Installers
Installed SOAP 0.13.0
Confirmed it was there; looked in FTP and I see the SOAP directory created
Restarted server Added phpinfo on server and went to it on browser
Also added extension = on php settings Didn't see SOAP on phpinfo
Am I missing something?
Problem solved. After installing the application on module installers in WHM, need to go to EasyApache and add SOAP in the exhaustive list and build it.
In addition to the answer submitted by #kakenx , follow the steps to enable extension with EasyApache
Login to WHM control panel
Select EasyApache from left nav
On EasyApache, click on the gear icon on default profile under Previously Saved Config section.
Add SOAP extension in Exhaustive Options List.
Click Save and Build
Click Recompile and wait for the compilation process
After done with everything, restart Apache
Reference Link
What #saiid mentioned worked 100% been looking and doing SUDO's for over 2 hours turns out its just a whm easyapche setting...
just in 2022 its
whm -> easyapche4 -> Currently Installed Packages (Click customize)
-> PHP Extensions (search soap)
enable both php74-php-soap & php80-php-soap
next then follow steps to provision.
boom bobs your uncle works like a charm. |
no restard required can if you using woocommerce youll notice its enabled under status

can not add luaeclipse

I can not add lua plugins into eclipse using this links:
when i enter this link into "help"->"install new software"
it shows "could not find"
This is working for me. Try using this update site instead:
More likely though, you are behind a firewall. If so, you need to set your proxies in Preferences -> General -> Network preferences.

