accees csv file stored on server using oracle apex 20.1 - oracle-apex-20.1

I have a process which generates a csv at particular location on server,
and there is a table which stores the entry of this csv.
By displaying this table in IR and with the help of column link is it possible to download this csv?


Upload multiple files to pentaho

In pentaho data integration, how do I import a list of xlsx files that are in the same folder?
note: the number of columns are always the same
If your excel column name and sheet name are always same then you can use THIS solution. Here I have take all xlsx file from source folder and convert one-by-one file as csv.
But if your excel columnname and sheet name are dynamic or you need some dynamic solution. Then you can use my another stackoverflow solution from Here

How can I extract 7 million records from Oracle database to CSV file

I have already tried the export option in the sql developer,it is very time consuming.
I need to know if there is quicker way to extract data to CSV file.
enter image description here
I think you can try with Toad for oracle in DataGrid view then right click and export Data Set, you can start with a million with WHERE ROWNUM < 1000001

How tfileinputexcel works in talend

I'm trying to load xlsx file into postgresql database.
my excel file contiens 11262 row but after excuting the job i fond 14**** rows and i don't know why? I want only to find my 11262 rows in my table
here is the job
here is my excel file
I'm guessing you didn't check Stop reading on encountering empty rows, and that it's reading empty rows from your excel file.
Please try with checkbox checked.

Extract varbinary column data in its original format

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. I have a varbinary column RelatedData_img in the table Reminderimage. In that column I store Word, Excel files, images (png, bmp or jpg format) or text files etc. Now I want to store data from that column to a disk using command.
I got this command,
"bcp "SELECT RelatedData_img FROM Reminderimage.dbo.Reminderimage" queryout reminder.dat -T -c"
This command creates a "reminder.dat" file which contains all the data of RelatedData_img column. Now I want to extract all the files from that file in its original format (excel, word, jpg etc).
How to extract the reminder.dat file ?
Please help me with this.

Exporting table names and columns in Excel with Oracle SQL Developer

How can I export only table names and its columns to an excel sheet from a database using Oracle SQL Developer version 4.
I tried exporting database feature, but it does not allow excel export for Metadata.
Sorry if this is asked in wrong forum
Query what you want eg:
select owner,table_name,column_name
from dba_tab_cols
where owner = 'SCHEMA';
Then right click on the result and choose Eksport.... Choose a format and save.