Good day!
I have a class ToDoItem
class ToDoItem with ChangeNotifier {
final String id;
final DateTime creationDate;
final DateTime doingDate;
final String text;
final Color color;
ToDoItem({, this.creationDate, this.doingDate, this.text, this.color});
Then I have a DatePicker
class _TopWithDateAndOptionState extends State<TopWithDateAndOption> {
var finaldate;
void callDatePicker() async {
var order = await getDate().then(
(value) => print("VAL = ${value}"),
// setState(() {
// finaldate = order;
// print("pickeddate = ${finaldate}");
// });
Future<DateTime> getDate() {
// Imagine that this function is
// more complex and slow.
return showDatePicker(
context: context,
firstDate: DateTime(2018),
lastDate: DateTime(2030),
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
return Theme(
data: ThemeData.light(),
child: child,
And at the end I get object of ToDoItem class by Provider.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final todoItem = Provider.of<ToDoItem>(context);
So the question is how to change the doingDate in object ToDoItem with new value of finaldate?
How to check out if this variable was already changed by new data from DataPicker? Should I use any listener or something simpler?
My problem was the stateful widget. I've changed it to stateless and it worked/
I'm trying to better understand Futures in Flutter. In this example, my app makes an API call to get some information of type Future<String>. I'd like to display this information in a Text() widget. However, because my String is wrapped in a Future I'm unable to put this information in my Text() widget, and I'm not sure how to handle this without resorting to a FutureBuilder to create the small widget tree.
The following example uses a FutureBuilder and it works fine. Note that I've commented out the following line near the bottom:
Future<String> category = getData();
Is it possible to turn category into a String and simply drop this in my Text() widget?
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'cocktails.dart';
class CocktailScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const CocktailScreen({super.key});
State<CocktailScreen> createState() => _CocktailScreenState();
class _CocktailScreenState extends State<CocktailScreen> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Cocktails cocktails = Cocktails();
Future<String> getData() async {
var data = await cocktails.getCocktailByName('margarita');
String category = data['drinks'][0]['strCategory'];
print('Category: ${data["drinks"][0]["strCategory"]}');
return category;
FutureBuilder categoryText = FutureBuilder(
initialData: '',
future: getData(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return Text(;
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text(snapshot.error.toString());
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
//Future<String> category = getData();
return Center(
child: categoryText,
Here's my Cocktails class:
import 'networking.dart';
const apiKey = '1';
const apiUrl = '';
class Cocktails {
Future<dynamic> getCocktailByName(String cocktailName) async {
NetworkHelper networkHelper =
dynamic cocktailData = await networkHelper.getData();
return cocktailData;
And here's my NetworkHelper class:
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:convert';
class NetworkHelper {
final String url;
Future<dynamic> getData() async {
http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
String data = response.body;
var decodedData = jsonDecode(data);
return decodedData;
} else {
//print('Error: ${response.statusCode}');
throw 'Sorry, there\'s a problem with the request';
Yes, you can achieve getting Future value and update the state based on in without using Using FutureBuilder, by calling the Future in the initState(), and using the then keyword, to update the state when the Future returns a snapshot.
class StatefuleWidget extends StatefulWidget {
const StatefuleWidget({super.key});
State<StatefuleWidget> createState() => _StatefuleWidgetState();
class _StatefuleWidgetState extends State<StatefuleWidget> {
String? text;
Future<String> getData() async {
var data = await cocktails.getCocktailByName('margarita');
String category = data['drinks'][0]['strCategory'];
print('Category: ${data["drinks"][0]["strCategory"]}');
return category;
void initState() {
getData().then((value) {
setState(() {
text = value;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Text(text ?? 'Loading');
here I made the text variable nullable, then in the implementation of the Text() widget I set to it a loading text as default value to be shown until it Future is done0
The best way is using FutureBuilder:
FutureBuilder categoryText = FutureBuilder<String>(
future: getData(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.waiting:
return Text('Loading....');
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
} else {
var data = ?? '';
return Text(data);
but if you don't want to use FutureBuilder, first define a string variable like below and change your adasd to this :
String category = '';
Future<void> getData() async {
var data = await cocktails.getCocktailByName('margarita');
setState(() {
category = data['drinks'][0]['strCategory'];
then call it in initState :
void initState() {
and use it like this:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: Text(category),
remember define category and getData and cocktails out of build method not inside it.