Unable to read repository at

I was trying to add the PDT,
Indigo -
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at is not a valid repository location.
So what's the correct url ? I went and looked lots of places. Can someone point me to the exact link ?
Edit :
Problem once you go to , you will see the below error. So I guess its moved somewhere.
This software repository URL, , provides access to the software repository for the Eclipse indigo release. Until its released in June 2011, it will contain milestone builds.
The repository site URL is typically pre-populated in the list of software repositories when you install the Eclipse Platform or SDK.
For more information about installing or updating software, see the Eclipse Platform Help.
There is also a collection of handy, downloadable all-in-one zip files available for many interests and platforms. Many people find these all-in-one packages the easiest way to get started.
Can you connect to internet at all through Eclipse?
Open the internal webbrowser. In Eclipse: Window -> show view -> Other -> General: Internal web browser.
Look up any normal adress, is it working?
Can you connect to another update site? Try for example Eclipse Emma:
Do you see anything there?
What are your proxy preferences? Go to Window -> preferences -> General: Network connections.
The active provider:
Specifies the settings profile to be used when opening connections. Choosing the Direct provider causes all the connections to be opened without the use of a proxy server. Selecting Manual causes settings defined in Eclipse to be used. On some platforms there is also a Native provider available, selecting this one causes settings that were discovered in the OS to be used.
If internet is working fine outside of Eclipse, try changing to Native. After that, try Direct.
I have encountered problems where an update site would not load, then I had to remove it and add it again. This forces Eclipse to reread the contents of the site even if it has a cached copy. So, if you still get no connection to the indigo update site, but everything else is working, try that. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Install/update: Available Software sites. Then remove and add the indigo site. Just remember to copy the adress so you can add it again.
As suggested in a comment below by #lostiniceland, this is a simpler way to achieve the above:
Goto Window -> Preferences -> Install Update -> Available Software Sites => select the entry and click the "Reload" button to the right. This is sometimes also helpful when you have a local updatesite for testing custom plugins
I had the same problem and resolved it by
Deleting the cache directory \eclipse\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository\cache
Refreshing the repositories.
Preferences -> Install Update -> Available Software Sites => select the entry
Click the "Reload"
Check if you are able to connect to eclipse market place url ( from browser. If its working then the issue is because of proxy server using in your network.
We have to update eclipse with proxy server details used in our network.
Go to :- Windows-> Preference -> General -> Network Connections.
And edit HTTP ,with proxy details.
Click OK
I was having this problem and it turned out to be our firewall. It has some very general functions for blocking ActiveX, Java, etc., and the Java functionality was blocking the jar downloads as Eclipse attempted them.
The firewall was returning an html page explaining that the content was blocked, which of course went unseen. Thank goodness for Wireshark :)
Another way to solve this kind of error is to start eclipse with this argument
Working fine with Eclipse (x64) 4.3.1
Had this problem in Linux, and I found that the user doesn't have permission to update the eclipse directory
change the owner of eclipse folder recursively, or run eclipse with user who has write permission to the folder
In Windows 7 32-bit version, I started the eclipse with as an administrator. This worked for me.
I had the same problem. Try to deactivate your Firewall (I had avast!), which worked for me.
(Sorry for my English I'm French :D)
Please make sure you are using correct url. If You are using url - on your eclipse luna(v4.4) then it might be not working in this case you should use -
I have tried this and its working.
What worked for me:
Since yesterday, I have been trying to install the Eclipse plugin - "Remote System Explorer" from the Eclipse marketplace on a freshly downloaded Eclipse 4.8 as shown below,
and everytime I was getting this error:
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at failed to respond
which brought me to this SO post.
I tried a few solutions mentioned here in the different answers like this one and this one and this one, but none of them worked. I just gave up almost, thinking that either the corporate network here is somehow blocking the specific download requests or the 4.8 version of Eclipse is buggy.
I could not reload all the paths under 'Window' -> 'Preferences' -> 'Install/Update' -> 'Available Software Sites'.
What did work for me from the beginning was:
I could open from the internal web browser of eclipse and,
some of the update paths, I could reload even. (As was mentioned as a possible solution or test, in some of the answers here, like this one.)
Finally, this answer put me on the right track - for my specific case, at least. Just my step was to do the exact opposite of what that answer was doing.
I had to change all the http:\\ paths to https:\\ and suddenly it started to work. I don't know who - either IE/Edge on Windows 10 or the Windows 10 firewall or the company firewall is blocking HTTP communications. But with HTTPS, I can finally install plugins from the Marketplace.
HTTPS reload works
I must say, what is strange is that not all the paths required https. Except a few, the rest seemed to have had no problem working with HTTP. But I anyways changed all to HTTPS, just for good measure.
Then reload all the repositories one by one. Press "Apply and close".
Then check for updates. Eclipse will update itself successfully now.
Restart after update.
Finally you can install whichever Plugin you would like to from the Eclipse Marketplace.
Note: In case during the update, this same error pops up again, then see in the repositories that any new paths added by eclipse during the update, are also HTTPS and not HTTP.
Kudos to #Fredrik above. His answer didn't work for me, but lead me to the resolution of my issue:
In 'Window'|'Preferences'|'Install/Update'|'Available Software Sites'. The location that I was attempting to install from the 'Marketplace' was getting inserted with an https:// URL. Editing this to http:// allowed me to then use 'Help'|Install New Software ...' to select the repository from the drop down 'Work with:' combobox instead of having the https:// one automatically inserted and used.
For eclipse, there are normally different options available:
If you want to use the PHP development environment (only), you should go with the corresponding distro of eclipse. There is a distro for PHP provided by Zend.
You may add PDT to an indigo release by doing the following steps:
Check if an update site for PDT is included in your eclipse installation:
Open the Help > Install New Software dialog.
Click there on the link Available Software Sites.
In the list, the URL should be marked.
Close the dialog.
Select from the Work with list the site with the right URL.
Enter in the filter box PDT and search in the list for the PDT tooling you want to install.
Install the PDT tooling.
If that does not work, you may download a complete update site from the PDT project site.
Visit the site (URL above).
Click on downloads.
Search there for the string "all in one update site".
Download the zip file.
Install it in your Indigo installation. Help > Install New Software > Add... > Enter name and select from button Archive the zip file
I hope some of the installation instructions will work for you.
This is the correct URL. Chances are Eclipse cannot read it properly because of the Internet connexion.
Are you using a proxy to get Internet access? If this is the case you need to notify Eclipse via the "Preferences/General/Network Connections" menu.
That URL works fine. The message you report is normal when you look at it in a browser. My copy of Eclipse has no problems talking to it. If yours does, I suspect a proxy configuration error in your copy of eclipse.
Also try it by turning off the firewall, and similar services. It worked for me!
If you can't access simply
try to use http://
instead of https://
I spent whole my day figuring out this and found the following. And it works great now.
This is basically an issue with your gateway or proxy, If you are under proxy network, Please go to the network settings and set the proxy server settings(server, port , user name and password). If you are under direct gateway network, your firewall may be blocking the http get request from your eclipse.
I was also unable to read the repository. Even after the disabling most of the entries under Available Software Sites things were still not working.
I had no proxy to worry about and even disabling the firewall (which I do not recommended) as a last resort did not help.
Viewing the error log, from the dialog box which Eclipse displayed, there was mention of a cache directory under .eclipse in my home directory. I deleted the two cache directories I found and Eclipse was working again.
For my setup the two directories I deleted were:
NB: My setup is Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 running on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3
In my case, I discovered that the major issue why my eclipse won't connect to internet is my Internet Service Provider. I was only able to browse some websites but unable to browse other website. Fixing the issue with the ISP worked.
My issue was the Eclipse Marketplace client needed updating.
After trying Fredriks solution of
Go to Window -> Preferences -> Install/update: Available Software sites. Then remove and add the indigo site. Just remember to copy the adress so you can add it again.
The Marketplace client wouldn't load. But I could access it via a browser.
So, I went to the Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
it loaded fine
Clicked on Installed and found the Eclipse Marketplace Client and it had so i clicked it it updated and then when I did the standard update everything worked.
Sometimes, there will be firewalls and restrictions in the network preventing the plugin to get downloaded. We can try some other network. This actually resolved my issue.
I was facing the issue while adding team explorer plugin to eclipse from
Used team explorer plugin for ecplise for internal use of xamarin for mac.
unable to read repository at
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.provisionexception unable to read repository
Unknown host exception
From Eclipse->Help->Install new software.
From Add Repository window select Archive select the downloaded zip file.
Continue installation.
Also try if in the eclipse paths there is some duplicated
Luna -
Luna -
Try both of them, one may work.
In my case, with 2 eclispes installed, in one of them the path
Luna -
works, in the other one, i must select:
Luna -
In both the internal browser can access to internet. Both are Luna (but one is RCM, the other one i don't remember).
No meu caso era o anti-vírus que estava bloqueando a conexão do eclipse, desativei o anti-víruse tudo funcionou o//.
In my case it was the anti-virus that was blocking the connection from eclipse. I disabled the anti-virus and everything worked.

Eclipse secure storage

Is it possible to disable completely the secure storage password of Eclipse? I am running Eclipse Helios on Windows 7.
Windows->preferences->then type "secure storage"
In the Contents tab, select [Default Secure Storage].
Click Delete.
Let Eclipse restart.
To disable the master password prompt you have to specifiy a file containing the password with -eclipse.password, see Eclipse SDK Help and Bug 241223.
The complete procedure is as follows (this is on Linux, on Windows it should work as well if you change the paths):
Exit Eclipse
Delete the directory ~/.eclipse/
Create a text file containing your master password, e.g. echo "secret" > ~/.eclipse/master
Add to the very top of eclipse.ini, found in the Eclipse program directory (as two lines, don't combine into one)
Start Eclipse again.
Here's my solution in Nano.2 on Windows, and it's nice and easy and seems to be working:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Security -> Security Storage
Password tab: in the Master password providers section, uncheck Windows Integration and UI Prompt
I also tried deleting the [Default Secure Storage] in the Contents tab like some other answers suggested, but this is not needed and it gets recreated upon restart anyways.
You can now just delete it, assuming you don't need it for anything. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage and then click on the 'Contents' tab. If you click the Delete button and then restart Eclipse, you will no longer see the pop-up.
From what I understand, Secure Storage is mostly used with repositories like Git and SVN. In my case, I don't need it for my home computer. I use Git at work, but even so, I have never seen the Secure Storage pop up before.
While opening the Eclipse or importing the project, you might get sometimes error called Salt must be 8 bytes long. This is because of conflicts between Java and OS key store.
Either of following are the solutions of this problem.
► Solution 1: Remove file <USERHOME>.eclipse\\secure_
storage from your system. After that please restart machine and try to use Eclipse***.
► Solution 2: Uncheck the Windows Integration (64 bit) and UI Prompt from Password tab of Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Security -> Secure Storage. After that please restart machine and try to use Eclipse.
► Solution 3: Delete [Default Secure Storage] from Contents tab of Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Security -> Secure Storage. After that please restart machine and
try to use Eclipse.
On Ubuntu 11.10 with Eclipse Indigo installed the folder is hidden in the /root/.eclipse folder.
Do a
sudo su
cd /root/.eclipse
Then (re)start eclipse and the password will be gone.
In windows 7 enerprise 64 bits + java 8
In eclipse go to :
--> General
-> security
-> secure Storage.
In master Password providers UNCKECK Windows integration (64 bits)
Then go to General -- network connections -- proxy
And edit your proxy settings.
A wizard appear to create Secure Storage

Is there any way of configuring Eclipse IDE proxy settings via an autoproxy configuration script?