I have a Future (async) Date&Time picker function which works fine from within the body of my stateful widget which contains the "Builder" and the function can be called via the onpressed by just this:
onPressed: () {SelectDayAndTimeL();},
Future _selectDayAndTimeL(BuildContext context) async {
DateTime _selectedDay = await showDatePicker(
context: context,
firstDate: DateTime(2021),
lastDate: DateTime(2030),
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => child);
TimeOfDay _selectedTime = await showTimePicker(
context: context,
if (_selectedDay != null && _selectedTime != null) {
//a little check
setState(() {
selectedDateAndTime = DateTime(
// _selectedDate = _selectedDay;
// print('...');
Now I want to be able to call this function from different dart files/screens which means I have to keep this function on a different dart file which I have tried to do, but because of the setState in the function it needs to be inside a stateful widget. I have tried putting it inside a stateful widget but keeps getting errors.
class Picker extends StatefulWidget {
_PickerState createState() => _PickerState();
class _PickerState extends State<Picker> {
Future<Widget> build(BuildContext context) async { //the error in on the build on this line
DateTime _selectedDay = await showDatePicker(
context: context,
firstDate: DateTime(2021),
lastDate: DateTime(2030),
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => child);
TimeOfDay _selectedTime = await showTimePicker(
context: context,
if (_selectedDay != null && _selectedTime != null) {
//a little check
setState(() {
selectedDateAndTime = DateTime(
// _selectedDate = _selectedDay;
How do I properly place the Future Function inside a stateful widget and how to call it on an onpressed?
I don't know if the title I gave this question is actually what it's supposed to be, but I don't know how else to put it.
The whole setState inside your method is the problem. Your method should do one thing: get a date and time from the user. And there it's responsibility ends.
Future<DateTime> SelectDayAndTimeL(BuildContext context) async {
DateTime _selectedDay = await showDatePicker(
context: context,
firstDate: DateTime(2021),
lastDate: DateTime(2030),
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => child);
TimeOfDay _selectedTime = await showTimePicker(
context: context,
if (_selectedDay != null && _selectedTime != null) {
//a little check
return DateTime(
Now your onPressed becomes:
onPressed: () async {
final pickedDatetime = await SelectDayAndTimeL(context);
setState(() { selectedDateAndTime = pickedDatetime });
You have sucessfully divided your code into the function that picks a thing and your widget, which updates after the thing is picked.
The function that picks the date and time can now be reused in every other widget.
Create a function which will take datetime as a parameter and setstate of the stateful widget. Write this inside the stateful widget. Pass this function to the other class as an argument. Once the date is picked call this method by passing the datetime selected.
You should pass the setState function itself as a parameter to the method. This way, inside the method you will always be using the correct state setter function. That is especially necessary since you need to keep the variables _selectedDay etc inside the widget, not on the static method. Try this:
Future selectDayAndTimeL(BuildContext context, Function(DateTime) dateTimeSetter) async { //add a function to receive and use the
DateTime _selectedDay = await showDatePicker(
context: context,
firstDate: DateTime(2021),
lastDate: DateTime(2030),
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => child);
TimeOfDay _selectedTime = await showTimePicker(
context: context,
if (_selectedDay != null && _selectedTime != null) {
//a little check
// Create the variable with the picked date
DateTime selectedDateAndTime = DateTime(
//call the function from the parameter, which will be executed on the calling widget
Then, call your function to show the datetime picker passing the context, and a function that receives a DateTime parameter, which will be the parameter picked by the user. When the user picks a date, this function body will be executed, calling setState and setting the pickedTime variable.
class Picker extends StatefulWidget {
DateTime pickedTime;
_PickerState createState() => _PickerState();
class _PickerState extends State<Picker> {
Future<Widget> build(BuildContext context) async {
return ...
_selectDayAndTimeL(context, (DateTime time){
widget.pickedTime = time;
You can also extract the function from the parameter into a normal named function, and just use its name in the parameter, but I'll leave it as is for now to make it simpler.
Also, don't forget to make your method public and static if necessary for the scope of your code.
I am facing very weird problem. i am using bloc with freezed, injectable and dartz. i just need to get data from SQl database and display it when a today page opened.
The code of UI is:
class TodayPage extends HookWidget {
const TodayPage();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider<ScheduledNotesCubit>(
create: (context) => getIt<ScheduledNotesCubit>()
child: BlocBuilder<ScheduledNotesCubit, ScheduledNotesState>(
builder: (context, state) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: state.maybeMap(
orElse: () {}, getNotesCount: (g) => g.noteCount),
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return Text(
"${state.maybeMap(orElse: () {}, getNotes: (notes) {
return notes.getNotes[index]['content'];
The code of state is:
class ScheduledNotesState with _$ScheduledNotesState {
const factory ScheduledNotesState.initial() = _Initial;
const factory ScheduledNotesState.getNotes({required List<Map<String, dynamic>> getNotes}) = _GetNotes;
const factory ScheduledNotesState.getNotesCount({required int noteCount}) = _GetNotesCount;
const factory ScheduledNotesState.getCountDoneNoteOutOfAllNotes({required String getCountDoneNoteOutOfAllNotes}) = _GetCountDoneNoteOutOfAllNotes;
const factory ScheduledNotesState.updateIsDoneNote({required int updateIsDoneNote}) = _UpdateIsDoneNote;
The code of cubit is:
class ScheduledNotesCubit extends Cubit<ScheduledNotesState> {
: super(const ScheduledNotesState.initial());
final NoteRepository _noteRepository;
// retrieve data
void retrieveData() async {
return emit(ScheduledNotesState.getNotes(
getNotes: await _noteRepository.retrieveData()));
This Cubit Does not return a value in listView, instead it returns null values, But When i try to do so it works!!!!!!
the updated cubit code is:
class ScheduledNotesCubit extends Cubit<ScheduledNotesState> {
: super(const ScheduledNotesState.initial());
final NoteRepository _noteRepository;
// retrieve data
void retrieveData() async {
var d= await _noteRepository.retrieveData(); //-->updated
var x= d[1]['content']; //-->updated
print("\n $x \n") ; // -->updated
return emit(ScheduledNotesState.getNotes(
getNotes: await _noteRepository.retrieveData()));
Can you try add lazy to false for BlocProvider, and update this code:
void retrieveData() {
_noteRepository.retrieveData().then((value) {
emit(ScheduledNotesState.getNotes(getNotes: value));
The solution is create a data class for the cubit, instead of creating a sealed classes.
I'm starting to learn Flutter/Dart by building a simple Todo app using Provider, and I've run into a state management issue. To be clear, the code I've written works, but it seems... wrong. I can't find any examples that resemble my case enough for me to understand what the correct way to approach the issue is.
This is what the app looks like
It's a grocery list divided by sections ("Frozen", "Fruits and Veggies"). Every section has multiple items, and displays a "x of y completed" progress indicator. Every item "completes" when it is pressed.
TheGroceryItemModel looks like this:
class GroceryItemModel extends ChangeNotifier {
final String name;
bool _completed = false;
bool get completed => _completed;
void complete() {
_completed = true;
And I use it in the GroceryItem widget like so:
class GroceryItem extends StatelessWidget {
final GroceryItemModel model;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: model,
child: Consumer<GroceryItemModel>(builder: (context, groceryItem, child) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(,
leading: groceryItem.completed ? Icon(Icons.check_circle, color: : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked)
onTap: () => groceryItem.complete();
The next step I want is to include multiple items in a section, which tracks completeness based on how many items are completed.