I am behind a firewall which uses autoproxy configuration script. I am able to browse the internet when I enable the autoproxy url in most browsers I use (IE 7, IE 8, FF, Chrome). For your reference to enable autoproxy url on Windows goto: Settings -> Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections -> Lan Settings -> (Check) use automatic configuration scripts -> enter Address value as the autoproxy script url.
The issue I am facing is: I have Eclipse IDE and I want to configure the proxy settings in Eclipse similar to browser settings but I am unable to. I could not find a setting in Eclipse or NetBeans 6.9.1 or IntelliJ Idea to solve this issue.
I am using Maven2 integrated with these IDEs and no local repositories set up yet. Maven2 tries to install jars by downloading them from Internet but it cannot due to the proxy setting. I can manually download these libraries from Maven2 repositories and have an internal repository hosted using Artifactory or Nexus but I would like to know if there is any way I can do it from IDE itself...
Thanks for your feedback. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Here is what I do. All of these instructions are based on my minimal experiences with working PACs, so YMMV.
Download your pac file via your pac URL. It's plain text and should be easy to open in a text editor.
Near the bottom, there's probably a section that says something like:
return "PROXY w.x.y.z:a"
where "w.x.y.z" is an ip address or username and "a" is a port number.
Write these down.
In a recent version of eclipse :
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections=
Change the provider to "Manual"
Select the "HTTP" line and click the edit button
Add the IP address and port number above to the http line
If you have to authenticate to use the proxy,
select "Requires Authentication"
type in your username. Note that if your authentication is on a Windows domain, you might have to prepend the domain name and a backslash (\) like: MYDOMAIN\MYUSERID
Type in your password
Click OK
Click Apply
Click OK
At this point, you should be able to browse using the internal web browser (at least on http URLs).
Good luck.
Just so you know, it's WAY easier to use Nexus, one set of <mirror> tags and a single proxy setup (inside Nexus) to manage the proxy issues of Maven inside a firewall.
In the file:
you need the option:
You can set it also by the Eclipse GUI:
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections
Change the provider to "Native"
The first way is working even if your Eclipse is broken due to wrong configuration attempts.
Download whatever configuration script that your browser is using.
the script would have various host:port configuration.
based on the domain you want to connect , one of the host:port is selected by the borwser.
in the eclipse network setting you can try to put on of the host ports and see if that works.
worked for me.
the config script looks like,
if (isPlainHostName(host))
return "DIRECT";
else if (dnsDomainIs(host, "<***sample host name *******>"))
return "PROXY ***some ip*****; DIRECT";
else if (dnsDomainIs(host, "")
|| dnsDomainIs(host, "")
|| dnsDomainIs(host, "")
|| dnsDomainIs(host, "")
return "PROXY <***some proxyhost****>:8080";
you would need to look for the host port in the return statement.
Download proxy script and check last line for return statement Proxy IP and Port.
Add this IP and Port using these step.
1. Windows -->Preferences-->General -->Network Connection
2. Select Active Provider : Manual
3. Proxy entries select HTTP--> Click on Edit button
4. Then add Host as a proxy IP and port left Required Authentication blank.
5. Restart eclipse
6. Now Eclipse Marketplace... working.
Well there's the Network Connections preference page; you can add proxies there. I don't know much about it; I don't know if the Maven integration plugins will use the proxies defined there.
You can find it at Window...Preferences, then General...Network Connections.
In Netbeans, we can use Tools->Options-> General Tab - > Under proxy settings, select Use system proxy settings.
This way, it uses the proxy settings provided in Settings -> Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections -> Lan Settings -> use automatic configuration scripts.
If you are using maven, make sure the proxy settings are not provided there, so that it uses Netbeans settings provided above for proxy.
Hope this helps.