The GroceryListSectionModel looks like this:
class GroceryListSectionModel extends ChangeNotifier {
final String name;
List<GroceryItemModel> items;
GroceryListSectionModel(, [items]) {
this.items = items == null ? [] : items;
items.forEach((item) {
int itemCount() => items.length;
int completedItemCount() => items.where((item) => item.completed).length;
And I use it in the GroceryListSection widget like so:
class GroceryListSection extends StatelessWidget {
final GroceryListSectionModel model;
final ValueChanged<bool> onChanged;
GroceryListSection(this.model, this.onChanged);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: model,
child: Consumer<GroceryListSectionModel>(
builder: (context, groceryListSection, child) {
return Container(
child: ExpansionTile(
title: Text(,
subtitle: Text("${groceryListSection.completedItemCount()} of ${groceryListSection.itemCount()} completed"),
children: =>
The Problems:
It seems weird to have a ChangeNotifierProvider and a Consumer in both Widgets. None of the examples I've seen do that.
It's definitely wrong to have the GroceryListSectionModel listening to changes on all the GroceryItemModels for changes to propagate back up the tree. I don't see how that can scale right.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
this ist not a nested Provider, but i think in your example it is the better way..
only one ChangeNotifierProvider per section ("Frozen", "Fruits and Veggies") is defined
the complete() function from a ItemModel is in the GroceryListSectionModel() and with the parameter from the current List Index
class GroceryListSection extends StatelessWidget {
final GroceryListSectionModel model;
// final ValueChanged<bool> onChanged;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new ChangeNotifierProvider<GroceryListSectionModel>(
create: (context) => GroceryListSectionModel(, model.items),
child: new Consumer<GroceryListSectionModel>(
builder: (context, groceryListSection, child) {
return Container(
child: ExpansionTile(
title: Text(,
subtitle: Text("${groceryListSection.completedItemCount()} of ${groceryListSection.itemCount()} completed"),
children: groceryListSection.items.asMap().map((i, groceryItemModel) => MapEntry(i, GroceryItem(groceryItemModel, i))).values.toList()
class GroceryItem extends StatelessWidget {
final GroceryItemModel model;
final int index;
GroceryItem(this.model, this.index);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(,
leading: model.completed ? Icon(Icons.check_circle, color: : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked),
onTap: () => Provider.of<GroceryListSectionModel>(context, listen: false).complete(index),
class GroceryListSectionModel extends ChangeNotifier {
String name;
List<GroceryItemModel> items;
GroceryListSectionModel(, [items]) {
this.items = items == null ? [] : items;
int itemCount() => items.length;
int completedItemCount() => items.where((item) => item.completed).length;
// complete Void with index from List items
void complete(int index) {
this.items[index].completed = true;
// normal Model without ChangeNotifier
class GroceryItemModel {
final String name;
bool completed = false;
GroceryItemModel({, completed}) {
this.completed = completed == null ? false : completed;
Consider the following code:
StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot> _createDataStream(){
return StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection("data").limit.(_myLimit).snapshots(),
builder: (context, snapshot){
return Text(_myLimit.toString);
I want that the StreamBuilder refreshes when the _myLimit Variable changes.
It's possible doing it like this:
void _incrementLimit(){
setState(() =>_myLimit++);
My Question is if there is another, faster way, except the setState((){}); one.
Because I don't want to recall the whole build() method when the _myLimit Variable changes.
I figured out another Way but I feel like there is a even better solution because I think I don't make use of the .periodic functionality and I got a nested Stream I'm not sure how usual this is:
Stream<int> myStream = Stream.periodic(Duration(), (_) => _myLimit);
Widget build(BuildContext context){
return StreamBuilder<int>(
stream: myStream,
builder: (context, snapshot){
return _createDataStream;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return new _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
int myNum = 0;
final StreamController _myStreamCtrl = StreamController.broadcast();
Stream get onVariableChanged =>;
void updateMyUI() => _myStreamCtrl.sink.add(myNum);
void initState() {
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
children: <Widget>[
stream: onVariableChanged,
builder: (context, snapshot){
if(snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting){
return Text(". . .");
return Text(;
child: Text("Increment"),
onPressed: (){
Some other ideas, how the StreamBuilder also could look like:
stream: onVariableChanged,
builder: (context, snapshot){
if(snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting){
return Text(myNum.toString());
return Text(;
stream: onVariableChanged,
initialData: myNum,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot){
if( == null){
return Text("...");
return Text(;
Declare a StreamController with broadcast, then set a friendly name to the Stream of this StreamController, then everytime you want to rebuild the wraped widget (the child of the StreamBuilder just use the sink property of the StreamController to add a new value that will trigger the StreamBuilder.
You can use StreamBuilder and AsyncSnapshot without setting the type.
But if you use StreamBuilder<UserModel> and AsyncSnapshot<UserModel> when you type you will see all variables and methods from the UserModel.
final StreamController<UserModel> _currentUserStreamCtrl = StreamController<UserModel>.broadcast();
Stream<UserModel> get onCurrentUserChanged =>;
void updateCurrentUserUI() => _currentUserStreamCtrl.sink.add(_currentUser);
stream: onCurrentUserChanged,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<UserModel> snapshot) {
if ( != null) {
print('build signed screen, logged as: ' +;
return blocs.pageView.pagesView; //pageView containing signed page
print('build login screen');
return LoginPage();
//return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
This way you can use a StatelessWidget and refresh just a single sub-widget (an icon with a different color, for example) without using setState (that rebuilds the entire page).
For performance, streams are the best approach.
I'm using BLoC architecture approach, so it's much better to declare the variables in a homePageBloc.dart (that has a normal controller class with all business logic) and create the StreamBuilder in the homePage.dart (that has a class that extends Stateless/Stateful widget and is responsible for the UI).
Edit: My UserModel.dart, you can use DocumentSnapshot instead of Map<String, dynamic> if you are using Cloud Firestore database from Firebase.
class UserModel {
/// Document ID of the user on database
String _firebaseId = "";
String get firebaseId => _firebaseId;
set firebaseId(newValue) => _firebaseId = newValue;
DateTime _creationDate =;
DateTime get creationDate => _creationDate;
DateTime _lastUpdate =;
DateTime get lastUpdate => _lastUpdate;
String _displayName = "";
String get displayName => _displayName;
set displayName(newValue) => _displayName = newValue;
String _username = "";
String get username => _username;
set username(newValue) => _username = newValue;
String _photoUrl = "";
String get photoUrl => _photoUrl;
set photoUrl(newValue) => _photoUrl = newValue;
String _phoneNumber = "";
String get phoneNumber => _phoneNumber;
set phoneNumber(newValue) => _phoneNumber = newValue;
String _email = "";
String get email => _email;
set email(newValue) => _email = newValue;
String _address = "";
String get address => _address;
set address(newValue) => _address = newValue;
bool _isAdmin = false;
bool get isAdmin => _isAdmin;
set isAdmin(newValue) => _isAdmin = newValue;
/// Used on first login
UserModel.fromFirstLogin() {
_creationDate =;
_lastUpdate =;
_username = "";
_address = "";
_isAdmin = false;
/// Used on any login that isn't the first
UserModel.fromDocument(Map<String, String> userDoc) {
_firebaseId = userDoc['firebaseId'] ?? '';
_displayName = userDoc['displayName'] ?? '';
_photoUrl = userDoc['photoUrl'] ?? '';
_phoneNumber = userDoc['phoneNumber'] ?? '';
_email = userDoc['email'] ?? '';
_address = userDoc['address'] ?? '';
_isAdmin = userDoc['isAdmin'] ?? false;
_username = userDoc['username'] ?? '';
//_lastUpdate = userDoc['lastUpdate'] != null ? userDoc['lastUpdate'].toDate() :;
//_creationDate = userDoc['creationDate'] != null ? userDoc['creationDate'].toDate() :;
void showOnConsole(String header) {
currentUser.firebaseId: $_firebaseId
currentUser.username: $_username
currentUser.displayName: $_displayName
currentUser.phoneNumber: $_phoneNumber $_email
currentUser.address: $_address
currentUser.isAdmin: $_isAdmin
String toReadableString() {
"displayName: $_displayName; "
"firebaseId: $_firebaseId; "
"email: $_email; "
"address: $_address; "
"photoUrl: $_photoUrl; "
"phoneNumber: $_phoneNumber; "
"isAdmin: $_isAdmin; ";